In a simple two or three sentence dialogue between Ruilin and Kojiro takeyama, the killing was hidden, and the atmosphere was very tense. They signed a life and death agreement in public. Then, with the order of the Deputy referee, the game officially began!


For a moment, Kojiro takeyama said hi, his eyes were awe inspiring, but his hands suddenly opened, just like a pair of wings. His right leg was lifted, his left leg was padded, bounced and puffed! In an instant, his whole person flew up in the air, like a ferocious Golden Eagle. His hands were like carving pecks, his arms were spinning inward, and his strength was strong. The strong wind was like thunder. Suddenly he flew down!

Takeyama Kojiro's move is the Golden Eagle killing skill of Aikido in Japan. It is the most ferocious and fierce. It is like a huge golden eagle diving to grab its body and attack it head-on. Its hands are like eagle pecking. It is domineering and ferocious!


Takeyama Kojiro's killing skill of the Golden Eagle suddenly shocked his whole body, his chest, lungs and so on. In an instant, he exhaled and made a sound, which naturally formed the high pitched roar of the golden eagle, which is very amazing. This man is really extraordinary. He has practiced his boxing to the point where he can make a sound with his fist.

"Well done!..."

In the face of such a blow, Ruilin had a creepy sense of crisis locked by the giant eagle, which even stimulated his competitive heart. He roared and broke out!

"Ho ho..."

In an instant, he stepped back, his whole body bowed forward in vain, his abdomen bulged slightly, and suddenly burst out bursts of tiger roars. At this moment, he seemed to be a tiger.


At the next moment, Ruilin's body suddenly ran away, powerful and domineering, just like the tiger king patrolling the mountains and forests, accompanied by a strong wind, but his palms were in vain like a giant axe opening the mountain, and his tiger splitting power suddenly exploded!

"How fierce!..."

One meter away from the two sides, Kojiro takeyama felt the horror of the tiger like splitting power of Ruilin. His heart was awe inspiring. His hands hurriedly pecked into fists, and his five fingers were suddenly pinched. A series of bone joints burst out. His fists were like iron fists, carrying the ferocious breath of gold carving dive, and fiercely collided with Ruilin's palms!

"Boom! Boom!..."

It was like a thunderbolt out of thin air, and the power of terror burst out. He took three steps in a row. Each step was through his legs and sank into the Dantian, heavier and heavier step by step.

After three steps, he barely stood still and his face turned pale. Although he played skillfully, he was only 14 years old and his strength had not been trained. He was weaker than Kojiro takeyama.

Of course, Kojiro takeyama also felt bad. He retreated two steps heavily, and there was blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. Although his physical strength was stronger, his tiger splitting strength was too pure. The strength burst was introverted and condensed, and his lethality was better.


Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Kojiro takeyama shouted and rushed to kill him. This time, his pace was light and strange, running around like a strange shadow, and quickly approaching Ruilin.

In the face of this scene, Ruilin is very calm. As a lone star of Tiansha, he is naturally very sensitive to the air flow, breath, strength and so on. Therefore, the other party's strange pace has no effect on him!


At one moment, Kojiro takeyama, who was approaching, suddenly straightened his legs, fell down, and his toes were like a sharp shovel, killing him. This move can be described as cruel. The refined steel challenge arena rubbed by the toes flashes sparks. It can be seen that this attack is cruel and ferocious!

This move is the shovel foot in Japanese martial arts. It is powerful and domineering. However, few people can really use it skillfully. Kojiro takeyama is good at this move.

In the face of such a move, Ruilin was very calm. When the shovel foot was about to hit, there was a sudden and ingenious flicker, such as the kite turned over, the spring swallow folded, and his body twinkled at once. At the same time, his arms were hidden in his waist, but with this flicker, he threw them suddenly!

Pa Pa

Everything was so clever that his arms were thrown out with the twist of his waist. He was brewing with dark strength. He wrapped his inner pocket around his outer pocket as if he were two ferocious poisonous snakes. He rushed out at once and bit into takeyama Kojiro's chest. He was fast, urgent and extremely cruel!

The snake hand is hidden in the cave, and it is difficult for the gods to prevent it!

People's two waist are like two holes. In addition to the frontal attack, the snake shape in Xingyi fist is the most essence of hiding the sneak attack. It is hidden between the two waist. With the shaking of hands, it suddenly erupts. It is vicious, fast and fierce. It simply reflects the essence of the snake style of play incisively and vividly!

"Hissing, hissing, hissing..."

With the sudden flash of Ruilin, a fine and creepy hissing sound came from the first challenge arena, such as a poisonous snake spitting a message, which was extremely vicious!

Originally, takeyama Kojiro was proud of his overbearing move to shovel his feet, because this move also had a series of backhands, which were extremely cruel and quick. It was difficult for him to avoid. According to his idea, he should avoid in a hurry. However, he didn't expect that his response was so clever. In an instant, all his plans and backhands were disrupted, Can't do it!


When he was shocked, Kojiro takeyama took a cold breath. He deeply realized the horror of the sudden snake hand of Ruilin. He took a deep breath out of the air and pulled his body a foot higher. At the same time, the momentum of the forward rush was much sharper. The shovel feet that had been attacking the next three sets of Ruilin suddenly stirred, clattered, and rotated rapidly, with his feet like propellers, Hang hard!

This sudden change can be said to be ingenious. The snake hand of Ruilin was hanged with both feet, which reflects the exquisite Kung Fu of Kojiro takeyama. This man has the momentum of cutting hundreds of people. It's a Kung Fu honed in the bloody battle of life and death. It's really important to break out at the moment!

In the eyes of ordinary people, Kojiro takeyama has finally turned the corner this time. Even his feet hanged like a propeller may seriously injure Ruilin. However, seeing such a scene, Cui Hao in China smiled. He faintly said to Xiao Qi, "this little Japan is dead!"

Why is Cui Hao so determined? Because the snake shaped killing move hidden in the snake hand cave was taught by him. It also pointed out his subsequent 18 changes, aiming at 18 kinds of killers avoided by the enemy, and one of them is aimed at the current situation.

His face was very cold. His hands were like a ferocious snake's head. He was shaking and biting like two poisonous snakes. At the same time, his body was shaking. The pace was a fast snake pulling the grass, twisting his waist, and the snake's head pointed out countless times. What's amazing is that these points just formed countless circles, which was clever and clever.

The snake head turns round and the killing move is hidden!


Just when facing the snake hand attack of Ruilin, Kojiro takeyama was terrified, but he didn't have the feeling of impending disaster. At the moment, his moves were old and there was no time to fight back. He knew. Not good. I'm dead!

"Puff, puff..."

The wind and rain were like a snake's head. He killed in a series of points, which immediately made Kojiro takeyama like being struck by lightning. In an instant, his body was hit at least a dozen times. His whole body trembled and puffed. His body burst into bloody holes, and his whole body was thrown out heavily and smashed under the challenge arena!


The body hit heavily under the challenge arena, and Kojiro takeyama twitched twice. Then, his feet kicked, his neck tilted, and he was completely out of breath.

"Zhushan Jun!...."

Seeing Kojiro takeyama fall under the challenge arena, immediately, a group of nearby Japanese fighters rushed over. After we had to see his situation clearly, everyone was disappointed. Kojiro takeyama bled in his seven orifices and had more than a dozen blood holes in his body. It was like being pierced by a real snake head. He was completely dead!

In this case, the referee determined that Kojiro takeyama died and announced that Huaxia Ruilin won.

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