China's imperial capital, this day is very lively. Almost everyone is discussing a topic, the future city!

It is said that Cui Hao, a Chinese hero, spent a lot of money to build it. It is also a legend of scientists. Dr. Helen's painstaking masterpiece for many years has naturally attracted much attention. On the publicity of future city, fraternity group spared no effort, and his slogan is very simple, future city, the future of mankind!

On this day, all the major news media and foreign media came to report the future city at the first time, because it will greatly increase the audience rating. At the same time, many Chinese leaders also came. Fraternity group made special arrangements for this, which was naturally received. Moreover, for the sake of solemnity, they were invited to attend the celebration.

Cui Hao couldn't be the shopkeeper today. He got up early. Wang Changsheng sent hundreds of pages of detailed information about the press conference. These are some questions, answers, various precautions, etc. after reading it quickly, Cui Hao attended the press conference with many elites of fraternity group.

Countless fluorescent lights flickered. Reporters from various countries gathered at the press conference. They scrambled to ask questions, while Cui Hao smiled and answered them one by one. At the same time, he took the opportunity to speak out some advantages of the future city. He was calm and extraordinary.

A reporter with a moustache who looked like a Japanese devil asked loudly, "Mr. Cui Hao, I heard that you were able to win the bidding for the future city project this time. You spent a lot of money to get through the joints in private, which was the only way to win it? Also, the Dragon family was determined to win it, and you used some means to force them to give up?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was annoyed and said coldly, "nonsense! This reporter friend, you should respect your career. I advise you to say less about this shadowy and bloody thing! If you don't have any evidence, you'll spill dirty water, and only you Japanese journalists can do it! If you're not convinced, you can show the evidence, and if you can't take it out, shut your mouth!"

Although it was at the press conference, Cui Hao didn't give the reporter a good face. As we all know, Cui Hao's relationship with Japan and South Korea is very bad, so everyone in China also understands his attitude.

Another reporter stood up and said discontentedly "I protest! Mr. Cui Hao, please don't be so rude. Please follow the dignity of our reporters. Also, I want to ask you a question. Dr. Helen is a great scientist of American nationality. Why should she help you? You just enjoy her inventions and scientific research achievements without considering the feelings of the United States?"

This reporter is a Korean. He is very cunning. He taps pity and leads China and the United States together, and directly raises contradictions. Without this question, the United States may ignore it. However, with the strength of the United States, it is raised by Korean journalists in full view of the public. They will certainly ask China and Cui Hao to give a reasonable response, or, Take the opportunity to blackmail!

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao sneered and said, "Dr. Helen is not only an American nationality, but also my Cui Hao's sister. Although she is not a pro sister, she is better than a pro sister. Her achievements naturally need to consider cooperating with my fraternity group first! Please pay attention to your words and don't casually provoke contradictions between the two big countries!"

For those reporters who deliberately make things difficult, Cui Hao naturally will not be kind. He has Huaxia as a backer behind him. He is very tough and shows no weakness.

At the press conference, countless people around the world paid attention to it with different attitudes. However, one thing is certain. Everyone praised Cui Hao's posture. He is neither humble nor arrogant. He is worthy of being a national hero of China!

At this press conference, Cui Hao revealed some advantages of the future city and his own ideas. In the future, I hope all mankind will work together to build a smart earth!

He generally said some of his own ideas, and everyone who heard them praised them. This is not Cui Hao's idea alone, but the wisdom of Wang Changsheng and a group of fraternity groups.

Finally, Cui Hao smiled and said, "well, thank you for participating in this press conference of the future city! I believe you can't wait to see the face of the future city now? Wait a moment, my Huaxia official will hold a celebration, because coming to the city is the crystallization of the deep cooperation between fraternity group and Huaxia official!"

As soon as he said this, many people's faces changed!

Cui Hao's meaning is very clear. The future city is not only the industry of fraternity group, but also the industry of China. The official is responsible for it! The benefits of doing so are obvious. With a country as the backing, various projects in the future city will have a series of convenience. Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious. This big cake is equivalent to contributing a lot.

The Chinese side naturally dreams of such a huge benefit. Some big men have made such requests many times. However, Cui Hao's identity is special, and they can't use it. After Cui Hao knew it, he thought twice and agreed to this request. However, he also proposed that this cooperation must be presided over by Xiao Hui himself. He is not at ease with other big men in China.

Cui Hao's real intention is self-evident. He wants to help Xiaohui build momentum!

Now, Xiaohui has reached the peak of holding Dan, and has successfully controlled the 9981 ancestral dragon veins of China. His future is unlimited, and Cui Hao is only the icing on the cake.

Cui Hao's request was passed, so Huaxia accounted for one-third of the shares of the future city. Moreover, all kinds of scientific and technological products derived in the future should give priority to cooperation with state-owned enterprises.

This step is actually very risky. Now, Cui Hao is in power. Big miss and Xiao Hui are too important for China. Therefore, no one has the ability to move Cui Hao. However, if the situation changes, the fraternity group will become a huge cake. In the future, the city and the state will intervene, and it will be easier to get involved at that time.

At the celebration, there were many big men. Xiao Hui attended the meeting as an official representative of China for the first time.

Before that, Xiao Hui was very low-key and unknown, and his high-profile presence this time also represented the meaning of some big people in China. Almost all people who are politically sensitive immediately know that this young man, as long as there are no accidents, is bound to become a real real power faction in China within ten years. Maybe he can find a very high position in the central government!

Such young people may even compete for the next Chinese leader!

It's no big secret about Xiaohui's relationship with Cui Hao. As he attended the celebration, Xiaohui really came into the sight of some big people and was designated as a member of Cui Hao's faction.

No one knows that Xiao Hui, a handsome young man with a mess, elegant manners and noble atmosphere, is actually the controller of the ancestral dragon vein of China's 9981! No one knows that his master is a powerful and incredible real invincible existence!

Next, it is the moment that people pay most attention to. The future city is officially opened. First, it will be developed to all journalists and leaders who have obtained the invitation letter!

Wang Changsheng has already prepared all the reception work. When many journalists and leaders entered the future city, they were deeply shocked!

First of all, they saw luxury cars floating in the air and shuttling freely! This is magnetic levitation technology, and it is obviously too high-end than the earth. It is completely mature!

"My God! The maturity of this technology is epoch-making! The great Dr. Helen is really incredible!"

Seeing such a scene, many people were deeply shocked. They followed the leaders and saw incredible, absolutely high-tech, intelligent and humanized designs. Everyone was completely shocked!

What a shock!

Although there was some psychological preparation, everyone was shocked.

Taking the maglev luxury car, the fully intelligent automatic driving system is turned on, and people shuttle through the future city. They are constantly amazed and see shocking scientific and technological achievements. Moreover, in order to make the effect more shocking, Daphne has also been invited. She has given birth to many strange flowers and plants in a special way. The whole future city seems to be in nature, but there are high technologies everywhere, Man and nature, nature and technology, get along perfectly and harmoniously.

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