After Cui Hao woke up, he talked with Helen and others and successfully absorbed them into the fraternity group.

Later, in his speech, Cui Hao was surprised to learn that he had fainted all day and night. This time, he earned a lot of people in the door of truth, including the eldest lady. They had no food. They were afraid that they were hungry, right?

At that moment, Cui Hao turned his mind and peeped into the situation in the door of truth.

Fortunately, the more than 100 Terrans saved by the frog Terran didn't go hungry because they were with the eldest lady and 100 boys and girls. They shared the food prepared by Cui Hao. However, the 100 young men and girls are still ignorant, like a newborn baby. They have lost their memory.

At that moment, Cui Hao hurriedly preached to the eldest lady in the door of truth, "eldest lady, are you all right? Sorry, I passed out before. I just woke up."

In the cage, the eldest lady smiled kindly and replied, "Xiao Cui, I'm fine. Have you successfully left Bermuda? Good boy, it's really hard for you this time. When you return to the four divine beasts headquarters, I have a gift for you. You will like it!"

"I'm not sure if I've left, but I'm in a submarine now. Thank you in advance for your gift!" Cui Hao looked forward to it.

Since the eldest lady and others were all right for the time being, Cui Hao was relieved. He went to the submarine bed, looked out and said in surprise, "here seems to be a desperate mainland? What's the matter? Hmm? What forces are around our submarine, how do I feel extremely terrible and sharp? Is this a high-tech product?"

At that moment, Helen said something about Cui Hao's coma.

Cui Hao was shocked when he heard that the diaphragm of the desperate mainland had disappeared and a large amount of sea water poured in directly. Moreover, there were terrible sword Qi. Then he understood something. When Helen told him that a terrible sword light appeared in front of the submarine, it turned into a sword light curtain to protect the whole submarine. Cui Hao became more and more determined about some ideas in his heart.

At Cui Hao's request, he finally drilled out of a special exit of a submarine and was directly in the sea.

If he was an ordinary person, he couldn't be in such a deep sea, but it was nothing to Cui Hao. A layer of sharp vigorous Qi filled his body, and immediately forced the sea water within five meters to face the sword light curtain outside the submarine.


A moment later, the light curtain of the sword in front of Cui Hao was shocked, and an ancient four side long sword was suspended in front of him. It was Xuanyuan sword!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Xuanyuan sword vibrated slightly, and then a vague shape appeared on the sword body, which was too dim. However, its essence was extremely terrible. Cui Hao felt like facing an invincible king in a trance. This king has been domineering for thousands of years and has unparalleled dignity. He is bleeding and floating corpses thousands of miles when waving!

Xuanyuan sword!

Cui Hao had a deep study of Chinese characters. He was proficient in seal script, oracle bone inscriptions and bird shaped inscriptions, and soon recognized its identity. For this ancient magic weapon, which is famous in China and almost known as the ancestor of the sword, Cui Hao was excited, hurriedly bowed his hand and said, "Chinese Junior Cui Hao, meet the elder Xuanyuan sword!"

This vague body can't see clearly. At the moment, it makes a weak voice "Yes, I am the spirit of Xuanyuan sword. I have suppressed the immortal sea emperor for many years. The source of the sword is consumed violently and will soon fall into a deep sleep. Little guy, you are very good. You have the blessing of the national fortune of China and have great potential. You are qualified to become the successor of the new generation of emperor. Today, I will personally light the salary of the emperor for you. When you are strong enough to leave Before you come here, you should take good care of this world! When your strength is enough to be recognized by the emperor, it will take you to Xuanyuan grave to truly complete the inheritance! And I will also go there to fall into a long sleep and wait for you to wake up. Don't let me down!... "

The spirit of Xuanyuan sword appeared and said such words. Even Cui Hao felt shocked. Is he the successor of the new generation of emperor?

Emperor, this is one of the three peak titles in China. Buddha, sage and Emperor are the most noble identities among the real 10000 people and respected by hundreds of millions of people! Of course, behind this respect for identity, there must be great efforts.

With a little hesitation, Cui Hao said, "master Jianling, although I have the great determination to protect China and even the whole earth, this identity is really too noble and important. I'm not sure I can afford it!"

"Hahaha... What an interesting little fellow! Your destiny is the supreme destiny of becoming a Buddha. Now, your wings are almost plump, which is the best choice. You have to have confidence in yourself! Of course, the most important thing is that my master Xuanyuan emperor fell, and his inheritance of the emperor can't be broken, and I've suppressed the immortal sea emperor for many years When the oil is dry, you must go to Xuanyuan tomb to recover as soon as possible. This must be a long time. China needs a new emperor to guard, and you are the best candidate! "Jianling said with an indisputable tone.

"Well, I really don't have much time. I have to leave some power to control Xuanyuan sword to kill the remaining evils here. Little guy, are you willing to accept this burden?" urged the sword spirit, who seemed very worried.

Originally, Cui Hao also wanted to ask about the war of that year. Urged by Jianling, he had to nod his head and say, "elder Jianling, younger generation is willing to accept the burden!"

"Well, this is the good son Lang born in the land of China!" Jianling said, very pleased.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With this saying, the handle of Xuanyuan sword vibrated, and one of the vertical texture suddenly cracked a gap. Soon, an ugly little oil lamp flew out of it.

The small oil lamp is two or three feet in size. It is extremely rough and crooked. It is like the hand of an urchin. However, when you look carefully, you find that it is perfect. It seems to be natural. It should be so general. Its whole body is a kind of black and red, which is even wrapped by a layer of blood. Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao can't help his nose sour and has an impulse to cry.

"Who left this blood stain?" Cui Hao couldn't help but feel sad.

The small oil lamp is suspended in the void, and its wick ignites a colorful flame, which is very dim, but it gives people a very strange sense of security. It seems that as long as the colorful flame does not go out, it is safe and practical!

"Firewood inheritance! Open!..."

The spirit of Xuanyuan sword burst into a cry. Its illusory body became more and more illusory and seemed to collapse at any time. Its body emitted a faint breath and slowly integrated into the colorful flame, interwoven, integrated and communicated with it

Soon, with a buzzing sound, the small oil lamp was shocked, and the colorful flame suddenly soared up, half of the flame separated, and suddenly rushed towards Cui Hao.

Seeing this, Cui haobing didn't make any response and let it rush into his body.


For a moment, Cui Hao felt the whole mind roaring constantly, and the colorful flame rushed into the center of his eyebrows and branded it after his body rotated for a circle.

After the completion of this brand, the brilliance turned into colorful flames filled the air. At the same time, in Cui Hao's mind, a sad voice suddenly resounded, "Fu Xi played gossip and saved all living beings against the sky. There are disasters in heaven and earth, and the scourge of heaven is the most ruthless. Blood eventually falls, burning colorful fire. Xuanyuan burned his heart and turned into blood lamp oil. When will the emperor appear?"

This sad voice echoed in Cui Hao's mind for a long time

Finally, Cui Hao recovered, but his heart was inexplicably throbbing and sad. In his eyebrows, a colorful flame had converged and disappeared. At this time, he found that the corners of his eyes were wet

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