The King of Case Solving in the City Author: Little Detective (Volume [-])

brief introduction:

  I have solved a head-chopping case in Chinatown, where the murderer chopped off the victim's head...

  I have solved a murder case in a secret room, there is no exit from the secret room...

  I have solved the midnight serial murder case, the murderer committed consecutive crimes and killed more than [-] women...

  Interpol, the FBI criminal analysis experts in the United States, are all my defeats!

  My name is Lin Chen, 22 years old, a freelancer. Some people call me the god of cars, some call me the king of extremes, and some call me an all-around genius.

  However, more people like to call me the king of solving crimes... (This story and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, and do not imitate.)

001 Girl's Dormitory Fragmentation Case【For Collection】

On February 2019, 2, a case of vicious murder and dismemberment occurred in the girls' dormitory of Donglin University.

Deceased: Two sophomore female students.

Venue: Room 311, University Girls' Dormitory Building.

Case history: On the evening of February 2, the reporter Liu Xiaojing and her classmates went out to eat and returned to the dormitory. Liu Xiaojing drank some alcohol at the time. After returning to the dormitory, she was afraid of waking up her roommates, so she did not turn on the light and lay down on the chuang to sleep. .

As a result, after waking up the next day, Liu Xiaojing found that two female classmates in the same dormitory had been killed and dismembered, and the bodies were placed on the chuang bunk in the dormitory.

The large amount of blood inside the corpse was contained in plastic buckets.

On the white walls of the dormitory, there are also a few crooked characters: Fortunately, you did not turn on the light.

Behind this sentence is a smiling face.

It was written with blood on a brush, and it looked very scary and weird.


It has been five days since the case of the corpse dismemberment in the girls' dormitory of Donglin University. The case has already become a lot of noise, and the citizens of Tianhai City are all aware of this horrific murder and dismemberment case.

The Tianhai City Criminal Police Brigade, responsible for detecting this vicious case, has been under enormous pressure in the past five days.

The superior leaders demanded to solve the case as soon as possible, find out the murderer, and relieve the panic of the students and parents of Donglin University.

"Deputy Bureau, this case is too strange. The reporter, Liu Xiaojing, a classmate of the two deceased, returned to the dormitory at [-]:[-] p.m. She drank some alcohol and was afraid that turning on the light would wake up the two deceased. I didn't turn on the lights, I just rested when I touched the chuang."

"When she woke up the next morning, she found that two classmates had been killed and dismembered, and there was a message on the wall, 'Fortunately, you didn't turn on the lights'."

"That is to say, when the reporter Liu Xiaojing returned to the dormitory, the murderer had just finished killing the two deceased. At that time, the lights in the dormitory were not turned on, and there were five fingers out of sight. Liu Xiaojing did not turn on the lights. When I saw myself, I left the crime scene."

"No fingerprints of the murderer were left at the scene. After investigation, no suspicious person was found to have entered the girls' dormitory."

"As for Liu Xiaojing, who reported the case, she had a good relationship with the two deceased. She had no motive for murder, and she had proof of alibi. She was not suspected, but no one seemed to have entered the dormitory except her..."

In the conference room, these words echoed in the conference room, and the person who said these words was a beautiful female detective in her twenties.

Her name is Zhang Tianni. She graduated from Huaxia Criminal Police College. With excellent grades, she was successfully admitted to the Tianhai City Criminal Police Brigade and became a member of the serious crime team.

She looks very beautiful and has a slender figure. After wearing a police uniform, she is handsome and sassy. She is a police flower in the criminal police brigade.

The deputy director is a middle-aged man with a somewhat fat body. After hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, his eyes became a little deeper.

This case has troubled them for many days, and they have not found valuable clues and breakthrough points.

This murder case has made the whole Donglin University panic, and the parents are restless. The pressure on them who are in charge of this case can be imagined.

After a moment of silence, the deputy director's eyes became sharp. He looked at Zhang Tian'an and said, "Xiao Ai, go find someone, maybe only he can help us solve this difficult case quickly."

Hearing these words from the calm Deputy Bureau, Zhang Tian'an and the other police officers in the conference room became a little curious.

Zhang Tian'an blinked his beautiful eyes and asked, "Deputy Bureau Sun, who is he who you are talking about?"

The deputy director took a sip of boiled water and said, "His name is Lin Chen, and he lives at No. 168 Changpo Road."


No. 168 Changpo Road, this is an independent three-story building.

On the roof of the small building, a handsome young man sat on an old reclining chair with Erlang's legs crossed.

He drank afternoon tea leisurely, and beside him stood two criminal policemen.

The two detectives, a man and a woman, are the beautiful police officer Hua Zhang Tianan and her colleague Wang Tao.

Zhang Tianan looked at the young man in front of her and said politely, "Mr. Lin, Deputy Bureau Sun called us this time. We have encountered a difficult case and would like to ask for your help."

Lin Chen was lying on the reclining chair, he tilted his head slightly, looked at Zhang Tiannan, a beautiful policeman, with a smile on his face, he said softly, "It's really similar, but it's much more beautiful than the previous one..."

Zhang Tian'an and Wang Tao frowned, not knowing what Lin Chen meant.

"Really? Mr. Lin, what are you talking about?" Zhang Tianai asked patiently.

"Nothing." Lin Chen touched his chin and responded lightly.

Lin Chen is not from this world. It has been a while since he was reborn and came to this world parallel to the earth.

The beautiful policeman Zhang Tiannan in front of her looks very similar to Zhang Tiannan in her previous world, but she is much prettier than her in the previous world.

Zhang Tian'an didn't pay any attention to what Lin Chen said. Her eyes looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, you should know about the corpse case that happened at Donglin University, right?"

"I heard a little bit, but I didn't know anything about it." Lin Chen replied casually.

His arrogant manner of speaking made Zhang Tian'an and Wang Tao, the two criminal police officers, very unhappy.

Some of them didn't understand, why Deputy Bureau Sun let himself come to the young man in front of him in cases that even the old police and experts of the public security system could not solve.

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