
Seeing Cui Hao's arrogance, Kato man burst out these two syllables between his teeth, and a trace of demon blood flashed in his eyes. The just fierce Changhong's strike through the sun turned slightly, light and ingenious. The blade turned and suddenly lifted up!

This sudden change of moves was too fast and ingenious. His edge was facing Cui Hao's eagle claw and came out mercilessly. At the same time, his other hand was handed out in a ghostly way. It was too strange, as if ghosts and gods appeared. Holding a brilliant dagger was a fierce stab!

Kato Nan is smiling at the moment. He has absolute confidence that with this stab, he can cut Cui Hao's palm and pierce each other's throat in an instant!


In the face of such a terrible blow, Cui Hao was extremely cold and skillful. He stepped on it step by step, generating lotus. He was dreamy and blurred. The stab lost its target. At the same time, the eagle claw grabbed downward was like electricity, a strange winding, and a sound of Peng had firmly grasped the back of the knife!


With a loud roar, Kato man was shocked to find that he couldn't use the knife!

Cui Hao's eagle claw suddenly grabbed the back of the knife. Kato man felt that his blade was extremely heavy, as if it had weighed a million kilograms, like a dragonfly shaking a stone column. He couldn't hold the handle of the knife!

In this case, don't talk about it. It's difficult to take it away!


Kato man angrily issued a startling roar. He exhausted his strength and suddenly pulled the knife up! At this moment, all his strength broke out, and his blood gushed to the extreme. The whole person was majestic, and the whole strange knife trembled violently, as if it were a suppressed demon dragon. Unwilling, he wanted to get rid of the bondage and fly away!

"Overestimate your strength!"

For Kato man's practice, Cui Hao spit out these four words. He grabbed the back of the knife like an eagle's claw, and suddenly the fierce force burst out, like a volcanic eruption! At the same time, his eagle claws twisted violently! One stroke!

Qiang Qiang

The metal roared. Cui Hao had taken the extremely sharp magic knife. He really grabbed the white blade empty handed. At the same time, with a stroke of the palm of his hand, he was very clever, moving like clouds and flowing water, very fast, and had the ingenuity of a white horse crossing the gap and an antelope hanging its horn.


With a flash of light, Kato man's head had risen to the sky. He was decapitated by the magic knife, and blood gushed out suddenly!

Kato Nan, the first person in the Japanese ninja League, Tianren, was directly killed by Cui Hao!

Between the lightning and flint, Cui Hao was extremely ferocious and killed Kato man. Such a scene surprised the other seven people. Then, their terrorist outbreak came!

Boom! Boom! Boom

The roaring sound was startling. Some people's fist was like a huge mountain rolling and unstoppable. Some people were crafty and defenseless. Others were reciting strange spells. It seemed that they wanted to use some strange means. Each attack of the seven people was a mess, making the void tremble constantly. Cui Hao was besieged in the center and faced these attacks!

Under such a dangerous joint attack, Cui Hao trembled with excitement. He was not afraid, but excited. He had not met such an attack and such a dangerous battle for a long time! Although such a war is extremely dangerous and always hovers on the front line of life and death, it can best stimulate the potential of the body and make a breakthrough!

His eyes were like electricity. Cui Hao immediately knew the attack of the seven people, and his body burst into a dull sound of thunder. This was a pure blessing of the thunder of the physical tiger and leopard. At the same time, he stepped out step by step and stepped out in a series. He was fast and fast to the extreme. In an instant, his body shape shifted thousands of directions, and was able to avoid the attack of the four people, The attack of the remaining three people can't be avoided. They must face it head-on!

One of them is a tall old man with a white beard. He attacks fiercely. His fists are like a giant hammer. His moves are simple and contain thousands of changes. One is a thin old man. His muddy eyes burst out. His claws are like chicken claws, but they are extremely vicious. It can be imagined that his fingernails make a sound of gold and iron in the air, If such an attack falls on a person, what a terrible attack will it be?

As for the rest, he was a fat old man. His stomach was as swollen as a pregnant woman. At the same time, his body flew over quickly. The whole person was like a jet fighter plane. He dived and collided, and his hands directly hooked with Eagle claws on Cui Hao's stomach. He was very vicious. He suddenly opened his mouth, wow, a strange cry, A white Qi like an arrow is fired. It is extremely fierce and attacks Cui Hao!

None of the people who can become strong in the realm of King Kong is weak. Everyone is extremely strong. Their experience is enough to write a wonderful martial arts legend. At the moment, they join hands to attack Cui Hao. What a great danger? In an instant, the attack of the three people will fall together. How should Cui Hao deal with it?

"Well done!..."

In the face of such a dangerous situation, Cui Hao was very excited. He roared and threw the magic knife in his hand!

Cui Hao's two actions are very simple, but they have a saying. They are a rare secret move in Chinese martial arts. It's called Guan Gong throwing a dagger. Guan Gong kills when he opens his eyes. Throwing a dagger is the kind of momentum he takes when he opens his eyes to kill.


The magic knife, like a touch of black lightning, was very strange. It crossed a tricky arc and killed the thin old man in front of it very quickly! He didn't look at the results because he knew that throwing a big knife by Guan Gong was not enough to kill his opponent, but it should be possible to hurt his opponent!

At this moment, Cui Hao's hands soared and squeezed into fists. His fingers were thick one by one, containing terrible power. The surface was glittering with light gold, with an immortal taste. A layer of light black and white power was swirling around. This was the power from the chaotic golden pill, containing the most terrible mysterious power.

"Peng! Peng!..."

His fists were shocked. One fist was just as fierce as a bullfight and invincible, while the other fist was strange and ethereal. It kept creeping and fainted with terrible lethality!

The fist containing the power of chaotic golden elixir is really terrible. In an instant, the void around the fist collapsed! This kind of power is more ferocious than when you first killed the arcane demon!

The collapse of the void, although only a small piece, is enough to shock everyone!

This terrible two fists meet the white beard old man and the fat old man respectively. Cui Hao's counterattack is really powerful. It's not the softening Kung Fu of "he is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze falls off the mountain". It's you and I who are strong. See who is really strong!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

In an instant, the terrible roar sounded, and the attacks of both sides collided together.

Cui Hao's right fist collided with the white bearded old man's fist like a giant hammer, bombarded by terrible physical power, and the power of chaotic golden elixir rushed into his body! The old man with white beard is the first person in karate, master konhiro Miyagi. At the moment, he screamed, trembled, made a loud bang, burst his right arm, and was smashed by Cui Hao's fist!

The same situation also happened to the fat old man. His hands directly hooked with Eagle claws to Cui Hao's stomach. It was very vicious, but he was intercepted by Cui Hao's strange fist. Then, a vicious and tricky force suddenly poured into his arms, and then suddenly broke out!

The fat old man is the strongest in judo. Zhizhi Shenglong of Zhizhi family is best at the insidious soft strength in his life. This time, he was beaten by Cui Hao's soft strength and vomited blood. His internal organs were shocked and his whole body was hot, leaving only 30% of his peak strength!

Of course, although Cui Hao took the lead everywhere with the help of the power of chaotic golden elixir, he was also bitten by a certain amount. After all, the attack of the two strong warriors in the realm of King Kong was not so easy to bear. Moreover, the white gas spewed by Zhi Shenglong was as sharp as an arrow and extremely intense. He hit Cui Hao all of a sudden, which also hurt him and slightly injured him.

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