The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 543: : penalty stand

The signing ceremony took place at Heroes' Square.

The banquet after the ceremony is at the God Hotel next to the square.

This is the tallest landmark building in the capital of Annan. In a sense, this is one of the few places here that can truly keep up with the trend of internationalization.

Even though the people who attended the dinner had been screened several times, they still seemed extremely large.

There was no live broadcast here, but the significance of the meander was clear to all.

In other words, this dinner will determine Annan's future direction.

In the past many years, the relationship between Annan and Central Continent was not very close. They were afraid of the majesty of the overlord and did not dare to blatantly provoke them. Chess pieces, they will come out every now and then, and some moths will come out to add to Zhongzhou.

Naturally, there is no big loss, but the disgusting people really have a hand.

There are many such things, and under the various propaganda offensives, Annan as a whole will naturally harbor some inexplicable hostility towards the powerful neighbor in the north.

Maintaining the tradition of often being a demon, whether it will cause some troubles for Zhongzhou, relying on a little charity from the master behind it, a little bit of development, this is the direction of Annan before, and it is also the reason why they are relatively backward.

In terms of geographical location, Annan may not be the best, but at least it is not too bad. In a sense, their backwardness has a lot to do with the game between Central Continent and Xingguo.

What Xingguo hopes is to have a neighbor who causes troubles at the door of Zhongzhou's house from time to time, but he absolutely does not want this **** to develop too well. Dongdao is a lesson from the past.

Nor would Middle-earth tolerate the rise of a troublesome neighbor.

Although Annan can get some so-called aid from Xingguo and Oulu from time to time, but for this, they are actually facing double pressure. For a long time, they have been trapped in this deadlock In the midst of this embarrassing situation, it can only get worse and worse.

But now this banquet, for Annan, is actually an opportunity to break Annan's predicament.

The signing of the "Treaty of Heaven and South" means that Annan has completely handed over his future destiny to Central Continent. The influence of the star country Europe on this place will be completely suppressed by Central Continent. In order to be close to Central Continent, a reliable neighbor who safeguards Central Continent's interests must be needed.

Just like Li Tianlan's speech at the signing ceremony.

Li Tianlan said in his speech that it was a very wise choice for Annan to sell Tiannan to Zhongzhou, which further increased the close relationship between the two parties and made the friendship between the two sides stronger. The Annan Council led by Matsudaira expressed its high appreciation.

He also expressed that there will be some good changes in the life of Annan people in the future, and believes that Tiannan's joining Zhongzhou will open up a new situation for both parties, and the significance will be extremely far-reaching.

Sound like all this crap?

Not many people think so.

Even a dog would be rewarded with two bones after being beaten, let alone Annan?

Li Tianlan's deterrent power is indeed strong enough, so strong that Zhongzhou can receive Tiannan's 100,000 square kilometers into his arms without spending a penny.

Li Tianlan's speech was also strong enough.

But in all things, it is not enough for one person to be strong. When the time is right, Huairou is also necessary.

Now that the power of Central Continent has been crushed directly from Annan's face, after the signing of the "Tiannan Treaty", what is the point of blindly being strong in the future?

There is also a limit to showing off one's power.

The other party has already been defeated, and they are still chattering non-stop. Not only is it meaningless, but if it is not done well, it will increase the other party's rebellious psychology.

So after being strong, a series of gentle and appeasement methods will inevitably come, reflecting true 'friendliness'.

Annan's geographical location is not bad, without the restrictions of the star country, he has taken refuge in Zhongzhou, and now Zhongzhou is willing to help...

Combining this series of conditions, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Annan is honest enough, their life will definitely be much better than it is now in a few decades.

Moreover, Annan is now adjacent to Tiannan and Xiyue in Central Continent. These two areas are all areas with strong radiation capabilities of the new group. If the relationship with Annan changes now, the development of Tiannan and Xiyue will inevitably radiate Going to Annan will stimulate Annan's economy. That is to say, although it seems helpless to entrust their own destiny to Zhongzhou, as long as they are willing to be dogs, there are still many benefits.

The signing of the "Tiannan Treaty" established the foregone conclusion that Annan will need to survive in the shadow of Zhongzhou in the future, but how to maintain this situation for a long time, dispel Annan's resentment, and make them willing, this is what Zhongzhou needs to consider next things.

