Surrounded by the sea, Japan is an island country on the sea. At the moment, in the coastal area of Japan, there is a spacious and luxurious motorboat moored on the sea. It's a sunny day, which is a good day to play.

There is a comfortable soft chair on the yacht. A little fat man in Taoist robe is lying there comfortably and enjoying the sunbathing. His posture is like Maitreya lying on his side, full of a special charm, very special and comfortable feeling. It is the peerless genius of Taoism who has a good relationship with Cui Hao and the bright moon of little Taoist priest with the destiny of yin and Yang.

Not far away, there is also a soft chair. There is also an old Taoist lying lazily in it. He is wearing a dirty Taoist robe, but it gives people a kind of lotus smell that comes out of mud and does not dye. His appearance is very old and gives people a feeling of aging. However, his eyes are very strange. They are heavy pupils, very deep, which makes people feel like falling fog at a glance! If Cui Hao were here, he would be very excited and hurried forward to kneel down and buckle his head, because this old Taoist is no one else, but Cui Hao's mentor, Taoist Tianji!

In Xiaohui's hometown, in the magma world that suppresses the entrance of the dragon family, Taoist Tianji saw a huge and mysterious array. He was shocked, had an insight, and once again obtained the opportunity to step into the half step magic power. Since then, he has closed the door and practiced hard. Now, he has gone out of the customs. Moreover, judging from his posture and breath, there is a sense of detachment, It has broken through to the level of half step magic!

Taoist Tianji's skinny palm was very dark. He grabbed a piece of sashimi next to him and stained it with mustard and various spices. Then he slowly stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it full. He was very satisfied and said, "well, although little Japan is not a good bird, but the invention of sashimi is good and the taste is OK!"

With these words, he looked at the little Taoist of the bright moon lying obliquely and couldn't help sighing "Sleeping immortal, sleeping immortal, stone root lying high and forgetting his age, three lights sink and become round. Qi returns to the mysterious orifices and rests naturally. Don't be scattered. You must be calm and calm. Warm and nourish the mercury to be round, and wait for its lead flowers to appear..... Watching the battle between dragon and tiger, you secretly turn Yin and Yang upside down. People say I'm a hazy man, but I don't sleep. Real lying Zen, real fetal yuan, and Wolong rise to heaven together... Old Tianshu It's really good luck to find you, a descendant of the destiny of yin and Yang. You really envy my old way! "

It is the sleeping immortal created by Zhang Sanfeng, a Chinese martial god, that is recited by the population of Tianji road. However, the sting language is mysterious and mysterious, which makes people ignorant and difficult to pry into the true essence if they encounter the avenue. According to him, it seems that the little Taoist in the bright moon cultivates sleeping immortal.

Hearing Taoist Tianji's praise, Mingyue little fat man was a little embarrassed and scratched his head. He was very modest "Master Tianji, you praise me falsely. Although I am excellent, I can join the Kunlun holy land. I have never been as green eyed as my ancestors. I am not as good as your disciple Cui Hao. My ancestors marveled. After the star night divination hung up, they even called him the lucky star of the human race. If it is possible to become a Buddha in time, he lamented himself."

Touching the sparse goatee and hearing the praise of the bright moon, Taoist Tianji was very proud "That's natural! Even if old Taoist Tianshu goes against the sky, how can he be comparable to my old man? According to his seniority, he also wants to call me martial uncle! When I first met my disciple, I saw that he was a king. In the future, China and even the whole earth may depend on him to survive the catastrophe! The time of the invasion of hundreds of nationalities is approaching, and there are more people on the earth Many forces are ready to move. Even the holy land is in danger. I really can't tell what will happen in the future! "

Speaking of this, Taoist Tianji's eyes twinkled with cunning and his tone was somewhat bewitched. "Little fat, I was sensed by my ancestors just after I left the pass. I specially sent you to find me, and I want you to come with me. Do you know why?"

When Taoist Tianji looked for me like this, the little fat man Mingyue was stunned and said, "didn't my grandfather make it clear that Cui Hao fought for China and was besieged on all sides. He ordered me to be here with you. I'll use Tiekou to determine the whereabouts of the two people in the Holy ruins, and then you can use the special array method to trap them for ten days and eight days and eliminate two strong enemies for him?"

"No! No! Those two..."

Hearing the speech, Taoist Tianji shook his head and was very proud "As the first person in the holy land of Kunlun and a powerful person, my grandfather is best at divination. He figured out that my disciple would do a great event this time. Once successful, the whole Chinese fortune would change, and there would be great fortune blessing and love. If you help to complete this event, you can naturally take a share. You must know its benefits! And, My disciple will be emperor in the future. It's good for you to follow him now! How about I help you say, "good birds choose trees to live in!"

At this moment, Mingyue's face changed and he was shocked by the four words "love of Qi Yun". He knew that Cui Hao had done a lot recently, such as what represents China's defeat of Japan and South Korea in the gambling stone competition, such as the current martial arts exchange and crushing the spirit of Japanese Bushido. However, it can't shake China's Qi Yun. Even the Chinese leader, even the dragon master, just won It's just some lucky blessings!

To tell the truth, at this moment, the bright moon little fat man was moved. His cultivation Kung Fu was very strange. It was different from the general national art. Some were similar to the Great Prayer of the Vatican Pope. He was loved by Chinese luck. It was too important for him!

"Good birds choose trees to live... Good birds choose trees to live..."

Chewing these six words in her mouth, the moon turns her mind and weighs the pros and cons.

A moment later, he smiled and said, "ha ha... Master Tianji, thank you for your advice. Don't worry, I will seize this opportunity! Of course, the fog is too heavy now, and I also bear the focus of Taoist revitalization. I don't dare to wade easily. However, I will do my best to help brother Cui. In my heart, he is my brother!..."

Mingyue's words are also a statement. Taoist Tianji knows his special situation and can't make a choice easily, but he is also very satisfied. He believes that with his apprentice's amazing performance again and again, the little fat man will automatically join his command

The two people chatted like this. Time passed quickly. When the sun sank in the west, the bright moon pinched her fingers and then cast the iron mouth straight breaking spell. Soon, they said happily, "those two guys appeared. Master Tianji, they are in the West. Let's go?"

"Well, these two little guys are from the holy ruins. It's not convenient for me to kill them, but just trap them. Let's go!" nodded. Taoist Tianji said.

The motorboat soon started, whining, setting off a violent white spray and rushing to the West

At sunset, the afterglow of the sun is scattered, light gold, warm shining on a pair of men and women. They are walking side by side on the beach at the moment. The woman is 17 or 18 years old. Her face is beautiful and refined, and her green silk is like a waterfall, but her temperament is very high and wide, just like the sun shining everywhere. The man in his forties is handsome and unrestrained. The dragon and Phoenix among people, especially the temperament, are as broad and profound as the sea behind him.

Anyone who sees such a pair of men and women will have an idea. This is a pair of wall people made by nature!

With a gentle smile, the man said, "younger martial sister, this time the ancestors at home summoned you to give up the rare opportunity to open the King Kong pagoda. Do you have any complaints in your heart?"

Nodding slightly, the woman said faintly, "it's a little. After all, that opportunity is too rare. I finally won it, so I gave up. Unfortunately! It's all Chinese people's fault. This time I go to Tokyo, I must teach them a good lesson!"

With a dignified look, the man said, "this time the opponent is not simple, we can't underestimate it!"

As they said this and walked, a light fog suddenly appeared around them. The scenery was distorted and changed, and they wrapped them all at once

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