He also said that maybe only he could solve the case.

Apart from his handsome looks and stronger physique, this young man really doesn't see anything special about him.

Zhang Tian'an said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, since you haven't specifically learned about the corpse dismemberment case, I'll tell you now."

When Zhang Tian'an said this, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, and there was a look of pain on his face.

Lin Chen rubbed his forehead lightly, and said to himself, "It starts to hurt again. Since my rebirth... I have been tortured for almost three months. After tonight, the thing in my head can finally calm down completely."

After talking to himself in his heart, Lin Chen waved his hand to Zhang Tian'an and said, "I owe Lao Sun a favor. I will help him with this case, but I don't have time today, so go back first."


002 The things in the head【For collection】

Zhang Tian'an wanted to tell Lin Chen about the case, but the words came to his lips, but he heard Lin Chen's words to see off the guest.

She was a little helpless, but still said, "Mr. Lin, this case is very important. We really can't afford it. Can't you go to the crime scene with us today?"

Lin Chen touched his forehead, and said impatiently, "I said, I'm not free today, can't you understand?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an bit the red chun and said, "Okay, then I'll come back to you tomorrow, Mr. Lin Chen, sorry for the inconvenience."

After Zhang Tianan finished speaking, he walked out of the small building with his colleague Wang Tao.

After walking out the door, Wang Tao turned his head and glanced upstairs, and said, "Damn it, what kind of spectrum does this guy put on, I really don't understand, why so many of us can't solve a case that so many of us can't solve, why did Deputy Director Sun say that? This kid can solve it, just like him, does it seem like he can solve a case?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an shook his head slightly and said, "I don't see anything special about him, but since Deputy Director Sun admires him so much, maybe he really has that ability."

"Hmph." Wang Tao sneered: "I don't think he has that ability. Judging from his ruffian look, he probably hasn't even studied in college..."

As the two walked, they got into the police car.


The next day, Lin Chen got up very early, he opened the curtains and let the rising sun fall on him.

Lin Chen stretched his waist comfortably, enjoying this moment of leisure.

"I've been tortured by that thing in my head for three months, and now it's finally fused..."

With a smile on Lin Chen's face, he looked at the street outside the window and said to himself: "The corpse dismemberment case at Donglin University seems to be quite interesting, let's go and see it today, just to repay the favor of Lao Sun, and in the future I don't owe him anything."

Lin Chen immediately changed his clothes and prepared to go out for breakfast.

As soon as I went downstairs, the doorbell rang.

After walking over and opening the door, Zhang Tianan, who was wearing a police uniform, with his hair up and his waist slender, appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Looking at Zhang Tian'an, Lin Chen said, "It's so early."

There was no expression on Zhang Tian'an's face, she said, "The corpse dismemberment case at Donglin University is in a bad mood. We haven't solved the case for a day, and we all have trouble sleeping and eating. Mr. Lin, can we go?"

"What's the hurry, I haven't had breakfast yet." Lin Chen said, picked up a coat and put it on himself.

After walking out of the small building, Lin Chen went to the street to buy a soy milk and steamed buns, and then got into the police car that Zhang Tiannan drove.

There was no words all the way, and after driving on the road for more than an hour, the car finally came to the gate of Donglin University.

Tianhai City is a second-tier city with several universities with strong teachers and key national support.

Donglin University is one of the better universities in Tianhai City. Many students and parents are proud of being able to study at Donglin University.

But after the corpse case happened in the girls' dormitory a few days ago, the whole Donglin University was in a panic. The students who lived in the girls' dormitory and the female students with some money all moved to live off-campus, and the family conditions were not good. Yes, bite the bullet and continue to live in it.

There was a lot of pressure from the superiors, and the police in Tianhai City wanted to solve the case quickly and catch the murderer.


The police car was parked in the playground of Donglin University. Zhang Tianan in the car turned to look at Lin Chen in the passenger seat and said, "Here we are."

Lin Chen opened the car door, got out of the car, and glanced at Donglin University. Lin Chen in his previous life had never attended a university, and neither did he in this life.

Several male police officers who had been waiting beside the playground for a while walked towards them together.

Among these male police officers, one of them was Wang Tao who went to Lin Chen's house with Zhang Tianan yesterday. Beside Wang Tao, there was a tall man.

His name is Fang Xinzhou, and he is the leader of the Criminal Police Brigade's serious crime team. To be able to take the position of the team leader, in addition to his father's special status, Fang Xinzhou graduated from the Criminal Police Academy, and he is also a bit of a true learner.

However, Fang Xinzhou frowned when he saw Lin Chen getting out of the car.

After Fang Xinzhou, Wang Tao and his party came over, Zhang Tianai immediately pointed at Lin Chen and introduced them: "This is Mr. Lin who Deputy Bureau Sun said, Mr. Lin, he is the leader of our serious crime team, Fang Xinzhou. "

Lin Chen glanced at Fang Xinzhou, and the expressions on the faces of the detectives in front of him were naturally noticed by Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, hello." Fang Xinzhou squinted at Lin Chen, and extended his hand to Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen reached out and shook hands with Fang Xinzhou.

At this time, another police car drove into the gate of Donglin University and stopped beside Lin Chen and the others.

Lin Chen and the others all looked at the car. After the door was opened, they saw Deputy Bureau Sun and a few old detectives walking out of the car.

After seeing Deputy Director Sun, Zhang Tianni, Fang Xinzhou and the others immediately saluted and greeted Deputy Director Sun.

Deputy Bureau Sun nodded slightly, he stretched out his hands, and walked towards Lin Chen with a smile.

"Lin Chen Xiao-brother-brother, if I hadn't really had no choice this time, I wouldn't have come to trouble you." Deputy Bureau Sun took the initiative to hold Lin Chen's hand, and his expression and tone were full of politeness.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Old Sun, I owe you a favor. This time, I am here to repay your favor."

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