Feeling a strong and incomparable breath of death, the super forbearing old man shouted. The big spine drove his arms, legs, legs and many small bows together. Suddenly, it gathered into a terrible and explosive force, but this force did not occur. In an instant, at the moment when Cui Hao's Shaolin dragon grip was about to grasp, his other hand suddenly moved, Like a sudden cold arrow, his hand seemed to drill out of his lower abdomen. It was powerful and unparalleled, just like an arrow shot by a powerful crossbow, and suddenly hit Cui Hao's heart!

This blow is very strange, it is almost impossible to prevent. It seems that a wasp stings people, invisible, mysterious and gloomy.

This is the unique skill that Wudang has lost, wasp cold arrow!

If ordinary people suddenly encounter such a move, they will be panic stricken and unable to prevent it. However, Cui Hao has been on guard for a long time. His wasp cold arrow killed strangely, which surprised him. However, in an instant, Cui Hao's Shaolin dragon grip was an ingenious reversal.


This suddenly turned over, it was like a dragon turning over, with a lightness and incomparable charm, and it was like turning around and swinging lotus in Taijiquan. He was free and detached, and his wrist and the whole arm were weak and boneless. It was as strange as a snake winding vines. He had entangled the wrist of the super forbearing old man and stopped the vicious wasp cold arrow.

How about the super forbearing old man? Unexpectedly, Cui Hao was so powerful that the wasp cold arrow was broken. He subconsciously wanted to take back his arm. However, Cui Hao's soft palm suddenly changed, filled with blood and expanded for a circle, as if he had infinite power. His five fingers were like black iron and fine steel. They fastened his arm like no fine steel hoop, Can't shake!


At this moment, the super forbearing old man knew that the dawn was bad and shouted, but his feet suddenly gave birth to dark feet, which were sinister and vicious, and kicked in a series of flying kicks. However, his dark feet had just been urged and roared, but Cui Hao suddenly made a force on his arm and took the lead in launching an attack!


He was overbearing and straightforward. Cui Hao's unparalleled power surged. His arms suddenly turned round and roared. The super tolerant old man in his hands hit the ground again and again like a doll.

The roar swept through, and the super tolerant old man screamed continuously. His face was in close contact with the ground again and again. Suddenly, he was smashed with peach blossoms all over his face. It was miserable. If he wasn't strong and powerful, ordinary people would be treated as playthings to smash the ground. I'm afraid they would die.

He smashed 20 times in one breath. Rao Shichao forbeared. The old man was King Kong. He was also hurt by Cui Hao's unparalleled power.

The crazy smashing stopped, but Cui Hao didn't let him go. For a moment, his palm was like playing a lute. He fiddled and pressed it many times. Then he snorted coldly and threw it on the ground like a dead dog. Without Cui Hao's control, it is reasonable to say that the super tolerant old man who was thrown on the ground is expected to escape. However, at this moment, he was convulsed violently like a madman. At the same time, the sad sound of howling was transmitted, which is very sad.

"Ah ah ah..."

He howled in great pain. He couldn't bear the old man's convulsions. He was almost in pain. What Cui Hao displayed on him is the tendon and bone splitting hand, which can be called the first torture in China. Even people with the strongest willpower can hardly persist for a long time, because the pain of tendon and bone splitting hand will increase and become more and more intense!

Looking at the wailing super tolerant old man on the ground, Cui Hao looked cold. He walked step by step to the reef. There was a black package in the corner. Before, the super tolerant old man was in a hurry to escape and didn't carry it. Open it. Sure enough, there are two bloody hearts inside

Holding the two hearts respectfully, Cui Hao said solemnly, "master, second master, your heart has been found, and you can settle down. Don't worry, I will send this little Japan to the prison of the four gods and beasts, torture him severely, let him suffer slowly in endless pain, and finally, the oil ran out and the lamp died!"

Cui Hao spoke slowly word by word, but with his slightly ferocious face at the moment, it gave people a terrible feeling. The words, like the wind of Jiuyou, make people shudder!

Witnessed the scenes of the fierce battle between the two people. Whether Vivian or Haru, they were shocked. Cui Hao was too strong. It was outrageous!

At the moment, Vivian and Haru came over and looked at the struggling and howling old man on the ground. Vivian said, "honey, you have caught the direct murderer. Your two masters can rest in peace. Don't blame yourself too much. Don't you still want revenge and turn grief into strength."

"Don't worry!" nodded. Cui Hao still looked solemn.

The hand with broken tendons and wrong bones was quite terrible, and his super willpower couldn't resist it. He was almost crazy to howl, while Cui Hao looked at all this indifferently. He didn't untie it until he was almost dying. Then he knocked him unconscious and took him away.

Fraternity group has turned the corner. After Vivian and Haru helped Cui Hao catch the super tolerant old man, they said goodbye to him. Under the arrangement of Cui Hao, they left China, and Cui Hao returned to Jiangzhou again with the super tolerant old man.

Jiangzhou, headquarters of fraternity group.

"Boss, I finally saw you! Hahaha... Boss, am I handsome? How about this?"

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters, Cui Hao saw a young man waiting at the door with a beautiful face, but his eyes rolled, giving people a very naughty feeling. The young Cui Hao met him for the first time, but he felt a very familiar feeling. After feeling it carefully, Cui Hao was surprised and said, "you... Are you Xiao Qi?"

Hearing the speech, Xiao Qi grinned and nodded happily. "It's me! Boss, it's me. How about I look handsome after I take shape?"

As she said this, Xiao Qi took a cool attitude. Cui Hao ignored his narcissistic action, patted him on the shoulder happily and said with satisfaction, "well, it's good, it's good!"

Smelling the speech, Xiao Qi said proudly, "that's natural, boss. After my transformation, my ability can be improved a lot. Your industry in Baichuan still depends on me to kill those guys. Otherwise, your subordinates will kill and injure many people."

Cui Hao already knew about it through Lin fan. He nodded happily and praised Xiao Qi. Although she is a teenager now, Xiao Qi has just entered the growth stage and is still a child's mind. She is very happy because of Cui Hao's praise.

Not long after returning to the headquarters of Boai group, Cui Hao received a call from Wang Kun and told him to come to the headquarters of the four divine beasts as soon as possible. Cui Hao also wanted to discuss with Wang Kun about his revenge against Japan and South Korea, so he immediately got up and went to the headquarters of the four beasts

The comatose super tolerant old man was directly thrown into the door of truth by Cui Hao. After arriving at the headquarters of the four divine beasts, he handed it in directly and told him to "treat him well". A super forbearance is still very valuable, even very precious. When you get such a cheap price, the four divine beasts are naturally happy to accept it.

The headquarters of the four divine beasts is a super secret room. At the moment, Cui Hao and Wang Kun are in it. In front of them, it is a behemoth, with a refined steel shell and streamlined lines, as if it were a rocket shell, with four big characters written on it, Jianshen No. 1!

Pointing proudly at the behemoth, Wang Kun smiled "Xiao Cui, this is a good thing that I managed to get by taking a big effort and holding an old face! It is one of the latest special weapons in China. Except that the detonation reaction takes ten minutes, it has almost no defects. It has huge explosive force, concentrated energy and simple operation. Moreover, it is not a biochemical weapon..."

Wang Kun said the performance of jianshen-1 again. Cui Hao was already bright and excited.

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