The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 578: :wait

The helicopter roared and landed slowly at the airport.

Li Songping, with bloodshot eyes, opened the cabin door, came out a little staggeringly, looked at the rising sun in the sky, and let out a long breath.

The person in charge of the airport has been waiting for a long time. Seeing Li Songping come down, he immediately came to his side and said softly: "Speaker, His Excellency Li Huacheng's special plane will land in about half an hour. You can go to the lounge to rest first."

"Need not."

Li Songping waved his hands weakly: "Wait a while, is there any smoke?"

The person in charge of the airport touched his pocket and handed him the cigarette.

Li Songping took out a lit one, and inhaled deeply almost greedily, in his bloodshot eyes from not sleeping all night, anxiety and anxiety almost overflowed.

For two consecutive days, Li Tianlan came to Annan first, but within 24 hours, Li Huacheng came to Annan again.

Li Songping didn't feel honored by this kind of attention. On the contrary, as time went by, he became more and more anxious.

There is no solemn and grand welcome ceremony in the airport.

When Li Tianlan came to Annan yesterday, Li Songping's welcome ceremony was of the highest standard, but now that Li Huacheng arrived, the airport was deserted, let alone the most basic welcome team.

There is only one helicopter.

And Li Songping himself who smoked silently.

This is definitely a huge neglect.

But Li Songping had no choice.

"Go to work."

Li Songping finished smoking a cigarette, threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stamped it out, and then gave instructions to the person in charge of the airport.

He pointed to the helicopter on the side, and said softly: "After the distinguished guest arrives, we will leave here directly, and you can do your work."

The person in charge of the airport hesitated, squeezed out a smile, and left respectfully.

Li Songping was the only one left near the airport, facing the cold morning wind, like a statue without the slightest breath of life.

Seven fifteen in the morning.

The special plane from Youzhou landed on time at Annan Guodu Airport.

As the gangway descended, Li Huacheng's figure appeared in front of the cabin door.

The status of Annan and Zhongzhou seems to be fully reflected at this moment.

Li Huacheng stood tall and looked down at Li Songping. Li Songping took a few steps forward. Perhaps because of his exhaustion, his already short body became even more stooped, looking a bit humble.

Li Huacheng smiled, walked down the gangway quickly, and stretched out his hand to Li Songping: "Hello, Your Excellency, Speaker, we haven't seen you for a long time."

In terms of network communication, they only met yesterday.

But in reality, they haven't seen each other for a long time. The last time Li Songping went to Zhongzhou was about six or seven years ago.


Holding Li Huacheng's palm, Li Songping didn't know how to address Li Huacheng. In this situation, it is obviously not acceptable to use the previous equal address, but it is too flattering, and he is reluctant, so he can only add some more to his tone. Respectfully, he vaguely addressed the address: "You came to Annan, and you should have prepared a welcome ceremony."

After a pause, he smiled wryly, "'s really..."

He wanted to say, no one.

This is not an exaggeration.

Now Li Songping really doesn't have the energy, and he doesn't have enough manpower to stop the welcoming ceremony for Li Huacheng.

This has nothing to do with his control, but mainly because what happened last night was too outrageous, so outrageous that it overturned everyone's perception.

"It doesn't matter."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "I can understand Annan's current difficulties. Before coming here, I have made some arrangements. In the past two days, some large construction companies in Zhongzhou will come to connect with Annan. In addition, some donations will also be in place. , no matter what, the Annan people will live on, and live better than before."

"Yes, live, live better, live better..."

Li Songping muttered to himself, his eyes a little dazed.

Li Huacheng glanced at him, and didn't mind his distraught attitude. He patted his arm lightly, and said gently, "Let's go see Tianlan."

Li Songping nodded and invited Li Huacheng to board the helicopter.

The whistling of the rotor blades again.

The helicopter started to lift off, left the airport, then accelerated continuously and flew towards...


Flew to a piece of ruins.

There is no exaggerated description.

Today's Annan Capital has become a real ruin.

The concept of the city was completely destroyed.

Only the building where the banquet was held last night is still standing, but the main body of the building is also riddled with holes. Countless holes spread from the bottom of the building to the top of the building, as if countless sharp things passed through the entire building. , the front and back are transparent, beams of sunlight pass through the holes, and the whole hotel is like a hedgehog composed of light beams.

With the hotel as the center, the entire Annan Kingdom is in all directions, and all the buildings have collapsed...

To be exact, all of them were turned into powder.

Shopping malls, communities, hospitals, office buildings, overpasses, parks, cars...

Everything in the city has disappeared.

Flowers, plants, trees, and reinforced concrete were all crushed into the finest powder by a terrifying force.

Dust covered a messy street, rising and falling continuously in the wind, like sandstorms one after another.

The people of Annan stood in an empty ruins, wandering around in a daze, not knowing what to do at all.

It all happened completely out of the blue.

Most of them don't even have anger, only dazed, and many of them think that they have been punished by heaven.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer to the ruins.

The closer you get, the more shocking everything is at the entrance.

A city was completely crushed to powder, leaving only one building riddled with holes. The sword energy swept all the way, tearing the entire city apart, but there were no casualties.

what is this?


This is not a miracle at all, it is simply absurd.

Li Huacheng on the helicopter watched silently, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching slightly, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Because the news he got was a bit inexplicable.

It is said that some accident happened in the banquet hall, Li Tianlan found something wrong in the lounge, went out to check, but disappeared for a few minutes for no reason, and then this sword that was enough to subvert everyone's three views appeared .

Destroy the city with one sword.

