The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 891: :Private matter

Li Huacheng's words were just to ease the atmosphere. After all, he had already known about Li Tianlan's collection of Isenbul before. As for how to collect it and why he could do it, Li Tianlan didn't need to explain. He explained that other people either couldn't hear it. , or he just didn’t understand, and Li Tianlan didn’t bother to speak.

The fact is that the missing Isen Bull does have a very close relationship with Li Tianlan, and it is enough for others to know this.

This is equivalent to giving a signal to Wan Qingyun, Guo Wentian, and Beifang City.

If Li Tianlan can make Isenbul disappear, then he can make other cities disappear.

Youzhou, Huating, Southwest, North, there is no difference to him.

Isenbul disappeared in an instant.

This means that if Li Tianlan wants to target them, he doesn't even need to know where they are, he only needs to determine which city they are in, and then, in the blink of an eye, the entire city will disappear with them.

At this point, it doesn't really matter whether the apocalypse is real or fake.

Li Tianlan's strength has already taken absolute dominance. There is nothing they can do against Li Tianlan. There is nothing they can do.

The power of the individual has truly surpassed the collective. An era of personal power has arrived, and one person defeating the world has changed from a concept to a fact.

So what if the apocalypse is a hoax?

Even without this scam, they couldn't stop any of Li Tianlan's decisions.

"Where are those people in Isenbul?"

Dongcheng Wudi suddenly spoke.

His son was related to the disappearance of Isen Bull, and he was also shocked in his heart, but his identity gave him a natural psychological advantage when facing Li Tianlan that even Li Huacheng did not have. For him, fear or something It doesn't exist, he is just a little worried.

There are tens of millions of people in Isenbul...

What did Li Tianlan do?

The palms of Wan Qingyun, Guo Wentian, and Zhou Yunhai trembled almost at the same time.

Three people, three groups.

Those who deliberately suppress their temper and want to keep a low profile, those who are unconvinced and want to ask for more, those who feel uncomfortable but do not show it, no matter what they are thinking now, it was before. As for now, they have no ideas at all. , one is more honest than the other.

The question about Dongcheng Wudi is still what they want to ask, but they...

Don't dare to ask.


Li Tianlan thought for a moment and used a more abstract word: "They are free, so this city now completely belongs to us, there are no outsiders, no one..."

Wan Qingyun and the other three felt cold inside.

They dare not think deeply about what it means to be free.

But Li Tianlan's words made it very clear that there was no one else in this city except them. It was an empty city...

And the people who originally lived here, they, no, they are free.

become free...

"There is no need to explain the origin of Isenbul."

Li Tianlan said slowly: "I will just say one thing. Something happened in this city before, and everyone turned into a monster at the same time. Frankly speaking, this is a monster that no elite force can handle today. There was nothing I could do about it except clean up the city.

But now, this city completely belongs to Central Continent.

Our current location is in the underground space of Xuanyuan City. This is Tiannan. To be precise, it is about 90 meters deep underground of the East Palace Headquarters. If you are interested, you can go outside and take a look. The entire Yi Semble has gone through its first expansion.

The area of ​​​​this city is now more than three times larger than the original Isenbul, and the number of various buildings is nearly five times greater than before. In other words, this city is already a city that can accommodate A super city with over 50 million people.

I'm too lazy to worry about names, so I'll just call it Main City No. 1, or No. 6. If you don't like it, you can use another name, it doesn't matter.

In the next few days, around this main city, I will build several more acropolis nearby. The scale of the acropolis will be slightly smaller, and there will also be fewer residents, but there will be more defense measures. The existence of the acropolis , will be the first and only line of defense to defend the main city.

This main city, as well as the surrounding acropolis, will accommodate at least a population of more than 250 million in the future.

You can take a look around later, or you can contact relevant experts you know. I need a detailed population planning proposal, how the 250 million people should be distributed, and how large the Acropolis should be to be just right.

I need a plan, the more detailed the better. This is the first task of your major groups. You have half a month to complete this matter. When you have a plan, I will use the plan to complete the construction of the completed work. The main city and acropolis are modified.

As for the second task..."

Seeing the increasingly stunned faces of several people, Li Tianlan's expression remained unchanged. He put out his cigarette and continued: "The second mission is also related to the main city, Xuanyuan City, Youzhou, Southwest, Qin Chang'an, and Central Plains Luojing. , the deep sea in southern Guangdong, this will be the location of the six super main cities in the future. I will build acropolis around the six areas. The major groups must use all their power to send everyone on the surface to the major main cities and acropolis. The city is coming.

