Halfway through the dance, Cui Hao's satellite phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the eldest lady.

Generally speaking, the eldest lady won't disturb herself unless it's urgent. Cui Hao was surprised. He knew that something important must have happened!

So Cui Hao hurriedly looked for a hidden place and asked, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

In a dignified tone, the eldest lady said, "Xiao Cui, your master Tianji is also in the headquarters. Come here. There is a very mysterious thing that may be related to the remaining evils of hundreds of families. Tell you the details when you arrive at the headquarters! I have arranged a special person. At the moment, it should be almost there!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao didn't hesitate and directly replied, "OK, I'll be there right away!"

A moment later, through special contact information, Cui Hao contacted a supersonic stealth plane that specially picked him up, stepped on the plane and rushed to the headquarters of the four divine beasts.

Half an hour later, four beasts headquarters, secret meeting room.

Cui Hao looked at some data and several satellite monitoring images. Although they are vague, it can be seen that it is a scene in which villages are slaughtered, which is very frightening. All the murderers are distorted, transparent and seemingly invisible!

Magic clan!

Almost for a moment, Cui Hao judged the identity of these illusory bodies. His expression was very dignified. Because when it comes to the magic family, he must have something to do with the magic king. He is the existence of the peak of magic power. Although he was hit hard by the magic stone, he can't be underestimated!

According to these images, the magic clan killed many people, collected their blood and souls, and then turned into a hurricane and left.

Where on earth did they escape? The video data did not show it!

After Cui Hao finished reading these, the eldest lady opened her mouth heavily "Xiao Cui, the magic clan should not be underestimated, and the magic king is a great evil of our human beings. We must eradicate it, otherwise it will be stuck in our throat. It's too dangerous for us! Master Tianji just calculated that their specific location in China can't be known, so it's up to you“

Nodding, Taoist Tianji stroked the sparse goatee and said, "yes." Yes, disciple, you are definitely the first person in the whole earth. This magic family is good at hiding the body. It is extremely cautious and the plot must be very big! Although I can't calculate the specific location, I can feel that this plot is enough to subvert the earth! Moreover, this cruel behavior has touched my human bottom line and must be solved, otherwise, it will only lead to death More and more dangerous! "

Cui Hao naturally agreed with Taoist Tianji's statement. He nodded. Then he tried his best to run the heavenly heart of all things and began to feel it.

The heavenly heart of all things is an extension of the magic of pointing to heaven, which has already involved cause and effect. With his full urging and fine induction, countless silk threads are shaking and changing. Finally, he vaguely saw a scene, which is a boundless desert. It seems that it is the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang!

In order to prove his calculation, Cui Hao once again demonstrated the heavenly heart of all things. Finally, the result is the same. The demon family of all things should be hidden in the depths of Taklimakan desert!

After informing the eldest lady and Taoist Tianji of their judgment, the three had another discussion. Finally, Cui Hao persuaded the two and decided to go there in person to explore!

This matter is very important and can't be postponed. Even if Cui haodang leaves for Taklimakan Desert, Cui Hao asks for some spirit stones before leaving, because he will face the terrible scourge of thunder and robbery in a week, so he must be prepared as much as possible.

About half a day later, he arrived in the Taklimakan Desert. When the plane went deep into a certain extent, some instrument parts suddenly failed! Therefore, Cui Hao hurriedly ordered the pilot to stay away from the core area, and this strange phenomenon stopped.

This situation reminded Cui Hao of the Bermuda Triangle. He thought about it and finally made the plane return to the headquarters. He himself expanded the wings of red inflammation and went to the core area at a high speed.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, a small pale gold stone around Cui Hao's neck vibrated. At the same time, a noble and powerful breath escaped. This is the God stone.

After the stone gave off a strong smell, it quickly converged, but its shape suddenly expanded several times, turned into a pale gold stone the size of a bowl, and appeared in front of Cui Hao.

Two golden eyes were rolling, and when the mouth like a black hole opened and closed, it gave out a very collapsing laughter, "Wow, ha ha, ha ha... The great master of God stone has become stronger! Great, wow, ha ha..."

When he stopped flying, Cui Hao knocked on the stone and said discontentedly, "I said little stone, can you stop laughing? It's too ugly! You wake up when you wake up, can't you keep a low profile?"

Playing God stone is not afraid of heaven. He has a rebellious character. However, in the face of Cui Hao, he can only eat flat.

Shanshan smiled and flattered the God stone, "boss, I finally see you again. I miss you so much! What's the matter? I've been sleeping for more than 20 days this time, so I'm more powerful?"

For his narcissistic behavior, Cui Hao directly chose to ignore it. He has been playing God stone for a long time. Cui Hao has found out his temper.

When he finally woke up, playing God stone was a pile of nonsense and boasting. When he knew Cui Hao's goal this time, he was happy and said proudly "Boss, do you still need to do this little thing yourself? Don't worry, I'll give it to my little brother! When we find that guy, I'll kill him directly. At that time, all his treasures will be ours! Oh, I'm a little excited. If he also has some good stones, it's better!"

Speechless Cui Hao said, "little stone, can you shut up? You have a lot of nonsense! We act according to our circumstances, understand?"

"OK, boss, don't worry!"

Although there was a narcissist beside him when he woke up, Cui Hao was still very happy. He had a strong strength to beat God stone. His awakening increased his strength. After a week, he was robbed by himself, and there was someone around him to protect the Dharma.

Therefore, Cui Hao drove again with the divine stone. As he went deeper into the depths of the desert, his expression became more and more dignified, because he felt a very repressed smell of terror. Even the divine stone showed a trace of solemnity, and then he was very sure "Boss, there is a natural terror array ahead. I feel the pure general trend of heaven and earth brewing ahead. We should be careful!"

This guy is arrogant and arrogant. Even he solemnly opened his mouth and said such words. It can be seen that there is really a great terror ahead!

Therefore, Cui Hao cautiously moved forward, flew through the void, looked down at all kinds of things below, and looked into the distance at the same time.

When they arrived at a certain area, they shouted, "boss, there is a congenital psychedelic barrier in front of them. This is the natural array bred by heaven and earth. I have felt it. We should be careful!"

In fact, Cui Hao didn't have to hit the divine stone to open his mouth. He nodded and said solemnly, "it seems that there is a congenital array ahead. The remaining evils of the magic family should be hidden in the array!"

In this regard, the God stone was careless and said disapprovingly, "boss, it's not a matter. If I find them, I'll kill them all!"

The words of beating God stone are full of pride. However, Cui Hao will not relax his vigilance, wave his hand and solemnly say, "little stone, you are too proud. It's easy to suffer losses. The goshawk fights the rabbit. We still need to fight with all our strength. We can't underestimate our opponent! Don't make a statement. I have some research on the array. I'll sneak into it first and take a closer look!"

"Well, listen to you, boss!" Da Shenshi replied with a smile.

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