The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 544: :Gift

Li Songping not only made a cup of tea for Li Tianlan, but also made a cup for Ma Si by the way.

Ma Si was studying the information of Annan's various families. When Li Songping put the tea in front of him, he didn't even raise his head, and he didn't even say thank you.

In public, Li Tianlan has repeatedly emphasized the benefits of Zhongzhou and Annan's friendship to both parties, but in private, Ma Si knows very well that he, who represents the East Palace, must not give Li Songping any good looks.

The alliance's siege of Li Tianlan happened in Annan.

In the process, Annan even spent a lot of weapons to bombard Li Tianlan indiscriminately, trying to kill Li Tianlan.

Such an approach naturally made Annan pay a heavy price to the extreme, and the Tiannan Treaty was born.

In the end, Li Tianlan's safety was exchanged for the entire Tiannan, which meant that Annan's actions had all been reversed, and this matter came to an end.

The signing ceremony is over, and Li Tianlan will not take revenge on Li Songping in the future, but he is really not generous enough to continue talking and laughing with Li Songping.

He is now a winner, and a winner should have the arrogance of a winner.

With Li Tianlan's attitude like this, Ma Si, who represented the East Palace, couldn't be too modest.

He was born as a secretary, so he would instinctively pay more attention to such details, he only knew that in private, he dared to give Li Songping a smile, and when he went back, Qin Weibai had plenty of ways to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty... Shuai Li..."

Ma Si subconsciously switched titles, held up a piece of information in his hand and smiled: "The information of Li's family is also in it, and it is quite detailed, and it looks very good."

Standing beside Li Tianlan like a waiter, Li Songping's body tensed up.

"I'm too lazy to look."

Li Tianlan was enjoying the cigar and waved his hands casually.

Ma Si nodded, and casually threw the information about the Li family in his hand into the trash can beside him, and also did not look at Li Songping.

Annan Li's family is exactly the family of Li Songping's origin.

Ma Si's actions were not revenge, but purely out of public interest to make the future contact between Annan and Zhongzhou smoother.

The Li family is extremely powerful and influential in Annan. Li Songping was born in the Li family, but he is not the patriarch of the Li family. This alone is enough to show how deep-rooted this family is in Annan.

If it is necessary to find a world-class wealthy family in Annan, although the Li family is not interesting, it is definitely the closest big family to the world-class wealthy family.

Li Songping is the spokesperson launched by the Li family. He has been sitting in the position of speaker for nearly twenty years, and his prestige is extremely high. Many big family alliances headed by the Li family.

Now the relationship between Zhongzhou and Annan has changed drastically. The former has the power to control the fate of the latter, and this power is now in the hands of Li Tianlan.

Due to various considerations, Li Songping can't be changed, not only can't be changed, but if he performs well in the future, Zhongzhou hopes that Li Songping can always sit in his current position.

But neither Zhongzhou nor the East Palace would want Li Songping to continue to have the same kind of influence as in the past.

If Li Songping has enough space to play here, there will be many variables in the next few decades.

Therefore, not moving Li Songping, but suppressing the Li family, was almost an inevitable choice for Zhongzhou.

Once the Li family collapses, Annan's currently more than ten big family alliances around the Li family will also fall apart. Without these help, Li Songping's influence will be greatly weakened.

When the East Palace enters Annan, Zhongzhou will support a few more big families here. These big families will come forward and send their people to the Annan Council. Over time, it will take a few years at most to truly make Li Songping a lonely family.

At that time, with the formation of the pro-Zhongzhou faction circle, Li Songping doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to be an obedient puppet.

"I can guarantee that the Li family will cooperate with all actions of Zhongzhou."

Li Songping's lips were a little pale, and he reluctantly said: "And the Li family is very influential in all walks of life in Annan. If we can connect with Shengshi Fund, it can also help Shengshi Fund integrate into Annan better. In terms of strength, The Li family is the best partner of the East Palace."

He is telling the truth.

But it's a pity that Shengshi Fund takes advantage of the general trend of Zhongzhou, and in Annan, it doesn't need to look at the strength of the support object.

Ma Si raised his head and looked at Li Tianlan with a smile: "Shuai Li, do you want to slap your mouth?"

Li Tianlan smiled and said nothing.

Li Songping's expression turned ugly for a moment, and he wanted to say something.

There is nothing **** about the story between him and the Li family. There are indeed many bad things in the big family, and illegitimate children are not uncommon, but Li Songping is different. Although he is not the patriarch of the Li family, the head of the Li family is his relative. Brother, the relationship between the two brothers is very good. It can be said that the whole family of the Li family has made great efforts to get him to where he is today, and Li Songping's rewards are also extremely generous. harmony.

Even to the outside world, this big family does not use such adjectives as notorious in Annan. Their existence is extremely low-key, but they always affect everything in Annan, and there is already a shadow of a Western consortium.

