Aware that the strong danger is approaching, Cui Hao made some deployment in advance. Fortunately, Yang Qingqing will invade the special networks of major forces in Japan and South Korea such as the Matsumoto family, so as to understand all their latest intelligence. Therefore, Cui Hao is not very frightened in his heart. What he has to do is to block the water and cover the earth with soldiers.

Xiao Hui came. He was dusty. As soon as he received a call from Cui Hao, he gave up a very important meeting and rushed over directly. He knows too much about his sworn brother. If he doesn't have something particularly important, he will never ask himself; Come here at once.

In fact, Cui Hao called Xiao Hui for two reasons. First, he was worried that he would be attacked and told him in advance to take precautions. Second, Xiaoguang now lacks half of the infinite God gene liquid. Xiaohui happens to have it in his hand. He needs to come face to face.

After seeing Xiaohui himself, Cui Hao was shocked. Xiaohui is still very handsome. However, he doesn't have the bright look of the sunny boy. His eyes are bright and not dazzling. There is a special charm around him. Cui Hao feels that his blood flows like mercury, heavy, slow and uniform

After feeling it carefully, Cui Hao smiled and said slowly, "there is a saying in the essence of martial arts that is very good. The mercury is round and waiting for the lead flowers to appear. This is the performance of entering the advanced level of chemistry. Copper skin, iron bone, mercury blood cream pulp, third brother, I didn't expect you to enter the realm so soon. Moreover, turn blood into mercury pulp and get the real pulp."

Hearing the speech, Xiao Hui smiled triumphantly and said with emotion "Elder brother, I have been busy with government affairs these days. I have just been promoted to the county magistrate, and I dare not relax. Just recently, the Dasha River in our county burst its embankment, and I led the people to fight the flood in the front line. I have shared weal and woe with the people for many days, and experienced the sufferings of the people. I have made a muddled breakthrough, and I am still superb, ha ha..."

Hearing Xiao Hui's words, Cui Hao was speechless. At the beginning, he had accumulated rich and incomparable information, which was the final breakthrough. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hui broke into the realm at will. It's really more angry than people. The unparalleled genius is worthy of the unparalleled genius. At the beginning, Taoist Tianji once asserted that with Xiao Hui's talent and his terrible soul power, he surpassed the divine beast dragon ball Body, as long as you enter the culture, you will be superb. Unexpectedly, the assertion will come true so soon.

A little curious, Cui Hao asked, "Xiao Hui, what gift did you get?"

At the beginning, Cui Hao was superb, which was the inheritance of a part of the way of life. It was through this that Cui Hao was able to understand the brand of Zhenhuang, and thus created the great nirvana of Zhenhuang, which can be called against the sky. I don't know what Xiaohui understood.

Hearing the speech, Xiao Hui smiled proudly and said proudly, "brother, what I got is a mysterious wave of special hegemony. Although it is incomplete, after I realized it, I also created an absolutely anti sky killer mace. I call it big collapse! In a word, it should be regarded as the mystery of destruction type."

"Big collapse?" Cui Hao was stunned and nodded slightly.

At the moment, Cui Hao took him into a quiet room, which made him solemnly say some things about himself in Ecuador. The reason why he wanted to tell Xiaohui about these was to make him take precautions. It is well known that Xiaohui is his sworn brother. If Japan wants revenge, it is likely to take action against Xiaohui!

"Don't worry, brother, I have confidence to protect myself! Hey hey, let me tell you a secret. This is the harvest I spent a lot of effort a week ago!" Xiao Hui said with a proud smile.

As he spoke, Xiao Hui's body shook slightly and rumbled... At this moment, his body made a terrible roar like a tsunami. Then, his body burst out a pure and powerful breath, full of a cold and killing smell! This smell is too terrible. Fortunately, Cui Hao's body is strong enough and unafraid However, many ornaments in the quiet room were splashing and shaking.

With this change, an illusory airflow appeared on the top of Xiaohui's head, winding like a divine dragon to soak up the air of heaven and earth. At its core, it was a red gold bead, in which a mini five clawed golden dragon was swimming, which was very magical!

"This... This... This is the dragon vein?"

If Cui Hao was just surprised to see Xiaohui break into the realm, then at the moment, Cui Hao was shocked and deeply shocked!

He can see the difference of Xiaohui at once. There is a dragon vein in his body. Moreover, the Dragon beads of the five clawed Golden Dragon in his body seem to be slightly manipulated. In this case, even if Xiaohui doesn't exert his great collapse, he can explode with terrible power? You know, he has obtained the inheritance record of the five clawed golden dragon of the dragon family I remember, all of them are the most powerful killing moves of the dragon family. The power is terrible and immeasurable!

Feeling the majestic breath of the dragon vein in Xiaohui's body, Cui Hao has a somewhat familiar feeling somehow. It seems that he has met it somewhere

Seeing Cui Hao so shocked, Xiao Hui was satisfied with his convergent breath. Longzhu hid in his body again and smiled "Elder brother, how about my killer mace? Do you feel familiar with the dragon vein? In fact, it's the dragon vein we met in Baichuan city. At the beginning, the dragon ball in my body was branded on it. I also had a stronger control over the Dragon Ball recently. That's why I felt this brand, so I went all the way along the brand, Finally, with the dragon ball, I successfully took this dragon vein into my body. With its existence, I can explode with great power. Even your power, brother, is not much better than me. In addition to the dragon family's killer mace and my collapse, it is not a problem that the strong man in the King Kong realm came to kill me and protect himself. Even I may be able to kill him Where is it? "

"Great chance! What a great chance!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao can only sigh with emotion. He didn't expect Xiaohui to get such a big chance. How powerful the dragon vein is, Cui Hao knows too well that even if it's not the ancestral dragon vein, it's definitely not something that a human can accommodate. However, Xiaohui succeeded. On the one hand, he succeeded because of the precious blood of the guardian of the Obsidian sun In addition, a large part of the reason is the dragon ball. The dragon ball of the five clawed Golden Dragon successfully subdued the dragon vein, so it will cooperate very obediently. Otherwise, even Xiaohui's flesh will be burst in an instant?

Seeing the magic of the dragon ball in Xiaohui's body, Cui Hao felt a move in his heart, so he thought about it and finally told Xiaohui about Ananda's sword. Since the Baqi snake is a monster Xu Fu is going to breed a supreme dragon soul, maybe Xiaohui can know something.

As for the inheritance of Shushan Sword Fairy, Cui Hao was going to take Xiaohui and Ruilin to take a chance and inform him in advance. Although it would increase the pressure in his heart, it was nothing.

"What? Brother, there is such a thing? No wonder a small Japan, a small place, has a large number of talents, which has invaded our great China and made the land of China moan everywhere. I see... There are records about the breeding of the supreme dragon soul in my inheritance and memory, but the probability of success is too low. According to you, the Baqi snake should be It's a failed product. However, it can produce eight songs. I'm afraid it has bred a trace of the essence of the supreme dragon soul in my body. If I can get it and integrate it into my dragon ball, it may further evolve! Of course, I'm far from doing this right now, and my control over Yu Longzhu is still too weak. When I step into King Kong, my control over the dragon ball will reach one tenth, Should be able to try one or two. "Shocked, Xiao Hui said so.

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