The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 942: :mistake

The He family's mother and daughter have obviously become more reserved.

Although Qin Weibai acted like a sister and kept calling Mrs. He and Auntie after Wang Yuetong's seniority, and although Han Xinyan acted friendly enough, the unnatural expressions on the mother and daughter's faces still became uncontrollable. More and more, becoming cramped, becoming reserved.

That kind of embarrassment and restraint is mixed with various emotions such as confusion, confusion, shock, fear, etc.

If a group of Dongshan dignitaries headed by Ji Ankang suddenly went to the hospital and made the He family's mother and daughter feel the magic of the wealthy family, then coming directly from Qindao to Tiannan in the blink of an eye was completely incomprehensible to them. A miracle.

From Wang Yuetong's few words, they could probably understand the attributes of Li Tianlan's work: to protect the safety of Central Continent in an invisible area. Such a person, not to mention other aspects, is definitely full of combat effectiveness. Although Wang Yuetong didn't say it clearly, the mother and daughter knew very well that it was definitely not an exaggeration to say that such a person could sit in the position of special advisor of Central Continent and be the number one expert in Central Continent, or even the number one expert in the world. .

But what kind of master can go directly from Qindao to Tiannan in the blink of an eye?

Thousands of kilometers away, in the blink of an eye...

Can someone who can do this still be called a master?

The He family is not considered a small family. Although it is still far from a wealthy family, their class is not considered low-end.

Moreover, the He family is related to the special operations system. Although he is just a team leader or team leader, through this relationship, the He family can also vaguely see some scenery in the special operations system.

The He family has a specific concept of so-called masters.

Controlling air, condensing ice, burning fire, thunder, and even the legendary invincibility...

Even if the He family mother and daughter have never met, they have at least heard of it.

But what realm can directly move thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye?

And he still has people with him.

What's even more outrageous is that the person who did this was not Li Tianlan himself, but Li Tianlan's woman.

Qin Weibai.

They have never even heard of this name. Is this a fairy?

Seeing Qin Weibai and Wang Yuetong walking into the office from the outside, the mother and daughter of the He family, whose minds were in chaos, stood up completely subconsciously and glanced at Qin Weibai, with a dodge in their eyes.

"Auntie, Yishui."

Qin Weibai kept smiling naturally: "Don't be formal, sit down, just treat this place as your own home. You are Yuetong's family, so here you are also our family. You can do whatever you want in your own home." What can be done.”

She thought for a while and handed Xiao Tide in her arms to Mrs. He: "The little guy's problem has been solved. Auntie can also relax on this matter."

Mrs. He, who was still a little nervous, was obviously distracted by the issue of the small tide. She subconsciously took the child over, held her in her arms and tested the body temperature. Her face became visibly more relaxed.

"Well, Your Highness..."

Mrs. He held the child and looked at Qin Weibai. Huge confusion continued to fill her eyes. She wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to ask.

"This, what is going on?"

Mrs. He hesitated for a long time before asking with a wry smile.

"Things are a bit complicated. Let me pick out the important ones now."

Qin Weibai smiled and pulled Wang Yuetong to sit down. What she said was for everyone here, regardless of whether others could accept it or not.

"I don't know how much you know about the end of the world. If you know this concept...then, yes, this world, the so-called end of the world, is coming."

There was silence.

Wang Yuetong, He Yishui, and Mrs. He all remained quiet, and their faces remained unusually calm.

Obviously, they didn't react at all.

Qin Weibai waited for a few seconds, nodded to himself and said: "Whether you accept it or not, this is an unchangeable fact. Judging from everything we have now, nothing can stop the end of the world from coming.

Because that violates the most basic laws of the world.

The environment we are in now is the result of slowly changing and slowly improving under a certain kind of protection. When this protection dissipates, the world will become the environment it should become.

That kind of environment is equivalent to a paradise-like habitable zone for most extraterrestrial life, but for ordinary people living here, it is like hell. "

Wang Yuetong finally came back to her senses. Her voice seemed to be screaming, but it was a little weak, with great absurdity and astonishment: "The end of the world?!"

"To be precise, it is the most normal change that is about to happen in this world."

Qin Weibai said calmly: "There are currently six doomsday factors that can be determined.

high temperature.

Under the apocalypse, the temperature of this world will rise rapidly. From now on, the average daytime temperature here will be around 70 degrees, and the peak temperature in a small period of time will be around 90 degrees.

