The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 814: :wake

This is an indescribable space.

It is not accurate to say that space is actually a space. It does not exist in real space. There is no time and no matter here, but it is the place where thinking is truly accommodated.

Consciousness, perception, and thought are constantly intersecting here.

Every corner of the space is filled with light, and the intense light is released in all directions like flames, driving ever-changing colors and blazing temperatures.

The fire was constantly releasing, the flying flames, and the messy light entangled in the space like gaseous clouds.

The clouds evaporated in the hotter temperature and turned into strange shapes. They drifted, disappeared, and melted into mist. The next moment, the mist also burned and turned into strips of dancing and changing light strips.

Qin Weibai thought all this was so beautiful.

In other words, the Lord of Samsara Palace thinks all of this is so beautiful.

She didn't know where this was.

At the beginning, it seemed that my consciousness had been imprisoned in this space filled with ethereal bands of light and exuberant fire.

There is no time or matter here, her perception completely disappears, and her thoughts gradually become silent. She is imprisoned in a daze, enduring almost eternal loneliness.

She didn't know how long that time had passed. It might have been a day, a year, or even tens of thousands of years. When she completely lost the concept of time, she saw a fat man here.

The fat man who called him sister-in-law said some random and incomprehensible words, and then left a test bed here.

Then just as suddenly as he appeared, he disappeared again.

So in the long period of time that followed, the Lord of Samsara Palace began to study the test bench. The fire and the dancing light strips that were constantly blooming around her were beautiful, but she had long been tired of seeing it. Although the test bench was boring, it was Her only toy.

What is simulated on the test bench is the scene of the universe exploding and then collapsing back to its origin.

Repeated again and again, tirelessly.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation had nothing to do and spent most of his time looking at the test bench in front of him in a daze.

She would occasionally move the few ornaments on the experimental bench to make the process of the explosion and collapse of the universe simulated by the experimental bench become a little unusual. Her consciousness would often be immersed in it, enjoying the joy of controlling everything.

I don't know how long this time passed, but the test bed that seemed both illusory and real collapsed without warning.

The source of this incident came from a wisp of flames floating around, or a little spark. The little bits of light fell on the test bench, and began to disappear quickly without any sound, leaving no trace in the blink of an eye.

The Lord of Samsara Palace still remembers the scene at that time.

All the light burst out in an almost crazy manner, with a torrent of flames, and the blazing temperature that almost melted everything rose endlessly. Light and fire destroyed this space in the shortest time. The most thorough cleaning ever.

The test bench, which shouldn't be here, was completely melted.

In the entire space, endless light and fire were boiling, and the consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace became the only thing in this space.

In the continuously boiling fire, the Lord of Samsara Palace saw an illusory road constructed of pure light and fire. That road extended under her feet and spread to endless and unknown distances.

She instinctively embarked on that path, but then found that she could not go forward.

She stood at the beginning of this road, unable to retreat or move forward.

It was as if there was a power originating from herself that restricted her actions, so her entire consciousness was frozen on the road where the firelight gathered.

Her consciousness, her memories, her feelings and her heart seemed to be completely fixed.

She clearly saw the road under her feet, and she couldn't wait to follow it to the unknown end, but she just couldn't move.

The endless firelight constantly changed into various colors and completely surrounded her.

The most terrifying flames were burning Qin Weibai's consciousness crazily.

Palace Master Samsara didn't feel any pain, all she felt was stalemate.

That kind of stalemate that seems to last forever, to the end of the world.

The unknown flame seemed to be mobilizing all the power in the entire space and burning her spiritual consciousness.

And her mental strength also instinctively resisted the surrounding flames.

Her mental strength seemed endless.

And the surrounding flames also never stop.

The surrounding space seemed to have completely solidified.

The erupting flames completely surrounded her, while her mental strength continued to resist.

The spirit and the fire formed a strange tie, or rather a stalemate.

The illusory road and the unknown space began to become stagnant.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation just stood on this road. The flames from all directions were unable to break through the spiritual power in her consciousness, and the spiritual power in her consciousness was also unable to break through the surrounding flames. That kind of mental power completely imprisoned her. This seemed to give her the greatest degree of protection.

The consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace became more and more drowsy in this kind of confinement, or in other words, it became calmer.

She couldn't move, and all she could see was fire spreading everywhere.

She watched quietly, as if her entire consciousness was about to evolve into a fire isolated by spiritual power.

In the desperate loneliness, at a certain moment, the Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly heard a small voice.


"I plunder...the emperor's...god's power..."

The intermittent sounds echoed in the unknown space, penetrating the firelight and penetrating her spiritual power.

" battery...constant meditation...provides mental power...instantaneous death..."

There were still intermittent sounds, but the message gradually became complete.

"Don't care...that old dog...the chips are's possible...let him survive..."

The voice became more and more familiar.

"Under the circumstances... my mental capacity will be a little tense. I want to borrow some from you. Do you agree?"

"I agree."

"Okay, I convinced you."

Ask and answer, ask and answer for yourself...

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation seemed to realize something, and her consciousness that seemed to be merging with the firelight finally came to her senses.

This is your own voice.

Another voice of one's own. borrowing spiritual power from herself to increase her spiritual capacity?

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation had just realized all this, but as the other person asked and answered her question, "I agree," the spiritual power that had been protecting her and preventing her from being devoured by the fire suddenly began to drain away rapidly.

The mental power that had been resisting the fire decreased rapidly, and in just a few blinks, the reincarnation palace master's mental power completely disappeared.

Her ability to hypnotize, or rather, all abilities in the spiritual realm, were completely transferred to another her at this moment.

The reincarnation palace master lost her mental power, and her consciousness was completely exposed to the boiling fire around her.

No, the fire is no longer boiling...

At the same time as her mental power disappeared, the surrounding firelight seemed to continue to become softer as her mental power declined. When her mental power completely disappeared, the surrounding firelight suddenly became docile.

It was a burning fire, but to the Samsara Palace Master's perception, the violent streams of light and light bands around her seemed like the warm water in a bath, the temperature that made her feel most comfortable and relaxed.

She was still 'standing' on this road where the firelight gathered. After losing her spiritual power, the long-lost freedom seemed to rush towards her face. She just changed her mind and her body, which was purely composed of consciousness, was already on this road. Floated a lot forward.

The breath of freedom comes with a roar of sounds aplenty.

In an instant, Qin Weibai felt that his body was blown into countless pieces.

Strictly speaking, she had no so-called body, she was just consciousness, and at this moment, it was her consciousness that exploded into countless pieces.

Her consciousness began to split continuously, first into two, then into four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two...

There was no end, as if in just an instant, her consciousness split thousands of times, and her consciousness began to become smaller and smaller.

The fire was still burning.

The gentle flame seemed to have shattered every nerve in her countless times.

A large number of voices kept appearing in every part of her divided consciousness.

Cries, laughter, voices, noisy, subtle, clear, blurry, the same but different.

Endless sounds filled her every consciousness.

Her consciousness was still dividing. In a very short period of time, her consciousness seemed to be shattered into tens of billions or even many pieces. But no matter how her consciousness was divided, she could still hear a large number of , different voices.

Children's cries, teenagers' cries, girls' murmurs, adults' sighs, old people's weakness, laughter and curses, a lot of quarrels, endless promises...

She heard the sound of trees growing, heard the roots taking root on the ground, heard the wind blowing through the trees, heard the air blowing the flowers, every particle of dust in the world collided and combined in the air, the wind howled, the water surged, The magma underground is boiling, and animals are roaring and wailing.

She seemed to see the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas maintaining a unique rhythm and surviving in an incomprehensible way.

She saw the light of the stars penetrating the void of hundreds of millions of miles, and the high temperature and extreme cold made a sound. She heard the breathing of the stars and the sound of the rotation of the planet.

Various voices, different people, different genders, different ages, different races, different concepts...

All the sounds crazily poured into the consciousness of the Palace Master of Samsara.

In just a second, or even less than a second, the Lord of Samsara Palace completely forgot who he was.

