Wang Changsheng took himself as bait and finally succeeded in trapping this group of ninjas into the surrounding circle. Seeing this situation, the first reaction of these senior ninjas was to escape! Ninja, the most powerful is the sneak attack. If you lose these advantages, your ability to fight head-on is not strong. However, they soon uttered curses, because they were soft and itchy. It turned out that they crossed the special fog area when they came to hide Wang Changsheng. At the moment, the strong man of the witch family attracted the insects in the fog

If you want to use the five elements escape skill, you must be mentally unified. This group of ninjas are itchy and can't use the escape skill at all. With a fierce round of shooting by sharpshooters, seven or eight people have fallen down, while the four divine beasts, three old antiques, Yuan Yizheng and the strong man of the witch family rushed forward like a wolf and killed fiercely!

This time, only a quarter of the Ninja forces came to attack the headquarters of the fraternity group. One ninja with nine flowers, four ninjas with eight flowers and ten ninjas with seven flowers. Their strength is not strong, but they can't compete with the fraternity group at all. The battle is very fierce. However, it is almost one-sided. Coupled with the continuous cold shooting of 20 sharpshooters, The battle was soon over amid gunfire and screams.

Because of this fierce battle, the silence of the early morning was broken, especially an old woman ran out in a hurry and shouted, killing, killing, bomb! Nearby, some residents fled in panic, shouting and asking for help one after another.

Wang Changsheng was also surprised by this situation. He was in a hurry and anxious way "Ladies and gentlemen, our ninjas are obviously not the mainstream. Maybe Bo'ai Zhu Baohua and Bo'ai hotel will also be fiercely attacked! Come on, you can divide your troops in two ways according to the plan, go there to support, and leave me ten sharpshooters and some powerful witch people to suppress the scene!"

When Wang Changsheng said this, people also felt very reasonable, so they quickly divided into two forces. Among them, Yuan Yizheng and an old four divine beasts led some strong people to support the charity jewelry store, while the other two old four divine beasts led people to support the charity hotel.

After solving a group of ninjas who came to attack the headquarters of fraternity group, Wang Changsheng immediately ordered ten sharpshooters to maintain order. At the same time, he shouted loudly and told the fleeing residents not to panic. This was a national encirclement and suppression against the rebels and had completely wiped out the enemy.

On the street, beside a trash can, a little girl fell to the ground, her white skirt was dirty, her little face was crying, and sobbed, "big brother... Help me, my foot sprained, sobbing... Mom, I want to find mom!..."

Wang Changsheng was leading the crowd to maintain order. Seeing such a scene, he felt distressed. Therefore, he hurried forward, squatted down and said, "little girl, don't be afraid, big brother will help you treat first, and then send someone to help you find your mother."

With that said, Wang Changsheng was very kind, reached out and grabbed the little girl's ankle, and became a doctor after a long illness. Although his medical skills could not be compared with Cui Hao, he was also a qualified doctor.

"Hmm? What's the matter? Her ankle... Why doesn't she have any bruises or sprains?" Wang Changsheng frowned and looked surprised.

This situation is obviously unreasonable!

At the moment he grabbed the little girl's ankle, the poor little girl's crying eyes flashed fiercely. His little hand grabbed a dagger as thin as cicada wings and covered with strange red, puffing, directly stabbing Wang Changsheng's body!


All this was so abrupt that Wang Changsheng didn't expect that the little girl was only 11 or 12 years old. She looked pathetic. He didn't expect that she was a terrible enemy! To be exact, the little girl was one of the ten die hards. The task this time was very simple. Kill Wang Changsheng or an important member of the fraternity group!

Subconsciously, Wang Changsheng hurriedly bows his back and shrinks his stomach, showing anger in his eyes, trying to avoid it, and kicks his right foot.

Unfortunately, the distance between the two sides was too close. Although Wang Changsheng's reaction was fast enough, the dagger still cut his arm. Suddenly, a strange tingling sensation quickly filled his body.


While his arm was scratched, Wang Changsheng's right foot also arrived, kicked the little girl on the chest, made her scream, banged heavily on the garbage can, twitched a few times and died directly.


Wang Changsheng didn't feel guilty about killing the little girl. The other party almost killed herself. Moreover, if she didn't do her best, the little girl would do her best to kill herself!

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter with you?"

"Come on! There's an enemy attack, protect President Wang!..."

All this happened so abruptly that when the strong of the witch family reacted with the ten sharpshooters, Wang Changsheng already fell to the ground, with a strange scarlet color on his face, gritting his teeth in pain and holding on.

At the moment, Wang Changsheng was dizzy and disoriented. He quickly reached out and took out a small jade bottle, Gudong, Gudong, and drank one of the crystal milky white liquids. His spirit was a little better. He was busy eating several pills he carried with him. Then he began to beat himself.

"Hurry! Send me to the headquarters quickly and ask the senior experts of the witch family who are good at medicine to treat me! Now I've closed my important acupoints, which can only make me persist for a period of time. I'm poisoned. It's a terrible poison, and my heart is suffering like hot fire!" Wang Changsheng gasped with ferocious pain on his face.

"Go! Go! Go!..."

Seeing Wang Changsheng in such a situation, everyone present was worried. Wang Changsheng was a pivotal figure in the fraternity group and Cui Hao's sworn second brother. If something happened to him, it would be a big thing!

In the distance, an old woman and a dark man looked at the scene, smiled at each other, and whispered, "it's successful, we've succeeded. The dagger of little cherry is smeared with the kiss of death, which is highly toxic. This Wang Changsheng is dead!"

At the moment, Wang Changsheng hurried back to the headquarters of fraternity group under the escort of a group of strong people. At the moment, he had blurred his consciousness, and his whole body was a kind of scarlet. Only the heart area was still normal skin color. He frowned in pain, struggled and insisted.

Soon after arriving at the headquarters of fraternity group, several powerful witches came. Two witches began to treat him. They were shocked by this poisonous terror. At the same time, they began to use means for emergency treatment

As time went by, the two witch doctors did everything they could to alleviate the speed of this highly toxic invasion, which could not be contained at all. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng immediately took a small bottle of earth milk essence and several precious detoxification Dan after poisoning. Otherwise, even if he was locked in the important acupuncture point of his body, he would also be poisoned and killed.

Finally, the two witch doctors said, "no! Our two people's level is limited. We can only blame relief. Come on, send someone to escort president Wang to the fraternity Hotel immediately. The two saints are there. They should have a way!"

"Stop talking and send Mr. Wang there immediately! Let's cover it!"

At present, many elite of fraternity gold bodyguard company, the master of warlord Hall of the witch family, came out and wanted to send him. If Cui Hao is here, he can make a diagnosis and treatment with his rebellious medical skills. However, Cui Hao is afraid that he has not returned home yet, so he has to ask twin sister Hua for help.

Escorted by a group of experts, Wang Changsheng was rushed to the fraternity hotel. Fortunately, it was calm all the way. After arriving at the fraternity Hotel, it was also very quiet. There was no sign of Ninja attack at all.

The two day insects were under close monitoring. At the first time, they found Wang Changsheng and others. The twin sisters hurriedly issued orders not to attack. At random, they hurried out

In fact, in terms of medical skills alone, the twin sisters are very bad. However, they have the inheritance of the spirit family and have the mysterious Tiangu insect. After learning about Wang Changsheng's situation, they hurriedly used Tiangu insect for treatment. This time, the toxin attack was finally curbed, but it was only curbed and could not be cured at all.

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