After arriving at the entrance and exit of the parking shed, the old guard guard quickly took the flashlight in his hand and pointed it towards the depths of the parking shed. He was going to take a photo and leave, but who knows, after Wang flashed the light, he let him saw an unexpected scene

I saw a man and a woman standing in the depths of the dark parking shed. The two of them were doing that kind of thing, and their clothes were messy.

After the old man's flashlight flashed over, they jumped a lot, their bodies separated immediately, and they quickly put on their clothes.

The old guard did not expect that there would be people in the factory doing things in the parking shed, and the posture was something he had never seen before. He was surprised at the same time, but he could only say that people nowadays can play games.

The old guard at the door was originally in a funny mood, but soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because, he saw that the man who was doing that kind of thing in the parking shed was none other than the owner of the electronics factory, Guan Yan, and the woman who went out with Guan Yan was the female workshop director of the electronics factory.

These two people have a bigger position in the electronics factory than him, the doorman.

See the boss and the workshop hostess Qian, this is the end

The old guard wanted to turn his head but could not run away, but Guan Yan stopped him.

Guan Yan walked towards the old guard guard while buttoning his clothes.

When the doorman saw this, he immediately said that it was a female worker who said that there was a strange movement in the carport. The doorman who asked him to come over wanted to push the blame to Qian Li, but Guan Yan waved at him. Said: "Just pretend you didn't see anything tonight, understand?

When the old guard heard this, he immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, indicating that he saw nothing and would not say a word.

Then the old guard of the guard left, and returned to the grounds of the guard's room, terrified with a cold sweat on his back.

It's not good to see someone cheating, but it's unlucky enough to see the boss cheating

The boss and the female director of the workshop will never say anything about the affair

After Wang Li told the police about the strange movement in the parking shed, the old guard of the door naturally lied, saying that he was lazy that night (bfcg) and did not go to the parking shed to see it.

The police in Zhengshan County didn't take this kind of thing to heart. After asking about it, they didn't care.

After saying this, the old man looked at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "I lied when the police came back to me before, because I didn't think the boss's affair with the female director of the workshop had anything to do with the death of the boss's daughter, so I lied. Comrade police, I have no choice. If I tell the truth and the boss finds out, I will be fired.

Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, and the others looked at the doorman with a helpless look, and Ouyang Chuying said: "It's straight like this, didn't lie? Really, straight. The old doorkeeper said two words of truth in a row. : "I'm not lying, please believe me

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen, Lin Chen said to the old guard, "Well, you can go back to work.

When the old guard heard this, he knew that he had nothing to do with himself, but he was still a little worried: "Comrade police, you won't say anything about Boss Guan Wang and Mistress Qian, right?"

"No." Lin Chen said

After getting this answer, the old guard at the door left with confidence.

As soon as the old guard left, Kiko said: "When Guan Yan was having an affair with the female director of his lover's workshop, the murderer may be sawing his daughter's body with a saw. I don't know how he would feel when he thought of this.

Guan Yan and the female director of the workshop are enjoying themselves. This is not something worth noting

After everyone said a few words, they walked out of the electronics factory and went outside.

Kko waved at Lin Chen and said, "I got a clue here at Guan Yan, and now I'm going to follow this clue to investigate. After Wu heard Kiko's words, his inner curiosity was immediately hooked up.

She looked at Kiko and asked, "Kiko, what clues did you find?

Iko smiled and said: "I can't say, but I want to solve the case and get the reward of tens of millions for solving the case.

After Wu Xuan heard Kiko's words, although she was a little disappointed in her heart, she understood it.

Kiko then got into his car and drove away from the electronics factory

After iko left, Ouyang Chuying took out her mobile phone and called the other police officers in the special case.

After the phone call, Ouyang Chuying began to ask other members of the special case team about their situation.

Before, the special case team was divided into two groups, Lin Chen, and they went to the house of the fourth victim, Li Shiting, while the other members stayed in the store of the third victim, Duoer, waiting for the arrival of Gan Duoer's parents.

See if they have anything to do with Gan Duo'er's death.


1208 There are some gains [2 more for subscription]

Ouyang Chuying's call was quickly connected, and there was the voice of a male police officer from the special case team.

Ouyang Chuying asked: "Have you seen Duo'er's parents? Did you find anything unusual in their investigation? Before Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others learned about Duo'er's parents from Gan Duoer's mother. How much is too much for Duoer, and after she doesn't care about her death, there is a big ~ Yang guess

This very bold guess is that Gan Duo’er’s parents got their daughter’s money and deliberately imitated the murderer of the midnight sawing serial murder case to kill Gan Duo’er.

This guess is very bold and unbelievable, but since it's all guessed, then when you investigate and ask Gan Duo'er's parents, pay attention.

Team leader, I'm just about to give you this call. "The police officer of the special case team on the other end of the phone said: "We have been waiting in the store for a long time, but Gan Duo'er's parents have not come to know each other. Just now, Duo'er's parents called Gan Duo'er's brother to say that they had something to do. I won't come to Qingshi Town today, come back another day

"Don't come to Qingshi Town today and come back another day?" Ouyang Chuying frowned and said, "Didn't Duoer's younger brother Gankang say they were already on their way? Did they get off halfway?

The police officer of the special case team replied: "The bus didn't leave that county town far, and Gan Duo'er's parents suddenly had an accident, so they asked the master to stop, and then took a taxi back to their home until they called a few minutes ago. Gan Kang said they were not coming today.

Did they talk about the reason why they didn't come to Qingshi Town all of a sudden? "Ouyang Chuying asked

"I didn't say it," the police officer of the special case team said: "Gan Kang asked them, and they didn't tell Yu Kang.

After saying this, the police officer said: "Team leader, you said that Wang Duoer's parents were going to come to Qingshi Town, but suddenly got off the bus halfway and said that they would not come, but they didn't tell Gan Kang what happened to them. , Is there something tricky here?

Ouyang Chuying was using the loudspeaker, Lin Chen, Wu Tianyu and Wu could hear it. After hearing this, Ouyang Chuying turned her inquiry to Lin Chen who was beside her.

After Lin Chen felt Ouyang Chuyi's gaze, he said to her: "Since Gan Duo'er's parents are not coming, I will go to the next county town to find them and ask them the reason for their sudden absence.

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Let's go?

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Just let them go, there's no need to waste too much time on Gan Duoer's parents. Ouyang Chuying said ok, and then said to the police officer over the phone: "Don't stay in Yu Duo'er's clothing store, let the two of you drive to the next county town to find Duo'er's parents, and ask them why they didn't come to Qingshi Town.

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