maybe. Lin Chen took his eyes away from Guan Yan, then turned to Ouyang Chuying and the others and said, "Okay, we can go back for a meeting."


1206 I didn't find this [2 more for subscription]

After Guan Yan heard that Lin Chen and the others were leaving, he remained expressionless and said nothing.

Lin Chen and the others left the parking lot and walked towards the door of the electronics factory

Iko was carrying a trendy backpack and followed Lin Chen and the others

Kiko said: "Have you noticed that just now, under the leadership of Wang Li, after we came to the parking shed together, Guan Yan's expression changed a little after seeing the parking shed.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Kiko and said indifferently: "Not only Guan Yan, but I also saw a little weirdness from the female director of the car beside Guan Yan.

Have it? "Wu Tianyu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "I didn't observe Guan Yan and the female director of the workshop very much, and I didn't notice that Wu Xuan also said, "I only noticed that Brother Lin and that Gan walked into the depths of the parking shed. , don't care

Lin Chen said: "Just now Guan Yan took us to the female workshop director of the factory building to greet us, and I noticed that there was an eye contact between Guan Yan and the female workshop director. The performance of the two also has some disagreements, the most important thing is the distance between Guan Yan and the workshop hostess Qianzhan."

The distance between the two of them? "Wu Tianyu frowned and asked, "Is there a problem with the distance between Guan Yan and the female host of the workshop? "Um

Lin Chen nodded, walked towards the gate of the electronics factory, and explained: "There are four kinds of distances between people, the first one is the public distance, which can be as far as 360cm. Audiences have extremely blunt conversations with each other and informal occasions.” The second, social distance is about 120 to 360cm, like a desk.In general workplaces, people often use this distance to talk, and this distance can be used to greet people who do not have much interaction.

The third type is personal distance, which is about 45cm to 120m. It is like reaching out and touching each other. Although you know each other, there is no special relationship. This is the distance that is most often maintained in informal personal conversations. When talking with people Don't stand too close, generally keep 50cm away

The fourth type is the intimacy distance, from 45cm to zero distance. This is generally the case for friends, couples and couples who are familiar with their relatives.

After Lin Chen explained the four types of distances between people, he said, "Since Guan Yan saw the female hostess in the workshop, the distance between the two of them has been kept very close. together

"On the surface, they have a normal relationship between subordinates and subordinates, and their expressions are also normal. However, the distance they maintain has betrayed their relationship. It's just that ordinary subordinates will not always rely on it. close

The mountain of closeness... Wu Tianyu nodded slightly and said, "Brother Lin, I have been taught. Think back to that Guan Yan and the female supervisor of the workshop. After they met, they kept a very close distance.

Lin Chendao: "A male boss and a female subordinate pretend to have an ordinary subordinate relationship on the surface, but what they keep physically is the intimate distance among the four distances between people.

After Kko heard Lin Chen's words, he took it up and said, "Tianyue talked about the strange sound of the parking shed, and after arriving at the parking shed, their remarks and

The expression is not normal, all of this has already come out

Although Wu Tianyu and Wu Ying didn't observe Guan Yan and the female director before, after hearing this, they also understood what Lin Chen meant.

Several people did not speak any more, and soon came to the edge of the guard room of the electronics factory.

There are three guards in the guard room at the moment.

Lin Chen walked to the door of the guard's room and asked, "Who was on duty the night when Wang Li said there was a strange movement in the shed?" After hearing Lin Chen's words, one of the three guards stepped out of the stool. Shang stood up, he said, "Yes, it's me, what's the matter, please come out." Lin Chen said to the old guard.

The old guard came out of the guard's room and said, "Do you want to ask the official, do you want to ask about that night?" "That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Wang Li was talking to you that night. There is a strange movement in the parking shed, let you have a look, why don't you go?

After hearing the words, the old guard reached out his hand and touched his nose, and said, "The police have already asked me this question before. We are the Mohai Special Case Team, please answer like this." Wu Tianyu said

The old guard reached out and touched his neck again, and said, "That night, I was watching a TV show in the guard room that night. After the employee told me about the parking garage, I said yes, but I thought about it. I was lazy for a while, and I was fascinated by watching TV shows, so I didn't go.

Is it straight? "Lin Chen anus with the eyes of the guard's old man

The old guard touched his nose and said, "Well, yes, that's it, comrade police, why do you care about this issue? The strange movement in the parking shed that night has nothing to do with the case."

"How do you know it's okay?" Lin Chen asked immediately, the speed of questioning was very fast

The old guard at the door felt Lin Chen's gaze, and he was very uncomfortable being stared at. He muttered, "I guess the boss's daughter died in the town. There was a strange movement in the factory parking shed. How can you get in touch

Guess what? Lin Chen frowned slightly, and said, "Since I asked you about that night, your hands kept touching your nose, touching your neck and doing all kinds of small gestures, which shows that you are very interested in Wang's questions." nervous.

"Did you guess what you said just now, or did you stop watching the TV series that night, but went to the parking garage with a flashlight, and saw the reason for the strange movement in the parking garage. where?

As soon as Lin Chen's remarks came out, the old guard's face suddenly changed, his eyes staring at Lin Chen, stunned for a few seconds, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

The old guard didn't speak anymore, Lin Chen continued: "Judging from your expression at the moment and the shocked look in your eyes, what I said just now should be right, right?

Well, there is no mountain, no mountain guard, the old man shook his head and said

Ouyang Chuying looked at him and said, "Master, you have provided a false statement before, what will happen if you don't say it now?

If so, you can measure it yourself.

After being questioned by Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying, the old guard finally said: "Okay, I say


1207 What clues were found 【Subscribe】

After hearing what the old guard said, everyone can be sure that on the night of the crime, Wang Li told him that there was a strange movement in the parking garage, he did not slack off and stayed in the guard room to watch TV shows. Instead, I went to the parking garage.

After the old guard expressed his willingness to speak, he said nervously: "Comrade police, I can speak out, but please don't speak out, okay? If you speak out, I'll do it.

You speak first. "Lin Chen said to the gatekeeper, the uncle

Because at this moment the position of the few of them is still a bit close to the guard room, the uncle of the guard looked at the guard room and looked like he was afraid of being known by the other two guards in the guard room.

After looking at the guard room twice, he took a few steps to the side, and then he talked to Lin Chen and the others.

This old guard guard is a native of Qingshi Town. He came to work in the electronics factory with a little connection. This job is very easy for him, and he can earn a lot of money every month. treasured

Some of the things that the leaders asked him to do, the old guards always try to do things well.

That night, the old guard was sitting in the guard room with his mobile phone and watching a TV show. Worker Gan Li passed by the guard room after get off work and said there was a strange movement over the parking shed. The guard did not go there immediately when he was 367.

After Wang Li left, a few minutes later, the doorman watched one of the episodes of the TV series ended. He was someone who cherished his job and was more dedicated to his work.

After reading it, I took a flashlight and walked towards the parking shed.

When I went there, the old guard didn't think about what he could see inside the parking shed. After all, the walls of the parking shed are still quite high.

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