Although the war at the Yasukuni shrine was a great harvest, Cui Hao also paid a great price and was seriously injured. Four days later, it was the day of the martial arts convention. After being far away from the Yasukuni Shrine, Ruiqi came forward and bought a remote house in the suburbs at a high price. The three lived here temporarily. At the same time, Cui Hao also contacted her through the phone number MEIHUIZI Ono left him, and told her the details. After all, she is the child's biological mother and has been waiting anxiously.

Hearing that Cui Hao had saved xiaoyoumei, MEIHUIZI Ono was excited and hurried quietly on the road. Because of her identity, she was very hidden. One day later, she came to the temporary residence of Cui Hao.

In the quiet bedroom, Cui Hao sits on tatami. In front of him is a baby girl. She is much whiter and ruder than a day ago. All her scars are cured by perspective golden light. At the moment, Cui Hao is dredging tendons and activating blood. Her palm is soft and very careful.

Although the past day has passed, Cui Hao still feels a little incredible. This little, soft girl is her own daughter! He can clearly feel the intimacy in the depths of each other's blood, but there is still something incredible in his heart!

With a soft melting on his face, Cui Hao forced his own blood essence again, dripping into the little girl's mouth, quickly infiltrating into her body and breeding homologous blood

Feeling the strong breath on the little girl, Cui Hao was dizzy and released blood essence continuously. It was no joke. Even his body couldn't carry it. What's more, he is still seriously injured. The injury is too serious, especially the sword cut by the grass pheasant sword in front of his chest. Even if he is treated with perspective golden light and true Phoenix Nirvana, it will take at least half a month to completely recover.

Cui Haoping breathed out a long breath and was ready to treat his injury. At this time, Xiao Qi's voice came from the outside, "boss, that's my sister-in-law. I have to come to see the child right away, so I have to bring her to you..."

Xiao Qi doesn't know the relationship between MEIHUIZI Ono and Cui Hao. Since people even gave birth to their eldest brother, they should call her sister-in-law. Hearing such a call, MEIHUIZI Ono has a red face and is very charming. As for Cui Hao in the bedroom, he is stunned and speechless.

After pondering for a while, Cui Hao said, "Xiao Qi, I know. Let her in."


Almost with Cui Hao's opening, the door of the bedroom was pushed open. MEIHUIZI Ono rushed in anxiously and fell down in front of the tatami. Looking at the little girl lying on it, she burst into tears, pear blossom with rain and heartache.

The little girl is in a good state at the moment. Her body is tender and white again, but she has obviously lost a lot. Moreover, there are some scars on her back that have not been completely healed, which makes meihuiko Ono very distressed. As a yin-yang teacher, her vision was also very extraordinary. She soon found her strange. She couldn't help turning her head and asked Cui Hao.

At this time, MEIHUIZI Ono noticed that Cui Hao's look was very tired and weak, like a person who was seriously ill. Compared with the previous unfathomable and powerful, he was too weak. This is a very intuitive feeling. At the moment, Cui Hao feels sick and weak.

Seeing this, MEIHUIZI Ono was surprised. She couldn't help blurting out "Cui Haojun, you... What's the matter with you?"

When Ohno MEIHUIZI asked this sentence, he immediately felt regretful. Do you need to ask? Cui Hao must be seriously injured if he wants to recapture xiaoyoumei in the hands of a super strong man like Liu shengape's help! Without hesitation, she reached out, took out a jade bottle from her arms and handed it to her.

"This is the black jade source pill refined by my teacher's father. It has a miraculous effect on internal injury and source loss. Take some quickly!" Daimei wrinkled slightly, and meihuiko Ono said anxiously.

Instead of picking up the jade bottle, Cui Hao waved his hand and said with a smile, "no, I'm also known as a miracle doctor. There are still some elixirs to treat the injury. I'm in a deficit of blood essence and my serious injury hasn't healed. This pill has limited effect on me."

Hearing the speech, MEIHUIZI Ono stubbornly continued to hand over the jade bottle and said in a tough tone, "even if the effect is limited, you should eat some. You will attend the martial arts conference in three days. Do you want to die there and make xiaoyoumei a child without a father?"

Nodding, Xiao Qi, who walked in with meihuiko Ono, smiled and said, "yes, brother, just listen to your sister-in-law. Your injury is too serious. It's good to recover."

"OK! Xiao Qi, don't call us casually. We're not the kind of relationship you think!" nodded. Cui Hao took the jade vase and felt warm.

To put aside the once hostile relationship, to be fair, miyuko Ono is a very good woman with both talent and appearance. She has the unique ethereal temperament of Yin-Yang division. Moreover, although she was unconscious at the beginning, she also took away her body. In the end, she owes her some.

Seeing that Cui Hao took his pill, MEIHUIZI Ono smiled and said to Xiao Qi, "your eldest brother is right. We are really not lovers. To be exact, we were enemies! However, I have experienced life and death, and I am open to everything. Everything in the past is like smoke and clouds. Now I just want to take good care of my children!"

Speaking of this, meihuiko Ono looked at Cui Hao and said with a charming smile, "Cui Haojun, you and I are not ruthless, but we have children. Therefore, you must carry the small Youmei thing as a man. Our mother and daughter can't stay in Japan. Can you arrange a stable and quiet living environment for us in China? In return, I agree to let you often come to see children."

Nodding, Cui Hao said, "this is a small matter. Just leave it to me. However, xiaoyoumei, is that your name for your child?"

Nodding affirmatively, meiko Ono said, "yes, her name is Youmei Ono, and her last name is me."

Waving his hand, Cui Hao said in an indisputable tone, "no! I didn't know there was such a daughter before. Now I know. Naturally, in order to fulfill my father's responsibility, the child must follow my surname! However, I also respect some of your opinions. Her name is Cui Meimei. I hope the child can be happy and live a happy life in the future."

Hearing Cui Hao's words, MEIHUIZI Ono instinctively wanted to refute one or two. However, seeing Cui Hao's determined eyes and his majesty and domineering spirit, she was slightly shocked. When she came to her mouth, she swallowed it back. She said helplessly, "in this case, her name is Cui Meimei, but her nickname still needs to be Xiao Youmei!"

Cui Hao obviously didn't listen to her. Looking at her daughter on the tatami, he said kindly, "xiaomeimei, are you happy? Your father gave you such a beautiful name. Don't worry, your father can cure you completely soon!"

After solving the problem of her daughter's name, meiko Ono asked what she was most concerned about. What is Meimei's situation now?

In this regard, Cui Hao did not hide and told her the details. Although Cui Hao said it very simply, meihuiko Ono still couldn't help crying. Who is a parent who doesn't lick the calf? I heard that his child was treated so cruelly. If Sasaki hadn't died, meihuiko Ono would have run frantically to kill each other.

"Cui Haojun, it's hard for you. You have to inject blood essence into xiaoyoumei every day. From tomorrow, I'll come, and you have to attend the martial arts conference. You must ensure strong strength! Don't refute me, my temper is actually very stubborn......" choked, meihuiko Ono's eyes affirmed, and spoke like this.

Cui Hao didn't expect MEIHUIZI Ono to say so. They are Meimei's parents. Their blood is one, but they can inject blood essence into them.

After hesitating for a while, finally, Cui Hao nodded and said, "well, when the martial arts conference is over, I will continue to inject blood essence!"

"Hi!..." nods and miyuko Ono responds.

On this day, Meimei's treatment is over. Cui Hao takes Xiaoqi out of the bedroom and gives it to her mother and daughter who have been reunited for a long time.

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