The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 815: :source

In the past few days.

Wangyou Villa is very lively, but Wangyou Villa is also very cold.

It is said to be a villa here, but the overall area is equivalent to that of a highly developed town, or a small town.

With the villa as the center, the mountains, rivers, vegetation, and resources in the surrounding area of ​​nearly two thousand square kilometers are the private domain of the Lin clan.

The Lin clan has spent hundreds of years planning the scenery on this land. With little modifications, combined with the environment, it can be said that this place has been transformed into a place that is truly like a paradise.

Occasionally, if the Lin Clan has something special within it, they will hold a tourist season here, opening Wangyou Villa to the outside world on specific days, and the nearby airport will also be open to the outside world. Direct routes will be temporarily added here, and the entire European continent will help promote it. Therefore, this place has also been promoted in various publicity as the most suitable place for people with indifferent personalities (salted fish) to vacation and retire.

People from continental Europe can only come here for vacation.

The people in the villa live here for their retirement.

For hundreds of years, there was no way that the Wangyou Villa had only the Lin family. Counting from their origin, Lin Xuanyuan's generation, all the friends who were with him, his capable subordinates, and the servants who served him were all here. Spread its branches and leaves, and then continue (salted fish) with the Lin clan.

There is no internal fighting here. Those who are ambitious can go out, and those who are not ambitious can enjoy life here without any need for cleaning. People here are too lazy to engage in conspiracy. There is no turmoil, and the population will naturally increase. The whole Wangyou There are more than 30,000 people living here all year round.

This is not Central Continent.

This is Continental, this is Rui Shi.

What is the concept of a town with a population of 30,000?

Within this highly developed force, their so-called largest city has a population of just over 400,000.

The small town known as the Villa has a population of more than 30,000.

Therefore, the so-called hidden Lin clan is not cold and desolate at all.

Not open to the public most of the time, they built this place to be prosperous and beautiful, and their daily life is a happy and carefree state most of the time.

But this carefree happiness is disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

In three days, 90% of the entire Wangyou Villa has been evacuated.

Lin Fengting officially made the decision for the entire Lin clan to enter Tiannan.

A large number of doubts and voices of incomprehension turned into huge pressure, but Lin Fengting showed unprecedented determination.

After all, he is the leader of the Lin clan. He has been doing nothing for his whole life, but when he is determined at critical moments, he still shows a strong and even iron-blooded demeanor.

He did not explain any reasons, but forcefully asked the tribesmen to relocate.

The stalemate lasted for several hours, and people from the Lin clan headquarters began to compromise.

After all, he still overestimated something.

From here to Tiannan, the vast majority of the Lin people are naturally unwilling to leave. They don't want to leave and are reluctant. They are very satisfied with the life here and have long been used to it.

But in the final analysis...

This is a group of salted fish.

In the eyes of this group of salted fish, Lin Fengting, the clan leader, is not a powerful person close to the level of genius, but the salted fish king.

Although Lin Fengting did not explain the reason, in the eyes of this group of salted fish, even the salted fish king who least wanted to mess around felt the need to move to Tiannan. This was actually a very important reason in itself.

Don't want to move, can't bear to leave, too lazy to move.

The overall mood must be like this, but since the clan leader has clearly requested it, what else can we do if we don't leave? Are you going to fight Lin Fengting to the end?

They were too lazy to move, so how could they have the motivation to confront Lin Fengting?

I don’t even bother to fight.


Move, move...

Although they were reluctant, quite a few people left on the same day without even bothering to pick up their luggage. From Europe to Tiannan, they looked as leisurely as if they were going out to make soy sauce. They had money on them and still needed What luggage?

If you walk from the nearby airport or take a bus to the nearest city for a connecting flight, the interior of Wangyou Villa will be half empty that day.

Lin Fengting then began to deal with some resources within the Lin clan, and following these resources, a large number of people left.

Then teams from various forces in Europe began to enter Wangyou Villa to ask for a meeting with Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai.

Li Tianlan was naturally too lazy to show up.

Qin Weibai would occasionally appear on the ground, but her reservations were also fully booked. While each spokesperson was queuing up to make reservations, they started talking to Lin Fengting.

But Lin Fengting also had a problem. After reluctantly meeting a few people, he simply left these people to a few stewards from the Lin clan headquarters who had no time to leave to deal with them, while he began to be in a daze.

A long period of daze.

In less than twenty-four hours, Lin Fengting's whole person had undergone extremely obvious changes.

When the changes first appeared, he was eating lunch. The subtle changes appeared silently. Lin Fengting felt as if he couldn't eat enough. He felt that he had eaten the dishes and all the staple food on the table normally. Instinctively let the kitchen continue preparing meals.

While waiting for the meal, the hunger became more and more obvious and then intensified.

