Bermuda Triangle is a famous and dangerous place on the earth. Naturally, many great forces have been paying close attention to it. The destruction vortex has disappeared and the hurricanes have disappeared. It seems that earth shaking changes have taken place in it! However, few people know what happened in it!

In the desperate mainland, in the depths of a dense forest, a figure is quite embarrassed at the moment. His whole body naturally forms a shield, so that the sea water can't invade, and his face is very embarrassed. It's none other than the Dragon Lord!

"How is this possible? How is this possible? I don't have the feeling of palpitation, which means... She's not dead! The waste of the divine court! Waste!... it's chaotic, Baimu is chaotic, and my plan is disrupted by the damned little beast Cui Hao! Go back to China? No! I'm in a state now, I can't take risks! The secret of heaven has broken through, and China is too dangerous. I'm still in danger Leave Bermuda first! "Murmured the dragon master.

His situation is relatively miserable. He came to Bermuda this time on a spiritual horse, but now he has become a lonely man. Escape has become a problem. There are no means of transportation such as submarines.

Emperor capital, the headquarters of the four divine beasts, Wang Kun and others are extremely anxious. They have been paying close attention to Bermuda for a while, and even sent two old antiques to wait in the nearby sea area. Seeing such a change in Bermuda, I was naturally nervous and all kinds of speculation.

Time passed like this, and in the twinkling of an eye, day and night passed

"Hey, why hasn't this guy woke up yet?"

In the huge submarine, Helen sat bored on the edge of a simple bed, dragging her chin, looking at a young man lying on it, looking at his appearance and thinking.

A man in his 40s with thick eyes and a bookworm look joked, "boss, what have you been staring at this guy? Although he has many scars and looks very man, our boss has eyes higher than the top, isn't it? This guy doesn't deserve you!"

"Bah! The dog can't spit out Ivory! He's in his twenties at most. He's a little fresh meat. I don't like this style. However, although this guy looks ordinary, his breath smells good. It's like the pure aroma of a baby just born. It's really good." with curved eyes, Helen pushed the golden silk edge eyes on the bridge of her nose, There is a scholarly beauty.

With that, she leaned her body slightly towards the front, leaned down, sniffed her white nose, and showed an expression of great enjoyment on her face.

Helen didn't lie. Cui Hao did have a very nice and fresh aroma, just like the fragrance of flowers. It was very charming.

At the moment, Helen is very close to Cui Hao's face and has an intoxicated expression. At this time, Cui Hao's eyelids tremble and open some tired


Such an abrupt scene immediately startled Helen and couldn't help screaming. She hurriedly wanted to step back because the faces of both sides were really too close. The right foot stepped out backward. Maybe it was too nervous. It turned sideways. The body was out of control and fell directly towards Cui Hao on the bed!


Coincidentally, Helen's sexy lips are like flaming red lips, which are printed with Cui Hao's lips all at once!

Suddenly, they couldn't help shaking together, and an electric current filled their bodies. Just such a kiss, they unexpectedly met the kissing current that does not often appear between lovers. They are very numb, very comfortable and excited.


Just after waking up, Cui Hao was still under a hazy influence, and his head was in pain like a burst. This was the sequelae after his willpower reached the limit. Helen kissed directly.

In the case of this kissing current, Cui Hao hurriedly subconsciously blocked it. His hands were holding forward, trying to stop the kissing.

However, such a support of his hands really blocked Helen's falling trend. However, his hands directly grasped a pair of towering into the clouds, which can be called the huge bounce of murder weapons in the world.

Although separated by a layer of clothes, Cui Hao can still feel that kind of greasy and soft, with full elasticity and excellent hand feel!

"How big! How elastic! How white!..."

At this time, Cui Hao, out of a man's nature, glanced at the corner of his eyes and suddenly saw a pair of Big Macs. He bounced in his hands and was caught by himself. He was deformed, elastic and absolutely shocking!

"Gudong!..." Cui Hao swallowed and felt a lot in his heart.

The series of actions were so fast that Helen didn't have time to stop them. At the moment, she was taken advantage of. She hurriedly moved away her flaming red lips, but her heart jumped fast. Her first kiss was her first kiss!

At this time, Helen found that her chest was strange. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao caught the big white rabbit and trembled slightly

"Ah! Color embryo! Color embryo! Big color embryo!..."

At this moment, Helen, the best beauty, couldn't bear it. When she was touched by such embarrassment, she blushed and shouted like a girl in seventeen and eighteen.


Helen blushed and quickly moved her body. A pair of bouncing white rabbits finally got rid of the sneak attack of an Lushan's grasp. Then, she took her angry jade hand!

"Color embryo, die!..."

His hands suddenly lost the bouncing and beauty. Cui Hao just felt a sense of loss in his heart. At the moment, his head hurt badly, and he didn't respond for a moment. A slap in the face hit him hard, fast and urgent!


Ruthlessly, Helen slapped Cui Hao in the face and made a clear sound. This time, Cui Hao really capsized in the gutter. The great master of Chinese martial arts was slapped in the face by a weak woman!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Although Cui Hao is in a state of ignorance and hasn't responded yet, his eighteen drops in clothes have already reached a point where he can send and receive freely and do whatever he wants. With the slap on the face, the strength of the eighteen drops in clothes suddenly gushes out!


Suddenly, Helen screamed, and the whole person was thrown out by a bullet and landed heavily on a sofa bed, which was very embarrassing. It's still that she doesn't have much power to slap. If her attack is strong, the counterattack of stained clothes and eighteen falls will not be so gentle.

"Ah! Boss, how are you?"

"Oh! My God, my eyes, just now, did they kiss? The boss's pride was still......" Oh...... "a bald scientist was kind of old and disrespectful, so shouted.

"Shut your mouth, Peter, or I'll make you look good!" shouted Helen, who was very angry and fell on the sofa bed, grinding her teeth angrily.

The scene just now was really incredible. Even the two parties were stunned at the moment. Cui Hao just woke up and was attacked and kissed. Then he subconsciously asked and received a slap in the face. Now they were all at a loss. As for Helen, her face was red. No matter how legendary she was and how scientific geeks were, she was a woman after all, Or the kind of wonderful old lady who has kept herself clean for many years. She is particularly sensitive to this feeling!

"Just now... I'm really ashamed! But is that the taste of the first kiss? It's really wonderful! What an unforgettable kiss..." Helen's face turned red, her face changed, but she thought so in her heart.

At this time, Cui Hao also gradually reacted. He scanned everything around him and looked at several scientists in front of him. He understood something. They have no Kung Fu, but they are all dressed up as scientists. They must have found that they fainted and saved themselves. This is why I am now in a submarine. Shouldn't I be buried?

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