The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 579: : consciousness of heaven and earth

Li Huacheng didn't understand Li Tianlan's meaning for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and he tentatively said, "You mean, Xuanyuanfeng?"

Xuanyuan Feng is the number one magic weapon in the dark world, which is recognized by the entire dark world. More than a dozen fierce soldiers who were once famous in the dark world are completely combined to form a sword. In terms of value alone, it can be said to be a well-deserved priceless treasure.

Li Tianlan has left Xuanyuanfeng in Tiannan since he left Tiannan, now he wants to get this sword back?

But if you want to take it, just take it, can Qin Weibai stop you? Wait here, what are you waiting for...

Do you have any telepathy with that sword, so you can summon it here?

Even if such a nonsense speculation is true, Xuanyuan Feng doesn't have the energy to fly over.

"It should be... no... I don't know."

Li Tianlan spoke softly, his tone constantly changing.

"Speak well."

Li Huacheng had a headache: "What's going on?"

"I do not know."

Li Tianlan smiled lightly: "Teacher, my martial arts strength is gone."

Li Huacheng froze for a moment, subconsciously tightened his body.

He stared at Li Tianlan closely, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by no more?"

Martial arts strength is gone...

This sentence itself is a bit strange, and it sounds extremely awkward.

Li Huacheng can accept any explanation, such as what opponent he met last night, his injuries worsened after the fight, and he can't show his strength for the time being. Anyway, this martial arts strength is Li Tianlan's strength, what is it?

"Without it, it just doesn't exist."

Li Tianlan's voice was calm and peaceful: "The mind is still there. I know how to exert strength and what martial arts are, but I don't have the strength, and my physique has become very weak. It can't be compared with before."

He reached out and touched his right chest. The second heart was still there, but at least half of the powerful vitality contained in the heart had been lost. Now the second heart had almost completely entered a dormant state.

The wind and thunder pulses are still there, but his body is limp and he can't lift any strength.

In terms of pure physical fitness, now he has really become an ordinary person, and his once unrivaled strength and incredible ability to fight have completely disappeared.

"are you serious?"

Li Huacheng stared at him blankly, a little in disbelief: "Why did this happen?"

"It's not easy to explain, but when it's gone, it's gone."

Li Tianlan's tone was calm.

Li Huacheng's face was a little ugly, he took a deep breath, pressed Li Tianlan's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Go back to Zhongzhou first, you are not in good condition now, it is too dangerous to stay outside, after you go back, you will live in Yinlonghai, keep a low profile for a while , Slowly find a way to get back your strength.

Even if..."

He gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter if you can't find it, you are still young, and you have plenty of time to walk the road of martial arts again."

Things are obviously not as simple as he said.

In today's Central Continent Special Warfare System, strictly speaking, there are not a few masters who can do it. Wei Kunlun, Li Xi, Situ Cangyue, and even Wang Xiaoyao and Wang Shengxiao can be counted.

But Li Tianlan was the only one who could hold back the scene.

Among other things, once the news of Li Tianlan's lack of strength leaks out, Jiang Shangyu, who was just driven out of Zhongzhou by him, will definitely make a comeback. At that time, Li Huacheng can only do it himself, and the scene will definitely be subversive.

"It's not that serious."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "I can still...protect myself..."

His voice is still calm, but the speed of speech has become a little slow, and even the reaction seems to have become a little slow: "Waiting...I'm sword..." Li Huacheng frowned, looked A look at Marth.

There was enough tacit understanding between the two, and Marthe reacted immediately, walked out of the lounge, and dialed the number of the Cavaliers.

The knight's call was answered almost instantly, and before the knight could speak, Ma Si asked in a deep voice, "How is the palace lord doing now?"

The knight was silent for a while: "I woke up for a while today, and I'm still resting now, what's wrong?"

"Li Shuai is still in Annan."

Ma Si took a deep breath: "The chairman has also come, Li Shuai's situation is not right now, I don't know what happened, but according to Li Shuai...he seems to have lost his martial arts strength and has become an ordinary person. ..”

The knight on the other side of the phone didn't speak, and even the sound of her breathing disappeared, as if she was completely frightened.

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but Li Shuai said he's still waiting for his sword..."

Ma Si quickly said: "Go downstairs and see if Xuanyuan Feng is still in the square in front of the castle. If he is still there, someone should come and bring Xuanyuan Feng here."

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Li Tianlan said that he was waiting for his sword, so of course Xuanyuanfeng was the only one.

Matt didn't think about anything else.

"I'll go."

The knight said something quickly, and the phone was hung up immediately.

In the lounge, Li Huacheng looked at Li Tianlan and comforted him softly: "This is actually not a bad thing, what is certain is that you will be very busy next time, This also means that you don't need to fight with others for the time being. It will take time to rectify the special warfare system. During this time, you can definitely think of a way. Naturally, I am willing to teach you something, which may not be worse than martial arts."