So Lin Fengting started to eat snacks, connected the food with snacks, and continued eating.

That meal lasted from noon to evening. After several hours of eating, Lin Fengting ate hundreds of kilograms of rice by himself, as well as more meat and vegetables and a lot of snacks.

In other words, Lin Fengting ate hundreds of kilograms of food in a few hours.

People who had not left the Lin clan were all frightened when they heard the news.

After that meal, Lin Fengting did not move and began to be in a daze. A few hours later, he walked from the restaurant to the bedroom where he usually meditated, and his reactions began to become slower and slower.

His thinking was very clear during the whole process, but his reaction, or the speed of receiving information, and the speed of responding to information began to slow down.

Sword energy began to appear inside Wangyou Villa while he was meditating.

The sword energy became more and more powerful, completely covering the entire Wangyou Villa.

Lin Fengting seemed to realize something and reluctantly walked out of the meditating bedroom.

He stopped and walked, sometimes staying in place for a few seconds, and then continued to move forward. Just like this, he stayed away from Wangyou Villa and sat down on a hillside fifty miles away from the Villa. .

The news spread quickly.

Then the same news came back.

Not only Lin Fengting, but many people within the Lin clan have experienced similar phenomena. Some young people in the Lin clan headquarters, some in their prime who have practiced martial arts, Lin Fenglin, Lin Yingxiong and other masters above the invincible realm, among branches in various places. Some young people...

Situations similar to Lin Fengting's began to appear on a large scale within the Lin clan. In the atmosphere of panic, some people began to recover from that extremely slow state.

This state appears in different people, and the duration seems to be different.

According to the information gathered from various places, the first to recover were the two young people from the Lin clan headquarters who had arrived in Tiannan. They were seventeen years old and in the air control realm. They fell into that state for the shortest time, but it made everyone What shocked everyone was that after leaving that special state, two young people who originally only had the Qi Control realm and had not even reached the peak rushed directly into the Burning Fire Realm.

Burning Fire Realm, seventeen years old...

It's just a meal, I'll be stunned...

The Lin clan had not yet recovered from their dazed state, and news began to be passed back and forth between different branches and the headquarters.

Everyone was checking the news they had received as if they were dreaming.

People who fell into that state gradually began to wake up as time went by, and there were more and more news. To describe it in the simplest way, the overall strength of the Lin clan suddenly increased in the most exaggerated way in a short period of time. Improved several times.

No, it’s more than ten times or even dozens of times.

From the air-controlling realm to the ice-condensing realm, from the air-controlling realm to the burning fire realm, from the ice-condensing realm to the thunder realm, from the thunder realm to half-step invincible, or from the burning fire realm directly to the peak of the thunder realm, or from the ice-condensing realm The environment jumps to burning fire, and...

From the peak of the thunder realm directly to the invincible realm!

The overall strength of the Lin clan exploded countless times almost instantly.

Everyone who fell into that state had an improvement in strength as soon as they woke up, more or less, but without exception.

So in just a few dozen hours, the entire Lin clan has gained six more invincibles.

Lin Yingxiong, the leader of the European branch, immediately reached the peak invincibility after waking up, and he was in a state where he could break through at any time.

Lin Fengting, who is close to the genius level...

Then there are nearly ten invincible masters.

Half a step invincible, nearly half of the peak of Thunder Realm.

Those in the Burning Fire Realm can even pull out several super elite troops.

What lineup is this?

If Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai are not considered, this is a lineup that is enough to kill Donghuang Palace in an instant.

The well-deserved number one wealthy family in the dark world has appeared.

Each branch was a little confused after being surprised. After all, they were branches. Branches of the Lin clan were scattered all over the world. For such a breakthrough, if it were specific to each branch, there would only be one or two people in each branch, or even none.

The increase in the overall strength of the Lin clan is not obvious at all in front of the loose structure.

And the Lin Clan headquarters, which can receive all the messages compiled from all major branches...

Lin Fengting didn't wake up.

Lin Fenglin didn't wake up either.

As for the rest of the people at headquarters...

Their attitude is very clear: As long as everything is fine, that's fine.

As for breakthroughs and improvements...

Then break through. If you break through, you can go to heaven or what?

Therefore, after a brief period of surprise at the Lin Clan headquarters, the most common words that appeared were not congratulations for the breakthrough, but words like: You scared me, or why are you so crazy, why didn't you die? As for joy. ..There should probably be some, but it's not obvious. People are just curious.

As the strongest person in the Lin clan, Lin Fengting has also entered that state. What they are most curious about is whether Lin Fengting can use this opportunity to step into the highest level of the dark world.


On the hillside dozens of miles away from Wangyou Villa.

The surging sword energy that almost distorted the space finally slowly dissipated.

Lin Fengting opened his eyes and stared blankly at the world in front of him.

