The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 930: : Martial Arts and Memory

I feel so distressed that I can't breathe...

This is Qin Weibai's only feeling.

Just very, very, very **** uncomfortable.

Does Xia Zhi have the potential to become a **** of death? And she was abducted by Feng Qingwu?

The God of Death...level nine authority...peak...

The Supreme Beings are also human beings. Although their bodies have broken away from human limitations and even have no bodies, they are still human beings in terms of thinking.

Although Qin Weibai is the supreme leader of the order camp, she has thinking, and her thinking is no different from human thinking.

So when he learned that he, Li Tianlan, and even the entire Xi Dynasty had missed the Summer Solstice, Qin Weibai was really heartbroken and almost gasped for air.

Xia Zhi was abducted by Feng Qingwu...

Got it, everything is understood.

She understood why that dead girl appeared next to Wang Yuetong, and why Wang Yuetong had always been secretive before.

The Human Emperor, Beihai Wang family, Wang Tianzong, Xia Zhi...

This is an extremely obvious thread, and one that cannot be ignored.

The Xi Dynasty and the Beihai Wang family are now considered their own, but that is mainly because of Wang Shengxiao. In fact, although Li Tianlan is no longer hostile to the Beihai Wang family, their relationship is not good, and because of Wang Yuetong, I can't say it's extremely bad, but it's very subtle.

So when Xia Zhi showed its value, facing the olive branch extended by the Imperial Palace, Xi Dynasty could not be said to be not competitive at all, but its competitiveness was indeed not great.

As for Feng Qingwu and Xia Zhi, their relationship is even more incompatible.

In the competition between big forces, especially the competition for the top powerhouse in the future, no one dares to act recklessly. Not to mention that Feng Qingwu is not the Supreme. Even if she has incomplete power, she cannot ignore the Beihai Wang family and the Human Emperor. Guanxi directly robs people.

So she chose a very smart approach.

He briefly merged with Wang Yuetong's daughter, which was equivalent to establishing a connection with Xia Zhi.

No matter how much you, the Human Emperor, are the ancestors, you are still separated by countless generations.

But Feng Qingwu suddenly changed her status and became a granddaughter.

Is there something wrong?

There's nothing wrong with him at all. Even from Li Tianlan's point of view, Xia Zhi is still an elder.

As for seniority, etc., it has always been extremely confusing in the time and space corridor.

As eras change, the order in which the peak powerhouses return is different, and the order in which the people they protect are awakened is naturally different. All changes in identities require readjustment.

The most classic one is that Xuanyuan Wushang and Taihao are each other's uncle and nephew.

Taihao was feeling aggrieved, and Xuanyuan Wushang was also feeling pained.

Precisely because the seniority is so chaotic, there is nothing to care about.

Now it's very clear: the summer solstice has become the center of attention.

The emperor is fighting for his descendants.

Feng Qingwu competes with the Human Emperor for her grandmother.

Because the Space-Time Corridor has nothing to do with the Summer Solstice, and it is the territory of the Xi Dynasty, they can only withdraw.

The **** of war has fallen.

And because Li Tianlan had just recovered, his own daughter was also cheated and did not participate in this drama to win over his mother-in-law.

So now the Human Emperor and Feng Qingwu are competing for the summer solstice.

No, a truly big force must have a supreme leader.

So she still wanted to push Taihao out.

And Taihao should have really been pushed out.

Qin Weibai searched her memory. Judging from her remaining memory of Feng Qingwu, since that girl had already accomplished this step and even lifted Wang Yuetong's secret state, she didn't mind Wang Yuetong coming into contact with her. That can only mean that things have been done, and she has even received the promise of the summer solstice.

Also based on his understanding of Feng Qingwu, Qin Weibai felt that his stupid son was probably pushed out by Feng Qingwu as a cover. He was a typical thief who was sold by his sister and helped her count the money and was a thief who was so happy. kind.

But that girl's elbows are turned outward...

Did she abduct Xia Zhi to add a murderer to Taihao's power?

This possibility exists, even if there is only a 0.001 chance, it still exists, although everyone knows that this is not the case at all.

She kidnapped Xia Zhi, obviously for...for...for...

Qin Weibai suddenly paused.

Her expression suddenly became a little frozen, and she froze in place. Slowly, her brows furrowed tightly.

Invisible mental fluctuations continued to erupt from her body.

"sister in law?"

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression suddenly changed.

In this state, it was obvious that Qin Weibai was affected, or in other words, was being affected by some kind of force.

", there is no error."

Qin Weibai suddenly spoke, her face suddenly calmed down, but her eyes became extremely deep.

She fell silent and stopped talking.

Why did Feng Qingwu abduct Xia Zhi?

If not because of Taihao, why?

Qin Weibai can be sure that there is a reason for this.

But the reason...

She forgot.


If you look at it this way...

Not only her, but also Taihao was affected.

Why is Taihao willing to stand up as a cover?

Because in his eyes, Feng Qingwu is his biological sister. If his biological sister wants to dig out a future killing **** from her parents' camp, who else can she help if she doesn't help him?

