Women are sometimes so strange and unreasonable.

Cui Hao thought for a moment and said with a hurried smile, "sister Helen, I feel that you were in a wrong state just now, so I quickly woke you up. I know you have your own secret, and I won't ask. Also, your charm is really great, brother, but I've been fighting for a long time!"

"Poor mouth!"

It has to be said that Cui Hao has some means to coax girls now. His words make Helen feel a lot happier.

Cui Hao didn't ask why Helen said that strange thing. Since she didn't want to say it, she naturally had her own reason. Everyone has their own secrets. When they first met Helen, Cui Hao knew that she was not an ordinary person. After such an event, it further confirmed his guess.

Then they chatted a few more words and left each other.

When she returned to her residence, Helen couldn't calm down. She opened the rolling window and looked at the stars. She didn't know what she was thinking.

After a long time, Helen looked up at the sky and muttered to herself, "how should I choose? To be a supreme existence without self emotion, worshipped by hundreds of millions of creatures and overlooking everything? Was I still me at that time? Or was it just a derivative of the supreme rules?"

She was a little sad. After a long time, she calmed down. She shouted to herself in the mirror, "Helen, you are the best. Come on!"

This is obviously Helen's way of self-regulation. She soon pressed her mind at the bottom of her heart, opened her notebook and began to browse a post bar. The name of this post bar is Chinese hero Cui Hao post bar. I don't know who founded it. Among them, there are many records, pictures, films and so on about Cui Hao.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. The night in the imperial capital is beautiful and the moonlight is bright. Similarly, the moonlight is more holy and bright in the mountains deep in Yunnan and Guizhou. However, a Chinese minority living in the mountains for generations is facing a terrible disaster!

This is a small stockade with hundreds of people. People live and work in peace and contentment. Men farm and women weave. They live a life like ancient times. There is no water and electricity here. Everything is as old as ancient times. At the moment, there is a terrible atmosphere. Twisted and illusory bodies shuttle and change, turning into fierce ghosts, and constantly jumping on the fleeing young and old. They are powerful. Every move can make many people unable to move, and can only make a sad and scream.

"Ah! Evil ghost! Evil ghost attacked the stronghold!..."

"God! Help us! Why, why attack us?"

"Mom... Help me!"

Whether young adults, old and young, sick, disabled and pregnant, they were screaming. Many of them seemed to have been fixed and could not move. Looking at the scenes in front of them like ghosts, they screamed and begged for mercy.

Unfortunately, those illusory figures were ignored. Finally, hundreds of people were gathered in the stockade market.

A huge illusory body appeared. He dragged two crystal spheres in his hand. One of them was bloody and bloody, which was almost disgusting. The other was dark and deep, as if he wanted to swallow people's souls into it!

"Humble mole ants, die!..."

With a gloomy voice, the illusory body suddenly threw the two crystal spheres into the air.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Suddenly, they were suspended in the void, emitting a terrible smell, directly locking the hundreds of people below.

"Ah ah ah..."

At the next moment, a terrible scream came out from these people, and everyone trembled in pain. The blood of his whole body slowly penetrated out. Then, it turned into blood liquid and rushed into the blood crystal sphere. When a person's whole body was dry and died, his body was full of endless resentment, Into the dark sphere.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would be scared to death. It was too creepy. In an instant, hundreds of people turned into shriveled bodies, and the illusory body waved its hand suddenly. Suddenly, these bodies disappeared and disappeared.

"Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter.

Then, it suddenly turned into a hurricane like form, and so did other illusory forms. It quickly converged together, just like a real hurricane, heading for the distance. The goal is another stronghold in the deep mountains of Yunnan and Guizhou!

Their speed is very fast. They swept a dozen stockaded villages overnight. However, they are all remote places where few people come all year round.

In the early morning, these illusory bodies left the deep mountain area of Yunnan and Guizhou together. Finally, they turned into a hurricane and entered the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang. This is the largest desert in China and the second desert in the whole earth except the Sahara desert. It is vast and yellow sand is all over the sky!

Taklimakan desert is very dangerous and hides many unknown crises. In its core area, there is a very strange area. It even has a cracked land as red as blood, just like the Gobi desert. Adjacent to it, there is a pool of water, and the water quality is completely dark. Moreover, the forest is cold and piercing. Once birds and animals fall into it, there will be no bones!

This place is very evil. If someone looks down from a high altitude, he will be shocked to find that it is shaped like a blood dragon intertwined with an ink Phoenix. Kill!

Such a strange scene is supposed to be discovered by satellite monitoring for the first time. However, so far, there is no description of this special terrain in the records of Taklimakan desert!

There is only one reason. There is a distorted special magnetic field around this area. It distorts human vision and makes people see a scene like a mirage. However, no one can see this strange scene!

Those illusory forms turned into hurricanes, and finally fell into the magnetic field, and then they disappeared into the earth.

In an area, these illusory forms were hidden, turned into faces, and began to talk.

"SIAS, what's the matter with our king? Why has his temperament changed greatly? Originally, he did his best not to want his master to be resurrected. It was a pervert. Moreover, he never regarded the king as a real subordinate and beat, scold and scold at will! I don't understand what's the matter with the king. Why does he try his best to recover him now?"

"Hey... If I guess right, it's not Wang's original intention, but Wang's injury is too heavy. Under the damage of his origin, he can't resist the influence of the soul contract! In this case, even if he is still sleeping, Wang is still his loyal servant!"

"What should we do, Wang? If that's true, we'll try our best to revive the pervert. It won't be easy for us and the king!"

"There is no way... We are completely obedient in front of the king and can't resist his orders!"

After talking, the larger illusory form flickered and left the area to go deeper underground.

Soon, it appeared in a strange area. It was a hollow area like an underground nest. In it, there were two strange rivers converging together, one scarlet as blood and the other dark as ink. In the center of them, there was a bronze coffin floating, which was blooming one after another, It's frightening!

Around the bronze coffin, there is an illusory body guarding closely. If Cui Hao is here, he will recognize it at a glance. This is the king of illusions!

At the beginning, he nearly fell under the joint efforts of Da Shenshi and Cui Hao. Now he hides here and is plotting to revive his master!

"Great king, we are back!"

"Well, hard work, sayas, take out the crystal ball of blood and soul!"


After obtaining the two crystal balls, the magic King runs his own origin, integrates with the crystal ball, and then slowly injects it into the bronze coffin

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