Time is urgent, we only have less than a month, so we need to do this quickly, focus on population migration, and move into different main cities and acropolis in batches. We have to temporarily abandon the surface environment. After a month, the six main cities and The location of the Acropolis is the main structure of our Xi Dynasty. "

Buzz buzz...

There was no sound in the conference room.

But except for Li Huacheng, everyone's brains were buzzing, including Dongcheng Wudi.

Abandon the surface environment?

In the vast territory of Central Continent, how many main cities and acropolis will be left in the future?

Xi Dynasty? ? ?

What is this for?

After abandoning the surface, what will the people concentrated underground eat and drink?

How to solve the resource problem?

No sun, no rain, what to do with the simplest food problem?

There are all kinds of questions...

Guo Wentian opened his mouth uncontrollably. He wanted to say something, he really wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he subconsciously looked at Dongcheng Wudi.

The relationship between Guo Wentian and Dongcheng Wudi was not good, it could even be said to be very bad, but at this moment, his eyes subconsciously looked at Dongcheng Wudi with a hint of pleading.

Among everyone present, Dongcheng Wudi was undoubtedly the easiest to talk to.

Dongcheng Wudi noticed Guo Wentian's eyes, and with the same shock in his heart, he subconsciously sighed: "God... no, Your Majesty..."

Li Tianlan was obviously stunned for a moment. He seemed to be a little embarrassed all of a sudden, and his voice was a little unnatural: "Dad, don't be like this. If you have anything to say, just say it."

He is accepting Huang Xi's memory, but he is Li Tianlan. Even if he becomes the Supreme in the future, his father will still be his father, and this cannot be changed.

Several people present seemed to feel lighter because of Li Tianlan's words.

The concepts of monarch, minister, father and son are no longer important at this moment. In fact, after the establishment of the Xi Dynasty, among all the people present, only Li Huacheng can stand at the top of the supporting role next to Li Tianlan. Dongcheng Invincible will retire due to his strength. , Guo Wentian and others will basically have no chance to participate in discussions at this level in the future.

They can appear on such occasions now only because they still control a large amount of resources from major groups. This is a special period. At this time, it is meaningless to pay attention to being at home and away from home, father and son, monarch and minister.

"Abandoning the surface of the earth is a big deal. Have you thought about a series of troublesome issues?"

Dongcheng Wudi took a deep look at Li Tianlan: "If a small number of people live underground, that's no problem, but with more than a billion people living underground, do you know how many problems and needs there will be?"

Li Tianlan was silent for a moment.

Of course he knows how troublesome this is, but...

"I can solve these problems."

Li Tianlan said softly: "The main focus is on resources. In fact, in addition to the main city and the acropolis, my plan also includes the existence of resource city clusters. I can basically guarantee the resource consumption of more than one billion people, and their lives may be worse. But it’s not much different than on the surface.”

"The surface of the earth is really just..."

Dongcheng Wudi was a little confused: "Why?"

People always have to face the world...

Li Tianlan smiled bitterly: "Soon, the surface of the earth will no longer be suitable for ordinary people to live in. I am not sure what will happen at that time, but the surface environment in a month will undergo huge changes, even if there is no natural disaster. , I can only be certain of two things at the moment...

Severe cold and intense heat.

On the surface of the earth in one month, the temperature difference between day and night will become extremely large. The planet we live on is in the so-called habitable zone, but without protection, it is not very livable. The end is approaching, and it is simply not possible. It is not a problem of individual force out of control, but a change in the entire environment...

For example, the high temperature during the day is at least 70 or 80 degrees Celsius, and the low temperature at night is at least minus 70 or 80 degrees Celsius. This is the most conservative estimate. In addition, there is also the accompanying cosmic radiation. For ordinary people, A deadly virus..."

"This series of problems is collectively referred to as skylight. This is the most normal way for the star's light to fall on the planet. This is true even in the habitable zone. The environment we lived in before was simply because of the protection here. It’s not a normal environment.”

"If the surface of the earth is not abandoned, I cannot say that civilization will be completely destroyed, but at least a large part, the vast majority of people will not survive. There will be survivors, but they will be very few..."

Any other person, Li Tianlan would not bother to say so much.

But Dongcheng Wudi is his biological father, and Li Tianlan can't ignore him as an ant no matter how impatient he is.