Low temperature.

Contrary to the high temperature, the average temperature at night in this world is about minus 70 degrees, and the coldest period is about minus 90 to 100 degrees.

Because the end has not yet come, the data will have errors, but the errors will not be too large.



The doomsday itself carries a certain degree of viruses. Changes in temperature, the death of living things, and the melting of glaciers will release a large number of deadly viruses in the world. According to the most conservative estimates, these viruses can kill more than half of ordinary people.


Radiation comes from the void. Without protection here, all kinds of cosmic radiation will penetrate the atmosphere and spread everywhere. This is also a deadly thing, and the fatality rate is much higher than that of viruses, much higher..."

The air is thin.

The oxygen in the air will become thinner as the apocalypse approaches, with high altitudes becoming almost devoid of oxygen and low altitudes having less oxygen.

Gravity changes.

This is the only thing that is currently uncertain. The gravity will definitely change, it may become heavier, it may become lighter...

In short, after the end of the world, this world will become something that is completely unimaginable for ordinary people.

Everything we are used to now will be completely and completely destroyed, and the existing order will have to be rebuilt.

Whether you accept it or not, this is reality.

The parliament has received the news and has taken action. Now everyone in Central China can see Teacher Li Huacheng's announcement, but where people can't see it, the deployment of large amounts of resources and materials has never stopped for a moment. "

Qin Weibai paused, looked at Wang Yuetong who was completely stunned, and said softly: "At least for now, this world is over. There is definitely hope, but not now, but in the future..."

"In the future... there is no future. If what you say, sister, is true, will there be a future for everyone?"

Wang Yuetong smiled bitterly.

“Dynasty is everyone’s future.”

Qin Weibai said lightly: "You have been away for too long, so you still don't know some of the news. This place is now called Zhongzhou, but in fact, at the parliament level, it already has a new name: Xi Dynasty.

The end is near.

During this period, Central Continent will be reorganized and a new order will be established. All resources and power will be concentrated. Tianlan will become the first emperor of the Xi Dynasty.

The main structure of the dynasty has been determined.

Under the Emperor, the sage Li Huacheng, the insightful Wang Shengxiao, the divine leader Lin Fengting, and Apocalypse are my...

The new structure has started to spread from the top to the bottom. This is an unstoppable trend. Related news will appear soon. "

Wang Yuetong was silent for a long time. In the silence, she vaguely grasped the main question and asked: "How long until the end?"


Qin Weibai looked into her eyes and said softly: "In less than a month, maybe twenty days, maybe a few more days, or even a few days less, the end will happen soon. As for why it will happen, that will happen next." The issues that will be discussed below, in short, there is no doubt about the authenticity of the doomsday, it must exist, and it will happen soon.

During this period of time, the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family have stood together again because of various things. Your brother Wang Shengxiao is now a member of the dynasty. The future of the Beihai Wang family will be very stable.

So you don't need to worry or be embarrassed between Tianlan and your family. You can choose at your husband's house or your natal family, which is a good thing.

The so-called doomsday is also not a bad thing. Although it brings huge disasters, in the long run, its emergence also gives everyone a broader future. "

Wang Yuetong was not surprised.

The thoughts in her brain have been completely occupied by the so-called doomsday.

High temperature, low temperature, viruses, radiation, thin air, changes in gravity...

These are just six aspects that have been identified so far.

So what's not certain? any left? If so, how many more?

The entire existence of mankind has begun to encounter an unprecedented crisis.

So is the so-called family feud really still important?

“How should we deal with the end of the world?”

Wang Yuetong asked softly.

“Abandon the surface and go underground.”

Qin Weibai's voice was calm and indifferent: "Tianlan has built super main cities in different areas of Central Continent. After the end of the world, the main city and the acropolis are enough to protect everyone in Central Continent, and... Huh?"

Her voice suddenly paused and her eyes turned suddenly.

Endless spiritual power surged out of her side in an instant.

Her eyes were empty, looking towards the corner of the office, to be precise, towards the direction of Beihai.

With the spiritual power of domination, the Creator suddenly rushed towards Beihai and towards the Imperial Army Mountain, arriving in an instant.

Coming to...the foggy city? !

All Qin Weibai's strength suddenly fell away.

The intended target disappeared once again, taking Xuanyuan Wushang with him.

Something went wrong with her power.

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