The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 929: :reason

Feng Qingwu dances beside Wang Yuetong...

The news was so unexpected, and Qin Weibai couldn't figure out the causal logic.

Unlike Taihao, with the recovery of power, Qin Weibai didn't feel too unfamiliar with Feng Qingwu.

The resurgence of the supreme authority is accompanied by the awakening of memory, and there is no rule as to which part of the memory will awaken first.

Qin Weibai is better off. After all, she is the supreme leader of the order camp. The power of order allows her to maintain a certain order and regularity when her memory awakens.

Li Tianlan was completely irregular. After his three powers recovered, his awakening memories were completely messy. Sometimes he thought of a certain sentence he had said before, but the next picture that appeared in his mind had already been Many years later, even an era later.

The scene of him kissing Qin Weibai for the first time just appeared in his mind. The next scene was too Hao to run away.

Qin Weibai is not so exaggerated. Her memory awakening is also a bit confusing, but the basic context of certain things can still be sorted out clearly, but many memory fragments have no beginning or end.

In her constantly awakening memories, the memories about Feng Qingwu occupied a considerable part, and the emotions that surfaced due to the memories did not feel unfamiliar.

Unlike the eldest son Taihao, as the first child of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, Taihao's talent is currently the most outstanding, and his authority promotion route is an almost straight upward line.

I have been accumulating foundation since I was a child, and completed the nirvana of life level as quickly as possible. After accepting the will of the world, I have begun to consider the ascension of life level.

Taihao's early path was like a storm. Starting from the first level of lie authority, he swept wildly and rushed to the peak of the eighth level authority without encountering any bottlenecks.

After reaching the peak of the eighth-level authority, in order to accommodate his luck, his momentum stagnated slightly, but soon he brought enough luck to push open the peak authority gate that made countless top princes despair like a chasm in the sky, and followed the trend. Became a ninth-level master.

In the limited memories of Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan, Taihao spent most of his time on the road to promotion.

At that time, the new world was still in its infancy, and the term "neutral camp" had not yet appeared. They were fighting against the order, and they were also fighting with other races.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai could hardly spare any time to accompany their eldest son.

Taihao, on the other hand, took the least resources and used the most extreme methods to hone himself, making everyone extremely envious of his talent. With the choice of failure or success time and time again, he finally became the master, and then began to bear the responsibility for the entire human race. The responsibility is far away from the parents.

Feng Qingwu was born during this period. Before Li Dongcheng, Feng Qingwu was the youngest daughter. She was loved by thousands of people and was also the child who accompanied Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai the longest.

In the first era, Feng Qingwu stayed with her parents for most of the era, while Taihao, who was far away from his parents, shouldered the responsibilities of the human race and was still making rapid progress in the field of ninth-level authority. He dominated the early and middle stages. , all the way to the high end, and then to the peak dominance, contact with authority, and then enter a state of complete silence.

That is also a resolute choice of failure or failure.

Either it fails and even the true imprint is completely shattered, leaving no trace, or it makes the ultimate leap and becomes the Supreme after being fully sublimated.

From the first era until the end of this era, Taihao, who was completely silent, truly took control of the power and became active.

At the end of the first era, with Taihao's silence and the deaths of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, Feng Qingwu, who had no support but had very high authority but little experience, truly entered a state of barbaric growth.

So in Qin Weibai's memory, there are many memories about Feng Qingwu.

It was precisely because of this that she was a little annoyed now.

His daughter appeared next to Wang Yuetong, and Wang Yuetong also gave birth to a daughter for Li Tianlan. Under such circumstances, the best way is to temporarily merge Feng Qingwu and Xiao Chaide.

That is to say...

My daughter is calling someone else’s mother.

There must be some things that I didn't expect, but those are no longer important, at least not for the time being.

The most critical thing right now is to take over Wang Yuetong, that dead girl and Xiao Chaide.

"I see."

Qin Weibai took several deep breaths, temporarily suppressed all the grievances and anger in his heart, and said decisively: "I will set off to Qindao now, Dongshan... Dongshan... I will let Ji Ankang rush over now to take a look. Condition.

Don't worry, I'll talk about something when I get here. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, it'll be fine..."

On the phone was the sound of Wang Yuetong's constant breathing, as if she was trying to calm down her emotions. Her sobs gradually became quieter, and she said with some anxiety: "He... where is he?"

Qin Weibai naturally knew who he was, and pursed his lips: "He has been very busy recently and is in a very special sleep state. This state cannot be disturbed, so that's fine. I will go over to pick you up first and give him a surprise then. He will definitely be very happy to see you."

