Xiao Qi carries people around in the void again and again. Although every time he can save the danger, everyone is heavy and desperate. This peerless evil array is really terrible. The attack is so terrible that half a step of magic can't carry it. And Xiao Qi is almost exhausted. What should we do?

During this period, Cui Hao used the door of truth for many times to bring people in and reduce Xiao Qi's burden. However, the ferocious array contains a mysterious and terrible force to suppress everything. The door of truth can't be urged! This discovery made Cui Hao feel cold and worse!

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

Swallowing Cui Hao's milk essence, Xiao Qi was really panting. He was really tired. He opened his mouth and asked if there was any Lingshi in the sky. Finally, the master of heaven took two pieces of Lingshi in his arms, and the moonlight Taoist priest also took out a piece. Xiao Qi was relieved. Lingshi's strength was abundant. These three spirit stones should be enough to carry out at least 40 or 50 empty shuttles, right?

"Ga bang!..."

After drinking the essence of the earth milk, Xiao Qi threw a fire attribute Lingshi into the mouth. This scene made the God of heaven and the moon take a cool breath. Lingshi, that is Lingshi, contains boundless power inside. Even if it is half step, it needs to slowly move and draw the aura. The spirit of Lingshi is at least enough to absorb hundreds of times. With such great power, Xiao Qi swallowed it. Isn't he afraid to explode and die? Ruilin is stunned. He doesn't know why Xiao Qi ate a spirit stone. They look like this?

Although he was in danger and was shocked to see Taoist Tianji, Xiao Qi was very proud. He wanted to say that you mortals don't understand the world of super beasts!

"Woo woo..."

The roaring sound swept through, and the ghost wind appeared around again. It was fierce. Xiao Qi hurriedly shuttled through the void again and fled with the people

People seem to fall into a strange circle. They escape again and again and are attacked again and again. They can't get rid of it.

Once again, he avoided the attack of Luocha blood and was trapped in the white fog area. Cui Hao's spirit flashed and thought of his perspective eyes. Although he didn't know whether they could be useful, he still urged him. Suddenly, the perspective golden light filled the air, and the white fog in front of him dissipated rapidly. In front of him, twisted lines appeared strangely, all over the void, dark and like a mess.

To Cui Hao's surprise, the tangled silk thread is still wriggling and has no rules. However, it seems to contain profound rules. There is an extremely evil smell on it. It seems that once it is touched, it will immediately cause a series of terrorist counterattacks. On everyone's body, there is a faint, undetectable black light spot attached to the skin, It forms a connection with silk thread

i see!

Cui Hao was so smart that he immediately found the key to the problem.

At the moment, Cui Hao sees through the golden light, shifts the direction, and shoots it at Xiaoqi nearby. Suddenly, the black light spots on his body are gradually melting. Seeing through the golden light, he really didn't disappoint himself! A moment later, the black light spots on Xiao Qi's body were eliminated.

"Hahaha... I found a solution!" he laughed, and Cui Hao was very happy.

"Oh? What method? Come on, disciple, you can use it quickly. The attack of the ferocious array is coming faster and faster. This is a sign that we are about to be completely aroused and awakened. If the array is completely activated and operated, we will be miserable!" at the moment of light, Taoist Tianji hurriedly opened his mouth.

Immediately, Cui Hao drove away with the perspective golden light, the black light spots on the people disappeared, and the eight terrorist attacks did not come again.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao told Taoist Tianji about the black silk thread he saw. After hearing it, he asked many questions carefully. Finally, he suddenly laughed and seemed to understand something.

"Master, have you realized the secret of this peerless evil array?" Cui Hao asked with curiosity.

Stroking the sparse goatee, Taoist Tianji said triumphantly, "it's not clear, but it's not a big problem to take you safely to the core!"

Hearing this, Cui Hao was naturally very happy. He was very happy. If he didn't see through the golden light, he was afraid that it would be really bad this time. Maybe the whole army would be destroyed.

Taoist Tianji is no longer struggling this time. He moves forward skillfully. Sometimes he hovers in place, sometimes he walks backward, sometimes he jumps up. Cui Hao and others naturally follow closely. In this way, they keep moving forward, and the fog in front of them gradually fades away

In about half an hour, the fog in front suddenly dispersed. There were countless stones in front, many of which collapsed, forming nine huge, continuous and vigorous mountain and stone gullies. The gully is extraordinary, just like a crouching dragon. At first glance, it seems that nine dragons have slept here, crushed this piece of rubble and formed large gullies. Where the nine dragon heads gather, there is a dark pool, emitting a palpitating atmosphere.

The dark pool makes people palpitate and deep suffocate, just as it contains infinite terror and wants to devour everything.

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao and Taoist Tianji almost shouted three words and buried Tianxue!

This is a terrible place and the peak of the great place after tomorrow. It is recorded in Dayan's secret arts that there is real great terror around it. However, the core pool is the only student!

"Bury Tianxue? It sounds so powerful, boss. What's that?" she was stunned for a moment, and Xiao Qi asked.

With a dignified face, Cui Hao informs Xiao Qi of the danger of burying Tianxue. It can be determined that the core of the so-called peerless evil array is the Tibetan cave. If you want to step into the dark pool, every step may stimulate the Tibetan cave. At that time, the terrorist attacks they encountered before will inevitably come again!

The three of Xiao Qi were shocked and dignified, but Cui Hao and Taoist Tianji looked at each other and smiled.

"Hahaha... You three little guys, you look so funny! Let me tell you, Dayan Tianji recorded how to avoid this burial point!" laughed, and Taoist Tianji joked.

Smelling the speech, Xiao Qi was speechless.


As soon as the voice of Taoist Tianji turned, some depressed said, "burying Tianxue is a real place of great evil. It changes from time to time. Unless someone guides it, it can ensure to grasp its change at all times. Otherwise, no one guides it, but it is difficult to leave again. Generally speaking, there is a hidden secret path in this place of great evil. Unfortunately, we don't know!"

Nodding, Cui Hao added, "simply put, master and I must have one person here to guide the changes of the burial point, because this kind of motivation also needs the cooperation of the art of looking for Qi. Only the two of us are suitable."

"Disciple, just stay here and go in as a teacher!" smiled and Taoist Tianji opened his mouth.

"No, master, I have the door of truth with me. There is jianshen-1 inside. Without it, our destruction plan is difficult to really implement, so it must be me! In this way, Xiao Qi and I enter together. He has shuttling in the void. If there is danger, we can leave at any time!" Cui Hao shook his head and categorically refuted.

Finally, after a long discussion, they decided to do what Cui Hao said. Taoist Tianji was responsible for guiding the change of Cangtian cave, while Ruilin and Mingyue protected the Dharma for him to prevent accidental attacks, while Cui Hao and Xiao Qi went deep into it and carried out the most dangerous task!

So, carefully, Taoist Tianji's body flashed and moved, and kept approaching the Tibetan heaven cave. It took more than ten minutes to sit down in a dragon head position. His hands bounced strangely, and at the same time, he opened the art of watching Qi.

A moment later, Taoist Tianji had successfully guided the change of burial point.

"Poop! Poop!..."

Finally, Cui Hao and Xiao Qi jump into the dark and terrible pool

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