He is a master in the spiritual field, and he is also the kind that is infinitely close to the transcendent.

At present, there are two spiritual realms in the dark world, one is the Holy Emperor, and the other is Qin Weibai.

Li Huacheng can say without exaggeration that those two, no, even including the fallen Transcendence Realm Li Crazy...

Although these three are higher than him in realm, but compared with him, they are all scumbags in terms of the use of spirit.

If Li Tianlan is willing to walk the path of the spiritual realm with him, with his firm will, Li Huacheng believes that Li Tianlan's progress speed will definitely be very fast.


Li Tianlan suddenly shouted.


Li Huacheng glanced at him.

"you say..."

Li Tianlan's reaction seemed to be getting slower and slower: "Tell me, are they conscious..."


Li Huacheng frowned slightly.

Li Tianlan didn't speak, just looked out of the window, keeping his head up slightly, silently.

The night outside the window has been replaced by day.

Li Huacheng followed his gaze and narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

Li Tianlan was looking at... the sun?

Li Huacheng didn't see this thing, he rubbed his sour eyes: "You mean the sun?"


It took Li Tianlan a long time to respond: "Heaven and earth... have consciousness? The earth, sky, air, white clouds, wind, ocean, dust, sun, moon and stars... Teacher, do you say these are alive or dead?"

This sentence is not long.

But when Li Tianlan finished speaking, almost five minutes had passed.

And the topic seems to be shifting in some strange direction.

Li Huacheng did not expect that after losing his martial arts strength, Li Tianlan turned into a philosopher.

The issues he is discussing now are really philosophical.

"I don't know anything else, but the sun, moon and stars, especially the sun must be alive."

Li Huacheng said angrily, "Have you read the scientific report? The sun is still a relatively young star, with at least a few billion years of life left."


Li Tianlan murmured: "It is alive and has a lifespan, so will it be conscious?"

Li Huacheng said expressionlessly: "Should I find a philosopher or an astronomer to talk to you? But with your current appearance, what you need is a psychologist..."

Li Tianlan didn't speak.

Li Huacheng shook his head: "Don't think too much, it doesn't matter whether it is conscious or not, even if it is really conscious, it is beyond the comprehension of human beings."


Li Tianlan nodded slowly: "So, a person who can understand this kind of consciousness is still a human being?"


Li Huacheng glared at Li Tianlan fiercely, as if he wanted to say something, but the second his eyes fell on Li Tianlan, his pupils shrank violently as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Li Tianlan still stood there.

The indistinct sharpness on his body had long since disappeared, replaced by a very special aura.

That kind of breath seems to be constantly fluctuating every moment, which is completely different from martial arts. If it is really similar... it is probably barely close to the spirit The nature of power is also different from spiritual power. It is an inexplicable breath that Li Huacheng has never seen before.

"My state... seems a bit strange..."

Li Tianlan muttered to himself: "I seem to remember a lot of things... Those things can be formed into pictures and words, very clear, but... But I can't understand them at all for a while, those things that I can understand very quickly problem...but i can't understand...

I now...seem to have a new, weird ability to protect myself, but..."

"but what?"

Li Huacheng asked in a solemn voice.

This kind of state of seeing but not being able to understand is very subtle. It will happen when people are dreaming or being hypnotized. To be more straightforward, everyone will quickly forget it after waking up. The content of your own dreams.

To put it bluntly, this is a lack of spiritual level.

Those that are forgotten or incomprehensible may not be secrets, but may be some very subtle things, simple things that are easy to understand, but because of insufficient spiritual level, they cannot be understood at all for the time being.

Li Huacheng has no way to say more about this, but Li Huacheng is still very interested in the new and strange ability.

"But... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work..."

Li Tianlan's voice was a little helpless.

He's got a new ability to protect himself, but it doesn't always work...

Thor, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, couldn't help but asked, "Six Meridians Excalibur?"

What a god, the six-veined sword.

Li Huacheng gave Thor a hard look.

"I want to stabilize that ability."

Li Tianlan said slowly: "So...I need to wait for my sword."

"Can your sword help you stabilize this ineffective state?"

Li Huacheng couldn't help asking.


Li Tianlan nodded slowly, extremely confident.

The Thunder God who had just stepped into the lounge gave Li Tianlan a complicated look, and said in a low voice, "Shuai Li, I just received the news...Xuanyuanfeng is still in the East Palace and hasn't moved."

Xuanyuan Feng hasn't moved...that is to say...

"That means it's not what I was waiting for."

Ma Si was a little puzzled, and thought, do you have other swords?

Li Tianlan said slowly, "It's coming soon."

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