The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 577: :crazy

As the patriarch of a top wealthy family, although Artes himself is not a super expert, he has a good vision and definitely knows the goods.

The moment the sword energy and the domain outside the window permeated at the same time, he subconsciously stood up, and while standing up, his instinct seemed to be suppressing him to sit down again.

No, exactly, kneeling.

The black field outside the window is still spreading, and the colorful sword lights are connected together, and the rainbow of sword energy appears continuously, and then connected together.

The dark realm still exists, but the colorful sword energy illuminates the entire realm like a dream.

This is the domain and sword energy that almost enveloped the entire city.

At this moment, in the streets and alleys, tall buildings, all the people of Xingguo stood in place, raised their heads and looked at the brilliant light in the sky in disbelief, as if they were dreaming.

The sword energy and the domain are surging at the same time, like the majesty of heaven and earth, exuding an earth-shattering sense of oppression in the radiance, but everyone seems to ignore this on purpose. Although everyone is pale, they still start to take out their phones and keep talking The shooting of this scene is a wonder of heaven and earth.

In the end, Artes did not kneel on the ground under this kind of oppression. He barely supported his body and sat down again, staring at Jiang Shangyu in a daze, and opened his mouth.

His words hadn't come out yet.


An extremely dull and majestic voice sounded from Jiang Shangyu's body.


The huge sound formed an invisible sound wave, pushing Artes and the chair he was sitting on to a distance of nearly ten meters, and the windows of the entire six-star building shattered.

A large number of debris roared and fell.

Jiang Shangyu stood up straight and covered his chest. He was still smiling, but his eyes became sharper than ever.


Another loud voice rang out.

Jiang Shangyu's body swayed slightly, and finally stood firm again.

Artes, who was almost pushed to the door of the meeting room by the sound wave, finally confirmed.

The loud voice he heard before...

It's a heartbeat.

From Jiang Shangyu's heartbeat.

In his line of sight, Jiang Shangyu was still standing quietly. The first heartbeat directly made most of his injuries healed, and the second heartbeat completely healed all his injuries. The excess vitality flowed through the pores of his body It spilled out of the body and turned into an extremely dense white mist, drifting away.

Jiang Shangyu stood in the fog, looking more and more hazy and holy.

He smiled slightly.

At this moment, he is Jiang Shangyu.

It is Jiang Shangyu, the Tianjiao who controls the chaos.

At the same time as the heartbeat sounded, he had already exchanged positions with the black robe here.

It is similar to the shadow art that Jie and Li Tianlan mastered, but it is more complicated, but also simpler.

Because the two were originally one person, under the influence of the chaos, conventional principles and logic lost their effect, so in an instant, Jiang Shangyu, who originally suppressed Lucifer, appeared here, and the black man who originally negotiated with Artes Robe appeared in the underground base.

In the small base, as Jiang Shangyu and Heipao exchanged positions, Lucifer, who was going crazy, was very obviously stunned.

In the next second, the chaotic atmosphere surged wildly.

Everyone in the base, including Lucifer and the black robe, became manic.

In the extremely chaotic atmosphere, the irrational aura of the black robe began to soar continuously, breaking through the invincible state in an instant, and then continued upward, all the way upward.

Jiang Shangyu temporarily cut off contact with his other self, and sat down slowly in the white mist that filled his body.

He looked in the direction of Artes, and said softly, "Sir, my injury has healed."

This time his harvest was so big that it fully met expectations.

What he got was not only Li Tianlan's martial arts strength, but also the majestic vitality contained in Li Tianlan's martial arts tree.

This is one of the core keys for Li Tianlan's exaggerated combat effectiveness.

Li Tianlan's martial arts direction is naturally correct, but his fighting power can be fully exploded without worrying about the burden on his body, because of his vitality.

To be exact, it is the second heart in his body.

Although the second heart beats only after a long time, it adds vitality to Li Tianlan all the time. This vitality is usually contained in Li Tianlan's Martial Dao Tree.

Now that the Martial Dao Tree has been obtained, the majestic vitality contained in it has naturally been snatched by Jiang Shangyu.

The most important thing is that he left very early in the alliance operation. Although his injuries were serious, compared to the injuries of Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu, they were really much lighter. These majestic vitality not only allowed him to recover instantly after the breakthrough He has reached the peak, and there are still a lot of leftovers hidden in Li Tianlan's martial arts tree.

This also means that Jiang Shangyu will have a lot of trial and error costs in the next action. The so-called serious injury is nothing more than a heartbeat before the vitality is exhausted. Those vitality can make his heart beat several times. He can be revived several times with full blood.