Things are already changing high in the sky.

A huge vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters slowly rotated in the air. The endless sword energy resonated with the vortex at the same time. The strong air flow tore apart the clouds in the sky and swallowed up a large amount of light.

The sword energy comes from top to bottom.

Heaven and earth are silent.

The entire space seemed to solidify in the swirling vortex high in the sky.

His sight, his breathing, his perception, everything he could detect, was full of sharp edges in all directions.

Lin Fengting's eyes gradually recovered from dullness.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at his hands.

When his hands were raised, they kept rubbing against the sword energy, and the space changed instantly. Long swords condensed by the sword energy appeared one after another in Lin Fengting's hands, in front of him, in the sky, and behind him, and subtle buzzing sounds suddenly formed. A piece of whistling mountain forest.

"how are you feeling?"

A smiling voice suddenly rang.

Lin Fengting's body tensed up instinctively for a moment, and he turned his head slightly.

In his sight, a fat man who looked familiar but had never seen him before was sitting a few meters away from him. His chubby body was sitting cross-legged and he was holding an oversized bottle of Coke in his arms.

Not a Coke bottle, but a giant bottle of Coke.

It's the kind of big bucket that can be placed on a water dispenser and hold more than ten kilograms of water.

For some reason, Lin Fengting was suddenly attracted by the bottle of Coke. After a moment, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you here?"

He knew who this man was.

Xuanyuan Wushang of the East Palace was said to have just opened a small clinic in the East Palace at first. After Li Tianlan fell silent, he began to show his strength and was loyal to Li Tianlan. Lin Fengting naturally disagreed with this position. Would be too defensive.

As his heart moved, the sword energy around him and the sword energy vortex in the air disappeared silently.

"I'm here to report to my eldest brother about some work."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and said, "As soon as I got close to here, I saw you making a breakthrough. I wasn't in a hurry, so I just guarded you for a while and acted as a protector. Looking at it now, it seems to be going well. Congratulations, would you like a drink? "

He gestured to his Coke.

Lin Fengting looked at the big bucket and shook his head.

Xuanyuan Wushang groaned, unscrewed the bottle cap, held the bucket and started tossing.

The coke in the vat began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xuanyuan Wushang kept drinking and drank half the bucket in one go.

Such boldness made Lin Fengting feel a little numb when he saw it.

"Let's go."

Xuanyuan Wushang, who drank about seven or eight kilograms of Coke, wiped his mouth with his sleeve: "In terms of level now, it should be no worse than Jiang Shangyu without Lucifer, but this is not the end. As time goes by, at most one Yue, you should be able to reach the peak at this level and then unlock some characteristics of the next level..."

He looked at Lin Fengting: "This kind of strength is enough to qualify."


Lin Fengting frowned and asked subconsciously.

Although others were awake, their minds were still a little confused, and they obviously didn't know why things were like this.

He has indeed surpassed the peak invincibility, and is only half a step away from the level of Tianjiao. However, this half step is longer than the distance from a person who has just been exposed to martial arts to the peak invincibility. Lin Fengting thought that he had no hope of breaking through in this life. , but he didn’t expect that he would inexplicably enter an inexplicable state, and then unknowingly break through the threshold that made him a little desperate. In the process, he did not get any so-called inheritance and knowledge. Such a breakthrough , simply cannot understand.


Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Just think of it as your luck."

The Lin Clan's headquarters, the Lin Clan's branches...the origin of the Lin Clan as a whole is the God of War Lin Xuanyuan.

And the God of War is now also the source of martial arts.

How old is the Lin clan in the City of Miracles? Just hundreds of years.

But the God of War Realm has been developing for a very long time on its own timeline. Once the Lin Clan enters the starry sky, what does that mean?

That means they may not be strong enough, but in terms of seniority, they are not young at all. Lin Fengting and Lin Xuanyuan are only separated by a few hundred years of blood, so their relationship is quite close.

In other words, when Lin Fengting entered the God of War world, he was almost like an ancestor.

Now that the God of War has fallen, the source of martial arts is shaken, and authority is dispersed. Lin Fengting, who can be said to have a direct blood connection with Lin Xuanyuan, and even the entire Lin clan, will naturally be more favored by authority.

The authority of the God of War is the limit.

Under extreme authority, everyone in the Lin clan and those with super genes in their bodies will grow rapidly in strength. If this was not a real environment, Lin Fengting's current strength would definitely not be that of a ranger who has not yet reached the peak, but He will quickly skip the ranger level, skip the grandmaster level, become a fighting spirit, and even have a certain probability of becoming a Tianjue.

For Lin Fengting, this is good luck.

Luck is still very important.