Yes, who else can I help?

There was no other option in Taihao's mind because he had forgotten.

Including the Emperor...

Even including Li Tianlan’s previous performance.

He said he felt like he had overlooked something, but he couldn't remember it.

Li Tianlan couldn't remember certain things because the former Huang Xi didn't want the current Li Tianlan to remember them, but they were one. Strictly speaking, this so-called not wanting to remember was just that Li Tianlan's memory had not recovered to that matter.

But now it seems...

The incident that Li Tianlan ignored should not exist in Huang Xi's memory.

He should be in the same state as Li Tianlan now. He can realize that he has forgotten something, but he doesn't know what it is.

Forget, ignore, blank...

This is...

Qin Weibai took a deep breath, which was a kind of power related to memory.


It's related to memory...


A brand new kind of authority that can reach the supreme level in an unknown future!

The new permission is no more powerful than other permissions because it does not exist at this point in time.

Non-existence means strangeness, strangeness, which also means lack of understanding and lack of defense.

Without preparedness, everyone was affected by this unknown force.

Qin Weibai could realize something was wrong because when she was thinking about Feng Qingwu's final motivation, some pictures suddenly appeared in her mind...

That was a short conversation between Huang Xi and Xi Bai.

Time and space are the toys of the Lord.

Huang Xi has the power to see through time and space, so in the earliest era, he was already making plans for today and even for the more distant future.

That short conversation mentioned something. There seemed to be only one sentence about the permissions for memory. It seemed vaguely related to Taiyi, the God of War, but who was the target of the layout...

The conversation in that memory was not mentioned, or maybe it was improved, but Qin Weibai had already forgotten it when he thought of it.

So now I am affected...

Is it that the unprecedented new authority also has the power to affect time and space similar to the lie authority, or is this place also part of Huang Xi's layout, and is it that he has brought that power to the present through the lie authority?

If it is the latter, it means that the authority related to memory does not have the ability to affect the past from the future. The reason why I was affected is related to Huang Xi.

But if it's the former...

Qin Weibai's scalp felt numb for a while, and she subconsciously glanced around her, looking at all 360 degrees.

Her behavior was a bit exaggerated, and Xuanyuan Wushang was confused: "Sister-in-law, what's going on?"


Qin Weibai's voice was calm, but his heart was tense.

If the authority related to memory itself has the ability to affect time and space, that means an extremely terrifying fact.

Maybe it's here.

Maybe now.

The Supreme from the future might be standing in front of him, or standing side by side with Xuanyuan Wushang, or walking around the laboratory casually.

He's here, right now, and maybe he's staying with himself.

But I can't see him.

No, it's not that I can't see it.

I can see him, but...

Can't remember!

She didn't know whether her speculation was the current fact, but she was certain that with the permissions related to memory, she would definitely have this ability.

This is not invisibility, but hiding in memory. The eyes can see his existence, but you will forget it the first time you see him, which is equivalent to not seeing it.

Permissions are not strong or weak.

But any new authority was almost unsolvable in the era when it first appeared. It was not a question of strength, but a matter of everyone's lack of understanding of the new authority.

"We will discuss this matter later."

Qin Weibai said slowly, because she was not sure whether she was competing with the air, or whether there was really someone standing beside her that she could not remember, so she became cautious: "I have found Yuetong, Give me a means of transportation and I will pick her up now."

No matter what, bringing Wang Yuetong and Li Chaoxi back first is the most important thing to do right now.

The matter of new permissions needs to be discussed with Li Tianlan when he wakes up.

With memory as the core, with this information, given enough time, she can analyze something.

She glanced around her again.

Besides her and Xuanyuan Wushang, Qin Weibai couldn't be sure if there was a third person here who didn't exist in their memories, but Feng Qingwu should know something.

In addition, we have to settle matters regarding the Summer Solstice with that dead girl.

The future **** of death...

According to Xuanyuan Wushang, when everything is fully prepared, the chance of Xia Zhi breaking through to the Killing God is at least 30%, which is a 30% probability.

With this probability, it is not too much to say that it is the future God of Killing.

The probability of 30% does not seem high, but the neutral camp currently has extremely limited access to the eighth level. If they want to break through to the ninth level, there is not even a 1% chance. To put it harshly, they break through the ninth level. Even a probability close to zero.

Even if Xuanyuan Wushang has reached the peak of level 8 in all three jurisdictions, the probability of breaking through level 9 will not exceed 20%, so he still needs time to accumulate.

Xia Zhi now has a 30% chance, which is enough to show how rich her potential is.

In the vast starry sky, if you want to discover such talents, you need to calculate in eras, and one era may not be enough.

Moreover, Xia Zhi’s authority is still martial arts.

Martial arts...

The evaluation of this authority in the neutral camp is extremely complicated. It has incomparable advantages, but it also has huge disadvantages.

How do the large and small forces in the starry sky view martial arts authority?

To describe it accurately in one word, martial arts authority is approximately equal to...

Cannon fodder authority.

