The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 943: :Incorrect

Qin Weibai fell silent.

Not only her voice, but also her movement of raising her hand became stiff at this moment.

Her aura seemed to have completely disappeared, and she remained sitting on the sofa with her hands raised, like a delicate, perfect, dignified, elegant and cold and ethereal goddess statue.

The power that belonged to Lie's authority and belonged to Feng Qingwu flashed away in her perception, and then Xuanyuan Wushang also disappeared.

It no longer mattered where the fat man Xuanyuan Wushang went.

The important thing is why does this happen?

Qin Weibai was silent for a full minute before slowly putting down his raised hand.

Her eyes fell on Xiao Chao Xi, who was lying in Mrs. He's arms, and her smile returned to elegance and reserve again: "Let me take a look at the child..."

Mrs. He, who was still digesting the doomsday information, blankly handed the child to Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai took it and held it in his arms. He lowered his head and stared at the little face carefully.

The little guy's eyes were big and beautiful like a pair of gems. He looked at Qin Weibai clearly and ignorantly.

Qin Weibai carefully checked the status of Xiao Tide and fell silent again.

She is now a supreme being whose state is incomplete and suppressed by the real environment.

This means that although her means are not restricted, her abilities are suppressed.

Although the suppression of various abilities has become less obvious after rising to the conceptual level, it is still there.

The most important thing about this kind of suppression is the scope of ability.

Qin Weibai's current most suitable range of abilities is probably the size of a large city, such as Youzhou, or Fog City, or Huating, New Testament...

Within this scope, her abilities can radiate to every corner.

Beyond this range, her abilities are still useful, but they will quickly weaken under the pressure of the real environment. The farther the distance, the worse the impact of her abilities.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Qin Weibai would not dare to let Xuanyuan Wushang take the initiative to provoke Feng Qingwu. Even if he needs to do so, he should keep the scope within her ability.

With her mental strength, there was no way she could reach Beihai from Tiannan in an instant.

But because of Li Chaoxi's existence, Qin Weibai had the confidence to do so.

Strictly speaking, Feng Qingwu and Li Chaoxi are currently in a state of temporary fusion. No matter how many consciousnesses there are between the two, as long as they are in a state of fusion, they are temporarily one.

As long as Xiao Tide is by Qin Weibai's side, Qin Weibai can use Xiao Tide to transfer his power to Feng Qingwu in an instant.

In other words, as long as Feng Qingwu relieves her own mutilated state, Qin Weibai can directly find her with the help of small tides even if she runs deep into the starry sky.

Through the positioning of Xiaotide, through Xuanyuan Wushang's provocation, he was able to drag that dead girl out and teach her a lesson, and tie her to her side, thus obtaining the Summer Solstice.

Or maybe the girl didn't dare to show up, and then used Wang Yuetong to influence Xia Zhi's position.

No matter what, Qin Weibai is bound to win Xia Zhi.

But now this situation...

Qin Weibai pursed his red lips, not knowing what to say.

The moment Feng Qingwu appeared in Beihai, Li Chaoxi's aura changed slightly.

This change was directly captured by Qin Weibai accurately, and without any hesitation or hesitation, the spiritual power came directly through the small tide.

This is the most normal development.

Under such circumstances, the power of dominance will completely dominate Feng Qingwu, allowing her to walk as fast as possible to Qin Weibai's side. Xuanyuan Wushang will retire with success, and Xia Zhi will join the dynasty. Everyone is happy.

However, this kind of development is obviously the most normal and the most appropriate, but an accident happened.

She felt the appearance of Feng Qingwu and Xuanyuan Wushang's request for help. Li Chaoxi was everything normal. Qin Weibai successfully passed Li Chaoxi and brought the power of control to the past...

But the place where the **** came was wrong.

The spiritual power that should have appeared on the Beihai Imperial Army Mountain appeared directly in Fog City.

The deviation is huge and unbelievable. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is offset by a hundred and eighty thousand miles.

Qin Weibai was shocked and instinctively made another descent, but the landing point of his spiritual power was clearly Beihai, but at the moment of descent, he appeared in the foggy city again.

Advent error.

So Feng Qingwu swaggered for a moment, took Xuanyuan Wushang away in a grand manner, and then once again entered the incomplete secret state. Fatty Xuanyuan also entered the secret state.

This was just like she had hidden Wang Yuetong before.

in other words...

Qin Weibai can't find Feng Qingwu now. Not only did she fail to catch her rebellious daughter, but she also lost Fatty Xuanyuan.

Some embarrassed, some annoyed, some angry.

