The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 910: : old thing

In the void, the voice lost its response.

In Beihai Prison, the God of War, who was carefully observing Wang Tianzong's condition, didn't mind. He waved his hand and released a sword energy. The sword energy turned into a hazy light, completely covering Wang Tianzong's body.

The tiny edge that could not cause any harm became the God of War's perception, allowing him to feel Wang Tianzong's specific state for the first time.

"The breath of Origin Stone..."

The God of War suddenly said, with a surprised expression on his angular face, and a hint of ridicule in his voice: "What are you expecting?"

The so-called source stone, in the research of the neutral camp, is the final state formed by elementary particles before forming matter. It can also be said to be the first state formed by matter at the moment it is formed. You can say it any way. To be precise, it is. At the critical point when basic particles are about to form matter, but do not yet form matter, the power of authority is used to form it into a fixed state.

The main body of the Source Stone does not require any raw materials. It uses the power of authority to forcibly compress the basic particles in the space. In this process, whatever materials are added will determine the characteristics of the Source Stone.

As for the powerful person who is qualified to condense the Origin Stone, it is at least the eighth-level authority. Even those who have entered the eighth-level authority for the first time are not qualified. They must be senior.

Because of this, in the entire neutral camp, Source Stone can be said to be a strategic-level material with extremely strong applicability. Because its main body is solidified basic particles, Source Stone can be used in any situation.

Treating injuries, maintaining machinery, replenishing energy, no matter what the situation, the Source Stone can come in handy. When facing certain problems and you don’t know what materials to use, just use the Source Stone. In any case, it has Probably useless, but definitely harmless.

At this time, the Origin Stone used on Wang Tianzong could no longer be said to be a strategic material. From the aura, it was even condensed by 'people' themselves, and the aura of reincarnation authority was particularly strong.

The Supreme Lord personally took action, and the materials added to it must not be bad. This kind of treatment, not to mention the descendants like Wang Tianzong who have been separated for many generations, even the direct descendants, cannot be enjoyed by everyone.

The most important thing is that the God of War personally asked "Human" about Wang Tianzong and asked him if he wanted to bring Wang Tianzong into the Human Palace.

The 'people' at that time refused because Wang Tianzong no longer had martial arts in his heart. In other words, this sentence meant that Wang Tianzong's potential was limited.

But now...

Obviously, the other party's approach and statement are completely different.

The God of War had no intention of teasing the other party, but was just a little confused. The other party personally took action to condense the Origin Stone for Wang Tianzong. What did he want to do?

"This is his destiny."

In the void, the ethereal voice sounded again.

"It's so nagging."

The God of War sneered and observed Wang Tianzong again: "But Jinxiu admires this guy very much and even mentioned it to me once, but..."

He shook his head: "There are some things, even in the martial arts jurisdiction where personal will is the most important, personal will alone is not enough."

The God of War occasionally pays attention to the situation in the City of Miracles.

If we just talk about personality, the God of War actually admires Wang Tianzong's temperament, but it is just a good character. According to his standards, Wang Tianzong is a type that can be taken care of.

It's care, just care, not investment, nor protection.

But the 'person' taking action in person made him feel that he had made a mistake, so he checked it carefully again, and the conclusion he came to was still the same.

Wang Tianzong has a good character, but his potential is limited.

"If there is no martial arts, what else can there be..."

The God of War repeated the words of 'human' and said thoughtfully: "What else can there be? This guy's character is really good, but in terms of potential... With his potential and martial arts authority, under normal circumstances he should be able to At the sixth level, the fighting spirit is basically at its peak...

Your Origin Stone seems to have forcibly enhanced his potential. If you look at it this way, he has a small chance to ascend to Tianjue. This is his limit. He can't pass the Shura level. "

This is a judgment that comes from the supreme level, and it is the judgment of the supreme martial artist.

As the strongest source of martial arts today, it is impossible for the God of War to make mistakes when he personally judges a person's potential.

Even taking into account the so-called fate, the so-called miracle, and all other factors, Wang Tianzong's upper limit is the limit of Tianjue, and there is no possibility of becoming a Shura.

As for other judgments, he did not say anything and did not need to say it. He believed that 'people' would come to their own conclusions.

Wang Tianzong himself is not the type with outstanding talents, and the so-called martial arts talents in Miracle City are two different things from super genes. His ability to become a sword king in a real environment mainly depends on being able to become truly as solid as stone under the most extreme pressure. The heart and will have little to do with talent.

But if you continue to move up at this level, it will be different. Without potential, there is really no way forward.

The neutral camp currently has three permissions.

