The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 906: :Confused

The current situation is obvious.

Under the influence of the chaos, the three underground floors of the castle disappeared.

To be more precise, the three underground floors of the castle have not only disappeared in reality, but also in people's perception.

The castle of the East Palace is a confidential space starting from the third underground floor, but it is not a special period right now, so authorized people can enter and exit at will. Although the elevator leading to the underground is not busy, it is not considered busy on weekdays. Leisure.

But Yu Donglai has been missing for several days, and no one has noticed it, which shows that there is a problem with everyone's cognition.

Qin Weibai recalled the details in the elevator.

The elevator buttons work normally most of the time, but the moment they approach the third underground floor, the buttons disappear silently.

This directly leads to the fact that whether the elevator is going up or down, the space of the third underground floor will be conceptually skipped. If going from top to bottom, the elevator will reach the fourth underground floor while passing through the second underground floor. If you go up, the elevator will appear on the second underground floor when passing through the fourth underground floor.

Anyone who rides the elevator will not think there is anything strange about it.

This directly led to the disappearance of the space on the three underground floors in both people's perception and reality.

Yu Qingyan could detect something was wrong entirely because she and Ning Qiancheng were now with Qin Weibai.

When the **** authority is consciously on guard, no chaos can affect her and the people around her, even if it is chaos at the same level as domination.

Qin Weibai still had doubts in her heart, but the facts were already in front of her. No matter what the reason was, Li's previous tree of life plan was indeed connected to chaos.

The resurgence of chaos directly led to Yu Donglai's disappearance.

There are many things that cannot be explained about this fact.

But there is no way to explain it, it is just the nature of chaos.

Qin Weibai suddenly turned around, her eyes glanced at Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan, and her mental power was suddenly released.

Yu Qingyan and Ning Qiancheng disappeared in the elevator at the same time, and were sent back to the office by Qin Weibai.

Chaos is close at hand, and no matter what they face next, it is beyond the reach of this young couple.

The surging spiritual power was still spreading, covering the entire East Palace in an instant. All the spaces above and below the ground were completely covered by spiritual power at this moment.

No matter what everyone in the East Palace was doing at this moment, as the spiritual power spread, they all fell into a sluggish state at the same time, motionless, as if they had lost their souls.

Qin Weibai temporarily and forcibly turned the area of ​​the East Palace into his own domain.

Every plant and tree in the East Palace is connected to each other and becomes a whole. To be more precise, it becomes a part of Qin Weibai's body.

In this state of absolute control, Qin Weibai clearly discovered the part that he couldn't control.

That was the area affected by the chaotic rules, to be precise, the three underground floors that disappeared.

Qin Weibai didn't know where the third underground floor was, but as long as he could sense it, it didn't matter where it was.

An extremely shining dagger appeared in her hand.

The dagger is composed of pure light, and each ray of light represents the beliefs that countless civilizations have accumulated over a long period of time.

This is the most important foundation of spiritual authority.

The sword of faith can cut through the boundaries of illusion and make all the Creator's fantasies become reality.

Even when building the super main city or assisting Li Tianlan in building the main city, Qin Weibai did not summon the Sword of Faith, but only used the power of the Sword of Faith.

Now she holds the sword of faith in her hand and has temporarily turned the East Palace into her own domain to protect it. This clearly shows that she is going all out to figure out what is going on in the chaos on the third underground floor.

The sword of faith trembled slightly in Qin Weibai's hand, bursting out with an increasingly dreamy and pure light. Qin Weibai's figure took a step forward in the light that was difficult to see directly, and her figure disappeared directly in the elevator.

The entire East Palace seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Qin Weibai's figure appeared in an indescribable and unexplainable space.

In this space, light and darkness exist at the same time. All the light is constantly distorted. Time is in an unprecedented chaotic state. The change process of matter seems to have suddenly stopped, and it seems to have accelerated countless times. The whole space seems to be illusory, but also seems to exist in a certain corner.