Everyone was silent again.

This meeting was not so much a meeting as it was Li Tianlan giving orders unilaterally, and the others basically had no tone of voice.

But Li Tianlan's words contained a lot of information. With so much information, everyone's mind was a little confused.

" there no other way?"

Dongcheng Wudi couldn't help but said: "I mean, that protection, or other ways to solve the surface problems..."

Li Tianlan hesitated.

He didn't know how to answer this question.

What protects the City of Miracles is the real environment and authority. Theoretically, Li Tianlan can also use authority to do this, but this requires very precise operations. Li Tianlan is in too bad a state now. He can do this in the future, but now he cannot It's impossible. All he can do is to use the crudest method to limit combat effectiveness and completely change the environment of a planet. The operations involved are too delicate.

And, what if he could do it now?

The shadow of order is already looming.

Li Tianlan must integrate the real environment and authority to become reality. Otherwise, under the shadow of order, the so-called protection is meaningless.

"Such an environment is inherently abnormal. Being too fragile means that the ability to resist risks is too poor..."

Li Tianlan explained seriously: "Actually, the harsh environment on the earth's surface is only very harsh for today's people, but in other places, such an environment is also rare. Instead of changing the earth's surface, change yourself, let yourself go Adapting to the environment is the best choice.”

The corner of Dongcheng Wudi's mouth moved, looking at the eyes of several old colleagues around him, he said in a deep voice: "How to change?"


Li Tianlan said calmly: "This is what I want to say next. After everyone gathers in the underground city, cancel anything related to technology and cancel any education related to technology, such as: mathematics, physics, chemistry. In addition, foreign languages ​​​​are also There is no need to learn anymore. Some liberal arts subjects can be retained. In addition, I will add some new subjects, such as lies, destiny, martial arts...

I will implement authority within the scope of Middle-earth. This is something that can replace all science and technology. If appropriate, a universal universal language can also be added.

Dad, and everyone, don’t think it’s incredible. In fact, the world has permissions.

The so-called technology is just a type of authority. It is not superior to lies, destiny, and martial arts in a real sense. What science can do, they can also do. All they need is different theories. And these three authority are also the same. To enhance ourselves, I will list the various permissions in detail, find someone to compile them into teaching materials, and mark the detailed promotion methods.

When everyone in Central Continent has certain authority, and when their bodies can withstand the surface environment, people will come out of the main city and return to the surface. That will be the real new world. "

"Regarding this aspect, Xuanyuan Wushang will be partly responsible. He will conduct a nationwide physical examination, select a limited number of people with the most potential, and establish different schools. I will serve as the principal of all schools. As human beings, we should Take control of your own destiny."

Dongcheng Wudi stopped talking.

The conference room fell silent again.

Everyone is digesting the information.

Li Tianlan lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath and looked at Li Huacheng.

Li Huacheng was also looking at him, seemingly in a daze.


Li Tianlan suddenly shouted.


Li Huacheng nodded subconsciously, and then reacted: "Huh?!"

"There is something you need to arrange personally."

Li Tianlan said softly: "Those who plan to immigrate next, or those who want to leave Central Continent for other forces in college, please make arrangements as soon as possible to let them go out. Those who want to come back outside, except for those who have no intention of settling in other forces, should do so from the beginning. There are a very small number of people who want to come back to serve Central Continent, and some special circumstances... all the others are rejected. Since they have chosen to leave, then these people should not come back.

In addition, those who yearn for other forces should check it out, help them, and send them away quickly.

They will see... In less than a month, they will see that outside Middle-earth, not only the moon, but also the sun will be very round, and it will also be very hot. "

Li Huacheng looked at Li Tianlan in astonishment.

Li Tianlan suddenly smiled: "Actually, I don't mean anything else. These people don't mean anything to me. I just suddenly remembered it. According to my personal preference, let's just get rid of it."

Li Huacheng's mouth twitched.

He was Li Tianlan's teacher, but Li Tianlan was now his leader.

Everything the leader just talked about was business.

But now, the so-called based on his personal preference is undoubtedly a private matter.

Li Tianlan’s personal affairs.

In a sense, this is even more important than official business.

"I...will send them out."

Li Huacheng smiled bitterly and agreed. This matter was really not difficult for him. As long as anyone had the intention in this regard, Zhongzhou now had enough strength for them to go out.


Li Tianlan's somewhat erratic eyes penetrated the smoke in front of him and said softly: "They will all be free next."

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