Deep in the Taklimakan Desert, Cui Hao found a trace of the congenital array with the divine stone. He didn't rush in, but observed carefully around him. After a long time, he had a bit of confidence, quietly reversed the pace of gossip, suddenly crossed a special barrier and entered an area completely different from the outside world.

This is a cracked red earth, like the Gobi desert. Adjacent to it is a water, dark as ink, and the water quality is extremely cold! They perfectly contain each other, giving people a harmonious and terrible feeling!

Carefully looking at the scenes in front of him, Cui Hao took a breath of cool air. Then, he incited the red burning wings, flapped his wings to fly high into the void, looked down and suddenly screamed "This is... Tai Chi surrounded by red dragon and ink Phoenix! Congenital dragon and Phoenix great Yin and Yang array! God, there is such a strange array here! This is the top natural array, and the conditions for its formation are extremely harsh. Under it, there must be a good treasure containing Yin and Yang!"

As a vein of Dayan Tianji, Cui Hao is also familiar with all kinds of arrays. He is very sure that the red earth and water are surrounded like a ferocious blood dragon and ink Phoenix. Yin and Yang complement each other. It is the great yin-yang array of Xiantian dragon and Phoenix!

The formation of the array is that all kinds of mysterious things are perfectly intertwined to form a special field. It is called array and has different effects.

Powerful practitioners understand the mysteries of heaven and earth, discover the mysteries of the array, study it and create an array. However, the array put forward the day after tomorrow is even powerful and has powerful array eyes. However, compared with the innate array, it still lacks a potential. Heaven and earth give it a potential to integrate with the surrounding things!

At the moment, Cui Hao is facing a powerful congenital array, and it is also a large array with strong attack power and terror! It has no array assistance such as maze and soul torture, but it is more pure, that is, yin and yang are derived and attack and defense are integrated!

Da Shen Shi is also well-informed. He recognized the array and told Cui Hao that he knows how to find the treasure of the array eye. Cui Hao was overjoyed at the news. Then he began to quietly hide himself and observe all the changes around him.

Although the innate array was very powerful, it was gradually penetrated and decreased under the golden light of perspective. Finally, Cui Hao "looked" See such a scene: in an underground nest, there are two streams of water like liquid intertwined, one is red as blood, the other is dark ink, and a three meter long, thick and incomparable bronze coffin floats and sinks on these liquids, and a seemingly existing body guards aside, which is the king of magic!

The magic king is now controlling the two crystal balls, making the bright red and dark air flow into the bronze coffin

"Hmm? This bronze coffin..."

Seeing this bronze coffin, Cui Hao was surprised and couldn't help thinking of the inheritance place of Dayan's Tianji. There was also a coffin like this floating there, which was moistened by a dragon vein inspired by Taoist Tianji. The two bronze coffins were so similar that they gave people a feeling of being thick and indestructible, and even the patterns and carvings were exactly the same!

The same bronze coffin, what is the relationship between them?

Surprised, Cui Hao increased the perspective golden light. Suddenly, it shot out one by one and slowly penetrated the bronze coffin. Then, Cui Hao vaguely saw a vague scene. Inside, there was a bloody corpse with scars, sword wounds and knife wounds. The most striking thing was that a dark diamond crystal was rotating, constantly emitting a light and penetrating into the coffin In the corpse, this crystal contains a kind of extremely noble, like the essence of heaven and earth.

With the dark crystal constantly emitting light, the body was also slightly undulating, echoing, to wake up.

"No! This corpse is... Very strong! That kind of crystal seems to be a legendary deity!" Cui Hao thought secretly with a dignified face.

At that moment, Cui Hao told Da Shenshi about his discovery. Hearing that there might be a deity in the bronze coffin, Da Shenshi was excited on the spot, Shua, and suddenly disappeared.

A moment later, it quietly returned, with some depressed openings "Boss, I just felt from a distance that the bronze coffin is closely related to the whole array. I'm not sure to smash it at once. Once I attack it, the corpse in it is likely to revive quickly! Although I don't feel clearly, I'm sure it should be a lower God who is seriously injured and healing in the coffin! My strength now can barely resist the lower God at most It's hard to get food from a tiger's mouth. "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was also surprised. Immediately, he joked, "little stone, I thought you were really omnipotent. Unexpectedly, you also recognized counseling?"

Like frost eggplant, God stone's helpless way "Lower God, boss, do you know the difference between the level of divine power and the lower God? Although you have powerful treasures and means, I dare say that when the lower God wakes up, you are not his opponent. It's good to escape! But boss, don't worry, with me, we still have the strength to break our wrists with him! It seems that we must master the array eye baby of the big array first!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao also agreed. Today's advantage is that the enemy is in the light and he is in the dark. The magic king and the corpse don't know the existence of themselves and the God stone.

Da Shenshi has a vast heritage and knows a lot of good things. It immediately tells Cui Hao a secret method of withering, glory and interest collection through soul transmission. It is very obscure.

Fortunately, it's hard to help Cui Hao, who is now as wise as a tide. He soon understood it thoroughly and began to work. The whole person had no breath, as if he had turned into a dead leaf.

"This secret method is so magical!" he exclaimed, and Cui Hao was very satisfied.

"Boss, you don't see who came up with the secret. I've been in the immortal world before. It's just a little fun!" he was elated and proud to hit the God stone.

Everything is ready, and Cui Hao doesn't stay any longer. He runs the withered glory and breath collection secret method, and continues to dive into the depths of the earth according to the guidance of hitting the divine stone!

He has fully dived 100 meters underground, which has already exceeded the depth of the underground nest. Fortunately, Cui Hao is now skilled in five elements evasion. Otherwise, even if the general strong man is a half step magic power, it is absolutely impossible to dive 100 meters underground by himself.

"Ahead, right ahead! Boss, come on! Come on! Come on!..."

Sensing something, hit the God stone and shouted.

According to the instructions of striking the God stone, Cui Hao moved forward. In vain, the soil in front of him disappeared and replaced by a deep and incomparable cave, which is not large, but there is a dense air flow steaming inside, and the rosy clouds flow around. It looks gorgeous and beautiful. There is a kind of fragrance in the East and West, refreshing and refreshing, which makes people feel that they are about to emerge and rise with a breath.

"Huh? That's..."

Entering the cave, Cui Hao suddenly saw the deep part of the cave. It seemed that there was a three meter square, regular oval, which seemed to be a naturally formed stone pool. This kind of stone is very special, which makes people feel palpitating. Among them, there are layers of Xiaguang, in which there are a lot of liquids, red and ink, with a clear distinction. In this stone pool, there is another thing floating, which is a ring of non gold, non jade, non stone and non iron. It is so extraordinary that it is also emitting radiance, forming a picture of red dragon and ink Phoenix intertwined.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow

The golden eyes of Da Shen Shi emitted light and howled with great excitement. Suddenly, he rushed over, and there was no doubt that his greedy nature was leaked.


This strange ring is so magical that it suddenly takes back the images of red dragon and ink Phoenix. Then, it suddenly flashes and turns into a streamer to escape.

"You can't escape. You're destined to be obtained by your family's God stone master!"

In this regard, the God stone screamed, suddenly shot a light golden brilliance, and immediately locked it. Then, the God stone came to its side and swallowed it greedily.

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