The authority of lies is completely incompatible with Wang Tianzong.

The upper limit of Wang Tianzong's martial arts authority is the seventh level of Tianjue. At this level, he can be regarded as a good master in the God of War Realm, the Human Palace, and the Time and Space Corridor. If he is lucky, he may even be enough to have the title of Shangqing, but that's it.

As for what the Human Emperor said without martial arts, there would be destiny...

The God of War really didn't see this. With Wang Tianzong's current potential, it might be better to have access to the destiny authority than to contact the lie authority, but it is definitely not as good as to continue to have access to the martial arts authority.

Wang Tianzong went to contact the destiny authority. The God of War could not determine his upper limit, but he was basically certain that he would not even have a chance to break through the fourth level authority. Even if he reached the starry sky, there would be no hope.

It’s all like this. Without martial arts, what fate would there be?

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

The God of War checked Wang Tianzong again without giving up.

The conclusion remains the same.

In fact, it is not impossible to forcibly increase Wang Tianzong's upper limit in martial arts, but that method is almost as good as none, because it represents resources, and it is not a resource of the level of Origin Stone, which can be placed anywhere. It can be said to be the core, or even a deep resource.

This kind of thing is used by Wang Tianzong. As long as the quantity is enough, it can indeed increase his potential, and it can probably barely make him an eighth-level Shura.

But what's the point?

If such resources are given to a person with outstanding potential, it will be enough to create a peak level eight authority, and there may even be some left.

King, Duke, Lord, Prince, the title division of the neutral camp, an eighth-level peak, even if placed in the time and space corridor, he is the top prince, naturally even more rare in the God of War Realm and the Human Palace.

Such resources placed on Wang Tianzong can only allow him to barely enter the eighth level of authority and then go no further. The so-called core, or even the foundation level resources, naturally cannot be wasted like this.


Where is the so-called destiny?

"The destiny I'm talking about is not the destiny authority, but the destiny he has. There are some things that you may not have noticed."

The 'human' voice sounded again.

The God of War raised his eyebrows slightly, and just as he was about to say something, a vague voice suddenly sounded outside the room where Wang Tianzong was: "Well, I have been sleeping for a while. Dad is in good condition now and is recovering very quickly. The medical team After confirming his condition, he is conscious now, but he is not able to communicate yet, and it will probably take some time..."

There was a slight cough, and then a slightly weak but soft voice said: "During this period, I will live here and stay with your father. You have chosen the direction for the family. Since So, just carry it out...

You can take care of children in Tang poetry and Song poetry, and you don’t need me anymore. When your dad wakes up, if I’m still in good condition, I plan to let him take me on a trip. Even if I don’t leave Central Continent, there are still many places I can visit. "

The door opened while talking.

Wang Shengxiao walked in with Xia Zhi. Neither of them noticed the presence of the God of War. They just came to the dormant warehouse and looked at Wang Tianzong who was soaked in nutrient solution. They were silent.

The God of War didn't pay attention at first and just glanced at the two of them casually.

Wang Shengxiao knew that Xuanyuan Wushang had planned to exchange Wang Shengxiao's future for a favor from the Human Emperor. The end of the world was coming, and such a favor would almost mean the life of a powerful man with eight levels of authority, so 'Human Emperor' 'Rejected Xuanyuan Wushang's request.

So Wang Shengxiao was transformed by Xuanyuan Wushang and became Xuanyuan Wushang's property, and his own upper limit was also locked.

But Xuanyuan Wushang is not a weakling. Wang Shengxiao has become Xuanyuan Wushang's property. As long as Xuanyuan Wushang is not stingy, after the incident in the City of Miracles is over, Wang Shengxiao follows the fat man back to the starry sky, and his future upper limit can still exceed Wang Tianzong's. , even Wang Tianzong, who has used foundation-level resources, cannot compare to Wang Shengxiao.

But after all, it is just a mechanical life. He can be said to be a human being, but it can also be said to be a tool. Naturally, the God of War will not deliberately pay attention to it.

His gaze swept over Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi...

Second scan...

Then concentrate.

Then face it.

Then the God of War could no longer take his eyes away.

His eyes were fixed on Xia Zhi, never blinking.

"If Jinxiu were by your side, would you still behave like this?"

In the void, there seemed to be a smile in the 'human's' ethereal voice.

The God of War ignored the joke and was still looking at Xia Zhi, as if he wanted to see through her.

Xia Zhi is undoubtedly extremely beautiful. In the concept of Miracle City, she has already entered middle age and is about to enter old age. Because of the immortality potion, her appearance and figure are fixed at the moment she took the immortality. She looks like three In his early teens, he seemed to be in his mid-twenties.