Just like what Li Tianlan said in his speech.

Make some good changes in the life of Annan people in the future.

This matter must be done, but it is impossible to affect everyone in a short period of time. The best way is to support the so-called typical.

Annan currently has no real world-class giants. Li Tianlan's plan is to first use the resources of Zhongzhou and Tiannan to support some families to become real big families, and then select a few of the most loyal ones to become world-class giants.

During this process, they must rely on Li Tianlan and Zhongzhou. When they grow up, they can no longer escape Zhongzhou's control. Their identities have naturally become the pro-Zhongzhou group within Annan.

With a clear group, it is very easy to do things next, just find a way to expand the circle of this group.

Moreover, the Shengshi Fund also needs to be involved in most of Annan's fields in the next few years, which also requires the cooperation of the major families.

When Annan's group close to Zhongzhou grows up, together with the East Palace, the two-pronged approach, and Li Tianlan's deterrence, it is enough to control Annan to death. In that case, Zhongzhou's voice will be Annan's only voice. It is two sides above, but in fact it is equal to one body.

Today's banquet is the beginning of Li Tianlan's plan.

Li Tianlan did not return to Central Continent after the signing ceremony, but took part in the banquet with honor. This was a clear signal that he intended to send Annan.

He stayed here not to be idle, but to give all the forces in Annan a chance.

Whoever can really seize this opportunity and catch his eyes will have the opportunity to become Annan's top wealthy family in the future, with a powerful force that can affect this country.

Smart people understand this.

Therefore, countless people have sharpened their heads and tried every means to join this banquet.

Families with a good foundation in Annan want to go further, those who are in a bad situation want to change their fate against the sky, and those who are in a desperate situation want to fight hard. Everyone has their own ideas. No matter what, there is no harm in trying. Yes, even if you don't get the promise from Zhongzhou and Li Tianlan, it's good to get acquainted.

Li Tianlan was sitting in the cigar room of the banquet hall.

The glass walls of the cigar room are transparent to the outside, and the location is very good, so you can clearly see more and more guests in the banquet.

He casually put the cigar in his hand aside, took a sip of tea, looked at the information on the side, suddenly smiled, and said to Ma Si who was sitting opposite him: "Why don't you just draw a lottery?"

The corner of Ma Si's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Just be happy."

He knew what the information Li Tianlan was pointing at was the information of Annan's current families, each of which was very detailed, and was deliberately collected by the East Palace and Zhongzhou during this period.

No matter which one you choose, you can help the East Palace quickly open up the situation in a certain field by the way.

"You can figure it out."

Li Tianlan pointed to the information in front of him: "After a while, if I see something pleasing to the eye, I will tell you."

Ma Si raised his head, took a deep look at Li Tianlan, and nodded.

Strictly speaking, Li Huacheng fully supports Li Tianlan to host this signing ceremony, and there are many arguments in it.

First of all, Tiannan joined Zhongzhou because of Li Tianlan, and there was a good reason for Li Tianlan to preside over the ceremony.

Then there is the so-called credit.

This credit and honor is so great that any director is extremely excited.

To put it bluntly, if Li Tianlan had no aggressive intentions, his position in Central Continent would already be unshakable by virtue of this incident, and he would not need to do anything else at all.

Marth looked at his watch.

Seven fifteen in the evening.

This meeting in Central Continent should be news time, and the news will definitely spare no effort to report this great achievement.

At the same time, at this moment, both Zhongzhou and Annan are sorting out the materials of Li Tianlan's speech just now, and collecting some relevant information about Tiannan. These will be sorted out as soon as possible, and then they will be directly published in the whole of Zhongzhou and Quan'annan. students' textbooks.

Perhaps these contents are not so frenzied as to make countless students recite the full text, but in the future exams, there will definitely be something like Tiannan's joining Zhongzhou and which marshal in Zhongzhou is directly related? A: Dongcheng is invincible, B: Ye Dongsheng, C, Li Tianlan, or something like Li Shuai promoted which of the following provinces to join the Central Continent sequence? A: Sub-questions like Tiannan, B, Beihai, C, Wuyue.