Wang Yuetong on the other end of the phone let out a sigh of relief.

Although Li Tianlan couldn't come over immediately, which made her a little disappointed, it was precisely because Li Tianlan couldn't come over immediately. With the buffer, her nervousness about to explode also relaxed a little.

"Let's do this first. I will arrange the trip immediately. Don't run around until Ji Ankang passes. I will let him pass now."

Qin Weibai gave instructions and hung up the phone.

Ji Ankang is the backbone of the new group. If the doomsday does not break out, he will become the speaker of Dongshan in a few months and become the most important part of the new group.

But now as the apocalypse breaks out, all plans have to change.

The super gene in Ji Ankang's body has been tested, and the concentration is generally low and is still declining. This means that this important figure who should have been supported by Li Tianlan will find it difficult to control a main city alone. If there is no accident If so, his next position is to control an acropolis in the Dongshan area and then give him an honor. This is the best result.

Ji Ankang is the most important figure that the East Palace can bring out in Dongshan now, the deputy speaker, and because Dongshan can see the situation clearly, he has already mastered great energy even though he has been here not long ago.

As long as he rushes over, the situation will be under control.

Qin Weibai was not worried about Li Chaoxi at all.

Since that dead girl chose to temporarily merge with Li Chaoxi, there would be no surprises. So when she called Wang Yuetong, she didn't even ask what kind of illness Li Chaoxi was because there was no way he was sick. .

She still knows her daughter very well, and knows that Feng Qingwu has a restless temper. After merging with Xiao Chao, she must have gone somewhere to make mischief, and the noise was a little louder, so she caused Xiao Chao to have trouble. A little reaction.

This small reaction is naturally nothing, but in front of Wang Yuetong and others who do not understand the authority, it is as serious as the sky falling. But no matter what, in the final analysis, this is destined to be a false alarm.

She asked Ji Ankang to rush over immediately, not to worry about Li Chaoxi, but to keep an eye on Wang Yuetong and not let her run away again.

If Wang Yuetong disappears again during this process, Qin Weibai will have to face Li Tianlan's discipline and punishment, and Ji Ankang will basically not have to talk about his future and honor. I believe Ji Ankang himself can see this clearly.

And this thing itself has a weird feeling to it.

Since Feng Qingwu had left Wang Yuetong in a state of disability that no one could find, then the call today should not have come in the first place. If Feng Qingwu wanted to stop it, the call would not have come in at all.

If Feng Qingwu doesn't want to stop it, then what's the point of keeping Wang Yuetong in an undetectable disability, or in a secret state?

The wind dances...

Qin Weibai had a headache.

That girl is very smart and restless.

Qin Weibai's intuition told him that that dead girl must have caused something again.

He had hidden Wang Yuetong before, so he was probably doing something.

But now, the matter is done, or it was done badly, so it doesn't matter where she is, right?

Qin Weibai's heart moved slightly, and his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly in Youzhou, beside Xuanyuan Wushang.


Xuanyuan Wushang was startled and seemed to feel guilty.

"Do you know about Qing Wu?"

Qin Weibai narrowed his eyes and asked directly.


Xuanyuan Wushang's expression was a little stiff, but he still told the truth: "She should be with Sister-in-law Yuetong now..."

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and didn't ask Xuanyuan Wushang why he didn't tell him earlier. In the face of lies and authority, Xuanyuan Wushang didn't say there was only one possibility, that is, he didn't have that consciousness at all. Even if he did, it would have been collected.

So now it seems that Feng Qingwu’s work is really done?

"what happened?"

Qin Weibai frowned.

"She's targeting Xia Zhi."

Xuanyuan Wushang spoke quickly: "Xia Zhi has basically been confirmed to have the potential to kill the God. If all kinds of resources are piled up, the possibility of her breaking through to the God of Killing is at least more than 30%.

The eldest princess wants Xia Zhi, but she doesn’t want Xia Zhi to join the Time and Space Corridor and the Xi Dynasty. But if she doesn’t join the Xi Dynasty, she has no reason to intervene, because Xia Zhi is considered a descendant of the Human Emperor..."

"So she appeared next to Sister-in-law Yuetong. In this way, Xia Zhi is equivalent to her grandmother. Not counting the Xi Dynasty's position, she can rely on this identity to fight for Xia Zhi's position, so..."

Qin Weibai was silent for a long time. She didn't listen to much of Xuanyuan Wushang's words. She just grasped the key point: "The God of Death?"


Xuanyuan Wushang said softly: "It's too late for us to act now."

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