Meng Ying's unexpected arrival was unexpected to Cui Hao. She didn't know what the twin sisters had talked to her. It seemed that she had let go of her heart knot. That night, she lived in the villa. For the first time, they had a deeper contact. With the powerful means of great joy Zen, Cui Hao made Meng Ying make a loud voice in minutes. She also realized the wonder and beauty between men and women for the first time. The whole person was very excited. Perhaps for the first time, after flying five times in a row in the joy of the peak, Meng Ying's body trembled and the whole person fainted with great excitement. Seeing this, Cui Hao hurriedly looked, heard and asked. After confirming that everything was normal, he shot a golden light into her body to nourish and improve her physique. Then he quietly got up and left.

The twin sisters have not been sleeping. They are whispering. They don't know what to say. They giggle. At this time, Cui Hao quietly pushes the door and comes in.

"Ah! Brother Hao, how is it you? Shouldn't you...?" surprised, Xiao yu'er couldn't help asking.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled proudly and said, "Meng Ying is still the first time, so she is a little unbearable and fell asleep. I think about it. I'm afraid you have ideas in mind, so I'll see you."

Hearing this, the twin sisters immediately blushed. At the moment, they are beautiful and holy, giving people a taste of beauty that can not be profaned. Soon, everything is so natural. Cui Hao seems to be a devout pilgrim. He began to climb these two beautiful mountains, integrate with them, and taste them carefully

Soon, under the special technique of the great joy Zen, the twin sisters and flowers were pushed to the peak of happiness by Cui Hao. They were surprised by Cui Hao's power. After learning that Cui Hao had obtained a powerful great joy Zen, they happily agreed to practice everything.

As the noble blood of the spiritual family, the twin sisters Hua and Cui Hao are in love. When they use this great joy Zen, everything is so natural and natural. There is no special difficulty. Soon, they all feel the beauty of the double cultivation of color acupoints. The soul is crisp, comfortable and comfortable.

After some practice, both sides have gained some benefits, especially the twin sisters. They feel that their strength has been improved, which is a great surprise.

In this way, the night passed.

In the morning, the twin sisters made a lot of delicious breakfast. Meng Ying was awakened by bursts of fragrance. When she got up, she found that the table was full of delicious breakfast. She was both happy and embarrassed.

"Sister Meng, are you awake? Why don't you sleep a little longer?" she sat down on a plate of salad and said sweetly.

"Well, I woke up. Where is brother Cui?" Meng Ying asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Practice martial arts on the balcony. We can have dinner later." little yu'er said with his tongue sticking out.

A moment later, Cui Hao finished practicing martial arts. They had breakfast together. Gradually, they felt like a family. This feeling is very good. Cui Hao, twin sister flower and Meng Ying like it very much. After this attempt, Meng Ying fully accepted this situation. At Cui Hao's invitation, she finally nodded and agreed to move into the villa. In this way, she can also accompany twin sister flower.

After breakfast, Cui Hao said goodbye to the three women and flew to the imperial capital of China. According to the requirements of the Chinese jade alliance guild, 14 people must meet in the imperial capital in advance, and then go to Myanmar together. During this period, they can get to know each other and exchange needed goods to prepare for the final gambling war.

Two hours later, Cui Hao arrived in the imperial capital. Instead of going to meet immediately, he turned to Zhongnanhai to visit Ouyang Jianye.

Everything went well. Cui Hao met Ouyang Jianye and chatted with him for a long time. During this period, he once again used perspective golden light, massage, acupuncture and other means to recuperate his body. Then, Cui Hao left.

At the gate of the courtyard, Ouyang Jianye kindly patted Cui Hao on the shoulder and told him "Xiao Cui, grandpa doesn't say much. I'm afraid this trip to Myanmar won't be so simple. You should first protect yourself! Of course, if you can do your best and get the attention of the world, you must perform well and win glory for the country! Don't worry, I will cheer you silently through the live broadcast!"

Hearing this, Cui Hao suddenly felt a warm current in his heart! He nodded heavily and made up his mind secretly. In any case, he should try his best this time! Since Japan and South Korea dare to throw out this heavy provocation and publicize everywhere, they must have a certain degree of confidence and determination. Although they are absolutely not afraid of any opponent on the gambling stone, they can't be complacent, You have to do it step by step.

This time, many of my relatives and friends are watching the king of gambling in Myanmar silently, and hundreds of millions of Chinese people are watching it, cheering for themselves. Therefore, I must cheer, and I can't let them down! Moreover, Cui Hao knows why Japan and South Korea are so provocative, like mad dogs. The fundamental reason is that he killed Matsumoto and Xiong gang Song Zhongji, they are taking revenge, mercilessly!

After leaving Zhongnanhai, Cui Hao received a mysterious call. She turned out to be a series of mysterious characters. When Cui Hao connected, Vivian's kind and clear voice sounded "Honey, I've been busy recently. I just learned that you're going to participate in the king of gamblers competition. I'll go to the scene in person and cheer for you! You must perform well. My man Vivian is the strongest, Kung Fu is the first, and gamblers should be the first! However, don't be too stressed, relax and give full play to your strongest strength!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said with a smile, "honey, did you forget that the first time we met was in Myanmar. At that time, I covered all the good things in the Myanmar public market. Don't worry about my gambling skills. I will definitely sweep away the group of waste! After I win, celebrate with you!"

"Hee hee, that's a deal? Honey, thank you for giving them to my subordinates. Haru, they are so useful. Now, I have completely stabilized my foundation in the blood hall, and I've passed the old ghost of the hall Lord. Wait, I can soon become the Lord of the blood Hall of the dark god hall!" hee hee smiled, and Vivian responded.

After hanging up Vivian's phone, Cui Hao rushed to the Chinese jade alliance guild. Cui Hao had just arrived. He was immediately recognized by the guild members specially sent to meet him at the door and took him into the guild with great kindness.

Cui Hao came to the China Jade alliance guild for the first time. This is the headquarters, which reveals a taste of elegance and dignity everywhere, which is quite in line with the status of the jade alliance guild.

Cui Hao was led to a luxurious living room, in which there were some men and women, eight old people, three middle-aged people, a young man and a beautiful young woman. Seeing him coming, a fat middle-aged man standing in the living room laughed, hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile "Hahaha... Nephew Cui Haoxian, you're here at last! I've finally gathered 14 gambling kings in China. You've made me confident and confident!"

Needless to say, the middle-aged man in front of him is the president. Cui Hao looks at him carefully and finds that he is fat and big ears. However, his face is a typical face of great wealth and wealth. He always sings with a smile, giving people a feeling of eight faceted and exquisite, smiling Maitreya.

"I'm sorry, because some things have been delayed, making everyone wait for me." with an embarrassed smile, Cui Hao hurriedly arched his hands and opened his mouth to the people present.

In this regard, everyone here waved and said it didn't matter. Among them, the beautiful young woman sitting upright glanced at Cui Hao and didn't speak. This person is Miao XiuXiu, the king of gambling in the imperial capital, and the only descendant of the Miao family, the first gambling family in China.

"Hum! I don't know how many gambling skills there are, but the shelf is so big. Almost all of you here are my Chinese senior in the gambling world. You're just a younger generation. You're so arrogant!"

The only young man in the audience spoke with a sonorous and powerful tone. He looked at Cui Hao coldly and issued provocative words to him.

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