Mature, dignified, gentle, demure, and majestic, her stunning feeling may not be strong, but it is enough to leave an indelible impression on people once they see her.

Of course, what made the God of War unable to take his eyes away was not Xia Zhi's beauty, but the rich aura on her body that almost hit her face.

The aura of extremely active super genes.

That kind of aura seems to be a bit illusory because of her body, but it is so strong and even majestic. It is a potential that is enough for the Supreme to face up to. At this moment of summer solstice, it is completely shining in the eyes of the God of War.

The first time he saw Xia Zhi, the God of War understood what Wang Tianzong's so-called fate was.

Wang Tianzong's destiny is not that he has access to destiny, or even what his destiny is. This so-called destiny refers to him having such a wife.

He has such a wife in his destiny...

To put it bluntly, the moment he saw Wang Tianzong's wife, the God of War decided to invest in Wang Tianzong...

The extremely rich and majestic super gene breath hits your face.

If inspecting Wang Tianzong God of War requires the use of sword energy for detailed inspection, then Xia Zhi does not need this step at all. This obvious potential can be confirmed with just a glance.

The God of War narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "This couple, I..."

"Don't even think about it."

A faint and indifferent voice rang out, seemingly echoing in the void.

"They are my descendants, so they should naturally come to the East Palace. What's going on with you?"

The God of War paused for a moment and said calmly: "From their point of view, Jinxiu is also an ancestor. When you come to my place, it's like going home, isn't it?"


The Human Emperor said calmly: "There is no need to discuss this matter. After the world restarts, I will let them come to the East Palace and I will personally teach Xia Zhi."

"You're not capable."

The God of War is rude, and it can be said that he does not give any face to his big brother in the old world, his old father-in-law in the new world, and his current comrades-in-arms.

"I'm also a top killer, why not?!"

The Human Emperor's voice was full of displeasure.

"But you hold the power of destiny. Haven't you been laughed at enough for so many years? You have reached the top of martial arts, but in the end you end up in the destiny of the authority for no reason. You are neither fish nor fowl. If you give a good talent to you, you may be led astray. ”

The God of War snorted coldly: "In terms of martial arts authority, no one is better than me now. Even if you call Xuanyuan from the Time and Space Corridor, or Huang Xi's peak period, they are not as good as me in pure martial arts. Only I can give Xia Zhi the best." teachings and guidance.”


There was a hint of obvious emotion in the Human Emperor's ethereal voice, but as soon as he said two words, he suddenly paused and fell into deep thought.

Inexplicably, he felt that these words were familiar, as if someone had said similar words to him before, and this feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

It only took him a second to think about when he first heard this sentence and who said it.

Isn’t this what you said?

Say it again now?

"You said the same thing when you first discovered Li Dongcheng. Now say it again, except for changing the name, you haven't changed the punctuation. Are you putting the walls of the God of War on your face?"


In fact, after the God of War said that, he noticed something was wrong. He was stunned for a second before he remembered that he had said this a long time ago. In different time and space, and in different corners of the universe, the flow of time is different.

For Li Tianlan, he had just returned from Li Dongcheng's time and space not long ago, and that meeting was not long ago. But for Li Dongcheng, he has now reached the peak of the eighth level authority, and an extremely long time has passed. time, and the time when the God of War said those words was even earlier. He forgot about it without paying attention, and the same routine was used twice in front of the Human Emperor.

The most important thing is that this routine was discovered by the Human Emperor.

But Xia Zhi, a student **** of war, really wants this extremely rich super gene, which is no worse than Wang Jinxiu's back then. This means that as long as nothing unexpected happens to Xia Zhi, she can complete it extremely smoothly and quickly. Nirvana at the life level, and then let the life level soar, break through the Shura barrier unimpeded, condense your own divine form, reach the peak of the eighth level authority, and make your life state perfect and flawless.

By then, as long as Xia Zhi has enough luck to adjust his status and is fully prepared, Xia Zhi will be at least 70% sure of reaching the peak of authority!

When Xia Zhi reaches this point, the entire neutral camp will give full support without reservation.

This is a future ninth-level killing god!

Anyone with level nine authority is a well-deserved pillar of the entire camp.

Wang Tianzong has such a wife, what is this but fate?

No wonder 'people' would personally take action to condense the Origin Stone for Wang Tianzong. This is not for this grandson who has been separated for many generations, but for Xia Zhi, his granddaughter-in-law who has been separated for many generations.

As long as Wang Tianzong is alive, Xia Zhi will always be a member of the Wang family in Beihai and a member of the Imperial Palace.