For example, the other person named after the God of War was notoriously unlucky, so when he died and the authority favored him, the Wang family in Beihai would probably have countless more artists, the kind who were both masters in calligraphy and painting. The Lin family could Under the influence of the source, the strength will be doubled. By then, the Beihai Wang family, well, by then, the Beihai Wang family will be able to write beautifully.

Xuanyuan Wushang originally wanted to express some jealous views, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips. To say that his bloodline was powerful, Lin Fengting was only close to the God of War.

Xuanyuan Wushang is the heir of the Supreme Being. This unique advantage cannot be matched by Lin Fengting.

The two of them did not stay where they were and flew directly to the nearby Wangyou Villa.

Xuanyuan Wushang briefly explained the purpose of coming here this time.

His mission in Zhongzhou has basically been completed. The major groups, led by Li Hua, have reached a consensus and agreed to join the Eastern Palace. However, this will not be publicized to the outside world for the time being. To make up for the temporary non-publicity, Zhongzhou will also publicly recognize the East Palace. status of the royal palace.

Sage, insight, Shenfeng, Tianqi, and most importantly, Donghuang, will all be recognized by Zhongzhou.

If the end of the world does not happen, then Middle-earth will still be Middle-earth from now on.

If the end of the world officially comes, Zhongzhou will also quickly complete the integration with the Eastern Palace.

Xuanyuan Wushang found this condition acceptable. At least, he had completed his mission.

However, before Xuanyuan Wushang finished talking about Lin Fengting's position arrangement in the East Palace, the two of them had already returned to Wangyou Villa.

The inside of the villa is still calm, because most people have left, so the place looks a little cold.

The two fell from the air to the ground.

"We will talk about the future matters later."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and asked, "Where is eldest brother?"

"In the laboratory."

After Lin Fengting was on duty, he said: "I'll call him up, you..."


Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly hummed in confusion and blinked blankly.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Fengting was a little confused.


Xuanyuan Wushang murmured twice, and his body trembled violently.

At this moment, dozens of meters away underground, in a space where no one could observe, the Lord of Samsara Palace lying on the bed opened his eyes.

Pure light lit up in her eyes.

She saw Li Tianlan and the little **** she wanted to tear apart.


On the ground, Xuanyuan Wushang made an unconscious sound and covered his head with his violently trembling hands.

Beside him, Lin Fengting turned around suddenly.

In perception, everything seems to be changing crazily.

The earth is shaking.

A dozen meters away from him and Xuanyuan Wushang, the flat lawn grew crazily in an instant.

The grass, flowers, trees, and even the fallen leaves on the ground are all surging crazily.

The few trees in the villa suddenly turned into towering trees hundreds of meters high, with lush branches and leaves covering the sky. The grass and flowers on the grass also turned into towering trees with a height of more than ten meters or tens of meters. Huge plant.

A large number of plants trembled almost violently, pulling their roots out from the ground and roaring like a storm.

A large number of densely packed branches and leaves that were originally extremely fragile are now like sharp knives from the sky. The plants are killing themselves without reason, and they are also instinctively destroying everything in Wangyou Villa.

Xuanyuan Wushang desperately opened his mouth, and the pure white light in his eyes also occupied the pupils.

Lin Fengting stared at all this blankly, subconsciously reaching out his hand and touching his hair.

His neatly combed hair became messy and all white at some point. When his palms touched his face, he felt a lot of wrinkles. His slender palms also became shriveled, and there were a lot of age spots.

Unprecedented weakness suddenly came to him when he was stronger than ever, and he was caught off guard.

Xuanyuan Wushang seemed to still be resisting.

He stretched out his hand, spending energy as if to activate virtual teleportation.

But the moment this idea came up, all the abilities under his technological authority were completely suppressed. At the same time, all the abilities under his destiny authority were also suppressed.

Xuanyuan Wushang's body knelt on the ground uncontrollably, prostrate with an unprecedented piety.

All the struggle and resistance in his eyes quickly disappeared, becoming cold and calm.

The huge Wangyou Villa transformed from a bustling town into a pristine and strange forest in the blink of an eye.

Violent fluctuations rose from the space of the underground laboratory, blasting directly through the entire surface.

Amidst the deafening noise, white rays of light roared into the sky one after another.

It was a flame, white, the fire of life without any impurities.

The flame of life ignited all the surrounding plants, and the power of life instantly rose to the extreme.

Xuanyuan Wushang completely calmed down, and there was only absolute indifference in his eyes.

Technology authority is suppressed.

Destiny authority is suppressed.

The only thing he has left is the authority to live.

Standing on the road of life authority, facing the fire of life that can burn through the sky, he has no power to resist.

Because what escaped from those pure white fires of life was power far beyond his current level.

That is not the power of an eighth-level saint.

Nor is it the power of a ninth-level angel.

is the source.

That is the authority of life authority, life.

It’s the breath of the Supreme!

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