The endless sword light illuminated the entire country into daylight.

Jian Guang came suddenly and left abruptly. When Jian Guang disappeared, the disappeared Li Tianlan had reappeared in the waiting room.

It is said that the city was still barely stable at that time. Although all the buildings were riddled with holes, at least they remained the same.

When everyone ran out of the buildings that were about to collapse at any time, the wind in the city blew, and all the buildings collapsed silently into pieces of powder and dust, and the city became ruins.

It's like listening to some frightening horror story.

Everyone knew that the light that illuminated the whole city was Jianguang.

But the question is, with one sword, destroy the entire city without hurting people's lives?

This difficulty is even more difficult than massacring a city with one sword, and it is much more difficult.

No one thought Li Tianlan could do this.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that only Li Tianlan can do this.

But the key is that Annan has surrendered...

The other party bowed their heads. He had no reason to turn the city into ruins.

It is said that after that sword strike, Li Tianlan himself had some problems.

Ma Si immediately reported the news to the East Palace and Li Huacheng.

Without any hesitation, Li Huacheng arranged a special plane to fly directly to Tiannan.

Now that others have come, and the ruins have been seen, but his heart is also a little dazed, and he doesn't understand what the situation is at all.

If that counts as a show of force...

That sword is really a bit too much. could Li Tianlan make such a sword?

He was already injured right now, even if he recovered from his injuries and was in peak condition, he probably wouldn't be able to do this.

Li Huacheng had seen the video of Jian Guang appearing, the whole process was very short, but the sword energy filled the sky, that kind of power, under normal circumstances, Li Tianlan definitely did not possess it.


Li Huacheng rubbed his forehead with some headaches: "Anyway, I saw Tianlan talking first, Your Excellency, I will understand what happened this time, and if it is Tianlan's fault, Zhongzhou will give you a satisfactory explanation. "

Li Songping smiled wryly, shook his head, and didn't say much.

The helicopter landed on the helipad on the top floor of the hotel.

The top floor of the hotel was also riddled with holes, and countless sword qi pierced through holes one after another. Through these holes, Li Huacheng could even vaguely see some of the situation in the lobby on the first floor standing on the roof.

With a wry smile, he stepped off the helicopter and went straight to the banquet hall.

All the high-ranking members of Annan's big family who attended the banquet last night were still alive, but they had already left the hotel at this time.

The elite of the Yuxue King Regiment almost completely surrounded the banquet hall, protecting the periphery of the lounge and waiting in full force.

Li Huacheng, who walked in, frowned subconsciously, and his face became more solemn.

The news he got on the phone was that something was wrong with Li Tianlan.

But what went wrong, Ma Si couldn't tell, just said it was strange.

This so-called strange...

Could it be that Li Tianlan was so overdrawn after this sword that he lost consciousness?

He was seriously injured, this inexplicable sword...

What happened to him?

Li Huacheng quickened his pace and walked directly into the lounge.

In the lounge, Marthe and Thor were sitting on the sofa like statues, motionless.

Li Huacheng was about to speak when he saw Li Tianlan standing in front of the window.

Li Tianlan stood with his back to him, his body standing straight, he silently looked out of the window, with an aura that Li Huacheng couldn't see through at all.

It was just a back view, but it made Li Huacheng suddenly feel a strong sense of strangeness.

He stood there quietly, it seemed that nothing had changed, but it seemed that everything had changed.

Li Huacheng's pupils shrank slightly, looked at Thor and Ma Si, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "What's going on?"

No matter what, at least Li Tianlan was still standing, which reassured him a lot.

"have no idea."

Ma Si and Lei Shen looked at each other, Ma Si smiled wryly and said: "I can't explain what's going on... Li Shuai found out the problem with the banquet hall and went out for a while, and then in front of our eyes, suddenly the disappeared...

Then came the sword.

After that sword strike, he reappeared in the lounge and apologized to Li Songping...


And that's it. "

"What is this like?!"

Li Huacheng's headache was even worse.

"Just... just standing... neither talking nor moving. From last night to now, he has been standing like this, and he has never moved at all..."

Ma Si's smile became even more bitter: "We don't dare to take the initiative to talk to Li Shuai, because we are afraid of something unexpected. Speaker, what should we do now?"

How do I know what to do...

Li Huacheng was expressionless, but subconsciously complained in his heart.

He hesitated for a while, and cautiously came to Li Tianlan's side, and looked at the ruins outside the window with Li Tianlan.

In the ruined city, there is a group of homeless Annan people.

Li Huacheng didn't know what's interesting about this, he hesitated for a while, and asked tentatively, "Tianlan?"


Unexpectedly, Li Tianlan immediately responded positively.

Li Huacheng: "..."

Marth: "..."

Thor: "..."

Li Songping: "..."

Li Huacheng was stunned for a few seconds, then turned his head, and gave Ma Si a hard look, why can't you guys take the initiative to say something while Li Tianlan is standing here all night?

As long as you take the initiative to say something, maybe I don't need to make this trip.

He's conscious and responsive, so what's the problem?

The only problem is that you didn't talk all night?

Li Huacheng was a little powerless, but at the same time he couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you doing standing here all night?"


Li Tianlan laughed, his voice was soft, and his smile was very bright. Li Huacheng could only see this side face, but just this side face gave him a huge attraction that he didn't want to look away. force.

It seemed that overnight, Li Tianlan's charisma attributes were completely filled.

"Waiting for what?"

Li Huacheng looked away, and asked with a dry cough.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, and then said leisurely: "Wait for my's too far away, let my sword fly for a while..."

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