Qin Weibai's current mentality is very much like that of a young mother facing a disobedient child. No, she is.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't need her to worry.

Feng Qingwu's temper was a bit worse, but she still had some basic sense of propriety. At least she wouldn't kill anyone, and it wouldn't affect Fatty's future potential. However, a lesson she would never forget would be indispensable.

As for whether Xuanyuan Wushang would leave any impression on his mind, this matter was completely beyond Qin Weibai's consideration.

What she is eager to find out now is why her spiritual power when she came to Beihai went wrong, and the mistake was so outrageous that she went straight to the foggy city...

Only authority can affect the power of authority.

But the authority to dominate itself is a kind of control. What authority can affect dominance?

And this kind of influence is completely unheard of by Qin Weibai...

So, this authority? !

Qin Weibai subconsciously hugged Li Chaoxi tightly, his pupils contracted slightly.

New authority means new supremacy and new authority.

The reason that **** girl turned her elbows outward is because...because...

Qin Weibai's thinking suddenly got stuck.

She couldn't remember who Feng Qingwu was because of. That person existed in her memory, but disappeared on his own initiative. This directly caused an obvious blank in Qin Weibai's memory.

Memory permissions...

Memory permissions again.

Qin Weibai once again truly felt the traces of memory authority.

She can be sure that even the City of Miracles has been affected by the memory authority. If she was not sure when she realized this the first time, then now that something has gone wrong with the coming power, she is 100% sure of it. a little.

Qin Weibai's eyes looked around again.

He Yishui and Mrs. He looked dull, and the latter was still talking about the doomsday.

Wang Yuetong seemed to have noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, and was looking at her nervously.

Han Xinyan sat on the side with lowered eyebrows, like a concubine who had been completely surrendered, quietly.

The little tide is sucking the fingers, and the two little feet are kicking from time to time.

No one else...

everything is normal.

Qin Weibai felt an inexplicable feeling of irritation in her heart. This emotion was completely suppressed the moment it appeared, but her brows still wrinkled slightly uncontrollably.

Her mental strength was carefully searching this office bit by bit, not sparing any corner.

The power of memory authority has emerged that can affect authority. In other words, memory authority already has a supreme authority that controls authority, at least in the future.

That kind of power is silently affecting the past, that is, the present time and space.

Qin Weibai may not want to deal with anyone, but at least he must understand him.

There may be some imbalance in each authority at different stages, but when you reach the top and master the authority, it is generally balanced, because the so-called authority must be a symbol of some aspect of the universe.

It's not that Qin Weibai can't deal with the supreme memory authority, but the problem is that she doesn't have any understanding of this authority, its capabilities, and the related authorities.

If you don’t know enough, how can you take precautions? She couldn't even find him.

She knew that the other party must be in this room.

Even at this moment, the other party may be sitting opposite you.

But she couldn't find any.

Maybe he had seen her before but forgot about it in an instant.

This method does not block people's vision or affect people's consciousness at all, but directly creates a certain gap in memory, a gap that you cannot find even if you sit opposite or next to you.

This should be some kind of ability of the authority itself, but I am not sure what level of authority it is.

As for authority...

Qin Weibai pressed his head hard.

When she was in Youzhou, when she realized that she couldn't figure out who Feng Qingwu was doing this for, she had already realized the new memory permissions, and some related pictures in her mind were partially revived, but there was no name of the other person. and identity.

But in Huang Xi's few words, he seemed to have mentioned something related to memory permissions.

This authority itself reflects part of his original plan for the future.

It's just that Li Tianlan hasn't thought of this yet, so even if he wakes up, unless he wakes up this memory by coincidence, even he won't know it clearly.

The only one who could remember this part of the memory was Qin Weibai.

Memory permissions...

Memory authority.

Something went wrong with the coming power, which was definitely the power of the other party's authority.

The power of authority caused the spirit to descend and something went wrong...


The authority to remember permissions...

Is it a mistake?

Qin Weibai's body suddenly shook, and at this moment, another few words echoed repeatedly in her mind.

"Not a mistake."

she blurted out.


Wang Yuetong, who had been staring at Qin Weibai, was stunned.

Qin Weibai took a deep breath. At this moment, she did recall something, which was about memory authority, the authority that Huang Xi had seen.

not one.

Each authority has three authorities.

Although the memory authority is not a neutral authority, nor is it order and chaos, it still has three authorities.

If something goes wrong when your own spiritual power comes, it means that one of the three authorities is taking effect.

That permission is called...


Not wrong, but incorrect.

Three major powers of memory authority:

Incorrect, irregular, and without boundaries.

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