Qin Weibai's eyes turned, and she saw herself appearing one after another on her left and right sides, and the figures of 'herself' were becoming more and more numerous in this space.

Each 'self' holds the sword of faith in his hand. Some are moving forward calmly, some have raised the sword's edge, and some have been thrown away by inexplicable power. Each 'self' maintains a different form.

Qin Weibai narrowed his eyes.

In an instant, she understood what the current situation was about.

Because time is completely chaotic in this space.

So everyone around you is your own version of yourself on your own timeline.

Some of them are themselves one second ago, some are themselves one second later, or even longer.

Qin Weibai frowned. What appeared directly in front of her was a similarly chaotic light. Those lights seemed to have inexplicable power, twisting all the light into chaotic lines. As the lines spread, they turned into a shield.

Inside the shield is the three-story underground laboratory that Qin Weibai is familiar with but unfamiliar to.

The entire laboratory left its place due to the power of chaos, but it did not leave the scope of the East Palace. At this time, it was in a space between reality and illusion, protected by the twisted power of chaos.

Qin Weibai successfully found this place, but now he was standing outside the shield and couldn't get in for a while.

The number of Qin Weibai around was still increasing.

To be precise, every second Qin Weibai is here, another Qin Weibai will appear here.

Every Qin Weibai is not a phantom, but a real person.

Time and space are inseparable most of the time. The most perfect combination of the two is the time and space that everyone is familiar with.

The lie authority with space as its core will inevitably involve the power of time when it reaches the highest level. Similarly, if you continue to deepen in the field of time, you will eventually touch the essence of space.

In the space where Qin Weibai is at this time, the power of space and time based on chaos is constantly surging. Every second that passes, a separate timeline is formed, and the timeline continues in the space where Qin Weibai is. Divided and independent.

what does that mean?

This means that every self Qin Weibai sees here is an independent time and space.

The so-called past and future are no longer concepts that only exist in cognition, but a state of reality that appears around Qin Weibai.

Time is like a knife, tearing apart the surrounding space silently.

The timeline of each second began to combine with the space where Qin Weibai was, split, and began to exist alone.

This directly leads to the fact that the space Qin Weibai is in is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more Qin Weibais on different timelines. On different timelines, each Qin Weibai has made different things. Behavior, thinking about different content.

When everything is presented simultaneously on different timelines, it is confusing in itself.

The chaos was heightened the moment Qin Weibai appeared here.

As time went by, Qin Weibai's breath began to weaken rapidly in just a few seconds.

In the silence, pairs of eyes appeared in Qin Weibai's eyes, whose expression became cold, and their spiritual power suddenly turned into a dazzling and bright light. Around her, large areas of independent time and space appeared. At the same time, he fell into a hypnotic state.

She is dominant.

Dominance, to some extent, symbolizes the thinking of the world.

Who said that only life can be hypnotized?

Time and space, as well as other things that exist in this world, are within Qin Weibai's control.

The majestic and agitated mental power continued to surge, and Qin Weibai instantly had control over all nearby independent time and space. The time and space on different timelines were hypnotized by her, and returned to reality under her will.

Qin Weibai continued to disappear one after another, and Qin Weibai's aura began to increase.

Qin Weibai's eyes became brighter and brighter. In her eyes, layers of eyes were intricately intertwined, like a gorgeous galaxy. The chaos of time and space was completely smoothed out under her hypnosis, and her figure Move forward again, trying to approach the three-story underground laboratory in front of you that is firmly surrounded by a shield.

She had begun to move forward.

But as soon as she took the step forward, her body instantly became stiff.

There was an extremely intense confusion in her shining eyes, as if she had forgotten what she wanted to do.

The next second, the constant burst of spiritual power suddenly disappeared, and the space that had been flattened and returned to the whole began to split again, and Qin Weibai reappeared one after another.

Qin Weibai's expression changed immediately.

When the time and space around her continued to split, she had already made assumptions, but she couldn't believe it. But what she was experiencing now turned all her doubts into convictions.

