With one move, the Golden Rooster pecks the rice. It is extremely fierce, just like the rooster crowing. In an instant, he gives full play to the ferocity of the first fight. With an indomitable and tragic atmosphere, he wants to fight with Sakai baihezi. This is a move that hurts the enemy by a thousand and damages himself by 800. It is most suitable for the same end!


His hands were like peacocks. Sakai baihezi was about to explode. A cock crowed and suddenly remembered that it was dark in front of her, and Ruilin's forehead came, like a Golden Chicken's sharp mouth.

Sakai baihezo is 70% sure that she can hit or even kill him with a peacock before he hits him in the face. However, she dare not gamble, because once she makes a mistake, her facial features will be smashed!

In an instant, the idea turned, Sakai baihezo took a deep breath, his body was ethereal and dreamy, and suddenly withdrew, and the blow on the head of Ruilin suddenly failed.

"Woo woo..."

When the strong wind roared, Sakai baihezi suddenly glided like a bat. Her body was like a ghost. Her forearms suddenly hooked up and made a sharp sound of breaking the air. Between her body wriggling, her bones vibrated and made the sound of gold and iron, as if his whole body turned into gold and iron in a moment!

His forearm is like a knife and axe, dragging and tearing, which is the killing move of Mantis Boxing "one knife hook, one knife hit".

She is clearly Japanese and doesn't know where she learned mantis boxing. It is extremely pure. Her forearm is like a big knife. After she works hard, she suddenly pulls and tears. It is vicious. She has a taste of not taking people's lives and never giving up.


When he saw such a blow, he knew that it was powerful and extremely light. He danced like a crane. At the same time, he also contained a strange kite turning over, clattering, a somersault, head down, his hands pinched into swallows, pecking, banging, banging, and attacking downward.

For a moment, the crane shaped, harrier shaped, swallow shaped, especially the last peck, was ethereal and light, as if the swallow pecked the spring mud and passed by without trace.

Birds are natural enemies of the mantis. Ruilin takes advantage of the mantis boxing with the swallow shape.

"This man's Xingyi fist already has the taste of a master of shape and meaning!"

Seeing the light sweep of Ruilin, Sakai baihezi's face flushed in vain, and her eyes were bright. At the moment when she was about to collide at the moment of attack, she suddenly folded her strange body, stabbed, tore the void like a mantis arm, and ran away again. Wow, the void seemed to be burned and exploded, and cleaved out fiercely!

"Mantis Fist? Drag knife strength?"

Ruilin was surprised. It was too late to change his move. Chunyan pecked the mud and swept down. Suddenly, their attacks hit together!


With a bang out of thin air, he retreated, suffered a dull loss, his blood rolled in his body, and the tiger's mouth was burning.


Reasonable and unforgiving, Sakai baihezi shouted. He came after her like a ghost. He slapped and was murderous. It contained a torrent of murderous spirit, thoughts and hearts. It seemed that Raylen had a deep blood feud with her. We should kill him and then hurry!

The pursuit was too fast. Even if he had no time to avoid, he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the blood in his heart. His feet trampled on the ground like horseshoes, which was very cruel!

Dong Dong Dong

As if trampled by an iron hoof, Ruilin's body carried a strong whirlwind. There was a kind of power in the pure horse shape, as if it contained a giant dragon. At the same time, Ruilin's arm suddenly pierced out, as if a poisonous Python came out of the hole, ferocious and cruel!

There is a Chinese idiom called dragon horse spirit, which is because the horse is born with the spirit of dragon. The ancient battlefield generals, a horse and a big gun, are invincible in the battlefield. The head of the gun points to the devil crying and Howling!

At this moment, Ruilin Shi exhibited this momentum. He was like a horse, with a gun in his hand. One horse and one gun, he cracked the soil, sealed the territory, and sealed the king and worshipped the Marquis!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The two men's attack collided fiercely again. This time, they were even equal. Raylen stood high, really like an ancient general, holding a big gun and looking down at the enemy!

Have fun! Have fun!

At this moment, he felt carefree and dripping. This kind of letting go, but there was a strong sense of crisis all the time, which made him excited and very excited!


With a loud roar, Ruilin took the lead this time. With a fist, he stretched like a giant bow and came out of the water like a lobster. This is the jumping palm of the dragon fist. The whole person is like flying in the air, not flying in the air, but full of momentum. He is like a divine dragon hovering in the clouds and suddenly poked out his claws!

Perhaps it was because facing a strong enemy, Stephen's jump palm hit the peak level and was awe inspiring. For this, Sakai baihezi looked calm, turned his hands, turned his palm into a fist, and fiercely attacked! Her sudden attack was ordinary. It was a pure straight fist without fancy.


The strong wind burst, and their attack was approaching in an instant. When they were about to collide, Sakai baihezi's mouth only provoked a radian, and his eyes were bent like crescent moon, which seemed to be in danger of successful treachery.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

In this critical moment, her face turned blood red and performed a taboo technique. The original pure straight fist was shaking, shaking and roaring with a mysterious fluctuation, and one punch hit Ruilin's jump palm!

In an instant, the fists and palms intersected, and the fierce and unparalleled forces gushed out of each other. At this time, the palm of Sakai baihezi raised, forming a strange ball, round and flowing, clattering, and a strange and incomparable fluctuation immediately filled the air!

This wave was extremely light and seemed to have no lethality. In an instant, it broke through the body of Ruilin and invaded his body. Then, from soft to hard, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!


His face changed dramatically. Naturally, it was Ruilin who first felt the difference. He shouted a bad cry. The whole person retreated rapidly. At the same time, that force had begun to rage!


The pain was incomparable. With a mouthful of blood spitting out, he felt as if he had been ravaged by a terrorist force, and his internal organs were severely damaged. Fortunately, at this time, there were dark golden lights gushing out of his body, which resisted for some points, and finally offset the ravages of this force.

This golden light is the perspective golden light left by Cui Hao in Ruilin. At this most critical moment, it saved his life.

In an instant, he got off his body in pain and spit out a mouthful of blood again. His body was full of sharp pain like tearing, as if hundreds of millions of steel needles were stabbing his body!

"No! This is... The legendary peak and unique skill, beating cattle across the mountain?"

In an instant, Cui Hao's face in the Chinese region changed. His eyes were so fierce that he saw a clue at once. Even, he vaguely understood the secret of fighting cattle across the mountain, and such an idea sprang out of his mind.

In a hurry, Cui Hao urged the perspective eyes and tried his best. Suddenly, golden lights burst out from a long distance and threw them at Ruilin, who was crouching in pain in the distance. All this was traceless. With the injection of perspective golden light, Ruilin's injury was relieved rapidly, the cracks in his internal organs were healing, and the congestion was also being eliminated. Although he was not completely cured, it was seven or eight points better.

Through the perspective eye, Cui Hao heals Ruilin from a long distance, which consumes a lot. However, Cui Hao is very pleased to see his disciple turn the corner.

Sakai baihezi felt bad and was strongly eaten back, which just gave him a chance to breathe. He was surprised to feel that his body was in a serious mess and his almost dying injury was improving rapidly. For a while, he had improved by seven or eight points.

What's going on? Ruilin didn't know. He remembered that Cui Hao seemed to have left some special means to protect his life in his body. Did these means save himself?

"Baga! Kill him!"

"Kill this Chinese!..."

Suddenly, this situation caused the cheers of countless Japanese in the dojo. Ruilin was beaten and vomited two mouthfuls of blood. He was obviously defeated. This time, Japan is really going to win!

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