At the moment, what appears in the tray is a round, fist sized green egg. At first glance, it seems to be a green emerald egg, green, with some small black spots on the surface, emitting a very strong vitality!

This is just an egg. It contains such a strong aura, which is remarkable.

Pointing to the green egg, Lu Yan said, "ladies and gentlemen, this is the egg of a bird spirit beast green Osprey. Although it is a kind of spirit beast with gentle temperament, it is extremely psychic. Moreover, it will give birth to Xuanyin real water when it comes of age. Although the number is small, a little makes a lot, it is also a great wealth. The starting price is 30 billion. Start bidding!"

Obviously, this bird spirit beast green Osprey egg is relatively rare. As soon as Lu Yan's words stopped, a series of bidding sounded, as if money was just a number. In Cui Hao's surprise, it has soared to 620 pieces!

Finally, it was photographed at a sky high price of $70 billion.

Soon, the third auction item was brought up. Lu Yan opened it. It was an ancient animal skin book, emitting a special smell.

There was a solemn look on his face. Lu Yan said, "gentlemen, this is a rare good thing! The magic formula of Da Leiyin town! This is an ancient Buddhist sound wave Kung Fu. It is said that it is more than the famous authentic lion roar! Its owner doesn't need money, so he must ask to exchange it with spirit stones! Five spirit stones are cheap and start bidding!"

"Six spirit stones!...."

"Seven spirit stones!...."

Soon, the magic formula of Da Leiyin town triggered a series of competition. Finally, it was sold at the price of 11 spirit stones.

Then, another rare weapon was sold, and finally the price soared to 90 billion!

In this way, the auction of items began. In this process, Cui Hao was also an eye opener. He realized for the first time that the original practice was not only hard research on Kung Fu, which was fundamental, but also important for other things, such as weapons, pills, AIDS and so on!

Cui Hao is not that kind of paranoid. He thinks that relying on other foreign things except himself is a heresy. In his opinion, cultivation is to become stronger. It can also be said that it is the most important to cross the sea of suffering, whether it is rowing by yourself or with the help of an engine to reach the other shore. Moreover, in essence, cultivation is also constantly strengthening itself with the help of external forces.

During this period, Cui Hao also found several good things. Instead of making a move, he gave instructions to Qian Duoduo, showing his eldest brother's style.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the thing to be auctioned next is very strange. It looks like a stone, but it doesn't have any weight. Moreover, it can be touched, but it's not particularly hard. It should be a rare strange stone. The starting price is ten spirit stones!"

When Lu Yan untied the red silk cloth and revealed a strange gray stone, he introduced it like this.

This stone is the size of a bowl. It looks like a tortoise shell as a whole, with a simple and mysterious texture.

Lu Yan's words had just ended, and Cui Hao's heart heard the howl of beating the divine stone "god damn it! Fool! This is a very precious void stone! It was introduced like this! Great, they don't know the goods, boss, buy it quickly! Good thing, this is a really delicious stone, I like it very much!"

Cui Hao didn't know what void stone was, but seeing the look of playing God stone and knowing it was a good thing, he joined the auction and finally bought it at the price of 30 spirit stones.

Soon, another item was untied by Lu Yan. The red silk cloth immediately revealed its true face. It was a pill the size of a longan. It was half pure white and half dark. It looked very hard.

Pointing to it, Lu Yan introduced it "Ladies and gentlemen, what I'm going to introduce next is a strange pill, half life and half death pill. The reason why I call it this is because after taking it, it will immediately make people fall into a state of suspended death. After three days, we have half the chance to wake up. We are all practitioners. Sometimes we encounter some invincible enemies or dangers, so it can be called a good thing to protect our lives! Nonsense No more, the starting price of 20 spirit stones! "

Although such things have some chicken ribs, sometimes they still play a great role. Therefore, they once again caused a competition. Finally, they were sold at the price of 38 spirit stones.

As the auction goes on, more and more good things appear. Almost every kind is amazing and worth a lot!

Even Cui Hao was interested in many things. During this period, Cui Hao made another move and bought a blood pupil black Yaoshi at the price of 53 spirit stones.

At this time, the auction has been in the middle and late stage, and the atmosphere on the scene is becoming stronger and stronger, because everything that appears next is absolutely valuable!

At this time, the beauty in red didn't come on stage, but four disciples of Kunlun holy land jointly carried an iron plate and put it on the bronze booth. When they put it down, they obviously heard a heavy thud.

"This plate is not big. It should be dragged by four Kunlun disciples. Is it possible that the things inside are made of Taiyi refined iron?"

"No, Taiyi refined iron is rare, but its value is not too high. Now it's late in the auction. Each auction should be worth at least 70 or 80 spirit stones?"

"Let's wait and see!"

Seeing such a scene, many people immediately talked about it. Cui Hao, who was in the VIP room, sat leisurely with Qian Duoduo, waiting for Lu Yan to untie the red silk cloth and reveal his true face of Lushan Mountain.

The red silk cloth hasn't been untied yet. In Cui Hao's mind, beating God stone yelled like a neurotic "boss! God! I'm going crazy! Really, I'm going crazy! I... I actually feel that breath! Yes, there can be no mistake, it's the breath of Xianjin!"

"The things in this tray are extremely rare immortal gold weapons! Even in the immortal world, they are extremely rare! It is a special and incomparable material that I can't swallow and digest, because it is really too hard. Every piece of immortal gold is condensed from a legendary immortal vein! Such things will evolve into various weapons at the moment of birth The form will not give birth to the spirit, but it is easy to refine and communicate with the master. It is extremely hard! If the master is weak, its potential will be weak, and if the master is strong, its potential will be greater. "

"Immortal gold weapon?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned. He was surprised. He didn't know what the basic thing was. However, he shouted like a god stone. Moreover, only a fairy pulse can condense a weapon. It's absolutely extraordinary!

"Crazy! Crazy! How can such immortal gold weapons appear in such a small place? This is a weapon that should be valued by real dignitaries in the immortal world. It doesn't enter the grade. However, in the hands of the stronger people, the stronger power can often erupt, which is loved by the stronger people!" he continued to shout. It's incredible to hit the divine stone.

The red silk cloth was suddenly lifted off when the God stone was screaming wildly. On the tray, there were nine baby fist like small weapons, tripods, clocks, swords, knives, umbrellas, hammers, guns, plates and covers. All of them were a kind of navy blue. There was a light texture like feathers on the surface, and they gave off a kind of cyan light. The breath was completely restrained, But there is still a noble smell.

The first time anyone sees them, they will give birth to a feeling that it can carry hundreds of millions of years and be immortal!

After seeing the nine small weapons in the tray, the stone howled again in Cui Hao's heart.

"Ah... My eyes! My eyes! I'm blind! Can I dream, too? Nine? Nine! How can this be? Who's such a big hand? Is it an invincible strong man who forcibly concentrated the nine immortal veins and gave birth to the nine immortal gold weapons? No mistake, this breath, the surface texture is like a feather, pure blue! It's an immortal gold weapon !”

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