In a bamboo forest, a woman in a long white dress is sitting on a stone. Her face is very beautiful. Every frown and smile contains a special charm. She has an unspeakable ethereal temperament. However, her eyes are very strange, like heavy pupils, which makes people very creepy at first glance.

If Cui Hao is here, you can recognize it at a glance. The woman is meihuiko Ono! At the moment, MEIHUIZI Ono has a maternal brilliance on her face, and her body is no longer a girl, but a young woman with full charm and taste. She gently shakes a wooden cradle with her jade hand and looks at one of the little girls happily.

This is a very lovely baby girl, two months old, with a small nose, big black eyes, white skin and delicate like a porcelain doll.

"Wheezing, wheezing..."

The baby girl is sleeping sweetly, and there are some milky milk marks on the corners of her mouth. It is obvious that she has just had a full meal.

At this time, two figures appeared in the bamboo forest. Their breath was strong and extraordinary. It was the help of Liu shengape and Matsumoto Jianer.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Liu shengape's help smiled and said, "hum... Sure enough, here, Jianer, go and kill the bitch and snatch the little bastard from me!"


Moriran smiled. Matsumoto Jianer was very excited. As soon as his body ran away, he rushed over.

"Ah! Who are you? What do you want to do? No one can take my little Youmei!" exclaimed, and Ohno meihuiko hurriedly picked up her cradle.

"Bitch, you gave birth to a child with that little beast Cui Hao. Do you deserve your dead brother? You are a disgrace to my great Japan and must die!" Matsumoto said.

Hearing this, MEIHUIZI Ono's face suddenly turned pale. She said nervously, "nonsense, you nonsense, this child is not Cui Hao's! Master, save me!"

At the moment, miyuko Ono is really flustered. She has just given birth to her daughter. Her body is very weak. Moreover, her daughter's system is somewhat special. She has absorbed all the spiritual power of miyuko Ono. Therefore, at the moment, he is just an ordinary Erhua ninja, no longer a yin-yang teacher.

"Don't quibble. What's the photo of your room? There's a line behind it! Die! Master Nagasaki has tacitly approved our action..." he drank coldly, and Matsumoto Jianer flew in.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

Holding up the cradle, miyuko Ono was terrified. She hurried away with a look of despair on her face. It seems that everything is as Matsumoto Jianer said. Shifu... Won't come to save herself.

How could she match the speed of Matsumoto Jianer? She was soon caught up by him. One round, she was robbed of the cradle. Then, Matsumoto Jianer slapped him with a ferocious palm, and immediately hurt miyuko Ono, vomited blood and was dying.

"My child, my child... I'm sorry for you... My mother will leave you first... How I want to see you again!..." whispered, miyuko Ono convulsed, fell to the ground and died.

Ignoring the dead meihuiko Ono, Kenji Matsumoto took a satisfied look at the baby girl in the cradle.

"Wow... Wow..."

At this time, the baby girl was awakened. In vain, she saw such a stranger and immediately made a loud cry. She didn't know that her mother had died.

"Hum! He's full of Qi and energetic. He's a rare good seedling of Yin-Yang teacher. Unfortunately, who makes your father that little beast? So, you're doomed to die!" moriran smiled and Matsumoto Jianer cruelly licked his lips.

After seizing the baby girl, Liu shengjisuke left with Matsumoto Jianer. After they left, master Nagasaki came out. The old man's face was sad. He had only meihuiko Ono, a disciple who had long been treated like a daughter. Unexpectedly, he was killed

Step by step, master Nagasaki came to the body of miyuko Ono. He brushed away his eyes with his hand and muttered, "miyuko, miyuko, you'd better go. Go well, there's no trouble. Just, pity xiaoyoumei. Her identity, and the master can't help!"

With this, he jumped around the body of meihuiko Ono, with an odd posture, as if he were offering sacrifices, and began to sing at the same time. The voice is composed of strange syllables. It's strange. It's like singing something. It's very sad. It's like a Tibetan song and a memorial song. Listen carefully, as if it is another hymn, with thousands of tunes and unpredictable changes.

This is Japan's famous soul mantra.

Master Nagasaki is singing the town soul mantra for meihuiko Ono, while liushengape help left here with Jianer Ono and went directly to a strange place in Japan, the valley of the dead!

This is a place where the Japanese turn pale, because there are too many ghost rumors in the valley of the dead, and even some people sometimes see evil spirits rushing into the valley! Originally, there were brave people entering the valley in the daytime. However, everyone who entered the valley was crazy. They kept saying that there were ghosts and ghosts. Gradually, it became a real ghost land. No one chose to live within a hundred miles.

Ordinary people think this is a ghost, but big people such as Matsumoto Jianer know why. Because the valley of the dead spirit is the residence of Sasaki, a Japanese freak. He is very evil, eccentric and grumpy. He is good at many secret arts related to ghosts. The most powerful is the art of soul killing mantra!

On this day, the valley of the dead, which is rarely visited all day, welcomed two guests, Liu shengape's help and Matsumoto Jianer.

"Sasaki, haven't you come out to meet?" Liu shengape's help opened his mouth with a proud tone.

Soon, a strange man with disheveled hair, like a fierce ghost, ragged clothes and a foul smell rushed out. He had a creepy smell and painted some strange blood marks, as if he were a ghost amulet.

"Senior, what can I do for you?" the strange man asked.

With a slight smile, Liu shengape's help said, "Sasaki, I want you to perform the soul killing spell. There is a little beast that is everywhere against my great Japanese Empire. It's inconvenient for me to kill him. I want to kill him with your hand! I have the little beast's biological daughter in my hand and the existence of my close blood. I believe it's not difficult for you?"

With that, Liu shengape's help waved and Matsumoto Jianer hurriedly held the baby girl.

Seeing this, the strange man shook his head and said sorry, "senior, you know my rules. I can't use babies, pregnant women and the elderly as a medium. This is my consistent style!"

Hearing the speech, Liu shengape's help frowned and was a little unhappy. He said, "Sasaki, the style can be changed, but the glory of my great Japanese Empire can't be lost, and the bushido spirit can't be trampled on! I know your identity better than anyone, so you care about the Bushido glory of my great Japanese Empire more than anyone?"

Hearing the speech, the strange man was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the words of Liu shengape's help, Matsumoto was curious and secretly guessed what the identity of the strange man was.

Hesitated for a moment. Finally, the strange man nodded and said, "well, senior, I'd like to make an exception!"

With that, he picked up the baby girl, regardless of her crying, and entered the depths of the valley step by step

Soon, he entered a strange and terrible house and drew a ghost symbol on the baby girl with a special cinnabar. Then he took out a small dagger and began to stroke on the baby girl. Suddenly, the blood flowed out bit by bit and the baby girl cried. Finally, the baby girl's back was bloody and drew a strange character with a dagger. This is the death word in Japanese characters!

After completing these, Sasaki began to perform the forbidden art, and the soul killing spell was launched


A long time later, Sasaki suddenly shook his body and spit out a big mouthful of blood. He was shocked and shocked. Finally, he dragged his tired body out to help Liu Sheng ape "Master, the soul of the man you want me to deal with is too terrible. I can't complete the spell killing. However, with the help of his own daughter's blood and spell killing technique, his soul, energy and spirit will be suppressed a little and become weaker and weaker within seven days. Finally, he will die!"

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