Two days and two nights passed quietly. When Cui Hao woke up again, he felt like a dream. He was very happy because he found a way to quickly improve his accumulated feelings! However, this method consumes too many spirit stones. In just two days, even the perception of a vague word of water has not been fully understood. It has consumed 15 spirit stones!

This feeling of time flies makes Cui Hao feel strange. He can't help sighing to himself, "no wonder there is a saying in China that the world has been thousands of years for one day in the cave! I don't know whether it will be ten thousand years and vicissitudes when I improve my strength and reach the realm of predecessors like Zhen Yuanzi?"

Soon, Cui Hao converged many ideas. When his mind turned, the emperor's book hid in his body. It automatically revolves around Cui Hao's pure Yang soul. At the same time, it emits a faint smell of sandalwood smoke, full of wisdom, which makes Cui Hao's whole soul very comfortable.

At this time, Cui Hao was surprised to find that he had made a big progress in the understanding of Huiquan! This progress can be described as rapid progress, which should benefit from the water enlightenment. Although this method consumes spirit stones, it is also a very effective method to enhance accumulation.

With such a shortcut, Cui Hao is very happy. Moreover, because of his deep understanding of the word water, he has also improved on the essence of martial arts, which is an unexpected surprise.

Cui Hao woke up just in time. It was the afternoon of the third day. The last auction of the finale was about to begin, and the finale baby nine leaf Hualian was what Cui Haozhi had to get!

After taking stock of the remaining spirit stones on his body, there are just 630, including 100 that have borrowed a lot of money temporarily, 150 given by the Ye family, and his own storm thunder Lingjing will also participate in the auction. Moreover, the absolute value is amazing. Cui Hao is confident and will win the nine Ye Hualian.

Since he promised to hit the God stone, Cui Hao turned his mind and took it out of the door of truth.

As soon as he appeared in the door of truth, Da Shenshi burst out laughing, "ha ha... Boss, is the auction going to start? It's comfortable these two days. It's been ten years. This time, I'm comfortable to eat!"

Cui Hao joked, "isn't it good to follow your boss? You should get rid of your wordy problem in the future. Also, don't always be surprised. In this way, boss, I'm in a good mood, so I'll take you around the auction and buy you some delicious stones."

"Boss, you're so kind. I'm moved!..." Da Shenshi shouted and kept flattering.

When Cui Hao walked out of his yard, he was surprised to find that Qian Duoduo was lying on a comfortable soft chair, eating fruit leisurely.

Seeing Cui Hao go out, Qian Duoduo grunted. He stood up skillfully and said bitterly, "brother Cui Hao, you've finally come out! For two days and nights, I still want you to go with me to make a big profit. Unexpectedly, your access control is locked, and no one responds to your call. Let me guess, is it in the realm of cultivation?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "yes, it's really in the realm of cultivation. Sorry, Dodo, I didn't know you came to me."

He waved his hand in a hurry, and Qian Duoduo said with a smile, "it doesn't matter! Brother Cui Hao, I'm just worried about your mistakes. Since you're okay, it's the best! Brother is worthy of being a cultivation genius, and I admire you!...."

"Well, Duoduo, if we have a brother, we don't have to flatter!"

"Hahaha... Brother Yingming, you know me!..."

The two talked casually, and then headed for the free trading market.

Tonight is the highlight of the auction. Under the deliberate disclosure of Kunlun holy land, nine leaf Hualian, violent thunder Lingjing and nine lion cubs are no secret. This kind of leakage not only did not reduce people's enthusiasm for the auction, but made people more and more excited and talked about it!

Those who are really qualified to compete are naturally eager and ambitious, while those who are not qualified and rich want to see the hot competition scene with a lively attitude!

This auction is a highlight. Almost all the guests who can come and the elders and disciples of Kunlun holy land have arrived at the scene. According to the Convention, in order to express their respect for all the guests, every auction on the third day will be presided over by the leader himself, and this time, of course, is no exception.

Cui Hao and Qian Duoduo came early. Before the auction, they took advantage of this opportunity to visit the free trading market again. They found two good stones again. With their perspective eyes, Cui Hao bought a statue at a price of 5 billion among a pair of strange objects. Ten spirit stones were hidden in the belly of the statue

"Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

With three clear bells, people in the free trading market went to the auction one after another, and the strong guests who set up stalls put away their things, got up and went to the auction.

Cui Hao and Qian Duoduo have a special status. The VIP rooms they are arranged in are also relatively high-grade. In order to ensure the confidentiality of each bidder's identity, everyone is arranged in VIP rooms of different levels. All VIP rooms present a ring and wrap a huge crystal auction table.

A moment later, Lu Yan, the leader with extraordinary momentum, stepped onto the auction platform. He presided over the auction tonight. First, in order to express his respect for all guests, and second, to prevent accidents.

Smiling and bowing to everyone, Lu Yan said with a smile, "everyone, Lu Yan represents the holy land of Kunlun here. Welcome to join us! Well, we don't talk much nonsense. The auction will begin now!"

As Lu Yan announced the start of the auction, many people in the VIP room were excited immediately.

Soon, a stunning beauty in red with a tray in her hands covered with red silk went to the auction table and put it on a bronze exhibition table in front of Lu Yan.

"Brush and pull!..."

Without any hesitation, Lu Yan pulled the red silk cloth away, and suddenly an exquisite blood-colored thin blade long sword appeared in the eyes of the public. Her thin sword body as thin as cicada wings glittered with cold luster, giving people a feeling that the blood of the sword sealed the throat.

Pointing to this bloody thin blade long sword, Lu Yan said "Ladies and gentlemen, this sword is called cold-blooded moon watching sword. It's a masterpiece of master Tian Buji. It's made of meteorite iron, Kongming blood crystal and other rare minerals. It cuts iron like mud. Needless to say, the body of the sword is as thin as a cicada's wing, and the sword rises like the wind. The starting price is 15 billion! Start bidding, and each price increase shall not be less than 1 billion!"

Obviously, this cold-blooded moon watching sword is just a small appetizer at the auction. The real highlight is still ahead. However, it is also a rare boutique. The starting price is 15 billion, which is really expensive!

"16 billion!...."

"17 billion!..."

Soon, the sword was robbed wildly. Finally, it was sold at a price of 28 billion. After witnessing all this, Cui Hao felt some emotion. This is just the beginning. Anything can easily reach tens of billions. The world of practitioners is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Although Cui Hao's fraternity group is good and develops rapidly, after all, it still hasn't accumulated long and lacks foundation. It can't compare with the big families of some powerful people sitting here. Their families secretly control some famous enterprises, and even many things that can affect the country's economic lifeline. The terror of strength is like the same The head is like a giant beast lurking. It's very powerful!

The cold-blooded moon watching sword was sold at a price of 28 billion, which was considered a high price. Immediately after that, the beauty in red brought another thing. When Lu Yan waved his big hand, the red silk cloth covered on it was untied at once, and everyone present brightened up!

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