The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 890: :manner

Hidden Dragon Sea.

Guo Wentian hurriedly opened the door of Li Huacheng's study and saw Li Tianlan sitting on the sofa at first sight.

His expression was stunned for a moment, and his mouth moved, as if he wanted to say hello, but he didn't know what attitude to use.

Middle-earth is still Middle-earth.

But the parliament has already made a decision. From the directors to the members, everyone now understands the current situation and is ready to convey the news to the next level at any time.

So now Li Tianlan is no longer simply the master of the East Palace or a special adviser.

Regardless of whether their decision has been made or not, now that it has been decided, Li Tianlan is now the true master of Central Continent.

In the new era that belongs to this master, Guo Wentian himself will not be a giant.

The situation changed, his identity changed, and the complex sense of gap made his body stiffen and his eyes became more messy.

"Sit down first."

Li Tianlan glanced at him and nodded.

After all, Xuanyuan Wushang's laboratory was not a place to talk, so he followed Li Huacheng back to the Hidden Dragon Sea. Li Huacheng took the lead and sat down with major groups for a short meeting.

In the following time, whether it is the propaganda of Xi Dynasty or the transfer of people to underground cities, it will not be possible without the full support of major groups. Li Huacheng has always been in control of the situation in Central Continent, but to put it bluntly, his control is only With people and parliament under his control, he can spread his influence to any place.

At this time, everyone's ideas and survival are involved. If Li Huacheng is allowed to operate, it is estimated that there will be meetings, discussions, and tossing every day. It is difficult to even have relevant concepts in a short time. fixed one.

Li Tianlan didn't have the patience to deal with this, so this meeting was led by Li Huacheng, but in the name of Li Tianlan.

Meetings will happen, but they should be short and quick.

He has enough power to ignore all trade-offs, so to him, this meeting is just a clear notice to the major groups. Li Tianlan will completely ignore all objections and hesitations.

Guo Wentian, who represents the Prince Group, is here.

Li Huacheng from the college is here.

Next, there is Dongcheng Invincible from the wealthy group.

Wan Qingyun of Southeast Group.

Zhou Yunhai from Northern Group.

Just these few people are enough.

He didn't even meet all the major giants. One person from a group is enough. What's the point of being so formal?

When Li Huacheng notified the meeting, he notified the participants from far to near according to their distance from here. Guo Wentian, who was the closest, was notified the latest and was the earliest to come, while Dongcheng Wudi, who was the farthest, was notified the earliest and was the last to come. , but everyone came within a short time. Within ten minutes of Guo Wentian sitting down, everyone came.

The atmosphere in the study was a little quiet.

Li Huacheng, Guo Wentian, Dongcheng Wudi, Wan Qingyun, Zhou Yunhai...

Everyone looked at Li Tianlan with complicated eyes.

Dongcheng Wudi is undoubtedly the one with the least psychological pressure. No matter where Li Tianlan is, he is his son. He does not face the psychological pressure of his son, but he is worried about the future of Zhongzhou.

Li Huacheng's psychological pressure should also be lighter. Even if his way of thinking has not changed, the vaccination given by Xuanyuan Wushang is still effective. He will consciously control himself and keep himself absolutely consistent with Li Tianlan.

What he was worried about was the sensation caused by the news that Li Tianlan was going to announce next.

Zhongzhou became the Xi Dynasty.

Everyone enters the underground city, abandons the surface, cancels the technology tree, and even cancels today’s education...

This series of decisions was too radical, and he was worried about what Li Tianlan would use to suppress all opposition.

Even if Li Tianlan will become a tyrant in the future, in the current situation, he does not have all the conditions to be a tyrant. If he kills all these people in a rage, the whole situation will immediately become chaotic and unmanageable.

So in today's meeting, it is still up to Li Tianlan to convince others.

Except for Dongcheng Wudi and Li Huacheng, the other three directors looked at Li Tianlan with pure confusion and fear.

There is one fact before us.

That is the reality of the so-called apocalypse.

The end is coming, do you believe it or not?

Of course I believe it, especially after Isenbul disappeared, all of them sank to the bottom of their hearts. This seems to be the incident that best illustrates the authenticity of the doomsday. But to put it bluntly, Isenbul is still far away from Central Continent. They Although I am willing to believe in the end of the world in my heart, it is impossible to say that I do not have any doubts in my heart.

They want to believe, but this belief is not firm but in a state of constant wavering.

This state cannot be suppressed with too strong means. Li Tianlan doesn't even need to suppress it now. He is already making the three giants a little uncomfortable just by sitting here.

From the battle between Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu covering the entire city, to Li Tianlan's pursuit of Jiang Shangyu across the Pacific Ocean, to the fireworks turned into mushrooms, and the disappearance of Isenbul.

A series of things keep happening.

And Xuanyuan Wushang, who they regarded as Li Tianlan's spokesperson, also directly made a request to let Li Tianlan control Central Continent in this series of events. No, it was not a request. This was a wolfish ambition, but they still had no way to refuse.

Li Tianlan remained silent during the whole process, letting Xuanyuan Wushang convey his will while he left the scope of Central Continent. Only when they had the results and reached a consensus did Li Tianlan return to Youzhou.

Is this to reap the fruits of victory?

Li Tianlan's personal force is an actual threat.

And doomsday is the threat of the future.

The two threats combined make everyone extremely uncomfortable.

If Li Tianlan came to reap the fruits of victory in today's meeting, what requests would he make and what would he do next?

"Everyone is here."

Li Tianlan said: "Well, as we prepare to go to the meeting, there are a few things that I need to inform you about and implement them as soon as possible."