Because of the difficulty of authority, among the neutral camp, lie authority is the least, and it can be called the noble authority of the neutral camp.

The second is the destiny authority. There are not many people, but there are also many. They can play an extremely critical role in countless fields.

Finally, there is martial arts authority...

This is the authority with the largest number of practitioners, and it has the lowest threshold. Basically, any normal person can practice martial arts, and can even reach entry level.

The combat effectiveness of the martial arts authority in the early stage can be said to be the strongest.

Lies, destiny, and even permissions such as technology, elements, life, spirit, etc... Even if these permissions are added together in the early stage, they cannot get the martial arts permissions.

This is the only authority that can quickly form combat effectiveness just after contact.

If other authorities want to form combat effectiveness, they must reach at least level three.

Starting from the first level of martial arts authority, the combat effectiveness is already far superior to ordinary people.

This is the advantage of martial arts authority.

The disadvantage is that with the promotion of authority and the transformation of life levels, martial arts authority will appear extremely weak in a certain period of time. To be precise, it will be extremely weak in the mid-term.

If we divide it by life level, it is after nirvana in life level and before ascension.

That is, the period between the fifth-level authority and the sixth-level authority.

Under normal circumstances, the martial arts authority of this period cannot beat any authority.

At the first, second and third levels of authority, no one can beat the martial arts authority.

At level five and level six, no one with martial arts authority can beat him.

During the fourth-level authority period, everyone was using their own methods.

The fifth level of martial arts authority is called the Grandmaster.

The most important ability of the Grandmaster is that there are no vital points in the whole body.

Their bodies can grow a second or even more hearts to accommodate a massive amount of vitality. Before their vitality is completely exhausted, their physical strength is endless. No matter what kind of damage they receive, they will not die and will recover instantly.

Similarly, because the life level has reached nirvana, as the second heart grows in the body, the genetic shackles of the grandmaster will be completely opened. In theory, there is no upper limit to the increase in combat power.

But this is only theoretical.

In the eyes of other authorities, the actual fifth-level authority is equivalent to an enhanced version of a super soldier. It can fight, but the damage is not high. Its only function is a human shield, which can resist a lot of damage.

The sixth level of martial arts authority is called the fighting spirit.

The most important thing for a master to advance to a fighting spirit is to find his soul in his own martial arts.

Integrate all your own martial arts understanding and insights to form a soul. To put it bluntly, it means understanding your own martial arts to a certain extent and thoroughly integrating it. This is the so-called soul.

What most masters understand is almost all sword souls.

After the master is promoted to a fighting soul, he uses his own sword soul to nourish the sword spirit and help the master experience a more complete martial arts.

The comprehensive strength of the sixth-level fighting spirit is actually not weak, but the problem is that other permissions are more flashy at the sixth level, so during this period, the fighting spirit in the normal state still cannot beat other permissions.

The seventh level of authority means the ascension of the life level. At this level, all authority will release the physical form and form its own authority form, with endless lifespan.

This stage is equivalent to the transformation of martial arts authority.

In other words, even if martial arts is cannon fodder, at this stage, no one will treat martial arts as cannon fodder.

Seventh level of martial arts authority: Tianjue.

Tian Jue has completely opened his own genetic shackles, and his form has begun to approach perfection.

The sword soul is used to nourish the sword spirit, and the sword spirit is used to nourish the sword intention. The sword intention and consciousness are perfectly integrated. After being fully sublimated, they can be mastered in a short time, or in other words, transformed into martial arts.

At this stage, the most terrifying thing about Tian Jue is that it can temporarily suppress the will of the world, in exchange for the strongest explosion in a short period of time.

In the explosive state, Tian Jue can continuously plunder any ability and characteristics of any authority during the battle.

And there is no limit to plunder.

In other words, when a Tian Jue remains in this state for a long time, he may even have abilities with different permissions, and even more than just permissions, there will also be individual talents, will, and everything else. Focus on him.

That is the invincible state of martial arts.

It was from this stage that martial arts authority began to become completely high-end.

Shura, who needs to cast a divine form at the eighth level, has become an absolute backbone.

The ninth-level killing **** has reached the pinnacle of martial arts authority and can maximize the characteristics of martial arts authority.

What are the characteristics of martial arts authority?

In fact, it’s just four words: Just do it and it’s over.

The God of Death with level nine authority is extremely comprehensive. The God of Death may not be the strongest, but he has no shortcomings and can adapt to any environment. At this level of martial arts authority, there may be people who cannot be beaten, but there is absolutely no one who can be restrained. phenomenon, from this point of view, the ninth-level martial arts authority is even more valued than other authority.

Such a person...

summer solstice...

Compared to Summer Solstice, all the previous grievances between Li Tianlan and Beihai can be put aside.

Go to Qindao...

Go right away.

After bringing Wang Yuetong and Li Chaoxi back, Li Tianlan can take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the competition for descendants, grandmother, and mother-in-law.

"You come with me to Qindao."

Qin Weibai glanced at Xuanyuan Wushang and said calmly.

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded: "We are ready, sister-in-law, we can set off now."

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