The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 907: : ring

If he didn't have a very clear positioning of himself, at this moment, Qin Weibai really felt that he was hallucinating, or entering a hypnotic state.

But this is obviously impossible.

She herself is the source and control of the spiritual realm. There is nothing in this world that can make her hallucinate, and nothing can hypnotize her, because no matter how similar power changes, no matter how complicated it is, it is her own. One of the sources of strength.

Even if the chaos is difficult to explain and devoid of logic, it is impossible for her as a ruler to have hallucinations.

So everything in front of me...


'the truth. ’

What was the cause of the incident?

Tracing back to the source, Li Tianlan should be the first to realize that he had overlooked something, but he didn't know what he had overlooked.

The newly built super main city of Youzhou has also undergone spatial changes due to chaos.

Before the problem could be solved, Yu Donglai, an old man of the Li family, disappeared inexplicably.

This is the second change caused by chaos, and this change even potentially affects Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai relied on her power at the supreme level to correct everything about Yu Donglai. Therefore, while looking for someone, she discovered that the three underground floors of the East Palace were missing.

So Qin Weibai took control of the entire East Palace, temporarily turning it into his own domain, and through this method, he found the most incongruous place in the East Palace.

The entire laboratory on the three underground floors of the East Palace is completely hidden, in a state between reality and illusion.

Qin Weibai walked directly into this space, found the disappeared underground laboratory, and then encountered Huang Xi's power.

Huang Xi's power to stay here chose to let him go after confirming that it was Qin Weibai.

So Qin Weibai directly entered the laboratory on the third underground floor, and here he saw Li Honghe in middle age.

This is what happened.


Why did you see Li Honghe?

Huge confusion emerged. Qin Weibai stood in the laboratory and suddenly found that he seemed to be out of tune with everyone around him.

In his sight, the middle-aged Li Honghe looked like he was in his forties. His appearance was not outstanding, but he was dignified and dignified. His face was just a little pale, and he seemed to be injured.

He was walking in the laboratory and said to the people around him: "The Heroes Association has joined forces with the Jiang family, and they still have a vicious weapon that they haven't moved yet. You know what this means.

The Human Emperor and Endless Sky are still accumulating energy. We have too many enemies. Using what Dong Lai has in hand will surprise the heroes. This is the best way at the moment. "

"Such an approach is tantamount to giving up the future. We have invested countless resources in the Tree of Life Project and achieved very good results. It is no exaggeration to say that the investment in this project is worth more than half of the Wang family in Beihai. In the biological laboratory, every fusion toxin today should appear on the test bench. As long as our Tree of Life project makes another breakthrough, maybe we will be able to obtain a substance that can perfectly accommodate fusion toxins...

When the time comes, the vitality of the poison will replace your vitality. Your Highness, in that case, you will have a lifespan of at least three hundred years and can protect Central Continent for three centuries! "

"Where's Dong Lai? Let him come to see me."

"The experiment is at a critical stage, and he can't leave for the time being."

Li Honghe kept communicating with the people around him and walked past Qin Weibai without any pause.

Qin Weibai watched all this silently, until the other party's figure completely disappeared, then she turned around and looked at the laboratory in front of her.

She had been to this laboratory on the third underground floor once before, and had just seen it outside the laboratory. But at this moment, the scene she saw in the laboratory was completely different from the scene she saw outside.

Not only are there densely packed researchers, but there are also a large number of instruments arranged. Compared with the original underground laboratory, there are at least a hundred times more instruments here, and the experimental space that seems to be unable to accommodate so many instruments is perfect. All equipment is accommodated.

Qin Weibai specially observed these instruments and equipment.

A large number of equipment does not represent advancement. On the contrary, it is a symbol of backwardness. Before the recovery of authority, Li Tianlan also attached great importance to the Tree of Life project. Therefore, although there were not many equipments in Yu Donglai's laboratory, each one was It's the best.

Many of the equipment that appear here today are extremely backward models. It would take ten, dozens or even hundreds of units combined to be able to match the function of one piece of equipment in Yu Donglai's original laboratory. Adding this With the dense crowd, the whole laboratory looked extremely crowded.

Qin Weibai walked around the laboratory. It took nearly ten minutes before she determined one thing, that is, these densely packed people seemed to belong to many different teams, and each team was focused on their work. Doing their own thing without any interference from each other.

Qin Weibai even saw two different teams using the same machine to extract two different substances at the same time.

What this means is self-evident.

time and space.

Or time and space.

The so-called time and space is the fusion of time and space. Both time and space are toys in the hands of the master of lies.