Everyone looked at each other, and then turned to Li Huacheng at the same time.

Just one sentence made them feel uncomfortable.

Everyone is here?

How come it's all there?

And what does it mean to go to a meeting? If you're not meeting here, why come here?

Also, hehe...

Donghuang is really domineering in his control of Central Continent. There are a few things that I need to inform you about and implement them as soon as possible...

Notify and implement.

All discussions and such are exempted, right?

Except for Li Huacheng and Dongcheng Wudi, even the best-tempered Zhou Yunhai felt a little suffocated.

Li Huacheng was also a little dazed. What he was thinking about was going to a meeting. Where was he going to have a meeting?

"What Tianlan means is that there is no need to call everyone, just one person from each major group will be enough."

Li Huacheng reluctantly spoke.

Before the end of the world, everyone knew that there were six major groups in Central Continent, but except in some private occasions, basically no one would clearly mention it. But with Li Tianlan taking control of Central Continent, the six major groups can be clearly stated. .

Guo Wentian wanted to say something, but held it back.

He has always had a strong personality. In the past, he and Li Tianlan had constant conflicts, but now the situation is stronger than others. No matter how dissatisfied he is, he must control his temper and not be impulsive at this time.

He didn't speak, but Wan Qingyun, whose face had long since turned gloomy, couldn't help it. He looked at Li Tianlan and said in a deep voice: "You..."

"I have something to say."

Li Tianlan interrupted Wan Qingyun directly, not coddling him at all: "Let's go."

Following his voice, the entire study suddenly and silently darkened without anyone seeing his movements clearly.

The blackness that seemed like nothingness instantly filled the entire study.

The sunlight outside the window seemed to recede to infinity at this moment.

No, not only the sunlight, but also the study room, walls, bookshelves, desks, sofas, coffee tables, and even the smoke produced when smoking, everything suddenly became extremely illusory at this moment, and then quickly drifted away.

Darkness, no, nothingness occupies everything.

Wan Qingyun's emotions suddenly broke down. He was a little terrified and wanted to speak, but found that he could not make any sound. He could not see, hear or touch anything.

There was only nothingness undulating silently.

Time seemed to have passed for a second, but also seemed to have passed for a long time.

Light suddenly appeared in a void of space.

The light was also extremely illusory, barely seeming to show something, but because the distance was too far, no one could see it clearly, like an extremely blurry painting.

Everyone can feel that they are quickly approaching the painting, but the closer they are, the more unclear the painting becomes. The 'painting' made of light is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly distorting. As the distance approached, the painting directly shattered into a mass of twisted light and shadow, with messy lines stretching from all directions and spreading everywhere.

Nothingness recedes.

There seemed to be light around me again.

It is a soft light like a lamp.

The extremely uncomfortable feeling of existing in nothingness and feeling nothing disappeared instantly.

Everyone feels the seats again, feels the long table, feels the actual object.

Only a second passed.

But everyone was covered in cold sweat, breathing heavily, and subconsciously touched the thing in front of them. No matter what it was, as long as it was not nothingness, it was the most rare thing.

Li Tianlan looked at them quietly, took out a cigarette and lit it, smoking slowly, waiting for them to calm down.


Li Huacheng was the first to come to his senses, but he did not speak, but watched silently.

Wan Qingyun, who was still unconvinced until just now, said with some lack of confidence: "Where is this place?"

A change of one second.

This is no longer Li Huacheng's study.

They appeared in an extremely grand and solemn hall, surrounded by carved murals full of Western art styles. The ceiling was so high that it was almost untouchable. The surroundings were quiet and solemn. A long solid wood conference table was displayed, and Li Tianlan sat on it. In the main position, it is unfathomable.

"This is Isembl."

Li Tianlan said lightly: "Isenbul's parliamentary hall."

"Ethan...Ethan...what Bull?"

Wan Qingyun was completely stunned.

The others were in an uproar and their expressions changed drastically.


Isn’t Isenbul missing? Why can Li Tianlan appear here? No, where is this? Where did Isenbull go after he disappeared? What does this matter have to do with Li Tianlan? And where are the people who originally lived in Isenbul now? They were in Hidden Dragon Sea just now, why are they here now?

Countless emotions suddenly exploded in everyone's heart, including confusion, doubt, trembling, uneasiness, panic...

All the emotions continued to accumulate, and eventually turned into pure fear.

The unconvinced look in Wan Qingyun's eyes just now completely disappeared.

Guo Wentian became even more silent.

Zhou Yunhai clenched his fists, loosened them and then tightened them, and finally silently corrected his sitting posture.

Li Tianlan smoked a cigarette but still said nothing.

Li Huacheng suddenly understood what Li Tianlan meant at this moment.

Now their condition is not suitable for strong suppression but needs persuasion?

It doesn't matter.

Li Tianlan had no intention of convincing anyone.

From the Hidden Dragon Sea to the missing Isenbul.

Li Tianlan just wanted to express one thing.

The end is coming, and you have doubts. It doesn't matter, as long as you can see me.

Whether the end will come or not is not something you should consider. That is a question that the superiors of the Xi Dynasty should consider.

What Li Tianlan wanted to express was such an attitude.

You must see me.

As long as I am here, I can be your guardian, and I can also become your doom at any time.

Just clarify your position and obey unconditionally.

This is Li Tianlan's attitude.

The emperor intimidates all.

The sages control the situation.

Li Huacheng sighed. He waited for a while, and after everyone had digested their inner emotions, he finally spoke and broke the silence.

In the formal meeting, he did not call Li Tianlan by his name, but changed his title: "Your Majesty, what is going on? Can you explain it to us a little bit?"

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