For the sake of his family, Li Songping also had to fight. Ma Si's action of throwing the family information into the trash can was very casual, but behind this action, there was very likely to be a lot of blood, and he would stay in the position of the speaker. But his family will be cleaned up. As for how to clean up, there are too many ways.

Shengshi Fund's all-round suppression, Annan's other forces are encircling and suppressing in many ways, and even according to Li Tianlan's temper, it is possible to find an excuse that you don't like it and kill Li's headquarters with a sword.

So even at the risk of being slapped, he had to say something.

"I can assure you of the Li family's position, please rest assured Zhongzhou on this point, and..."

"What guarantee do you have?"

Li Tianlan didn't speak, Ma Si could only take Li Songping's words: "Mr. Speaker, in fact, you can't even guarantee your own position now."

Li Songping was stunned for a moment.

He looked into Marth's eyes.

Although Ma Si was smiling, his eyes were full of guard and indifference.

Li Songping understood.

He can guarantee his own position, and he can also guarantee the family's position.

But the problem is, Zhongzhou doesn't want to believe it.

"That's my family."

Li Songping took a deep breath, he stared into Ma Si's eyes, and his tone gradually became tough: "I am Annan's speaker, sitting in this position, if I can't even protect my own family, this so-called speaker, do What else do you mean?"

His words were not very clear.

But both Li Tianlan and Ma Si understood what he meant.

If they insist on cleaning up Li's house, Li Songping would rather not be the speaker.

At least at this stage, Li Songping's staying in this position is beneficial to Zhongzhou, even indispensable. If he is gone, the implementation of many plans will not encounter too many difficulties , but definitely not as smooth as expected.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes, and finally said, "I don't accept threats."

"It's not a threat."

Li Songping bent down, and calmly said: "This is a request, Li Shuai, please give the Li family a chance to survive, I can guarantee that Zhongzhou will see our sincerity."

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, then suddenly glanced at Ma Si and asked, "What do you think?"

Ma Si shook his head without any hesitation.

As he shook his head, Li Songping's whole heart sank, a little desperate.

Of course, Li Songping had a detailed understanding of the first vice lord of the East Palace.

Li Huacheng's secretary, the future first governor of Tiannan, although it hasn't been long since he came to the East Palace, Annan has collected and seen a lot of information about Ma Si, although most of those information are superficial things , but from the clues, it is enough to make people see that Ma Si is not a simple person.

"It is not suitable for him to have such a powerful support like the Li family."

Marth's voice was calm.

Li Songping took a deep breath and wanted to speak again, but the door of the lounge was knocked open again suddenly.

The middle-aged man who had been guarding the lounge door appeared in front of the door and reported, "Li Shuai, Li Songhe, the head of the Annanli family, is asking to see you."

Li Songhe, Li Songping's biological elder brother.

Li Tianlan's eyes moved, and he said slowly, "Let him in."

The middle-aged man nodded, and the next moment, a man who looked five or six times like Li Songping came in from the lounge.

His steps were slow, neither heavy nor easy.

Li Songping looked at his eldest brother, the corners of his mouth moved, trying to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

He tilted his head, looking a little ashamed.

Li Songhe's eyes swept across his younger brother.

He stopped in front of Li Tianlan and looked at him deeply.

Li Tianlan looked at him without saying a word.


Without any warning, Li Songhe knelt down facing Li Tianlan.

He not only landed on his knees, but even his upper body prostrated deeply, forming a posture similar to five-body throwing.

His voice was even more respectful: "Annan, Li Songhe, meet Li Shuai."

Li Tianlan looked at him quietly, without moving his face: "Raise your head."

Li Songhe straightened his upper body and looked at Li Tianlan.

He was still kneeling, but there was peace in his eyes.

Li Tianlan smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"


Li Songhe said.

Hearing this answer, both Li Songping and Ma Si were taken aback for a moment.

The patriarch of the dignified Annan's first family ran up to Li Tianlan and knelt down in front of Li Tianlan, but he was all right?

Li Tianlan suddenly felt a little interesting, and leaned forward slightly leaning on the sofa: "Then why did you see me here?"

"I respect Li Shuai very much, so I want to give Li Shuai a small gift, I hope Li Shuai can accept it with a smile."

Li Songhe opened his mouth and said.

"Tell me."

Li Tianlan tapped the armrest of the sofa: "What gift?"

"All the properties of the Li family, all the resources they have, all the working capital...all...everything."

Li Songhe's eyes were still peaceful, and he even smiled slightly: "I am willing to give it to Zhongzhou and Li Shuai for free, if it is not enough, to show my sincerity, I can also give my life to Li Shuai.

I only hope that Li Shuai can leave a way out for the Li family, and also make my brother's life better in the future. "

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