The police officer of the special case team on the other side of the phone heard the words, agreed and then immediately followed what Ouyang Chuying said.

A few police officers, two of them went to see Duo'er's parents in the neighboring city of Kuo, and a few of them rushed to the Ku Public Security Bureau.

After Ouyang Chuying put down the phone, Wu Tianyu raised his chin and muttered, "Why did Lu get out of the car if he wanted to come to Qingshi Town, and he wouldn't come if he didn't come, and he didn't tell their son Qiankang the reason."

Wu Xuan guessed: "Could it be that they learned in the car that the special case team in the province was coming to investigate, and they were too scared to come? Let's go back to the county public security bureau for a meeting." Lin Chen said to several people

It's useless to guess too much here, just wait for the two police officers to find Gan Duo'er's parents and ask the situation clearly.

Immediately, Lin Chen and the others got into the car one after another, and Wu Tianyu drove the car towards the direction of Zhengshan Juju Public Security Bureau.

The electronics factory is not far from Qingshi Town, but if you want to go back to the county public security bureau, it is a long way to go.

After driving on the road for a while, Lin Chen's car finally stopped at the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

Get out of the car, and several other police officers from the special case team are already waiting at the door of the Public Security Bureau Building

After seeing Lin Chen and the others, they immediately greeted them.

Mr. Lin, Team Leader Ouyang, did you gain anything from the relatives of the fourth and fifth victims? "The police officer of the special case team asked

Ouyang Chuying simply told them two packages, and then the group walked into the public security bureau building

Lin Chen and the others visited the relatives of the five victims of Investigation Zong, and they have informed Qiu Mingkai, deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, that a meeting is to be held.

ask for flowers

At this moment, Qiu Mingkai and some of the detectives in charge of the midnight sawing serial murder case are all sitting in a conference room

When the case briefing was held before, a large meeting was used. Now the meeting held is very small and a conference room can be used.

After Lin Chen and the others entered the conference room, Director Qiu Mingkai who was sitting in his seat immediately stood up from his seat.

Mr. Lin, Officer Ouyang, you are here, please take a seat. "Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai greeted everyone to sit down, the air conditioner in the conference room

It's cool, it's comfortable to sit in here

After Lin Chen and the others sat down, Qiu Mingkai said, "How is your investigation, Mr. Lin?

Got some gains. "Lin Chen said to Gan Mingkai.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the other people in the conference room, looked at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "Then the meeting will begin.

Lin Chen nodded, turned his head to look at Qiu Mingkai, who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Deputy Director Qiu, whether your Fang Dui murderer in Zhengshan County randomly selected the victims to kill, or was the motive for vendetta or other reasons, I have never been able to. sure, right?

Yes. "Qiu Mingkai nodded earnestly and said, "In our previous discussions on this case, most people felt that the murderer was a perverted murderer who randomly selected targets and killed randomly, because among the five victims, there were some common features. For example, overtime, several victims were killed on the way home from overtime

It is very likely that the fierce king came out to find the target, and they happened to be met after working overtime and returning home late.

There are also some people who think it is a vendetta. Although the five victims have no direct connection, they may have some kind of potential connection. After Lin Chen heard this, Qi Guang glanced at the people present and said, "It is basically certain that the murderer is not the same. Not a randomly selected and targeted psychopathic murderer, his choice for each victim is selected by New Zealand

After hearing what Lin Chen said, everyone present looked at Lin Chen.

Qiu Mingkai said, "Mr. Lin, how do you say this?


1209 The advantages of the body [Subscribe]

Everyone in the conference room looked at Lin Chen and wanted to hear Lin Chen say that the murderer was not a randomly selected and targeted perverted murderer, but the reason why each victim was carefully selected.

Under everyone's attention, Lin Chen said to a police officer next to him: "Put all the photos of the first victim, Zhao Fang, on the LCD screen.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the policeman nodded immediately, said ok, then walked to the computer and started to operate with the mouse.

After waiting for a few seconds, the scene photos and life photos of the first victim, Zhao Fang, appeared on the LCD screen tomb of the conference room. Lin Chen pointed at the photos of Zhao Fang on the LCD screen tomb, and said to everyone. : "Look at the life photo and ID photo of the first victim, Zhao Ruo, and talk about her advantages.

After hearing what Lin Chen said, several police officers from the Zhengshan Public Security Bureau in the conference room whispered a few words, not knowing what Lin Chen wanted them to say about Zhao Fang's strengths.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, they all stared at the first victim Zhao Fang's life photos and documents. In other words, her face is pretty.

Yes. Wu Xuan also said: "Zhao Fang's face is not bad, a standard melon seed face, and his facial features are also very correct, but he is only 149 in height. If he is taller, the whole person will look better.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai nodded slightly, and he nodded in agreement with what Ouyang Chuying and Wu Pu said.In the conference room, the other police officers thought about the same. The first victim, Zhao Fang, had a good face, but he was of average height and body.

"That's right." Lin Chen's eyes swept across Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan, and said, "If there is any merit in the first victim, it is her face. good looking.

When Lin Chen said this, he paused for a moment, turned to look at the police officer standing in front of the computer again, and said to him, "Put the life photo of the second victim, Wu Min, and the ID photo.

OK "The police officer nodded and put the photo of the second victim Wu Min's ID on the LCD screen tomb.

Lin Chen pointed at the LCD screen and said, "This is the life photo ID photo of the second victim, Wu Min. Tell me, she has the advantages of being an official that can be seen at a glance.

The first victim, Zhao Fang, Lin Chen, and others see the advantages. The second victim, Wu Min, also asks everyone to see the advantages.

After everyone heard the words, they looked at the second victim, Wu Min.

The second victim, Wu Min, because of some departments in the family, after entering a factory to work, became the junior leader of a certain department of the factory

She doesn't need to work in the workshop every day like ordinary workers, she just needs to sit in the office and work in front of the computer.

This Wu Min is average in appearance, average in height and average in body. She has no special features.

A police officer from Mingzhengshan County said: "The second victim, Wu Min, wants to say that she has some advantages, that is, because she works in the office, she can't get the sun, and her skin is relatively white, right?

Any more? "Lin Chen looked at the talking police officer and asked a question.

After the police officer felt Lin Chen's questioning gaze, he stared at Wu Min's photo again. After looking at it for a few seconds, he slowly shook his head and said, "The worker thinks she has fair skin. Others don't see any advantages.

how to say. "Wu Tianyu touched his chin and said, "This second victim, Wu Min, gives the impression that she is very ordinary, just like the police officer said, except for her fair skin, she has no advantages.

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