Cui Hao uttered the six word mantra of Buddhism. Each syllable seemed to contain magical power. If the spring thunder rolled, it contained vitality, and this syllable was transmitted into the body of the flower, constantly shaking, making its blood ripple regularly and ready to flow again. At the same time, he focused on massaging her temples. At the same time, The perspective golden light shoots out again and curls around the temples of the flowers

Time passed slowly, ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour

At a certain moment, a faint masculinity suddenly appeared in the temple of the flower. It was very weak, just like a residual candle in the wind. However, after the integration of the perspective golden light, it soon began to become strong. After reaching a certain degree, her Solar Temple swelled, and a strange and incomparable smell began to diffuse, pure and fresh, But there is blazing, it is just the birth of masculinity!


In fact, Cui Hao took a tentative attitude when she expressed the six character truth. Although Hua Hua's soul did not die, she had been trapped in the living dead for too long, and her Yang was almost cut off. With the birth of such a Yang, the possibility of her awakening increased a lot!

In ancient China, the living and the dead were divided into yin and Yang. It is said that there is Yang Qi in the living and the coordination of yin and Yang, so all kinds of incredible changes were born. Therefore, Yang Qi is too important for a person! Without Yang Qi, you will be weak. With Shouyuan, you will be full of strength.

"Yang Qi! The body of the flower gives birth to Yang Qi!..."

At this moment, Tang Xiao is undoubtedly the most excited. He is almost excited to jump up. His sister, the only relative in the world, has the possibility of waking up again!


Hua'er's temple gave birth to a Yang Qi, which made it possible to "return to Yang". Cui Hao also took a long breath and felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

After completing this difficult step, there is still an important play. Cui Hao doesn't dare to slack off at all. He looks a little dignified "Next, I'm going to recite the soul reviving mantra. Although it has magical effect, shaking blood and generating vitality, it can't be completed in a short time. It takes at least two or three days. I may consume violently, and I must not be disturbed at all! Therefore, I will shield my five senses and display them wholeheartedly. You must protect me, can't Be disturbed by recognition, or all previous efforts will be wasted! "

Hearing this, Tang Xiao nodded hurriedly and said solemnly, "don't worry, little brother Cui Hao, as long as Tang Xiao doesn't die, no one can disturb you!"

"OK!" nodded, and Cui Hao stopped talking nonsense.

His face was very solemn. Cui Hao spit out syllables in his mouth, which is the soul reviving mantra "Nanwu, drink luotana, doluoye, Nanwu, ah luoye, bolujie emperor, Shuo BOLUO ye, Bodhi Fuye..."

Cui Hao's spitting out of every syllable gives people a great feeling, as if he were a Buddha sitting upright and sending out compassionate scriptures. His eyes gradually became ethereal, his mind was restrained, and completely precipitated into a state of self, actively shielding everything around him and chanting mantras at ease.

This soul reviving mantra is very magical. The syllables contain wonderful power. Sometimes they roll like giant thunder, sometimes they spin like spring silkworms, sometimes they turn melodious, like Zen singing, sometimes they have a pious taste, like a hymn of life, sometimes they are like frogs in a spring pond, guguquack, full of vitality

At the same time of issuing the soul returning mantra, Cui Hao's hands are also moving. They are very clever. They are pressing, clicking, kneading, stabbing, or shaking. They are massaging his whole body to dredge muscles and bones and activate Qi and blood.

The whole person has completely fallen into the self styled state of five senses. Cui Hao and I have forgotten to treat. For him, this kind of case is too rare. As a doctor, he must do his best to treat it. This is also the process of consolidating his medical skills. In Cui Hao's eyes, Hua'er is just a sick little girl. Even if she is a beggar on the street, he will treat her like this, just like Tang It has nothing to do with laughter.

When Cui Hao began to treat the flowers, the imperial capital, Longshou mountain and Longyuan were very excited and laughed. They were in control. They were almost in full bloom.

"God helps me too! God helps me too! Hahaha..."

He smiled wildly. Long Yuan's eyes lit up. He was so happy because he just got a secret message that the destroyers were found in the northwest gang in China. Moreover, they were suspected to follow Tang Xiao, because surveillance had vaguely captured a picture. Among them, a man was the first of the famous CIA in the United States Man, the traitor of the four beasts, Tang Xiao!

If only Tang Xiao and the destroyer are found, Long Yuan won't be happy, because the old ancestor is not in China. It's too threatening to come at the moment! Long Yuan is happy that Cui Hao is also in the northwest gang. Moreover, the two met. It seems that Tang Xiao wants Cui Hao to help save a little girl!

After receiving such news, Long Yuan felt that the east wind had hit ahead of time, and his plan would be successful if he followed the trend.

So, without hesitation, he called his eldest son long Aotian to come and ordered him to go to the four divine beasts in the name of his old ancestors, and "cleverly" told the news. In addition, it's best to take some old antiques of the four divine beasts to the northwest Gang! Although many photos and some evidence have been obtained, seeing is believing. If they see it with their own eyes, it would be better!

Just a day ago, Longyuan had quietly started the two pieces. Now, the four divine beasts headquarters must be very lively!

Indeed, the four gods and beasts of the day were completely disordered, and the high-level were gathered together. The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely thick. In an empty place, an old man's chest was severely pierced. This technique was the best means for the destroyer. Beside him, a thin old man broke an arm and was covered with scars, There was a ferocious scratch on his face. He was gnashing his teeth and yelling.

"You old guys, what are you staring at? Can't the death of the three links wake you up? Don't you believe the information we got this time? Cui Hao, a wolf cub, is too deep to hide. He is Tang Xiao's son. It's hateful, hateful!..."

Listening to the old man's roar, everyone present is cold, because the news he roared out is really shocking. If all this is true... The four divine beasts almost became a laughing stock for generations this time!

Cui Hao accepted the resource training of the four divine beasts. Then, when he really rose, he revealed his real identity. He is Tang Xiao's son. If so

At this moment, the old directors of the four divine beasts present had the idea "is Cui Hao really the strongest chess piece secretly arranged by Tang Xiao to completely destroy the four divine beasts?"

In fact, it's no wonder that they, old guys who have lived and died together for many years, have been killed and injured. At the cost of their lives, the intelligence obtained from the CIA of the United States is highly reliable!

Looking at Wang Changsheng, the thin old Gu Dong waved his arm and roared at the top of his lungs "Brother Wang, what are you hesitating about? Do you still want to see the four divine beasts destroyed by traitors and become more and more decadent? No wonder Cui Hao can understand the four kinds of divine fist, and his father has half a holy monument. Otherwise, even if he is a genius, he can't get the green dragon divine fist and the inheritance of white tiger divine fist! Cancer! This son is like his father Tang Xiao, and his ambition is hidden In the cancer of my four divine beasts! "

His words, especially the last sentence, deeply shocked everyone's mind!

After Tang Xiao's betrayal, today's four divine beasts are really afraid. Once bitten by a snake, they are afraid of the well rope for ten years. They are really afraid to make another Tang Xiao!

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