The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 909: :Revisit the old place

Li Tianlan...Qin Weibai...Taiyi.

All, all the peak experts in the entire camp, one by one, are all bodyguards.

How big a feat is this?

The disappeared laboratory has become the starting point for everyone's return, which means that whether it is the peak powerhouse with authority reaching level nine or the supreme master who has mastered the authority, after the end of the world and their fall, Everyone's return initially begins in the laboratory.

The final foundation of the entire neutral camp will start to spread again with this place as the center.

In this process, the chaotic rules will be protected to the greatest extent by the neutral camp.

Under the protection of all the supreme and peak powerhouses, what height will this chaotic rule eventually reach?

What does Huang Xi plan to do with this rule?

"Tianlan just told me before that he overlooked certain things, but he couldn't remember them."

Qin Weibai said slowly: "And what is certain is that the rules of chaos are not limited to that laboratory at all, but have begun to affect certain things in the outside world."

The God of War was not surprised, but nodded naturally: "Isn't this normal? Huang Xi asked everyone to be bodyguards for Chaos Rules, so his purpose must be to make Chaos Rules achieve a certain goal, regardless of What this goal is, it always has to be achieved in your time and space, so sooner or later you will encounter chaotic rules."

"But the problem is that Tianlan doesn't remember this situation at all."

Qin Weibai was a little helpless.

"This can only show that Huang Xi thinks it is a good thing that his future self does not know about this matter for the time being. No matter what, since he has made the layout, this matter will not get out of control."

The God of War walked towards the direction of the laboratory and continued: "This is not because of blind confidence in him, but because the timing is too coincidental. The chaotic aura you mentioned is neither sooner nor later, why does it appear at this time?

If it had been earlier, Li Tianlan had not recovered. If it had been later, Li Tianlan might have remembered something. It was neither sooner nor later, but he appeared at this time. The coincidence was so great that even if we wanted to ask him, we would not be able to do it. This is very strange. It's obviously intentional. "

Time and space can be said to be toys exclusive to the lie authority. No matter spiritual or martial arts authority, there is no relevant ability in this area. Technology authority can control the power of time and space through research and development, but technology is obviously among the authority of the God of War and Qin Weibai. Outside stuff.

But as long as they return to the laboratory at this time, because the time and space there have been infinitely overlapped, they can appear in one space after another without doing anything.

Just like Qin Weibai now appears in the Imperial Army Mountain hundreds of years ago, everything around him is not an illusion and has no restrictions, but a real timeline. After Qin Weibai left the Imperial Army Mountain and walked out, he was completely You can meet everyone from hundreds of years ago.

From this perspective, as long as they return to the laboratory, keep walking, and keep changing time and space, they can appear in the extremely distant past, or even appear in the era when Huang Xi still rules everything, and ask Huang Xi Clearly, what is going on.

But this is simply not realistic.

Even if Qin Weibai could return to the time and space that belonged to Huang Xi, to the original era, she would not be able to find Huang Xi.

Li Tianlan's power has been revived and he has begun to officially return.

In this state, no matter which time and space the God of War or Qin Weibai go to, even if they go directly back to the period when Huang Xi ruled everything, they will only find Li Tianlan, not Huang Xi.

Under such circumstances, chaotic rules began to revive in the laboratory with the help of lies. If this was not intentional, who would believe it?

Retro hall, long corridor, re-enter the elevator.

Qin Weibai returned to the laboratory space again.

Everything in front of me is bustling.

"There is no need to explore. No matter what his purpose is, we, oh, no, you will know sooner or later."

The God of War walked beside Qin Weibai and said casually: "You didn't come here to explore Li Tianlan's secrets, right? This is not like your character."

"It's just a coincidence that I'm here."

Qin Weibai observed the laboratory in front of her. The people in the laboratory were still busy, but there was no one she was familiar with. This place should be on the timeline of the middle period of the Li family hundreds of years ago. She spoke casually. Said: "I came here to find an old man. He is now in charge of Li's tree of life project. It seems to be quite important..."

There was a trace of hesitation in her eyes.

If the Tree of Life Project is so important, then you need to think carefully about whether to take Yu Donglai away.

"In the tree of life project, the important thing is the tree of life, not Yu Donglai."

The God of War said calmly: "That tree is the main body where all the chaotic rules gather. It can no longer be found now. Here..."

He pointed to the laboratory in front of him and everyone in the laboratory: "Everything here can be said to be part of that tree. The chaotic rules have begun to revive. If Yu Dong comes..."

His finger pointing forward shimmered with light.