She tried to forcefully hypnotize the surrounding space again, but found that she suddenly lost the ability to hypnotize.

Let a supreme being with spiritual authority suddenly lose the ability to hypnotize.

It is self-evident how high the level of power that can be directly controlled is.

Among the major permissions, there are means to make the target temporarily lose the permission of a certain ability. The life permission counts as one, but what she is facing at this time is obviously not the life permission, because she is not pregnant or has given birth to a child, and the life permission allows The target loses a certain ability by getting pregnant and giving birth to a child, which is really a certain ability and is completely random, even at the supreme level.

This method clearly made her lose her ability to hypnotize...

It’s a collection!

A collection of lies, and it is at the supreme level.

Who else could it be? Who else could it be?

The source of each authority is at most three authorities, and it is impossible to have more than half.

In the past countless years, as the world restarted again and again, there was only one authority to lie.

It was not until recently that Taihao came into contact with the second authority, and the remaining one was still vacant.

And this is obviously not Taihao's handiwork.

Other powerful people who lied about their authority also couldn't collect Qin Weibai's ability.

There is only one person left who can do all this.

Qin Weibai should have thought of this a long time ago.

The ninth level of Lie Authority is called the Master. This so-called Master is not the master of life, but the master of time and space.

When the timeline of this space was torn apart and the spaces became independent, Qin Weibai already had doubts. It was not until her thoughts and abilities were accurately collected that Qin Weibai understood who she had met, or in other words, It’s someone’s strength you encounter.

This is not Li Tianlan's power.

With Li Tianlan's current control over the authority of lies, he cannot perform this kind of delicate operation of dividing time and space, and his collection cannot achieve a certain ability to directly and accurately collect the target.


This is Huang Xi's power.

The lie authority to dominate time and space gives Huang Xi the ability to take action in the distant past over a long period of time and leave power at a certain point in the future.

Huang Xi has already reached the end of his space career. Time is in his hands. It is really just a toy.

But why is Huang Xi’s power here?

How come Li's tree of life plan in the three underground floors is related to Huang Xi?

If it was before Li Tianlan's power recovered, Qin Weibai would have been able to directly communicate with Huang Xi after a long period of time. But now that Li Tianlan's power has recovered and begun to officially return, then Huang Xi in the past time and space is actually no longer there. If it exists, all his knowledge will be revived little by little in Li Tianlan. At this time, what Qin Weibai is facing is just the somewhat stiff and rigid power that Huang Xi left here after an extremely long time.

As for why Huang Xi's power appeared here, this should be something that Li Tianlan had ignored before and couldn't remember. Qin Weibai had a hunch that she thought was impossible but was actually true.

Li's tree of life plan may become the key to Li Tianlan's return.

Confusing rules...

Huang Xi's power...

The two things have been completely combined to form a shield in front of Qin Weibai that covers the entire three-level underground space.

Qin Weibai wanted to convince himself that Huang Xi was taking advantage of the chaotic rules.

But the facts before him told Qin Weibai that the chaotic rules took advantage of Huang Xi's power.

The two facts mean completely different things.

The former shows that Huang Xi has foreseen everything at hand, and everything is under his plan and under his control.

The latter shows that Huang Xi's power has been used by the chaotic rules, and he is no longer able to control the situation, which means great trouble.

Is Huang Xi taking advantage of Chaos, or is Chaos taking advantage of Huang Xi?

Qin Weibai's expression changed and he hesitated.

When she faced Huang Xi, it was actually similar to how Li Tianlan faced life. A newly returned Supreme, although the level was the same, would be completely crushed in terms of experience.

However, although Qin Weibai is also inexperienced now, what she is facing is not the living Huang Xi after all, but only the power of Huang Xi left here. There is still a lot of room for manipulation. Even if she really does it, it will be embarrassing, but If she grinds on little by little, it won't be too difficult for her to win.

The problem now is...

She was unsure of the current situation and didn't know whether she should take action.

