There are only three Chinese people who have successfully obtained the third gate entry qualification, namely Cui Hao, Miao XiuXiu and Zhao Yingjun, while Japan and South Korea have nine people, including Yi He Zang Yi, Jin Jifan and Jixiang pill, which is three times that of China. Under such a huge advantage, the situation of China is still not optimistic!

All these Chinese supporters see in their eyes and keep in mind that although Cui Hao has excellent stone gambling skills, the other party is not weak. The most important thing is that there is a huge gap in the number of people between the two sides. In China, almost only Cui Hao is taking the lead alone.

Because of this time's integral appraisal, countless Chinese netizens began to attack the expert team in words, various platforms, post bars, etc., and there were at least tens of thousands of ways of scolding and commenting in an instant. However, in any case, things have become a foregone conclusion. Time, place and people are harmonious. Everything has been occupied by Japan and South Korea. The situation in China is too passive.

After Li Zhexi announced the points of the second gate, soon, there were countless abuse from Huaxia Er Lang below. However, he had to announce loudly that the third gate competition began! In fact, people with good eyesight can see the fishiness. There is only one pair of Amethyst pupils in the world. This is the second pair. It should be at least twice as expensive as glass jadeite cabbage, which is in line with common sense!


With the sound of pushing the door, the huge and magnificent door was opened again. This is a huge bronze door deep in the second door. As it was pushed open, the competition rules of this level were also announced. It is very direct to choose a favorite original stone within an hour.

Unlike the first gate and the second gate, which are all full gambling raw materials, in the third gate, there are not only half gambling raw stones, but also full eight specially marked standard kings. Each of these standard Kings is worth hundreds of millions of yuan, and even a standard king like an immortal lying drunk, which is marked with a sky high price of 500 million!

At the same time, entering the third door, Cui Hao looked around and found that there were a lot less raw stones. Some of the raw materials for the whole bet were more semi bet materials with a window open. Each piece was worth millions, millions.

Black! What a fucking black!

Seeing the original stone of the third door, Cui Hao couldn't help feeling that it was too dark. Although there must be good things in it, the price was too shocking, right? Of course, Cui Hao was relieved to think that it was the third door. This level is obviously prepared by Myanmar to collect money, but such a level is too slow for the Chinese side!

When he glanced at the eight standard kings, he saw that several gambling experts in Japan and South Korea had locked their eyes on the eight standard kings with a smile. Cui Hao was a Lin in his heart and secretly shouted bad!

Eight standard kings, of which at least some precious Jadeites can be cut. They use this level very simply to display money tactics. With enough people, they throw money and buy standard kings. Expensive raw stones are sure to win!

Seeing such a situation, even Cui Hao was surprised and shouted secretly. It's not good!

Japan and South Korea are really well prepared this time. The first gate, the second gate and the third gate have made shameless preparations. Almost every kind of preparation can deal a heavy blow to the Chinese camp, and even make it fall into an irreparable situation! In fact, if Cui Hao didn't turn the tide, the first two doors would be a complete defeat.

Inside the third gate, the layout is very unique. After entering, people will experience a long white marble bridge, and at the other end of the bridge, there are some special plates. The original stones are placed in it at will, and in the distance, covered with red silk cloth, are eight standard kings!

Walking on the white marble bridge, Cui Hao was in a restless mood. He had no bottom in his heart. There were nine people on the other side. If most of them chose the standard King, they would be able to cut out a lot of jade!

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

At this time, they were walking on the white marble bridge. Under it, a special stone sent out wonderful music. The stone was hollowed out, and there were many holes everywhere. There was running water. The sound was very wonderful.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

At this moment, somehow, Cui Hao felt something strange in his heart. When this music entered his ears, it seemed that it triggered some changes in his body

Because of this sudden change, Cui Hao hurriedly opened his perspective eyes and looked into his body. Suddenly, he saw layers of transparent invisible ripples in his body, which echoed with the music of the outside world. Then, he felt that the whole person was a little swayed, and unconsciously, he seemed to fall into his own world, The whole person is a little ignorant

"What is this? Extinction!..."

If this invisible ripple deals with other people, even a master at the level of holding Dan is enough to win the other party. However, it is not enough to see Cui Hao. It is suddenly shocked by his Chunyang soul, directly makes a hissing sound, quickly disappears and becomes invisible.

After completing this move, Cui Hao quickly flashed many pictures in his mind. Finally, he settled on the breakfast in the morning, which is the biggest suspicion! He secretly guessed that something must have been dropped in the breakfast, which was vaguely inspired by this wonderful, unsettling and difficult to calm.

Knowing roughly what the situation was, Cui Hao restrained his mind and looked at Miao XiuXiu and Zhao Yingjun. I saw that Zhao Yingjun was nothing different. On the contrary, Miao XiuXiu's whole face was white and frightening, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. Moreover, he looked very trance and his pace was a little disordered.

With a frown, Cui Hao couldn't help thinking of all the things before. Zhao Yingjun deliberately provoked himself

Combined with all kinds of, Cui Hao already had an idea in his heart. It happened that this level was a very bad level for China. Therefore, he smiled coldly and shouted "wait!"

Originally, everyone was walking in a hurry, ready to step over the white marble bridge and go to choose stones. Cui Hao drank so suddenly, but it scared many people. They all looked at Cui Hao in surprise and were at a loss.

After such a big drink, Cui Hao immediately showed an angry look.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Hearing Cui Hao's violent drinking, selvia, who is in charge of the internal host of jiuchongmen, hurried and quickly came over and asked the reason.

Because of Cui Hao's sudden drinking, everyone stopped and looked at Cui Hao unexpectedly. Of course, Yihe Zang and others were surprised, while Zhao Yingjun's eyes flickered quietly with panic. He is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. This is the third level. He has a special task. Now, his task has not started. Has he been seen through?

Cui Hao's eyesight was so strong that he stared at his face all the time after he made this violent drink. At the moment, he was more sure of his guess. After selvia arrived, he spoke loudly to the camera "I can't bear it. From the first gate, Japan and South Korea have been using Yin moves. At this level, they are blatantly attacking me. How can such a game go on?"

Since this level is very unfavorable to China, Cui Hao naturally wants to find a way to avoid it as much as possible, otherwise, he is afraid that China will be more dangerous! Although he is confident in his gambling ability, Cui Hao also knows that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, and a hero can't stand many people.

Cui Hao's words caused an uproar for the first time. In the glory gambling arena, countless people were shocked and exclaimed, and many Chinese supporters in front of the computer were angry one by one! Although they only saw a rough idea, they can also feel that Japan and South Korea had too many advantages in this gambling competition. Listen to Cui Hao According to Hao, the third door, Japan and South Korea even made a personal attack. How can such a game go on?

They don't know what personal attack is, but they all believe in one person, Cui Hao!

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