That glimmer of light spread slowly like ripples, constantly circulating in the laboratory space.

In an instant, pieces of time and space were torn apart silently under this light.

Martial Arts Level 9: God of Killing.

The ability of the God of Killing can be said to be the most simple, and the ability involving various concepts is also the least. Even if he has mastered the power and became the supreme, martial arts does not have many conceptual abilities.

The edge of the God of Death itself is the ultimate expression of all abilities.

Chopping concepts, chopping time and space, chopping everything.

A crack appeared in front of Qin Weibai that could accommodate one person.

The God of War glanced at her and said, "That's the time and space you're in. The person you're looking for is inside, just take them away."

"Okay, you..."

Qin Weibai hesitated.

The God of War smiled: "See you in the future."

His current state is very special. The real battle formation has fallen, but the world has not ended completely, so he cannot return. Now he can be said to be a breath of the God of War, or a ray of consciousness. He can only wait until the world After the complete end, this ray of consciousness can feel the true imprint of the collapse. At that time, it is the time for him to officially return.

At their level, as long as the world is still alive, they will be immortal and have no objection to separation and death. If the timeline is extended infinitely, they will eventually meet again in a certain time and space.

Ren, Xi, Taiyi, Bai...

The last time we met again was in the old world.

Qin Weibai took a deep look at the God of War, said nothing more, lifted up his skirt and walked into the space crack in front of him.

The next moment, a large number of animal and plant specimens, instruments and equipment in operation, and an old man mumbling to himself in front of a huge but blank glass vessel reappeared in front of her.

This is what Qin Weibai is most familiar with, the three underground spaces that truly belong to the East Palace.

The old man who appeared in Qin Weibai's sight was Yu Donglai.

He was obviously immersed in his own world, writing and drawing in a notebook, muttering as if he was in a daze.

Qin Weibai stood beside him, watching him write down symbols one by one in his notebook. He occasionally raised his head to glance at the empty glassware in front of him, and then continued to record and list complex formulas.

In the glass vessel, the red bird, black armor, and the poison immune body that Qin Weibai had seen before had completely disappeared.

The chaotic rules are affecting everything here in an extremely subtle way.

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and reached out to pat Yu Donglai on the shoulder: "Old man?"


Yu Donglai was startled, turned around suddenly, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Weibai, and immediately started blowing his beard and staring: "Qin girl? What are you doing here? No, how did you get in? Young man doesn't I know how to respect the old and love the young. At my age, if I am scared by you..."

Emotions are normal, thinking is normal, spirit is normal...

Qin Weibai came to a conclusion and directly interrupted his rambling:

"Okay, okay. Do you know how long it has been since you went up there? Qingyan is almost going crazy with anxiety."

Yu Donglai paused, looked at the time in the laboratory, and felt a little confused: "It's only been three days, isn't it? Why is she in a hurry?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, and suddenly there was light in his eyes: "Is it possible? No, they are not married yet, they must get married as soon as possible..."

Qin Weibai was too lazy to say anything more and waved directly.

The two figures disappeared quickly in the laboratory, and the next second they appeared directly in the office on the top floor of the East Palace Castle.

In the empty laboratory, the space crack still exists.

The figure of the God of War slowly walked out of the crack.

His figure flickered and also appeared in the East Palace.

Qin Weibai has released the state of forcibly controlling the East Palace, and everyone in the East Palace has returned to normal from sluggishness.

The God of War glanced casually and disappeared again.

With the most primitive blood induction, he appeared on the other side of Xuanyuan City. This was a newly built high-end residential area. The Lin clan temporarily settled here after migrating from Europe.

The God of War walked slowly here, observing, and traces of invisible aura emanated from his body and gathered into the bodies of every Lin tribe member.

A gust of wind blew over.

The figure of the God of War has appeared in Imperial Arms Mountain.

Looking at the Imperial Army Mountain that was completely different from hundreds of years ago, the God of War shook his head and suddenly let out a sigh. The next moment, he appeared in Beihai Prison.

In the central room of Beihai Prison, Wang Tianzong was in the deepest state of sleep, and he did not notice at all that there was an illusory shadow around him.

The God of War took a serious look at Wang Tianzong, felt his physical condition, suddenly sneered, and said to himself: "Who said that at that time, there is no martial arts in his eyes, and there is no value in saving, so what's going on? What's going on?"

Immediately, a ethereal and distant response sounded in the void: "Just because there is no martial arts, it doesn't mean there can't be other things, such as destiny..."

The God of War clicked his tongue, nodded and said, "What you said is so good..."

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