She felt like a newly born child, looking at a strange world with a kind of ignorance that she didn't even know.

She felt like a dying old man, counting down his life to the sound of medical machinery.

She felt that she was a newly married young woman who was looking forward to her husband's departure from get off work.

It is a wild deer watching vigilantly in the jungle.

It is a fierce tiger in the forest.

They are crawling hares, hibernating snakes, flowers that step into the soil, and fallen leaves that dance with the wind and are blown into the sea.

It's mountains and rivers, it's seas, it's land masses, it's stars and rivers...

The concept belonging to Qin Weibai completely disappeared in an instant.

The so-called obsession, Li Tianlan, another self, all the memories... have become infinitely blurry at this moment. These things may still exist, but to the Lord of Samsara Palace, they are no longer important.

That's just part of who she is.

She is like an aggregate made up of countless life consciousnesses. She is constantly dividing. She can be everyone.

The road built by fire still spreads towards the unknown distance.

Scattered and subtle, the consciousness of countless reincarnation palace masters are moving forward at an unimaginable speed on this road, receiving more and more information.

Her consciousness began to come together, then split again, then came together again...

The voices of various life consciousnesses filled her soul.

Her consciousness began to become peaceful, and this peace soon turned into silence. Quietness turned into calmness in the fastest time, then silence, and finally turned into a dead silence without any fluctuation.

The scattered consciousness began to piece together again.

At the same time, countless flames boiled again, surrounding the Lord of Samsara Palace.

Her consciousness began to become more and more stable, and then, surrounded by flames, her body condensed by consciousness with the help of flames appeared in this unknown space.

Here she formed a body, a body that could hold all her consciousness.

She opened her eyes.

If one day you stand on the long river of time and see everything in the world...

On a timeline that is too long to count, there are all kinds of grudges, all kinds of life and death, sweetness, bitterness, resentment, blessings, hatred, sacrifice, until the world is destroyed, until civilization changes, and the sea changes. , the world changes, species evolve, stars fall, galaxies dim...

You've seen everything and gotten used to everything...

What will your eyes look like at that time?

That would be a kind of peace.

Not numbness.

But a kind of pure indifference.

No emotions, anger, pity, sadness, love, despair, hope, fear...

There will be nothing.

Not even the most basic indifference.

Concept of good and evil, concept of right and wrong, world view, values...

It doesn't matter.

That kind of look is like the whole world, looking at all living beings leisurely, letting the world change, ignoring the joys and sorrows, all of which have nothing to do with me.

This is the current state of the reincarnation palace master.

A large number of complex and various sounds still exist, constantly filling the ears of the Palace Master of Samsara.

Her eyes were still pure indifference.

Hearing or not hearing meant nothing to her.

She didn't want to do anything, and she didn't want to think. She had no joy, sorrow, or emotion, just like everything in this world didn't matter.

A little sound, of course, doesn't matter.

She slowly raised her palm, which she had constructed using the surrounding firelight, and looked at it quietly for a while.

The fire around them was still surging.

Silently, Qin Weibai's palm began to shatter little by little, turning into wisps of flames that gradually dispersed.

Her body also began to gradually become looser.

She doesn't care about her emotions or where she is, nor does she feel lonely. Naturally, she doesn't have any thoughts or urgency.

She also didn't plan to go anywhere, and she was too lazy to think about space. Since she was here, she would be here, it didn't matter if the world ended for thousands of years, she could just stay silent like this.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation slowly closed her eyes, and wisps of fire continued to surge around her body and gradually dispersed.

The next second, her closed eyes opened again.

Somewhere in the dark, she clearly felt an extremely familiar, but at the same time extremely repulsive power suddenly appear in her consciousness.

Is that a state mixed with spiritual power?

It is a state of complete synchronization of body and mind under spiritual power. This state appeared in her consciousness without any warning, and she was trying to synchronize with her.

The Lord of Samsara Palace is still emotionless, but instinctively rejects this power.


A roar suddenly sounded in the silent space.

Endless firelight burst out in an instant with the Lord of Samsara Palace as the core.