Before the vitality is completely consumed, he doesn't need to worry about overturning.

"Congratulations...congratulations...congratulations, Jiang..."

Artes finally came to his senses, congratulating Jiang Shangyu on his breakthrough and recovery in a confused tone.

His tone was a bit strange, and his mood was also complicated.

The dark field outside the window and the colorful sword lights are still shining and filling the air.

All this seems to explain Jiang Shangyu's strength at this time.

This kind of powerful Artes cannot be estimated, but if we only look at the scope of the domain and sword energy, the current Jiang Shangyu may not only have broken through the level of Tianjiao, but in this short period of time, he should have completely stabilized at this level.

Stable boundaries...

How simple does it sound?

But it happened to be such a simple thing, neither Wang Tianzong nor Li Kuangtu did it at the beginning.

But Jiang Shangyu did it.

This also means that Jiang Shangyu's actual combat power should have surpassed Wang Tianzong and Li Kuangtu back then.

in other words...

In today's dark world, in terms of martial arts strength, Jiang Shangyu is well-deserved number one, and there will no longer be any disputes.

And such Jiang Shangyu had previously formed an alliance with the Artes family in a few words.

He is going to leave his two most beautiful granddaughters. In terms of seniority, he can make him call him grandpa...

But Artes suddenly found that his heart was not as excited as he imagined.

Of course there was joy, but fear and dread also surfaced uncontrollably in his heart.

out of control...

This is the key to the key.

The Artes family is very strong.

Artes himself was a big influence.

Star Country is powerful.

But with all of this, can they really completely control Jiang Shangyu in this state...

The white mist still permeated the air.

Artes looked through the white mist at the domains and sword lights almost all over the city.

He couldn't help but imagine what it would look like when all this broke out in this city.

What power would that be?

If Jiang Shangyu goes all out...

With his personal power, can he really bulldoze the city?

If those sword lights fall...

Not to mention how the architecture is, how many people here can survive?

Can Jiang Shangyu, who has reached this level of martial arts, really be considered a human being?

Artes' inner thoughts became heavier and heavier.

All this is a good thing for Xingguo, at least for the time being, but after seeing this kind of power, many thoughts emerged from his heart completely instinctively.

"All right, sir."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and waved his hands: "You and I are collaborators, there is no need for polite words between us, we can continue talking about the topic just now."

The topic just now...

Artes thought about it.

If the rainbow over the city outside the window is a miracle, then before Jiang Shangyu performed the miracle, he meant...

Take the initiative to attack and kill Li Tianlan?

Artes hesitated, and asked, "Are you going to kill Li Tianlan on your own initiative?"

When asking this question, he stared closely at Jiang Shangyu's eyes.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes did not change at all, confident, calm, and indifferent: "Yes, are you tempted?"

Kill Li Tianlan.

Before this, it was definitely a topic that would make Artes excited when it was brought up. It was like gathering with friends to brag about something that he knew was impossible. It was exciting, longing, and wild like challenging taboos. ...

But now...

Artes himself found it a bit dumbfounding that he didn't want Li Tianlan to die now.

Because... there is rain on the river.

Such a rain on the river and a rainbow all over the city made Artes understand his identity all of a sudden.

In front of Jiang Shangyu, he is a giant, he is also the patriarch of the Artes family, he is the person who controls the fate of the star country, but also, he is also an ant.

Regardless of the situation in the dark world or the stability of the star country, Jiang Shangyu's breakthrough is too terrifying. It is in his best interest to keep Li Tianlan alive.

He was thinking in a mess in his heart, but he didn't say that, he just said noncommittally: "Are you now Li Tianlan's opponent?"

Jiang Shangyu laughed. He really didn't know whether Li Tianlan, who had no martial arts strength, was worthy of being his opponent.

Li Tianlan's Martial Dao Tree and a large amount of vitality are now with him. The only way for him to regain his strength is to kill him.

But how can he kill him without strength?

Artes saw the contempt in Jiang Shangyu's eyes, which was a kind of genuine disdain.

His heart sank slightly, and he sighed: "Don't underestimate Li Tianlan, too many people have already paid the price for this."

Jiang Shangyu's smile froze for a moment, and he said calmly: "I can only say that with my current state, even if Li Tianlan held that sword in his heyday, I can still compete with him. As for now..."

After thinking about it, he didn't dare to say anything, but said: "Now, he doesn't have many methods."

He is telling the truth.

