In the four divine beast headquarters, many powerful people gather in a conference room. None of them is weak, and many of them are big forces in China, such as Shangguan Qingfeng, deputy leader of the power group, and Gao An, the violent God of war of national security.

Although each one has high power and great energy, everyone expressed enough respect after seeing Cui Hao. Cui Hao's record is too brilliant. Moreover, it is rumored that Lord long was defeated by Cui Hao, fled abroad in embarrassment and did not dare to come back. Can you see his ferocity?

With a worried look on her face, the eldest lady said, "Xiao Cui, you came from the Kunlun holy land. What's the situation there? The monitoring satellite just captured some pictures. It seems that the guard sword array of the Kunlun holy land has been deployed, stirring the four directions, distorting the void and blinding the monitoring. We don't know what happened!"

His inquiry has also attracted people's attention. In today's domestic and foreign troubles on the earth, these big men shoulder heavy burdens one by one and dare not slack off at all.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao hesitated and said simply "The holy land of Kunlun was attacked by two remaining evils of 100 nationalities, both of which are at the level of supernatural powers and are very powerful. I also joined the battle. Finally, I helped the Holy Land kill one person. As for the other, he escaped after being badly hurt and his whereabouts are still unknown. The only thing I know is that this is the leader of the magic family sealed in the big Buddha cave and a member of the remaining evils of 100 nationalities!"

Two magical levels!

As soon as Cui Hao said this sentence, all the people present changed color. They knew how it existed. It was terrible. The real turning of hands was clouds and covering of hands was rain. Almost all kinds of abilities went against the sky. It was a real existence above the law and above the heads of all the people on earth!

In ancient times, the level of magical powers, if placed in ancient times, would be the first-class powerful land immortal.

Two levels of supernatural powers, which are absolutely amazing combat effectiveness. No wonder Kunlun holy land has even displayed its guard sword array. Moreover, there are terrible power fluctuations everywhere. It can be imagined how fierce the battle is.

Cui Hao didn't say anything about fighting the divine stone to help solve the crisis in Kunlun holy land. Because fighting the divine stone is a killer mace, it's better to expose it as late as possible. Moreover, Cui Hao doesn't want to expose himself too much. If all his strength and capital are displayed in front of the enemy, death may come at any time. It's necessary to hide private things.

Although Cui Hao said it lightly, people can imagine the horror of that battle. They killed one of the enemy's powerful gods and hit another hard, which excited everyone. The holy land of Kunlun is indeed one of the three holy places on the earth. The horror of the inside information and the ferocity of the means are shocking!

Of course, they don't know that the reason why this war can achieve such a record is closely related to Cui Hao sitting here!

Everyone can see that Cui Hao is becoming more and more extraordinary. There is a frightening smell between his gestures. Moreover, there is a brilliance of wisdom all over his body, as if there are countless beautiful words to flow out of him, which is like an epic. However, even if it is like this, people just think that he only made some mistakes when he resisted the two powerful gods Auxiliary, the specific battle still needs the old ancestor Fu Shan to carry out

Finally, after some simple statements, Cui Hao directly turned to the topic "you guys, my master Yang Dian is now in deep danger. I have a way to determine his position. This time, I want to ask you for help and strive for a pot of support for the power of the divine court in China!"

Everyone was a little surprised that Cui Hao could determine Yang Dian's position, but when they thought that his master was a Taoist priest of heaven's secrets, they were relieved that there were murders in their eyes!

Shenting, just like a cancer invading China, must not be ignored. It must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be endless future troubles and have the ability to subvert the fundamental national fortune!

In foreign countries, many small countries are secretly controlled by the divine court. Many of them are infiltrated step by step before they can be controlled. Even if China is a great country, if it is infiltrated continuously, there is a risk of being controlled.

Looking around at the crowd, the eldest lady said firmly, "well, it's not too late to start action immediately! The special weapons I prepared for these people are ready. As long as Xiao Cui determines the location, he can give them a surprise!..."

So the eldest lady took the lead, led the people on a giant supersonic stealth plane and quickly left the headquarters.

On the plane, Cui Hao Ran the heavenly heart of all things again, clearly locked the position and guided the plane forward. At the same time, everyone was secretly discussing and specifying a detailed plan.

Finally, at Cui Hao's insistence, the plan was finally determined. Cui Hao first sneaked into the enemy and rescued Yang Dian. Then, he returned to a specific place and confirmed that it was safe. After confirming the safety, the special gift prepared by the eldest lady will also be sent

In fact, most of the people present insisted on giving gifts immediately, because the opportunity was rare. In their hearts, even if they lost Yang Dian, a strong man in the King Kong realm, it was worth it. Without Cui Hao's existence, even the eldest lady would make such a choice, but Cui Hao would not allow it. Finally, they had to compromise and told him to be careful, Never reveal your whereabouts.

Under the guidance of Cui Hao, finally, the supersonic plane arrived in Shudi and locked an extremely hidden valley hidden in the depths of high mountains.

According to the induction of causal lines, Cui Hao can be 100% sure that his master Yang Dian is in it!

Deep in the valley, there is a huge base built by manual excavation.

Thick barbed wire fences, off-road military vehicles, rows of wind and solar energy supply buildings, rotating tower radars, giant satellite receivers, barracks and training ground all seem to be a modern military base with a strong bloody style.

This is the secret base of shenting hidden in China. I don't know how long it has been operating!

After locking the valley, the people did not act rashly, but quietly sent super bees, which is an important research achievement of Helen and contributed to China.

I don't know if I don't know. I'm scared at first sight!

When everyone saw the layout of the valley through the super bee, everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, China, which has strict control over all kinds of weapons and equipment, has hidden such an advanced modern base!

How on earth were these radars, special equipment and so on transported here?

The eldest lady and others looked solemn. Although they had some psychological preparation, they really saw such a scene, which was still a great blow to them. Unexpectedly, Huaxia, which seems to be heavily guarded and known as the world's strictest control over guns and other contraband, has such a big loophole!

According to the previously agreed plan, Cui Hao left the supersonic plane and quietly headed for the valley.

Hiding at the edge of the valley, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes and began to observe carefully

Now, with the improvement of Cui Hao's strength, his motivation for Wanjie Tianzhu is becoming more and more powerful. For example, the perspective golden light is much stronger than when he just opened the perspective eye, and so is hypnosis.

"Hua la..."

The invisible perspective golden light was diffuse. Soon, the obstacles in front were illusory. Cui Hao "saw" the scenes hidden in the base.

Seeing through the continuous penetration of golden light, Cui Hao immediately knew the layout of the whole base, various strength distribution, monitoring location, etc. it lasted more than ten minutes before he stopped, and his face was slightly dignified.

The situation was a bit more dangerous than he had expected. There were many experts in it!

Not to mention the deepest place, Yang Dian is held in a special metal prison. There are four strong breath at the door. It is a troublesome thing to avoid all the dense monitoring.

If it weren't for the smooth rescue, Cui Hao wouldn't be so timid. In addition to these, Cui Hao also felt that there was a strong breath dormant in the deep underground of the base. Needless to say, it must be the Tu ba. However, why is he far away from Yang Dian and many strong people in the base?

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