With the convenience of perspective eyes, Cui Hao successfully touched the internal situation of shenting base. However, he did not act immediately, but patiently observed and looked for some rules so that he could enter it silently.

Now, with the cohesion of the heavenly heart of all things, Cui Hao has reached an extremely profound state in pushing and deriving. Although his experience may not be as old as Tianji Taoist, the state is absolutely powerful. He silently considers all kinds of changes in his heart and looks for the best way.

This is a very brain consuming thing. It took ten minutes for Cui Hao to call the eldest lady and said in a deep voice, "eldest lady, I have almost figured out all kinds of things inside. Now, I accurately sneak into it and rescue my master!"

"OK, Xiao Cui, be careful!" soon, the eldest lady responded.

After hanging up the phone, Cui Hao flashed like a big civet cat. He was very clever and sneaked into the base! Because he had understood all kinds of internal problems through perspective eyes before, Cui Hao's deepening did not cause any waves. He easily entered the base, and then began to move forward according to his previous calculation.

During this period, he didn't dare to slack off. The perspective eye was opened. At the same time, the hypnotic power was ready to move. Once he found something wrong, he would hypnotize at the first time to solve the trouble!

When Cui Hao sneaked into the base, in the depths of the base, in a hidden secret room, around a luxurious sandalwood conference table, there were twelve figures, male, female, ugly and handsome. If we have to say that they have something in common, it is that all the twelve people are in the realm of King Kong, with strong breath and arrogant attitude.

If someone who knows something about the divine court is present at the moment, you will be shocked and exclaimed when you see these twelve people. Because they are the famous twelve day Xing King Kong of the divine court. They are specially responsible for all kinds of punishment and cutting of the divine court. At the same time, they are also responsible for all kinds of assassinations. They are the real killing machines of the divine court. Therefore, in addition to the nickname of twelve days Xing King Kong, they also have the title of twelve murderers.

Sitting in the first place was a man wearing thin clothes and flashing a kind of strange light in his eyes. His appearance in his forties gave people a feeling of cunning like a fox. Moreover, his breath is not weak at all, which is absolutely comparable to the twelve murderers. This person is the main person in charge of the shenting invasion of China, the second son of the shenting Lord, and the Yang Tianlong, who is always famous for his cunning!

Looking around, Yang Tianlong's tone is kind "You guys, you are the foundation pillars of our divine court. You can't wait for the divine court to have today! This time, we invaded China to slowly nibble at this huge cake! For other forces, it's just a dream, because China is too strong! However, for our divine court, it's just a relatively high mountain. As long as we work hard, it will return It's OK to climb! In recent days, all other activities except that have been suspended temporarily, hit all forces and protect my second uncle! As long as he successfully breaks through and enters the magic power, we can break through China soon! "

I have to say that this Yang Tianlong is very good at bewitching people. His words are very provocative. The twelve murderers nodded excitedly one by one. They are all people who like to kill. Many people licked their lips. It seems that they saw a bloody war with China! Conquering a big country must go through many battles, and killing is what they love!

Among the twelve murderers, an old man like a dwarf white gourd nodded and said in a hoarse voice "Son, don't worry, the twelve of us will certainly do our best to protect the second Lord! Besides us, there are haidongsheng, Rockefeller and Saiya. These three people are not weak. We are so powerful that we dare not compete with us even before the dragon group disintegrates. As for the four divine beasts that have just gained power, hum!..."

Hearing the speech, Yang Tianlong nodded and smiled "That's nature! Our forces here account for almost half of the power of our divine court, and my second uncle is here. Even if all the four divine beasts go out, we can kill them and throw away their armor! However, speaking of the dragon group, this time, we can invade China so easily, and even get many secret things, thanks to the help of the Dragon Group ... there is no eternal enemy or opponent. After the dragon is driven away, he can't bow his head and make a living like a bug! Ha ha ha... "

Hearing Yang Tianlong's statement, the twelve murderers laughed, very happy and proud.

Touching his beard, an old man with protruding eyes and a sense of deformity smiled and said, "you guys, I can foresee that in the future, my God court will occupy China and become the king of defending the title! It's beautiful! What four divine beasts and Chinese heroes are all shit, which is not worth mentioning!"

"Yes, elder brother Xia is right!..." Yang Tianlong responded with admiration.

While they were chatting, Cui Hao went deep into the base step by step.

In a hidden monitoring and observation room, there are four men with their temples bulging high and full of energy. They are carefully watching the pictures on the screen in front of them. In vain, in one of the pictures, a human figure flashed past. The four men are stunned and ready to shout. In vain, an invisible wave filled their bodies and suddenly penetrated into their bodies 。

"Poop! Poop! Poop! Poop!..."

Suddenly, the four men's bodies were straight, and then, stiff as a wooden stake, all fell down.

This is naturally Cui Hao's handwriting. In the process of invading the base, it is inevitable that some areas are dead corners and can't sneak quietly. Moreover, there are many monitoring areas, so we have to force all hypnosis.

In this way, Cui Hao kept going deep. During this period, he also encountered some problems. However, he successfully avoided them. Unconsciously, he has gone deep into the core of the base.

The deeper he went, the tighter the guard became. In the end, even Cui Hao couldn't be silent. After solving a patrol team, he was still detected.

"Didi didi..."

A series of rapid alarm sounds sounded and Cui Hao leaked!

"In that case, I will move forward at full speed and save the master!"

Relying on the heavenly heart of all things, Cui Hao can feel that he is very close to the master. At present, he no longer hides and rushes forward like electricity.

"Who dares to break into our shenting base and die!"

At a corner, four Dan holding masters came, one by one, ferocious.


Anxious to rescue his master, Cui Hao naturally doesn't care about such a small role. Every second he delays, the master is dangerous. Therefore, Cui Hao did not hesitate to punch directly. His wisdom was incomparable, just like thousands of wisdom in bloom.


Cui Hao's fist attacked four people at the same time, but the power was still terrible. They couldn't stop Huiquan's attack. At present, they screamed continuously, and each one was badly hurt.

"Get out of here, or you'll die!"

With a roar like thunder, Cui Hao was as frightened as the invincible God of war, so he rushed past and continued to go deep.

Lying on the ground, four people were frightened, and one of them trembled and said, "this... This man... Is Cui Hao!"

"Come on! Call yangtianlong's Holy Son. It's Cui Hao. It's not easy to provoke!" said an old man.

Smelling the speech, he shook his head. A red haired old man said, "no need! Since the alarm has sounded, the son must have known. We'd better consider ourselves. I'm seriously injured. It seems that my liver, gallbladder, pancreas, skin and kidney are about to crack!"

"This guy... Is as ferocious as the rumor!"

The four exchanged and helped each other to stand up from the ground, one by one miserable.

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