Being able to do this step can really be said to be a life without regrets.

Then there is power.

It is an honor to host the signing ceremony, and the banquet after the ceremony is the power that Li Huacheng bestows on Li Tianlan.

This kind of power allows him to treat the whole of Annan as a toy and manipulate it into whatever he likes.

Everyone of the major groups wants to develop their own power and voice in Annan. Sometimes, this is also a kind of capital that cannot be ignored.

But now Li Tianlan is leading the team, which means that other people can't intervene at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, as long as Li Tianlan is willing, he can integrate Tiannan and Annan in a short period of time to form a stronger force.

But now, Li Tianlan did not refuse this power, but he also handed over the power of choosing support objects to Ma Si.

Ma Si is the first vice lord of the East Palace.

At the same time, he is also Li Huacheng's absolute confidant.

Doing so was tantamount to giving back part of the power that Li Huacheng had given him, and it also expressed Li Tianlan's trust.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but looking at Li Tianlan who was sitting on the sofa with a calm expression, Ma Si always felt that he seemed a little different from before.

"I will choose a suitable puppet for the East Palace."

Matt said seriously.

Li Tianlan nodded, and pushed the documents beside him.

The signing ceremony was swagger.

After the ceremony, it was time for Zhongzhou and East Palace to distribute candy.

Ma Si's task now is to select a few suitable targets at this banquet, let a few targets feel it, and let others see how sweet the sugar in Zhongzhou and the East Palace is.

The door of the cigar room was gently knocked open.

A middle-aged man walked in quickly, came to Li Tianlan, and whispered: "Li Shuai, Speaker Li Songping is here."

Li Tianlan's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Let him in."

The middle-aged man nodded and left quietly. The next moment, Li Songping's slightly thin figure appeared at the door.

He changed the clothes he wore at the signing ceremony, with a friendly but respectful smile on his face, and his voice was extremely gentle: "Li Shuai, the banquet will officially start in ten minutes, do you want to show up and say something?" ?”

"It's not necessary."

Li Tianlan glanced at him, and said calmly: "After the banquet starts, I will go out and have a look."


Li Songping sat down on the sofa on the other side, smiled and nodded: "Then I'll chat with Li Shuai here."

Li Tianlan turned to look at Li Songping, watching quietly.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds, half a minute...

His gaze didn't shift in the slightest.

The smile on Li Songping's face gradually became a little unnatural. He touched his face in a funny way, and forced a smile: "Shuai Li, is there something on my face?"


Li Tianlan shook his head: "I'm just curious."

Li Songping looked puzzled.

Then he heard Li Tianlan's voice, it was faint, without ridicule or joking, but in that calmness, there was an incomparably domineering arrogance.

"Who made you sit down?"

Li Songping's expression froze completely.

Who made you sit down.

Who made you sit down?

Who told you to sit down!

His face flushed suddenly.

The so-called city government and the so-called scheming are completely useless at this moment.

This is Annan.

He, Li Songping, Speaker Annan.

He was not even qualified to sit down at the banquet An Nan prepared for Li Tianlan? !

A very clear anger and shame flashed in Li Songping's eyes.

He didn't even hide his emotions, and he couldn't hide them at all.

To put it simply, Li Songping completely broke his defense.

"stand up."

Li Tianlan raised his legs and leaned on the sofa in a more comfortable position.

Li Songping stared at Li Tianlan steadfastly, without blinking.

He hoped that Li Tianlan would give him an explanation, no matter how perfunctory the explanation was.

For example, he can treat Annan kindly, but he will not forgive some things he has done.

Or he represents the will of Central Continent to test his so-called loyalty.

or something else...

Even if Li Tianlan said that I feel uncomfortable seeing you sitting, he can stand up.

What he needs is an explanation, or a reason, any reason is fine.

But Li Tianlan didn't give any explanation, nor did he give any reason.

This is his request.

This is his order.

stand up.

The anger in Li Songping's eyes gradually faded, replaced by a kind of gloom.

His already short body seemed even more stooped.

Little by little, he stood up from the sofa, with a smile on his face again: "It's just right, I'm a little tired from sitting."

Li Tianlan didn't answer his words, but casually pointed to the teacup: "Pour tea."

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