Is the chaos in front of him a part of Huang Xi's plan, or has the chaos destroyed Huang Xi's plan?

Why did the tree of life cultivated by Li become the key?

Her eyes penetrated the shield in front of her and stared deeply into the laboratory on the third underground floor.

Looking into the laboratory from here, everything in the laboratory is very ordinary, with all kinds of specimens and equipment intact.

It's just a shadow.

In fact, the conditions inside the laboratory cannot be seen at all without entering it.

Qin Weibai's eyes became more and more struggling.

As time went by, more and more Qin Weibai continued to appear, the space she was in became smaller and smaller, and because of the appearance of other Qin Weibai, her aura began to become weaker and weaker.

Do it, or get out of here?

If the current scene was part of Huang Xi's plan, although Qin Weibai was curious, he wouldn't say anything more. Turning around and leaving would be the wisest choice.

Huang Xi is Li Tianlan.

One of them is from the past and the other is from the present, but they are in different states in different time and space. No matter how good Huang Xi is, it is impossible for him to trick himself after a long time.

But if Huang Xi's plan is destroyed by chaos, then Qin Weibai will definitely take action.

After losing the ability to hypnotize, she is still the Supreme. Her mental power is completely released, which is enough to completely explode this space between reality and illusion. By then, no independent time and space, no chaos, no laboratory will be left. Down.

But she wasn't sure what the consequences would be if she did so.

During her hesitation and struggle, all independent time and space suddenly began to retreat silently. Qin Weibai on different timelines began to disappear in batches, and the space was restored to integrity again.

The power belonging to Huang Xi seemed to distinguish the power belonging to Qin Weibai after a short period of dullness. The collected hypnotic ability returned immediately. Qin Weibai recovered to its peak, and even the shield that blocked her began to loosen. .

Qin Weibai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

This situation seems to show that even if she is exploited by Chaos Rules, Huang Xi's power can still identify Qin Weibai's existence and let go of her guard.

This is the best result.

The worst result is that the chaotic rules are trying to create new lies, but this possibility is not high.

So everything is still under control?

Qin Weibai hesitated. The next moment, she imagined herself appearing in the third-floor underground laboratory in front of her.

Her figure disappeared from the spot silently.

The sound of heated discussion suddenly rang in my ears.

"If this test fails, it means that we will lose a batch of precious materials worth 60 million in vain, which means that our funding for next year will be reduced by at least one-third. I want to be sure!"

"The patriarch said we must do whatever it takes."

"This is nonsense. She is just an ordinary woman, an ordinary adult woman. She has to undergo this kind of **** training every day. Her body is now as brittle as a piece of paper. Wang Canglan, your so-called quick training is simply inhumane! She can't even breathe freely now."

"Xuanyuan's body can't last that long, and the immortality plan needs to be adjusted again. I want to see the results within three days."

"The most powerful toxin, this will be Li's most important heritage. Its deterrence is not inferior to that of vicious soldiers."

"I think this should be called the Tree of Life Project... to significantly increase life span."

"I'm going to report to the emperor."

"The God of War King has approved this year's funding and increased the budget."

"The royal family... no, it is now called the Beihai Wang family. I declare that the Beihai Wang family..."

Chaotic sounds buzzed in Qin Weibai's ears.

It was like there were countless people talking at the same time.

Qin Weibai opened his eyes in shock.

The space on the three underground floors of the East Palace was completely filled with people at some point.

People of different ages and costumes were constantly moving around the conference room, adjusting instruments and discussing different contents. The entire laboratory was as lively as a vegetable market.

Qin Weibai watched this scene quietly.

Her eyes kept moving around the laboratory, trying to find familiar figures.

Before she found Yu Donglai, her attention was directly attracted by a middle-aged man with a calm expression in the corner.

It was a familiar yet unfamiliar figure. He stood quietly, seeming to be listening to the reports of the people around him.

Qin Weibai's pupils shrank slightly.

That is...

That's Li Honghe.

Li Honghe in middle age...

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