The competition of the first gate has ended. Whether it is Japan, South Korea or China, the mood is like taking a roller coaster, ups and downs. After this level, the total points of China are 39000 points and 46000 points for Japan and South Korea. Although the gap is not too big, it suffered a big loss. Eight stone gamblers selected waste stones and all of them were eliminated, which means that the second door, Japan and South Korea will have eight more points than China. Such an advantage is very significant! For such a result, the Chinese side is already happy. Fortunately, Cui Hao finally cut out the glass Imperial Green. Otherwise, the gap between the two sides is one, two thousand and forty-six thousand, which would be a shame!

At this moment, all Chinese supporters place their hopes on Cui Hao. If anyone can turn the tide and reverse the current crisis in the next competition, Miao XiuXiu can't do it, Zhao Yingjun can't do it, only Cui Hao! Before the competition, because of Zhao Yingjun's remarks, it once caused a serious image of Cui Hao, which made many Chinese supporters feel that Cui Hao was too arrogant and not modest. At the moment, they don't think so. People with ability are crazy, that's called cow force, and people without ability are crazy, that's called pretend force! A gambling stone expert who can cut glass and Imperial Green is qualified to be crazy!

Because he cut out the glass Imperial Green, Cui Hao became the most dazzling of the six Chinese gambling experts here. Miao XiuXiu, who has always been indifferent, looked at him more. For this, Cui Hao was very calm. He felt the heavy burden on his shoulder, and he shouldered the national glory and the glory and shame of China. Therefore, he must win! Never lose! In this regard, Cui Hao is not fully sure. Japan and South Korea are ready to come, and the conspiracy is treacherous. Moreover, the strength of the other party is also very strong. Both Yihe Tibetan Yi and Kim ki fan are absolute gamblers!

With the end of the first gate competition, the points are determined and announced. Soon, the second gate competition will also begin. Everyone is excited and looking forward to it. Different from the choice of the first gate, the second gate no longer has a large number of waste stones. However, it is faster than the gambling stone. Ten minutes, everyone must make a choice within ten minutes!

Ten minutes is really too short. This is true for any gambling stone expert, because it takes a long time for them to choose gambling stones. Ten minutes can confirm seven or eight pieces. Once this rule was announced, it caused an uproar and shock. This gambling competition really took an unusual road! According to the past practice, although the world gambling competition will also have competition speed, eyesight and so on, most conditions are much more relaxed. For example, the competition speed is usually half an hour or ten minutes, which is too short. This is already a bit of luck, because even in the face of a large number of raw stones, only seven or eight pieces can be determined.

"Madder, it's really insidious! Ten minutes..... I think Kim ki fan and others seem to be ready. Maybe, before that, experts from Japan and South Korea have stayed at the second gate and have roughly set their own goals! Even, Yihe Tibetan may have selected several raw stones and told the rest of the little Japanese..."

Hearing such rules and looking at those eager Japanese and Korean stone gamblers, Cui Hao suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. If it is true, the home advantage is good. He dares to bet that Yihe Zang and others must have entered the second gate in advance!

All this is Cui Hao's own guess in his heart. Even if he is a little confident, it is impossible to say it directly, because there is no evidence. In this case, the situation in China is undoubtedly more dangerous. Cui Hao looks at the five stone gamblers around him. They all look worried and know that there is trouble! Although he has perspective eyes, ten minutes is too short for Cui Hao. Maybe he hasn't seen a good jade yet. The time has come. However, the rules have been set and he has only one fight. Therefore, even Cui Hao is a little nervous and excited.


Under the live broadcast of great attention, people came to the second door, and with the opening of the grand and gorgeous second door, the second level competition officially kicked off!

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

The second door was just opened. Everyone rushed in, including Cui Hao, and began to choose stones anxiously.

Compared with the number of original stones in the first gate, the second gate is less. Moreover, they are not all stacked on shelves, but placed in various at will. There are small bridges, flowing water and Bridge pavilions around. At first glance, it seems like entering Suzhou gardens. However, naturally, no one paid attention to the scenery. All of them immediately devoted themselves to the intense search, one by one did not dare to slack off

After entering it, Cui Hao immediately performed the art of looking at Qi. Suddenly, he saw that the whole second door was surrounded by a mass of jewels. Among them, the most rich one seemed to be on a corridor on the right in front!

Having determined such a choice, Cui Hao quickly walked there, and to his surprise, there were two people in Japan and South Korea who walked there with him. The two people pretended to be calm and seemed careless. However, Cui Hao saw something wrong in the eyes of these people!

Quickly came to the corridor, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes and looked at these gambling stones. Beside him, a Japanese and a Korean, two gambling stone experts were also watching. However, their eyes didn't stay on the gambling stones. On the contrary, they kept turning on Cui Hao's face. It seemed that they had to make sure according to Cui Hao's expression!

Although the two guys tried their best to cover up, they were not professional actors after all. Cui Hao soon found the clue.

At this time, Cui Hao just saw a piece of black sand skin with clear texture, excellent appearance and a price of $6 million. Among them, the white one has nothing but a waste stone. So Cui Hao hurriedly put on an expression of ecstasy and stared at the original stone with his eyes shining.

"I'm very optimistic about this original stone. I'll take it!..."

Cui Hao hasn't spoken yet. A Japanese stone gambler beside him opens his mouth and yells at the waiter not far away. At the same time, he looks at Cui Hao provocatively.


He scolded secretly in his heart, but Cui Hao's face showed an extremely angry look. Soon, he left with some heartache and continued to look at the corridor. Time is limited. He doesn't want to spend too much time on the Japanese. The other party has been cheated and is still proud now.

Seeing such a situation, another Korean smiled coldly and followed Cui Hao again

Cui Hao was not angry about this situation. He did the same and watched a piece of garbage with only sporadic bean green seeds as a treasure again. Soon, it was also bought by Korean gambling experts, and the other party was equally proud.

Obviously, after the first heavy door, the gambling experts in Japan and South Korea discussed, and this strategy was adopted. It is not cruel. Originally, ten minutes was very short. If Cui Hao finally chose a good original stone, but was robbed by them, he was afraid that he would be very depressed and restless. Choosing a stone again would be very affected.

Fortunately, Cui Hao successfully discovered this clue in advance, defused it skillfully and gave the other party a big gift. In fact, some Chinese people found this situation through live broadcasting. Many people began to shout and scold the shamelessness of Japan and South Korea. This is obviously robbing the original stone of Cui Hao's phase. It's shameless!

Cui Hao keeps calm in his heart. He continues to search quickly. He sees through the original stones on the corridor. Compared with the first gate, the second gate has no large amount of waste stones, so the overall jadeite has been greatly improved. Cui Hao found two good high ice Jadeites on the corridor. However, he is naturally dissatisfied with this level of jadeite and continues to look for it.

Time flies, and there are only three minutes left

Many stone gamblers in Japan and South Korea have made a choice, but Cui Hao still hasn't found a satisfactory original stone. He is a little anxious in his heart. He urges the perspective eye to the greatest extent and watches it very quickly

At one moment, when there was only one minute left, Cui Hao's perspective eyes penetrated into a piece of top purple fish skin wool, which was covered with granite patterns and looked good. Among the Jadeites, Rao and Cui Hao were shocked and ecstatic!

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