His face was gloomy, and Cui Hao said in a deep voice "Since she is my daughter, I will save her! This old man, you are the great master of yin and Yang, and you must know a lot about Japan. I want to ask, do you know whose soul is the most powerful in Japan? Yesterday, I clearly felt that someone used this technique to deal with me. He must have found it by using my daughter's blood as a guide People are very important! "

Master Nagasaki was surprised to learn that Cui Hao had encountered the soul killing spell. He didn't expect that the young man was so rebellious in front of him, and there was no way to help him! So he thought carefully, suddenly his eyes lit up and said without hesitation, "Sasaki of dead spirit Valley! He is the most suspected!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said without hesitation, "where is the valley of the dead? I want to go immediately!"

After thinking about it, master Nagasaki said, "the valley of the dead is far from here. Moreover, Sasaki also has many sinister means. If you want to go, you must be careful! I can tell you the detailed address now, but you must ensure to save xiaoyoumei and return her to meihuiko. The child is only two months old and can't live without a mother."

Seeing that Cui Hao was very interested in xiaoyoumei, master Nagasaki was relieved. Taking the opportunity, he hurriedly put forward his own conditions.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao frowned. In his heart, he still cared about MEIHUIZI Ono's Japanese female identity. Therefore, he secretly planned to bring her back to China and raise her himself. However, seeing MEIHUIZI's poor appearance at the moment, Cui Hao couldn't bear it. After all, she was the child's biological mother.

After hesitating for a while, Cui Hao asked, "MEIHUIZI, come back to China with me. I can arrange a good living environment for your mother and daughter. It's absolutely safe. Japan is no longer suitable for you. What do you think?"

For Cui Hao's proposal, meihuiko Ono was unexpected. After thinking for a moment, she nodded and said, "OK, I listen to you. As long as I can be with my children, I'm willing to do anything! Cui Hao, time is urgent. Go and save her quickly. I'll wait for your good news here!"

At this time, Cui Hao naturally understood the real reason why MEIHUIZI Ono met her. Her master was unable to help her because of her identity. If she wanted to save her daughter, she could only ask her child's father for help. Although there were resentments between the two people, MEIHUIZI Ono couldn't care about them.

Xiao Qi and Ruilin didn't speak from beginning to end, but they already understood. Cui Hao himself admitted his daughter. Now, he is going to go to the valley of the dead to save people. It's just four days before the Japanese martial arts conference. If they save people, time is enough.

The two sides had reached an agreement, so master Nagasaki hurriedly found a paper and pen and marked the location of the dead spirit Valley in detail. Then, he solemnly handed it to him and said, "Cui Haojun, hard work!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao waved his hand and said, "don't thank me. Since it's my daughter, it's my duty to save her! Moreover, she was arrested because of me."

With that, Cui Hao took the note, looked at meihuiko Ono and asked, "do you still hate me?"

He made a pun on this question. He was asking not only about his mistake in taking his body, but also whether he still had resentment about his brother's killing by himself. "

Miyuko Ono didn't expect that Cui Hao would ask like this before she left. She thought seriously and said, "I didn't blame you for that thing. As for my brother's death... Not long ago, I experienced life and death and regained my life. I'm not miyuko Ono before. Now I don't want too much gratitude and resentment. I just want to be a good mother!"

Having personally experienced life and death, meihuiko Ono has been indifferent to many things. Now she knows more what she wants in her heart.

She was very satisfied with Ohno's answer. Cui Hao nodded and said, "OK, I'm going to save... Our daughter!"

With these words, Cui Hao waved to Xiao Qi and Ruilin. They immediately went out of the bedroom and quickly went outside the manor.

"Our daughter..."

At the moment, miyuko Ono stood quietly on the spot and chewed these five words. Her mood was very complex.

After leaving master Nagasaki's residence, Cui Hao and the three of them kept going to the valley of the dead. During this period, Cui Hao contacted the spirit of Skynet and was not surprised to learn that no one answered the task he had previously released. According to master Nagasaki, only Jianer Matsumoto and the help of Liu shengape personally carried out the task, which is of great confidentiality. Therefore, Cui Hao changed his task to obtain the whereabouts of Matsumoto Jianer, and gave him high points.

In addition, he also called Yang Qingqing, briefly explained it, and asked her to find it through network intrusion and other ways.

Cui Hao doesn't know where his daughter is now. All he can do is cast a net and catch fish all over the place.

The valley of the dead is far away, remote and hard to find. Cui Hao hardly dared to stop. It took him half a day to finally find the valley filled with terror.

For fear of disturbing Sasaki among them, Cui Hao hid in the distance and watched through his perspective eyes. Now, with the improvement of his strength, his perspective eyes are more and more extraordinary. Through layers of perspective, he finally spied into a strange cave in the valley of the dead

"Huh? Dead?"

When he saw the scene behind the scenes in the cave, Cui Hao was stunned and surprised.

"Let's go! Let's go into the valley!..."

Through the perspective eye, he finds that Sasaki is dead. Cui Hao asks Xiaoqi and Ruilin to enter.

A moment later, they came to a ghostly cave. There were some strange blood red lights flashing everywhere. In addition, there were many skeletons, many bottles and cans, including some living creatures, poisonous spiders, poisonous ants, poisonous snakes, poisonous lizards, poisonous toads, blocking centipedes, poisonous scorpions and poisonous leeches. They were crawling in the bottles, bottles and cans, It looks terrible.

There is a statue in the cave, with a green face and tusks, a ferocious face, and a trident in his hand. It looks very ferocious. Under the statue, a ragged freak shrank to the ground and had died for a long time. His body exuded a strong fishy smell.

In such a cave, Cui Hao frowned slightly. He felt it carefully, and his face suddenly became nervous, because he felt the familiar smell of his daughter in a small shrine in the northwest corner!

In a hurry, Cui Hao strode over, opened the shrine and found that there were many sharp barbs in it, stained with blood. The familiar smell was emitted from it. This is his daughter's blood!

"Damn it!..."

Holding the shrine in his hand, Cui Hao was extremely angry. His palm made a slight force. Shengsheng shattered it and shot a killing intention in his eyes! His daughter, whom he had never met before, was only two months old. She was so soft and tender that she was pierced and hung in the shrine. Don't think about it. Cui Hao also knew that it was convenient to use the soul killing spell. He hated it in his heart!

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!..." Cui Hao scolded himself.

She frowned. Seeing that Cui Hao was like this, Xiao Qi comforted, "boss, you don't have to blame yourself. It's those animals that are shameless! Now is not the time to be upset. We must find the little guy. You are still under the attack of the soul Killing Curse intermittently, which means that she should not be dead!"

A word awakens the dreamer!

Originally, Cui Hao was still immersed in deep chagrin and anger. His eyes lit up when he heard this! Yes, my daughter is not dead yet. If you find her, you must find her!

At the same time, in a luxurious manor in Japan, a middle-aged man in a Navy Blue Samurai uniform shouted angrily and beat the maid in the house with a whip

After beating the maid black and blue and fainting, he walked out of the house with a gloomy face. At one moment, he frowned and seemed to feel something.

Gnashing his teeth, the middle-aged man finally said to himself "How dare someone release the mission through Skynet and offer a reward with high points to tell the whereabouts of Kenji Matsumoto?...... Hum, Kenji, you would rather give all nine places to outsiders than even a cup of soup to your cousin. Are you worried that I will compete for the position of home owner with you? You are ruthless, don't blame me for my injustice! Best of all, you are disturbed by this enemy and fail to give fan God at the Yasukuni Shrine!"

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