Cui Hao woke up and had a wonderful accident with Helen. Although he was not to blame for this, he hurriedly apologized. Helen's mood was suppressed at this time. Knowing that it was a misunderstanding, she forgave him.

Through conversation, the two sides generally understood each other's situation. When they learned that they were scientists arrested from the shenting, Cui Hao moved in his heart and hurriedly made an invitation to Helen seven to join the fraternity group.

Cui Hao's eyes are so fierce that he can see the extraordinary of Helen and others at a glance. If he is included in his command, he will certainly be able to inject new blood and vitality into the fraternity science and technology research center.

Hearing Cui Hao's request, Helen smiled proudly and said "You probably don't know who I am? I'm a legend in the earth science community, Helen! The president of the United States should give me enough respect when he sees me. Is it possible for your fraternity group to recruit? Although these guys are not as good as me, they are also a real big scientific community. Everyone has reached the highest level of the earth in a certain field! No Yes, I think you look good. If you promise to be my little brother, I can cover you! "

Helen seldom shows off her identity and doesn't want to let too many people know. However, somehow, she wants to show off in front of Cui Hao, which aroused his attention and shock.

If other people say these words, they will give people an impression of arrogance, while Helen's easy and casual words give people a sense of entitlement, because she is Helen, the myth and legend of the earth science community!

"What? You... Are you Helen? Dr. Helen, who is known as the strongest brain on earth?" Cui Hao was surprised when he heard the speech, which was incredible.

Recently, because of the bidding for the future city of the imperial capital, Cui Hao has made up some high-tech knowledge, and what makes him most thunderous is Helen, known as the strongest brain on the earth!

In the introduction of Dr. Helen, Cui Hao's deepest memory is the comment that "Dr. Helen subverts the traditional cognition. Many people like to say that the chest is big and brainless, while Dr. Helen, the chest is big and the brain is stronger!"

At that time, Cui Hao felt that the comment had a taste of ridicule and didn't care too much. Now, seeing Dr. Helen himself, he deeply understood this sentence. It's really fierce! It's fierce!

"Hey, seembryo, what were you looking at? Believe it or not, I dug your eyes?" Helen pretended to be fierce.

"Well... Dr. Helen, I've heard a lot about it..."

Cui Hao didn't expect her to notice this little move and point it out. He was a little embarrassed. He smiled and hurriedly changed the topic.

Cui Hao thinks he is not a prodigal son, and there are many confidants around him, but just now he has a feeling of being out of control. It seems that Dr. Helen, who looks like the best imperial sister fan'er, has a mysterious attraction, which makes him unconsciously give birth to some ideas he wants to get close to.

"Hum! Men are really good! I thought you were different. Unexpectedly, I couldn't resist my Helen's charm!" she deliberately held her chest up, and Helen was quite happy.

In the past, her eye-catching Giant Rabbit attracted many people's prying eyes. When facing those eyes, Helen felt disgusting, but Cui haogang just looked at herself, but she felt a trace of joy!

At this moment, Helen was a little flustered and couldn't help thinking "Do I have feelings for him? Was I just robbed by this guy because of my first kiss? This guy looks extraordinary. Can the gene be enough to carry that amazing change? Moreover, if I am really with him, I will have to leave the earth in the future. Although this is my destiny and my dream and pursuit all the time, why do I think of this Are you so reluctant? Or, just like the summer Zen, I will enjoy it for a few years, and then die quietly. This is also a choice... "

After thinking for a while, Helen took a deep breath, which suppressed the complicated emotions. After thinking for a while, she thought, "for your sake of sincerity, let me think about it!"

She really needs to think about it, but it's not about joining the fraternity group, but a major event related to her future and destiny!

Seeing the play, Cui Hao hurriedly threw out his killer mace and said with a smile, "Dr. Helen, you should have heard of light brain? Alien high technology. I don't know if you are interested?"

"What? Do you have optical brain technology? Alien high technology?"

Cui Hao just said this. The six scientists were so excited that they directly surrounded him. Their eyes were bright and excited.

As a pure scientist, optical brain, alien technology, this temptation is really too big for them to resist!

Hearing the speech, Helen was also surprised. The tempting flame red lips opened slightly. After a long time, she was surprised and said, "you... Do you have optical brain technology and alien high technology?"

With a smile, Cui Hao nodded affirmatively, "yes! I have many alien technologies, which are much more advanced than the earth! Moreover, I recently bid for a 100 billion large project, Huaxia future city! I'm ready to integrate many alien high technologies and build it into a super high-tech future city. However, there is a lack of real scientists and designers, so I'm looking for talents!"

"Boss, what are you waiting for? Such a good opportunity. As long as we can see alien high technology, we will all get a great promotion and really stand at the forefront of earth science! Boss, promise this little brother. I think he looks beautiful and very good!" rubbing his hands, a bald old scientist opened his mouth, his big belly trembling and excited.

Nodding, another scientist said, "boss, since the little brother is so sincere, why don't we promise him? It's easy to sit in Huaxia future city. If we join in and alien high technology can be used for reference, we will create a future city that will shake the past and shine the present, and our names will be recorded on the monument in the scientific community!"

It can be seen that the six scientists are very excited, optical brain and alien technology, which is no less attractive to them than the influence of a peerless beauty on a lecherous man.

In fact, Helen was also very excited, but naturally she wouldn't simply promise, thought and said "If you want me to join, you must promise me several conditions! First, don't call Dr. Helen in the future, but sister Helen, sister Helen, you understand? Second, you must promise to do three things for me in the future, and I won't let you do bad things or go against your heart. I haven't figured out what to do. Third, I want to do all the designs of Huaxia future city Chief designer, moreover, you should ensure sufficient capital investment. Fourth, this is the most important point. You know, optical brain technology and alien high technology should be shown to me and my partners without reservation! "

Helen is known as the strongest brain on earth. Her status as a scientist is higher than Yang Qingqing's position in the hacker community. Even if the United States covets such a super talent, she naturally can't fall so low. The conditions still need to be discussed.

At the beginning, Yang Qingqing first wanted to heal her feelings, and second, because she was Cui Hao's senior sister, she didn't ask too much, but Helen didn't intend to speak so well and put forward four conditions.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao pondered for a moment, finally nodded and said, "these four conditions... Well, I can promise you!"

"Hee hee... Also said to promise my sister, what do you call me? Quickly, call sister Helen and let me listen!" with a smile, Helen joked.

"Well... Sorry... Sister Helen..."

Finally, Cui Hao spoke like this.

Cui Hao feels it's worth poaching a legendary scientist like Helen. These four conditions are not too much. Originally, he was worried that there would be no generals in China's future city. Now he's completely down-to-earth! Cui Hao has planned in his heart. When Helen is in town, he should arrange some strong protection for him.

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