When Guan Yan heard Lin Chen's words, he couldn't help but become curious.

0.5 He asked: "Who do you want to see?

"Wang Li, who found your daughter's body and is also an employee of your factory." Lin Chen said.

Um. "Guan Yan stood up and said, "I'm going out too, I'll take you there.

Immediately, under the leadership of Guan Yan, Lin Chen and the others came to the door of a workshop

When the workshop owner saw Guan Yan coming, he immediately greeted him

Guan Yan said to him, "Call Wang Li out.

The workshop owner Qian agreed, and Xiaobu left.

Soon, the workshop owner Qian called Wang Li. When Wang Li saw Guan Yan, the boss, and Ouyang Chuying and the others in police uniforms, her eyes were a little dodgy.

Lin Chen looked at Wang Li and said, "In the record for you, before you returned from the factory that night, you heard a strange movement in the factory's parking shed, right?


1205 Go back for a meeting【Subscribe】

On the day the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was killed, Wang Li, a female worker in an electronics factory, worked overtime late in the factory.

After working overtime, she left the workshop and went to the factory parking shed to pick up her bicycle

In the bicycle shed, she heard some strange movements. She said this when she found Guan Xiaoyuan's body and was questioned by the police.

Lin Chen would come to her because he saw what Wang Li said in the document.

After Wang Li heard what Lin Chen asked, she raised her head and glanced at Lin Chen, then nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, that night, when I went to pick up the bicycle from the bicycle shed, I heard it. There is a strange movement in the bike shed

Lin Chen said to her, "please, take us to that bike shed now."

Wang Li looked at the boss on the side and the female workshop director standing beside the boss, then nodded and said softly, "Okay, come with me after Wang Li's talk, turned around and walked in the direction of the parking shed. Chen Ouyang Chuying and the others followed behind, Guan Yan and the workshop director also followed

The parking lot of the electronics factory is not far from the factory. After 15 minutes, everyone came to the parking shed.

This parking shed has a shape. At this moment, because the workers are all coming to work, this parking shed is already full of various vehicles, most of which are motorcycles and electric vehicles, and there are not many bicycles.

After Wang Li took Lin Chen and the others to the entrance and exit of the parking shed, Lin Chen said to her, "Retell what happened that night." Wang Li pointed to a place outside the parking shed and said: " That night, my bike was parked at that spot, I walked to that spot, squatted down to unlock the bike, and then heard a strange noise from the depths of the parking shed

The first time I heard the strange movement, I didn't pay any attention, thinking it was something falling, or something.But after I unlocked the lock, the strange sound came from the depths of the parking camera again. After hearing it again, I was a little scared, so I opened my mouth to ask if there was someone in the parking shed, but inside the parking shed, there was no one. no voice answer me

That kind of strange sound made me feel very uneasy. When I was going out of the parking shed, I talked to the guard and told him that there was a strange sound in the parking shed of the factory and let him come in and have a look. "

He said at the time that he would come in after watching the TV series, but after I left, he forgot about it, and did not go into the parking shed to check the doorman that Guan Gan and Wang Li mentioned. of

Wang Li said that there was a strange sound in the parking shed, and asked him to come and have a look, but the doorman was watching a TV series, and he thought that there was nothing to do, so he was lazy and didn't come in to check it.

Is there any difference in the depth of the parking shed the next day? "Lin Chen asked

Wang Li shook her head and said, "I don't know, anyway, when I came to the factory parking shed the next day, the parking lot was already full of cars, and I didn't care if there was anything unusual or not.

Lin Chen heard the words, nodded slightly, and stepped into the depths of the parking shed.

There is a straight line from the depth of the parking shed to the entrance and exit, and a road more than one meter wide is left in the middle of the densely parked cars.

Wang Li saw Lin Chen walking towards the parking shed, and she followed in.

Ouyang Chuying, Kiko and the others stood at the entrance and exit of the parking shed and did not follow

After Lin Chen came to the deep outer position of the parking shed, he took a look at the deep part of the parking shed.

The wall in the depths of the parking shed used to be a forest. The trees in the woods are very dense. Some dead branches will fall off the edge of the fence and fall into the parking shed.

At that time, the strange noise was almost at the position against the wall at the end of the parking phase, right? "Lin Chen raised his head, looked at Wang Li, and asked.

Wang Li looked at the entrance and exit over there, looked at this side again, thought about it, and said, "Well, that's right, it was about this location at the time.

Can you describe that strange sound with onomatopoeia? "Lin Chen said.

Wang Li thought about the words, and then said: "If you use onomatopoeia, it should be the sound of slap bar, but not exactly, it can only be said that it is similar, and there are some other noises, in short, listening to in the ear, very strange

Lin Chen listened to what Wang Li said, looked at the dusty ground of the parking shed, and then looked at the broken roof of the parking shed, which was in disrepair, Lin Chen said dryly, "Well, I know. Now, please, you can go back."

Ooh, pregnant. "Qian Li nodded, and while walking out, she asked Lin Chen, "Comrade police, the strange sound I heard in the parking garage that night, is there any connection to the killing of my boss's daughter?

After Wang Li finished speaking, she looked at Lin Chen with eyes full of inquiries.

She was thinking, if the strange sound she heard in the parking phase had something to do with the death of the boss's daughter, what kind of connection would it be?

Regarding Gan Wang Li's question, Lin Chen just said lightly: "Go to class 810 well.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't explain to herself, Wang Li was slightly disappointed. After nodding her head, she didn't say anything more.

Wang Li returned to the entrance, looked at Guan Yan and the female director of the workshop and said, "The police comrade said that I can go back to work.

Then you go back. "Guan Yan said

Wang Lien snorted and then walked away.

As soon as Wang Li left, Guan Yan asked Lin Chen, "Are you going to leave?

After Lin Chen heard Guan Yan's words, he asked back with a smile, "Boss Guan, why don't you ask me why Wang Li took me to this parking shed? What about the strange movement in the picture?

The corner of Guan Yan's mouth twitched twice, and he stuffed the cigarette in his hand into his mouth. After taking a sip, he said, "Will a strange sound in the parking shed have something to do with my daughter's death? I don't think it has anything to do with it. , so I don't care

The female workshop director standing beside Guan Yan said: "There is a wood behind the parking shed. There may be branches and leaves falling on the top of the shed that night, so there is movement. This is not something to pay attention to."

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