The thin old man shouted at the top of his voice. Everyone was in a tight mood and turned their eyes to Wang Kun. Today's four divine beasts, the eldest lady is trapped in the Bermuda Triangle, and Wang Kun is the backbone of everyone.

At the beginning, Cui Hao suddenly understood the mystery of the four kinds of Shenquan. In fact, many old antiques have always suspected that the mingmingsheng monument has been interrupted by Tang Xiao. Why can he get the four kinds of Shenquan? Now hearing the old man's words, many people suddenly believe more in his words.

At the moment, the person with the most complicated mood is Wang Kun. He couldn't believe the news. When he first heard it, he felt thunderous. The eldest lady, herself and many old four divine beasts put all their hopes for the rise on Cui Hao, and gave him a lot of help and support. If he is really a wolf's ambition, Tang Xiao specially arranged to enter a cancer of the four divine beasts, which is too terrible. Wang Kun didn't dare to think of this outcome. He was afraid that Tang Xiao's betrayal would do more harm to the four divine beasts than that year!

Wang Kun said with a slight frown "Brother Huang Yufeng, you two haven't left the headquarters of the four beasts for many years. Why did you suddenly leave the day before yesterday and return in such a posture soon? There are indeed some secrets of the CIA, but they don't seem to be super grade? Cui Hao is Tang Xiao's son, and the secret is hidden in it, which makes people doubt!"

He eased his tone slightly, Wang Kun said "Of course, I don't doubt your brother, but this matter is too important. I can't ruin the last hope of my four beasts just because you brought back a hard disk! I still remember that Tang Xiao cried and screamed before betraying, saying that he was forced to Liangshan by our four beasts! We don't know what he went through in those years, maybe We made a knife, a knife that drove Tang Xiao crazy! "

When Wang Kun said such words, everyone present changed his face!

In fact, everyone knew that Wang Kun was right. However, the mistakes of that year were all committed by everyone. Moreover, it was dominated by the eldest lady and the dragon master, so they could only make different claims. In that year, Tang Xiao's betrayal, everyone knew that the four divine beasts also played a great role in pushing waves and helping the flames!

Licked his lips, Wang Kun said "Xiao Cui is the eldest lady. I and brother Shen have finally determined the successor after many tests and investigations. I know very well what kind of person he is! Hard disk is easy to fake, not to mention that the hard disk itself has great loopholes! Super secret, hum, none of the secrets in it is super secret! I doubt that we are the enemy People's pawn is to alienate Xiao Cui from the four divine beasts! Brother Huang Yufeng, now answer me, why did you leave the headquarters with brother three links in vain? "

As soon as his face changed, it seemed as if he had been greatly stimulated. The thin old man said in an incredible way "Brother Wang, you, are you doubting me and the three links? For many years, we have followed the four divine beasts. We have lived and died. We are all going to the earth. You doubt our loyalty? Well, I answer you! The three links brother once saved a man, who later became his secret line and entered the CIA of the United States. We have received information. Because the situation is urgent, it is enough to think of two people , he went alone to Xijiang in China, where he found a small senior secret base of the CIA. After a fierce battle, the three links were killed by a destroyer. I escaped with his body and the hard disk! "

Huang Yufeng's words were so thorough that there were no flaws. After hearing this, Wang Kun closed his eyes and thought again "If I were Tang Xiao, do you think I would put this kind of thing in a so-called high-level secret small base? I watched the rise of Xiao Cui. If he met Tang Xiao, he must face life and death. There can be no coincidence. I still don't want to believe it!"

For Wang Kun's response, Huang Yufeng was angry, as if he had been greatly insulted. His face turned red and roared hysterically "Wang Kun! I think you're a fool! Cui Hao's ambition is the biggest cancer now. Do you want to go your own way and cover him up? If you do, our four gods will repeat the tragedy of that year! A hidden wolf is ready to bite the Lord at any time, but you treat him as a precious pimple! I, Huang Yufeng and brother Santong, are aboveboard, but you doubt it in every way, Insult us. Today, I will die! "


Huang Yufeng was hysterical, but he was a cruel character. He made such a roar and slapped his palm on his head!

Peng's voice, his head suddenly burst, like a watermelon being broken, his brain splashed. With an ordinary sound, the body was dead on the spot.



Such a scene shocked many antiques of the four divine beasts. It was too late to stop them. Looking at the fallen body, everyone sighed and regretted.

At this moment, they all began to seriously think about Huang Yufeng's dying words. The effect of his ambition through death was still very strong. At least 80% of the old antiques were convinced that Huang Yufeng absolutely didn't lie. Cui Hao, most likely Tang Xiao's son, was the biggest cancer hidden in the four divine beasts!


With a long sigh, Wang Kun's old face was sad. He didn't want to see such a situation. The four divine beasts were already withered and broke their hands and feet inside. It was really sad and lamentable!

The meeting was over. When Wang Kun announced that the people would leave for the time being. When he thought about it again, he suddenly heard that the Dragon Aotian of the dragon family had come and brought the words of the Dragon Lord.

Although he was very wary of Lord long, he was the biggest patron saint of China. Wang Kun and others did not dare to neglect, so they ordered people to clean up the bloody scene and invited long Aotian to come in.

Among people, the dragon and Phoenix like dragon Aotian came with pride in his eyes. Not long ago, he successfully held the pill, and he still held the pill, which made him float up and become more and more childless.

Looking around at the crowd, long Aotian said coldly, "predecessors, I'm here to deliver a message for the dragon master. Cui Hao, the four beasts of you, is now secretly with Tang Xiao. Drink and have a good time. You see what you do! This is the photo and evidence that our Dragon group has done everything possible to obtain!"

With these words, long Aotian took out the evidence. Then he didn't stop and turned around and left here.

"What? Cui Hao is drinking with Tang Xiao?"

"The wolf cub really showed his tail!"

"Hateful! Brother Yufeng died wrongfully!"

Long Aotian left, but the four divine beasts were fried. Many old antiques were very angry. They picked up photos and other evidence. On the clear surface of these evidence, long Aotian didn't lie, but Cui Hao and Tang Xiao were in the northwest Gang! Moreover, there was a video in which Tang Xiaoxian took people into a VIP room, and Cui Hao soon followed

Sure enough, there is something fishy!

Seeing such evidence, many ancient Dong, the four divine beasts, were filled with righteous indignation. As for Wang Kun, he was also stupid and incredible. He couldn't believe all this was true.

"Brother Wang, do you still believe that wolf cub now?"

"Go to the northwest immediately. I haven't seen you for decades. Even if I fight my old bone, I'll fight with Tang Xiao and Cui Hao, these two bastards!"

"Brother Wang, don't hesitate. Urge the headquarters. We'll go to the northwest gang and kill them all!"

Many old antiques shouted and were very angry!

His mind turned a hundred times. At this moment, Wang Kun was also a little confused. Finally, he frowned and shouted "Don't shout! The killer mace of the headquarters can't be used. Otherwise, even if Tang Xiao is killed, without the existence of the killer mace, we will soon be swallowed by Lord long! You recommend three people to go with me. I want to confirm it myself, otherwise, I don't believe Xiao Cui will be a traitor!"

"OK, just do as brother Wang says!"

Soon, the people began to select. Ten minutes later, three respected antiques were selected. They followed Wang Kun and quickly came to the northwest gang by taking the supersonic stealth plane of the four divine beasts.

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