The flames twisted into various shapes in the space, such as clouds and light ribbons, ethereal and dreamy, yet cold and ferocious.

The special mental state that suddenly appeared in her consciousness was completely destroyed by the burning flames almost instantly.

A clear scream sounded in the ears of the Palace Master of Reincarnation. It was shrill, painful and helpless, and also had an extremely familiar feeling.

This scream was so familiar and so clear that it almost instantly suppressed all the meaningless sounds in her ears.

Qin Weibai listened quietly, neither happy nor disgusted.

She tried to find the familiar source of the scream, but after sorting through many sounds she heard, she still couldn't find any trace of that sound.

She didn't know how long time passed in her thoughts, until Qin Weibai heard a sudden voice again in her ears, that familiar voice that overwhelmed all the sounds in her ears.

"She's go, you go..."

Outside the space, a certain part of oneself, or something seems to be being touched, driven away, and disliked...

Are you being disliked?

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation blinked her eyes. She felt that all this didn't matter, but just as she was thinking this, another strong and obvious anger suddenly rose inexplicably.

On one side is indifference, on the other side is anger. The two emotions are distinct, yet extremely harmonious.

The Lord of Samsara Palace now doesn't even have the most basic curiosity and inexplicable emotions, so she just allows this emotion that shouldn't appear to spread.

She felt she should fight back.

The next second, another vague voice sounded: "She... pinched... me... down... and felt..."

The Lord of Samsara Palace stood blankly, motionless.

Then, another voice sounded, still **** familiar, still **** clear.

"Your husband is great, but now he is mine..."

"Tianlan likes me more...he doesn't want you anymore."


"Thank you...hee..."

"We will do well... bless us..."

The fire that was constantly dancing and escaping from the body of the Palace Master of Samsara stopped.

His mood remained dead calm.

But there was an inexplicable complex emotion that seemed to come from outside, but also seemed to belong to her. She was sour, dissatisfied, angry, jealous...

Husband, what is this?

But whatever it is...

That voice seemed to be trying to steal something from me?

Is she mocking me?

Am I mocking myself?

No, she's mocking me!

Dare she mock me? !

Who is this little bitch?

The Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly had the will to leave here. No matter who the voice belonged to, it was always right to go out first and tear her apart.

That voice is still chattering about how good it is, just sleep well and I will take care of you...

The Lord of Samsara Palace only found this sound more annoying than all the sounds he had heard before.

She opened her eyes, one eye was absolutely calm, while the other eye was full of anger, and it was becoming more and more agile.

Her absolutely calm mood made it impossible for her to even try to calm her other half's irritated mood.

The so-called absolute calm means that there is no emotion, but the external emotions are constantly affecting her, provoking, ridiculing, sarcasm, and causing some of her emotions to rise and fall at the same time.

The Lord of Samsara Palace was in an extremely contradictory state.

leave here...

I must tear that **** apart first. I must, I must...

By the way, let's see what my husband is...

The Lord of Samsara Palace made up his mind.

Her body suddenly shattered completely and turned into a sky full of fire and smoke.

The entire space began to shake violently.

The endless firelight burned and began to collapse. The space was getting smaller and smaller. The light continued to condense, became extremely bright, and then began to dim.


The familiar but extremely annoying voice in his ear was still speaking.

"Thank you for helping us... Tianlan loves me now..."

The darkness recedes.

Soft light, high dome, surrounding medical equipment...

Everything appeared in front of the Lord of Samsara Palace.

The sound in my ears stopped suddenly.

Forgetful Villa.


In the biological laboratory of the Lin clan, Qin Weibai, who was lying next to the Lord of Samsara Palace and chattering, seemed to feel something and quietly raised his head.

Right next to her, silently, the Master of Samsara Palace had opened his eyes.

Qin Wei rolled his eyes and blinked.

The two people's eyes met each other for an instant.

Qin Weibai was a little confused.

And the Lord of Samsara Palace...

A little bit of pure white and extremely rich light lit up between her eyes.

Li Tianlan, who was guarding his two daughters-in-law, didn't even have time to be surprised, and his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

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