He himself is a master beyond the peak of invincibility, and he is very close to the level of Tianjiao. Now, with Li Tianlan's martial arts understanding and martial arts strength, the combination of perfect sword energy and his near-perfect domain not only allows him to break through the Tianjiao level The threshold also transformed his sword energy and domain.

That's why he was able to stabilize his realm in the first place, and continued to take a small step forward.

Although he has not yet reached the peak in the Tianjiao level, the distance from that height is not too far away.

If I have to describe it, the current him is probably close to the limit of Tianjiao.

Although this approach is actually a bit far away, at least it is not at the level of beginners.

With this kind of strength, he has the confidence to defeat Wang Tianzong and Li Kuangtu back then, and he also has the confidence to face any so-called opponents in the dark world.

But I don't know if it was because Li Tianlan had caused him a psychological shadow before. Following Artes' reminder, he actually felt some uneasiness in his heart.

His instinct made him feel that a person like Li Tianlan would not be easy to deal with even without his martial arts strength.

He tried to find out where the anxiety was, but found nothing, which made him more irritable and his eyes became darker.

That **** bandit...

If he didn't take that thing away, at least he wouldn't be so ignorant now.

He barely recalled what chaos was with that trace of breath, but some things were too incomplete after all.

"I can deal with Li Tianlan now, but in other respects, I need Xingguo's support."

Jiang Shangyu shook his head a little irritably, and continued his topic.

"Tell me about your plan."

Artes looked at him solemnly.

He really doesn't want Li Tianlan to fall now, at least not in the short term. He needs time, time to get in touch with Jiang Shangyu and get to know him slowly. When he can feel at ease with Jiang Shangyu and even control him, then Li Tianlan will You can die.

As for now, to be honest, Artes doesn't agree with Jiang Shangyu's killing Li Tianlan. He wants to wait, even if the thing he hates most is waiting.

But this is just his personal idea, he can't object at all, once he objects, Jiang Shangyu will definitely turn against him without any scruples.

Because although he is a giant, although he has the greatest influence, he is not the only one who has the final say here, and other giants are still on their way.

The Artes family did not dare to agree to Jiang Shangyu's request, but other giants did not necessarily.

because of their location.

Artes is now the tallest, so there will be various concerns.

But for the other giants, there is still Artes in front of them anyway, and they really dare to agree to Jiang Shangyu's request.

"I want to recruit the Angel Lord Group, as well as all the elites from the Burning Fire Realm, the Shocking Thunder Realm, and the Half-Step Invincible Realm in Star Country. No, not only from Star Country, but also from the European Union. All, I mean all of them. Elite..."

Jiang Shangyu spoke slowly.

Artes' face changed drastically: "Are you crazy?!"

Jiang Shangyu laughed and said nothing.

Artes barely suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Where are you going to go if you want so many people? Are you going directly to Youzhou? Do you know what it means for these people to gather together, not just Xingguo?" , and Ou Lu, if everyone gets together, it will not be the so-called contradictions and conflicts, it will be a real stand-up competition, not limited to the dark world, but all-round..."

"I'm not going to Youzhou."

Jiang Shangyu laughed and said, "Go to Beihai. The Wang family of Beihai."

Artes was a little overwhelmed: "Beihai...going to Beihai, do you need so many people?"

He thought to himself that you are a top talent, you can directly sweep the current Beihai, what do you want to do with so many people?

"Where is Beihai so simple?"

Jiang Shangyu curled his lips: "Especially around Dibing Mountain, they seemed easy to bully before, but they didn't reach a dead end. They are really in a hurry. My current strength is almost meaningless."

Artes' heart skipped a beat, but he instinctively didn't believe it, but he didn't delve into it. He just said calmly, "What are you going to Beihai for?"

"Take the sword."

Jiang Shangyu smiled, his eyes were rational, but extremely crazy: "To kill Li Tianlan, I have to make complete preparations, any preparation is not superfluous, he has his Xuanyuan Feng, of course I also want to find an energy More plentiful magic weapons...such magic weapons are in Beihai, hehe, Dibing Mountain has them...I'm going to get them."

He licked the corner of his mouth: "When I get the sword of Beihai, I will go to Oulu to destroy the Lin clan, first kill Lin Fengting, then kill Lin Fenglin, kill kill kill...hehehe...kill slowly, Hehe, hehe... I don't believe Li Tianlan can bear it... Oulu is the battlefield between me and Li Tianlan, I won't go to Central Continent, the forest clan has such a big bait in Oulu, it can completely catch Li Tianlan out, and then, hehe, hanging Get up and kill!"

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