In Huang Xi's hands, toys like time and space can become even more sophisticated.

Why can so many instruments and equipment be installed in a laboratory with limited space?

Because the spaces overlap at the same point.

Why can different teams use the same device to do two different things at the same time?

Because time also overlaps at the same point.

Why can Qin Weibai see Li Honghe in middle age?

Because space and time overlap at the same point.

Qin Weibai suddenly felt dizzy.

Mental authority does not have the power to involve time and space. All her abilities are absolute control, substitution, slavery, and fantasy.

Standing here now, she was using her supreme level to forcibly peek into an area she was not familiar with at all.

The realm of time and space...

Because she was not familiar with it, she had no idea what the secret was. The only thing she could be sure of was that every batch of equipment and every team in the laboratory at this time belonged to a different time and space. They all existed, but they They don't interfere with each other, because in their own perception, there is no one else here at all.

But in Qin Weibai's sight, people from different time and space were all concentrated here.

They may be the team from decades ago, they may be the team from a hundred years ago, they may be the team from hundreds of years ago.

Time and space continued to twist and overlap under Huang Xi's power, and finally turned into a circle.

The starting point of the circle is now, and the end point is also now, so the past and future that extend out have all become processes.

In the eyes of people who do not have the power to control time, time is sequential, with one second and the next second. But in the eyes of those who have control of time, time is just something they can manipulate at their will.

Huang Xi turned time into a ring, and then placed the ring in the same space, so things hundreds of years ago, things now, and things in the future are happening at the same time without interfering with each other.

Qin Weibai could only understand it to this extent.

But he still didn't know what the profound meaning of it all was.

"We don't need to find the Eye of Horus, but we can, to a certain extent, replicate the organization's original method of treating Aunt Liuli..."

A crisp and sweet voice rang in Qin Weibai's ears: "Xuanyuan's current situation is very similar to Aunt Liuli's. Long-term excessive and extreme training methods have caused serious burdens on the body, so the bones, internal organs, All muscle potential is severely overdrawn.

This is the so-called quick success, which allows a person to obtain the most exaggerated fighting power in the shortest time, but their own body is as fragile as a piece of paper. A fierce battle, or even a deep breath in a short period of time, can have May cause their body to collapse...

Conventional treatment methods are meaningless for their situation. What we need to do is to reduce the burden on his body and make up for his excessive overdraft potential. "

"But the prince's body...any so-called compensation at this stage may not be a good thing."

"How is the research on Potion No. 3 going?"

"There are gains, but there are still a few key points that cannot be overcome for the time being."

"Then increase the cost and do whatever it takes. What Xuanyuan needs most now is vitality.

If it cannot make up for his overdraft potential, then go from another direction, not to make up for it, but to directly supplement it and supplement enough vitality. The research on the No. 3 potion, I officially named it the Immortality Project..."

Xuanyuan... Potion No. 3... Immortality Plan...

The more Qin Weibai listened, the more familiar he felt.

Following the direction of the sound, Qin Weibai quickened his pace and walked around several nearby teams.

An extremely young woman appeared in her sight.

The woman appears to be in her early twenties, wearing a white research uniform and a hood that wraps her hair. Most of her face is covered by a mask, with only a pair of extremely smart and moist eyes exposed, as if they are crystal clear. of gems.

Qin Weibai watched silently.

There was an extremely outrageous guess in her heart.


In a circle where time and space completely overlap, the so-called outrageous guesses don't seem so outrageous under such circumstances.

Qin Weibai let out a breath.

Before she could do anything, the young woman in her sight, wearing a white research coat and a mask covering herself tightly, had turned around.

Her eyes fell directly on Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai didn't react at all. The various time and space in the laboratory seemed to be a world of their own, and no one could see her here.

But what surprised her was that when the young woman in front of her glanced over, she was obviously stunned for a moment. She was a little surprised, a little confused, and a little wary. All kinds of emotions flashed through her eyes. She gently picked He raised his eyebrows and asked directly: "Who are you? Why don't you do some protection? Aren't you worried about the radiation here?"


Qin Weibai was silent for two seconds: "Are you talking to me?"

"if not?"

The young woman frowned: "How did you get in?"


Qin Weibai was a little confused.

"Did Xuanyuan ask you to come? Or?"

The young woman came over, hesitated, and stretched out her hand reluctantly. Her eyes were very familiar to Qin Weibai. They were the eyes she usually looked at Xibai and Han Xinyan: "I am Wang Jinxiu, what is your name?" name?"

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