A future ninth-level murderer...

Place it in the Corridor of Time and Space, place it in the God of War Realm, place it in the Human Palace, no matter where you place it, you can be crowned king or even become a great king or even a heavenly king...

It just grew up in the backyard of the Human Palace.

What kind of happiness is this?

This is simply much happier than emptying the prize pool and not having to sleep.

In the entire neutral camp, with all the permissions added up, how many can reach level nine?

As a result, a seedling appeared out of nowhere. Although the God of War had already snatched Li Dongcheng from the Human Emperor before, wouldn't it be double happiness during the summer solstice?

Such seedlings depend on luck for the Supreme. If he misses the summer solstice, countless civilizations in the vast sea of ​​​​stars may be waiting for the end of the world, or even two endings, and he may not be able to meet another one.


The God of War coughed dryly, and his angular and charming face forced himself to calm down, and said slowly: "I think..."

"I think you should have a little face."

The Human Emperor's response this time was really not polite at all: "These are my descendants, and I should personally teach them!"

Although the current three major forces in the neutral camp are advancing and retreating together, in terms of relationship, the Human Palace and the God of War Realm are undoubtedly the closest, while the Time and Space Corridor is slightly farther away.

But no matter how close they are, some things still need to be clearly distinguished, especially the talent pool. Once Xia Zhi becomes the God of Killing one day, he will be a real king and can even call himself a king. Such a person will be in the Human Palace or in the God of War Realm. , the reputation of the entire camp and the entire force has been greatly improved.

Currently, the highest-end combat capabilities of the God of War Realm and the Human Imperial Palace are almost exactly the same, and even the lineups are exactly the same.

In the God of War world, there are two gods of death and one fate.

The Human Palace also has two killing gods and one fate.

There are two killing gods in the God of War world, one is the God of War, the other is Jinxiu, and the fate is Linglong.

As for the Human Emperor Palace, the two killing gods are Liuli and Lingxi. Although the Human Emperor is also a killing god, he has the power. From the perspective of power, he is already destined.

The two major forces have one man and two women supporting the highest level of combat power.

The world of God of War already has Li Dongcheng. It is hard to say whether he will become the Supreme in the future, but there is no doubt that he will become the God of Death.

Now that the Human Palace has the summer solstice, the two sides seem to have returned to a delicate state of balance.

The God of War and the Human Emperor may not care about the status of the God of War Realm and the Human Emperor's Palace, but other people from the two major forces do. And putting these aside, facing such talents, the God of War is really greedy, and so is the Human Emperor. I don't want to give it.

"I think we should discuss this carefully..."

The God of War spoke calmly, with a very sincere tone.

In the void, the Human Emperor snorted, and his tone also softened: "I think it's better for you to prepare for your return with peace of mind. The matter of Huang Xi and Chaos Rules is a bit strange. His destiny seems to have changed. I haven't fallen yet. So this is what you need to pay attention to, and I can look after the rest for you."

"I don't need your help, we still..."

An inexplicable force suddenly appeared in Beihai Prison.

The Human Emperor's voice rang out: "You're welcome, I'll help you..."

The space where the God of War was located began to change and flicker rapidly in silence.

The passage of time produced no change.

But the fate of the God of War began to forcibly regress.

His existence began to be rejected by his own fate, and the power of fate was forcibly pushing him back to the state before coming to Beihai Prison.

If this had happened before, the God of War could easily cut off the power of fate.

But the problem is that he has died now, and what is left here is just a breath and consciousness waiting to return.

The power of fate washed down silently.

When the God of War realized something was wrong, his whole person had been imprisoned by the power of fate.

Damn I was careless and didn't dodge.

This thought flashed through the God of War's heart, and then his figure began to twist at an accelerated rate.

"Old thing..."

The God of War's voice became excited: "Don't talk about martial ethics."

Before his voice could even finish, his figure had already disappeared into Beihai Prison under the power of reincarnation.

The trip to Beihai Prison became a trivial matter outside the fate of the God of War.

Since it was a trivial matter, he naturally couldn't notice it and wouldn't remember it.

So from beginning to end, why did the God of War, who occasionally paid attention to the City of Miracles, never discover such a good seedling as Xia Zhi?

No one knows the answer.

He may have discovered it, but his discovery was not his destiny, so he couldn't remember it.

Of course, it's also possible that this is really an accident, and the old guy who doesn't care about martial arts is actually not that ignorant about martial arts.

But this question is no longer important.

The important thing is that the God of War is ready to return. By the time he realizes something is wrong, Xia Zhi has already become a student of the Human Emperor.

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